Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner smiled a little. "No, I don't see the harm," he answered, standing up and brushing himself off, too. "Just be home by ten, okay? It's a school night." He ruffled each twin's hair and pecked his husband's cheek before moving into the house to shower up.

Excited now, Remus smiled happily at Relic. "Thanks, Daddy!" He leaned up and pecked the man's cheek before turning and tugging Romulus away towards their bedroom to get ready.
Relic giggled happily, nodding to the other's words. "Have fun you two. Back by ten.Remember that." He helped to shuffle them off to wherever and then turned to rush after his husband. He leapt onto his back, arms wrapping around his shoulders and legs around his waist. "Want to shower with me?" He asked, knowing where the man had been going and definitely not minding the chance to keep company with him.

Romulus followed him happily, his fingers laced with his and his thumb trailed along the back of his hand. He opened the door for his brother, following him inside and he stopped to press a soft kiss to his brother's lips. His eyes slipped closed for the brief moments their lips were connected. He then moved off to go find something new to wear. Pulling the drawer open, he began to look through the different outfits there, pulling this and that out, just trying to think about what he wanted, what would be good for a little date with his brother.
Ten was fair enough, and Remus didn't argue at all. They were lucky that they were getting permission at all, really.

Turning, the brunette kissed his twin, wrapping his arms around Romulus' waist for the few seconds before the other male pulled away to get changed. Remus followed suit, pulling out a pair of nice jeans and a button down shirt that Relic had made for him. He fixed his hair nicely and checked himself in the mirror. If they went now, they would have time to go see a movie, too-it was only nearing five now.
Romulus changed his attire as well, ending up with the opposite colors of his brother. Light pair of pants and a light button down shirt their Daddy made for them. He adjusted his hair a little bit and then turned to look at his twin once more. He walked toward the male, kissing his lips passionately for a while, his hands moved to rest on his hips, pulling him into his form. He ground his hips into his playfully and slowly pulled back a few moments afterward.

With a deep breath, and one last peck to his lips, he took a step away, taking a hold of his hand and smiling contently. "Are you ready?"
A few days had passed and Rune had yet to say anything to him about his 'what if' questions and the argument that they'd had. Calder was getting a little worried that his lover was really angry with him, and at the same time the blond was getting angry. Didn't he just want to solve it? He wasn't going to force Rune into a marriage, nor was he going to give the man an ultimatum over it. And it seemed that the other man thought that that was what was going to happen; he underestimated Calder...or that was what his actions were portraying, anyway.

The blond was sitting in the courtyard sun with a book, preparing for his classes the next week while trying to put the thoughts out of his mind for the time being.
Rune was walking aroudn the courtyard, just trying to use up the excess energy he had, really. He also knew that his lover was out here, so he may as well go check up on him. See what he was doing and all that fun stuff. That and ... both boys were out on dates or whatever, and Ella was playing with Dawn. He had no little kid to amuse him. So, he figured it was a good time to go see his love.

At least until he got closer. He groaned, his right hand lifted to rub at his forehead a bit while he walked toward him. "Stop thinking about that." He said, annoyance very faintly hidden within his words as he walked closer to the blond.
He was aware that Rune was walking around, and was also very aware as to why: he was bored. He didn't want to talk, but was looking for some sort of entertainment, either through himself or Calder. When Rune spoke, though, the blond looked up with wide, innocent eyes. "Stop thinking about my lesson plans?" he asked. Oh, he was going to make Rune suffer a bit for not talking to him sooner.
Rune rolled his eyes, his annoyance far more obvious now. HIs arms crossed over his lower torso and he growled under his breath just a bit. "Don't act innocent. You've been thinking about that fucking 'what if' bull shit since you suggested it. And I don't get why. We've been through this: I'm not marrying you."
Calder's annoyance was now prevelant, too. He huffed and closed his books, holding them to his chest as he stood up to move inside. "Maybe if you'd asked, you'd know that I found other options." With that, he walked away, not really caring that his tone was snappy or that his eyes were narrowed just a bit more than they normally were. The blond entered the bathroom and began to draw himself a bath, needing to calm down a little.
The man watched the other walk off, growling under his breath as he did so. God he was going to stab him. He took in a deep breath before he followed up to the bathroom. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed tightly over his lower torso, eyes narrowed at the male that was in front of him. "Then what?! Since you're so sure you're going to die, which by the way, impossible, and then you're sure someone would want to take away our kids ... Then, tell me, what did you find to amke it all better?" And yes. that was a snarky tone to his voice, slightly homocidal one too.
Knowing Rune, Calder had known the man would follow. And the blond simply ignored him. He wanted to talk, not argue and sling insults back and forth. And he certainly didn't want to be called an idiot, no matter how indirectly the insult was. He slipped into the bubble bath he'd made for himself and ducked his head underwater, hoping to show Rune his own annoyance. It was a battle now, and the blond wasn't going to lose.
Rune walked over to the male in the bathroom, his fingers wrapping around the man's soaked locks, pulling him back up from the water and he glared at him openly now. "You realize, I can drown you, right?" he asked, releasing him without another word. He began to walk away before turning to look at him. "Let me rephrase that. You know I'm tempted to drown you, right?" With that, he walked out, door slamming behind him and he cursed quite the many times under his breath. He stormed to the other side of the house, moving to where Relic was and just ignoring anything else really.

He moved into their living room, spotting his brother on the couch and he moved beside him. Curling up next to him in the cushions, his head on his brother's lap, fingers wrapped aroudn the side of his skirt, gripping it tightly to calm himself.

Relic perked up, looking down at the man and sighing heavily. His hand dropped to begin to trail his fingers through his brother's hair, helping to soothe the man out of his anger. He knew what had gone on, and well, he was just glad his brother had not truly tried to drown his significant other. Though, he knew the many regrets that were going through the man's mind once more.
Calder simply looked at Rune, and continued to bathe when he left. Did he know that Rune could and wanted to drown him? Yes. But that would only prove his own point, now wouldn't it? The blond got dried off and dressed and crawled into bed, despite it being only eight in the evening. He was tired and frustrated now, and didn't really care if Rune stayed with Relic that night or not.
Rune whimpered a few times and nuzzled into his brother a little bit more. "Fucking prick." He hissed under his breath, turning onto his side and he buried his face even more into the other's lap. His hand gripped his skirt a little bit more and he growled under his breath. He really did stay there the whole night, refusing to let his brother go for anything. Not even the man's husband. He refused to ,really, and would kill anyone who dared to do anything else.
The night came and went, and by morning Calder was no happier than when he'd gone to bed. He gave a little sigh and heaved himself up off of the bed and shuffled into the kitchen to make himself something for breakfast. He figured he'd give them both until lunchtime to calm down a little more before giving Rune what he'd gotten from the lawyer that day. Maybe by that time his lover wouldn't want to kill him quite so badly.
Rune stayed with his brother the whole night. He slept with him and did not even care whether or not Tanner was there. His arms wrapped around his brother's form and he gripped him tightly and really was not getting in a better mood as the night went on. He just festered and grew more annoyed by the moment. His brother did calm him dow a little bit. Kissing his temple and head and making sure his brother did not go off and kill someone.

When morning came, Rune pulled his brother tighter against his form, glaring at Tanner and grumbling a little bit. HIs head tilted back, looking up at the male there and kissing the side of his neck gently. "Let's go take a shower." He murmured, loving the idea of taking a nice warm shower with his brother far too much.
Tanner simply laughed at the suggestion. "I think not." He leaned up on his elbow, looking over Relic's body to Rune. "You've slept with Relic. And you're more than welcome to cling to him all day long. No showers." The blond stuck his tongue out at his brother in law and leaned down to peck his forehead before slipping out of the bed with a playful smack to Relic's rear end. "I'll go talk to him."

He moved to the other side of the house, hopping up onto one of the kitchen stools, watching Calder cook. "You've really done it."

Looking up, Calder was a little surprised. "Me? Him! Yeah, okay. Did I bring the subject up? Yeah. Did I think marriage was the only solution? Yeah. Did I feel horrible about asking him to make yet another sacrifice? Of course! But I found other alternatives and he was only snarky and an asshole to me about the entire thing." He was fully aware that he sounded like a three year old but couldn't help it.
Rune growled at Tanner, narrowing his eyes and sticking his tongue out at him. He waited for the other to leave before looking up at Relic. "Let's take a shower." He repeated, completely and utterly determined to get what he wanted. He pulled his brother tighter, kissing along his neck and shoulder, just wanting to get closer to the male. Not that he would do anything sexual, no matter the temptation, but he would not risk messing their relationships up once more.

Relic sighed heavily, shaking his head a little and then sliding out of the bed. He moved over his brother and then took a hold of his hand. "He said no showers." He stated, tugging him up and off the bed, moving toward the bathroom. "He didn't say anything about baths." Yes, he knew that he may and probably would get bitched at, but hey, for his brother, he did ot mind.

Smiling, the elder twin hopped out of the bed, glaldy following the male to the bathroom. It was not long before the two were in the tub, a little rubber duckie between the two of them. Relic's back against the wall with the faucet while Rune on the other wall, their legs intertwined. Rune bounce the duck over the water and the bubbles, already quite more relaxed than he had been.
They talked for a couple of hours, Tanner trying to talk some sense into his friend. It wasn't really working as well as he'd hoped. "Look. Just give it to him."

Calder shook his head and handed over a sealed envelope. "You give it to him. When he wants to act like an adult then he can come and speak with me." Tanner sighed and made his way over to the house, not knowing how he would find the two brothers and if he'd have to get into a losing scuffle with Rune over dragging Relic to shower with him.
The two stayed in the bath for close to forty-five minutes before getting out and changing. Rune stealing a pair of Relic's pajama pants and he then began to make his way through the house, arms wrapped around his brother while he stood behind him. His chin on his shoulder and he nuzzled into him while his brother made them some French toast. He gripped him happily, stealing a bit of food here and there. He gripped him a little bit more, kissing the side of his neck softly.

Relic sighed heavily, shaking his head and patting the man's hands before he flipped the toasts over, plopping a few onto a dish and he then made his way to the refrigerator, taking out the butter and syrup, brother still attached to him.
Tanner couldn't help but growl at the sight. Both had dripping wet hair and neither were in the clothes that they were in when he left. It wasn't hard to figure out what had gone on. The blond tossed the envelope onto the counter. "You need to read that," he mentioned to Rune, moving over and tugging Relic away from him and into his own arms. The blond reached down and swatted his husband's rear end. "What did I say about showers?"
Relic squeaked when he was pulled away, a pathetic little pout to his lips as he did so. He turned to look at his husband and pressed a kiss to his lips gently. "We took a bath." He stated and kissed him once more. He giggled and his arms wrapped around the other man's form. He pulled his husband closer and kissed along his neck a few more times.

Rune nodded, hopping up onto the counter, his syrup-covered French toast beside him. He stabbed a piece and ate the food happily, resting the fork back onto the dish and then focusing on the pages in front of him. He looked over the pages, seeing the living will and everything else, examining the words and he rolled his eyes. "Why the fuck won't he accept: you're not going to die". Seriously." He groaned before shoving it all into the envelope once more. He looked back over at Tanner with a brow lifted in question. "What did he say?"
Looking over at Rune, Tanner raised an eyebrow. "I'd think you'd be gracious enough to thank him for searching high and low for some alternative so that he did not have to ask you once again to sacrifice and compromise on what you want solely for him." The blond could see how his friend would be so frustrated. He pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek and easily let go of his husband. "He won't accept it because we haven't lived with it. You've always known that you will live a very long time, and that you can heal whatever happens to harm you. He and I have to think about it-we have to tell ourselves what you inertly know. And even then it's difficult to believe. So stop being an ass. You owe him an apology."

Tanner left the room with another kiss to his husband's cheek. He wanted to slap Rune silly, but knew that it would only start a fist fight that he would easily lose.
Rune rolled his eyes, finishing the rest of his breakfast and then making his way to the other side of the house. He found his lover easily, his right hand on his hip as he stared at the man, growling a little bit in his annoyance. "Here's the deal. I'm sorry for not listening to you about this will thing. I'm sorry about that, but I stick to my guns that it is not necessary. Yes, I know, you don't realize that you're basically invincible. I ... kinda get that. But, need I remind you that it was you who wanted this. You wanted me to change you. You wanted me to go through that bloody ceremony to make your parets happy. So, yes, I'm going to be a fucking dick over the topic I did not want to do for ... another few years."
Calder turned, defensive immediately. Rune's words didn't help all that much, nor did his tone. "I get it, Rune. I get it that you don't want it and that you don't understand. I get that I've asked you to do too many things just for me, or for my mother. But understand this: I don't give two shits if we have a fucking marriage license or not so long as those kids will always be taken care of. And I don't care how long either of us live-I will always worry about things like that. Just like you will always be an asshole and make me want to choke you just as much as you want to drown me."

The blond gave the other a rather rough kiss, nipping at the man's bottom lip a bit before moving into the bedroom to get dressed.
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