Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Scars? "Scars?" Calder didn't even react to the bowl being taken away from him. He could easily make a batch of dough and refuse to share it with Rune if he truly wanted to... And if he wanted to be punished for it later on. The blond moved over to their son and stood next to him, picking up a cupcake to ice it. "What scars, Trevor?"
Trevor stopped and looked down at the cupcake in fornt of him, the white frosting delicately smeared over the top of it. He stared at the food when he heard his Papa's words. How could he have let that slip? He had just gotten so comfortable, and not to mention because Bohdi had already seen them somehow he figured that Calder had. Now, though, especially with how the other was feeling - his concerns - he could not just tell him it was nothing.

He chewed into his bottom lip for a little bit before setting the treat onto the table. "The ... ones I have..." He stated and let out a heavy sigh once more. He turned his back to the male and pulled the back of his shirt up to the back of his neck, showing the male the scars on his back.
The ones he had? Well he could have figured that much out. But the blond wasn't expecting the sight that he saw, and he gasped a little, even more concerned now. "What happened, Trevor?" Calder wanted to reach out and touch the red flesh, but refrained. The teen didn't like to be touched in the first place and he was sure that touching the scars would make it even worse. He looked to Rune, wondering if they could be healed.
Trevor closed his eyes and pulled the shirt back down and over his back once more. He tugged the fabric over his hips and then went back to frosting, even redder than he had been. He took in a deep breath and he did not wish to answer the question. Besides, there were far too many answers to the one questions. "Um ... A few different places." He said softly and then placed the newly-frosted cupcake on the platter with the others.

Rune looked at his love and the expression he gave him. He shook his head a little bit and sighed softly. "It would be difficult." He informed him, smiling weakly before he looked over at Trevor, feeling ever so sympathetic toward the male. He did not know what happened, and yes he could find out what went on, he would not violate that trust with him.
Rune's answer disappointed Calder greatly. But he supposed that it made sense. The wounds were old-very old by the looks of it. He sighed a little and continued to ice the cupcakes. It was silly that he felt like he'd let Trevor down-the scars had happened long before he and Rune had even met the kids, but he still felt bad that they hadn't met and taken them in before he could be hurt.
Trevor remained where he was before he perked up and looked over at the male that was beside him. He took a few steps to the other and wrapped his arms around Calder's form, sighing softly. "Papa ... Do not feel that way. It is in the past. I am happy and safe now. Please, remember that." He whispered and hugged him a little bit tighter. He did not like how he got the scars. He truly did not, and he did not wish to tell his parents either. They would only get even more concerned and, how Calder was feeling, he would blame himself even more.
Calder was surprised at the arms wrapping around him, but he wasted no time in hugging his son back tightly. The blond pressed a few kisses into Trevor's hair and to his temple, letting the hug linger for a few minutes before letting go. He knew that the teen was safe and happy, but he still couldn't help how he felt. The blond turned back to help ice the cupcakes. "Maybe he does love me better," he teased.
Trevor was getting better with the physical contact with his parents. He still did not prefer it, but he knew that in a situation like this, it would be the best route. Besides, it may help get Calder to feel better, or put him a bit more at ease. He released him and then walked over to the cupcakes, finishing the first batch off when the oven went off. He took the oven mits, walking to the oven and pulling out the trays of cookies. In the meantime, the other pan of newly-cooled cupcakes soared through the air and settled onto the counter near Calder.

He set the cookies down and then took the other two trays, setting those onto the racks. He closed the door with a hip and then walked back to the counter to return to icing the cupcakes.

Rune poked his tongue out at Calder, pouting pathetically. "Meanie." he mumbled and then he reached over, taking up a cupcake and humming happily as he stood up and bit into the still-warm cupcake, grinning happily. "Delicious."
As Valentines day approached, Calder helped the kids prepare for his own "gift". It was cruel, and his lover would choke him later on, but it'd so be worth it in the end. It was early the morning of-only about eight-when he got the boys up and dressed, and then Ella, too. The three of them snuck into the bedroom where Rune was still passed out, and the blond couldn't help a giggle.

"Ready?" he whispered. The two boys nodded, and he told them to make sure they were real loud. They nodded again and all began singing on Calder's count of three.

Rune had been sleeping peacefully. He was curled up, dreaming away about this and that, and then it all had to just come crashing down. His eyes shot open after the first 'happy birthday' hit his ears. He stared at the wall before seeing the boys and Ella singing. . . Calder looking smug as ever. His right eye twitched visibly as he slowly straightened up.

He slid out of the bed, walking to the two boys and placing his hands over their mouths to get them to stop singing. "Stop." Was all he said before turning to glare at Calder. "You ... Are dead." He hissed under his breath before he took in a deep breath and turned to look back at the boys in front of him. "Thank you... I suppose." He mumbled and then turned to make his way to the bathroom, ust needing to get away before he killed his lover.
He couldn't help but laugh. He sent the boys off, telling them that Mama would be better in a little bit and they could give him their real presents then. Calder passed Ella off to Trevor and then made his way to the bathroom, entering without knocking. He knew that he was taking his life into his own hands, but figured he'd be okay. Well, he hoped he would be anyway.

Moving up behind Rune, the blond slipped his arms around his lover's waist and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. "You knew I was going to get you back for being such a jerk last week, right?"
Rune growled and turned to look at the man behind him. Eyes narrowed and he let out another growl at his words. "I should kill you." He hissed, baring his teeth and growling a little more. "Put that bloody will to use.' He then rolled his eyes and pried the man's hands off him to hop into the shower, ignoring the man behind him and cursing quite a few nasty things under his breath.

He washed up, ignoring the man the whole while now and once he was washed off, he stepped out of the shower, pulling a towel around his waist. He made his way out of the bathroom now, walking to his dresser and shuffling through to find what he wanted to wear.
"But you won't," Calder chimed in cheerfully as he headed for the door. "Because then, you won't get your real present." The blond slipped out of the bathroom to get dressed. He wanted to make a special breakfast for them, and Ella needed to be fed, too.

He began the makings of French toast and bacon and sausage and eggs, the blond flying around the kitchen without really paying too much attention to what he was doing.
Rune sighed heavily and just continued to wash up. He made his way out of the bedroom a bit later, a nice pair of pants on his hips and a button dow shirt on his form. He wrapped a tie loosely around his neck, not tightening it up yet. He looked aroudn a bit and then made his way through the halls into the kitchen. He moved to Calder, biting his neck harshly, almost breaking the flesh, but kisses it a moment later. He moved and sat at a table, right knee draped over his left, silently waiting for breakfast.
He just laughed at the bite, and when he got to a point where he could leave the food for a minute, the blond moved over and straddled his lover's lap. His arms moved around Rune's neck and he leaned in to kiss his lover softly. "I torture you because I love you," he told him matter of factly before moving back over to the kitchen to finish breakfast.

It didn't take long for everything to be set on the table, and for Trevor and Jade to be called down.
Rune looked at the blond, rolling his eyes as he did so. "Mhm." was all he said before he went back to watching the other cook. When teh meal was ready, he hopped down and then took up the French toast and syrup, walking into the dining room and setting the items down. He moved aroudn the boys and he got what everyone wanted to drink, placing them in front of the boy who wanted it. H then took Ella from Trevor, resting her on his hip and he sat down, girl moving to his lap. He leant down to kiss her forehead before sharing his French toast with the girl.
They had a nice breakfast, Calder acting like he hadn't done anything wrong, and that Rune wasn't as upset with him as he really was. The blond asked the boys to clean up after everyone was finished eating, and he promptly took Rune by the arm and lead him outside to the driveway. In it stood a black, Porsche roadster that, instead of the usual large red bow, simply had a regular sized stick-on bow in the top corner of the windshield.
Rune groaned when he was pulled out of his seat, sighing heavily and cursing a few times under his breath. He then stopped when he saw the car, his eyes traveling along the beautiful vehicle and his eyes sparkled cheerfully. HE turned, handing Ella over to Calder and he rushed to the car, fingers traveling along the frame and he rested his torso on the car, 'hugging' the car and he looked over at Calder, beaming even more.

"FINE! It makes up for the wake up call.' He stated, sliding into the front seat and taking in a deep breath of the leather. Oooh, he loved it! He started up the car, hearing the engine purr to life and he beamed even more. Hopping on out, he rushed into the house once more, scooping Jade up and onto his shoulder and then telling Trevor to follow.

He walked back out into the outside and he set the male onto the ground beside him, taking in a deep breath. "Look at that beaut!" He chimed, arm wrapped around JAde's shoulder and he grinned even more. "Who wants to cram inside for a ride? Just a small one!"

Trevor blinked a few times when he saw the car, sighing softly and he shook his head a little bit. Of course he was that excited about a new toy. He smiled lightly, turning to Calder and nodding his head. "Very nice ... but I am going to go shower and get ready to meet up with Bohdi." He informed his parents before walking past them and back into the house.
Calder laughed. He knew that it would, which was the only reason he'd initiated the wake up call in the first place. The blond watched his lover rush back into the house, returning with the boys and he laughed a bit at his enthusiasm. Trevor's response, though, worried him. After encouraging Jade to go on for a ride, Calder moved back into the house. "Trevor?" he called out, wondering if the teen had gone straight to the shower, or if he went to his room first.
Trevor had already taken a nice quick shower. He did not need a long one. Just to wash his hair and his body. IT never took him long anyway. HE walked out, a towel around his waist and he perked up when he heard his Papa calling for him. Had he done something?

Walking out of the bathroom, into the hall, he looked around, calling back wit ha confused, "Papa?"
Moving over, Calder studied his oldest son. "Are you alright?" he asked. He couldn't read what the other was feeling or thinking and so he had to rely on what the teen told him, or didn't tell him. Either way, he was worried and needed to put those worries at ease. "You looked a little green outside."
Trevor kept his eyes to the other and he shook his head a little bit. "I am okay ... Just nervous." He admitted, figuring that it was pointless to try and lie or anything of that sort. He turned and began to walk toward his bedroom, needing to get dressed since, already, he was shivering. He headed inside, leaving the door open in case the blond felt the urge to follow him. He was not really sure what he wanted to wear for the day.
Calder didn't follow, not wanting to invade upon Trevor's privacy as he got dressed. There was no need to do such a thing. Instead, he moved to the kitchen to finish cleaning up the kitchen and the dishes. He wondered what Trevor was nervous about, though he could guess. And there was nothing he could do to cure the nerves, either. They would just have to play themselves out, really.
The boy went through his drawers and closet many times over, unsure of what to wear. He wound up in a pair of dark red pants which formed to his long legs beautifully. A silk, button down red shirt over his torso, and a white tie loose, but closer to tied than anything else around his neck. He had white shoes - Relic got him them some time ago - and then brushed his hair before making his way to the kitchen. He fidgetted with the bottom of his shirt, tucking it into the pants - white belt now revealed as he did so.

"Papa ... Do I look okay?"
Looking up, Calder smiled a little. "You look like Santa Claus, honey." He moved over to his son and lead him back into his room, pawing through his closet. "One red thing is good..." The blond gave a little "ah!" when he found what he was looking for: A white shirt with some pretty red embroidery along the one side of it. "At least, one red with one mostly another color, anyway." He handed the shirt to Trevor. "A white undershirt under it," he added with a little nod.
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