Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"That's good," he smiled. Their dumplings arrived and Bohdi thanked the waiter. "It's pork inside. They're delicious if you dip them in a little of the soy sauce." He picked up the chop sticks to use them out of habit, forgetting that Trevor likely had no clue how to use them. Only after his mouth was full with his first bite did he realize. "Oh. Um. Here." The blond moved over to sit next to his boyfriend and helped him use the thin wooden sticks.
Trevor picked up the chopsticks, looking them over a little bit. He turned the sticks within his fingers a little bit and then glanced over at the man that was now beside him. He was very glad for the help, too. He had no idea how to use them. He fumbled a few times, but soon, managed to get one of the dumplings, even dipping it in the soy sauce. He ate the dumpling, his eyes lighting up a he did so. He turned to Bohdi and smiled warmly. "They're delicious." He said happily, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly. He struggled a bit and got one of the pieces of chicken, eating that and smiling a little more. Yes, he definitely would have to eat Chinese more often.
Glad that Trevor was enjoying himself, Bohdi pressed a kiss to his cheek and reached across the table to get his plate and drink. He was comfortable here next to his boyfriend and didn't really want to leave him. The blond rested his free hand on the other male's knee beneath the table as they ate, giving Trevor pointers here and there about how to use the chopsticks more easily.

It was only minutes after they finished the dumplings before their dinners came. "The chicken is a little spicy," he warned.
Trevor perked up at the chicken, looking it oevr and then nodding. The rest of the meal went by perfectly! Trevor had such a good time. He fumbled a few times here and there wit hteh chopsticks, but for the most part, he was pretty good with it. Bohdi helped him quite a bit and befoe he knew it, they were walking back to the school. His fingers laced with his boyfriend's and he rested his head against the blond's shoulder, taking in a deep breath as he did so. He relaxed once more, turning to his boyfriend and leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Tonight was ... perfect." He whispered, opening the door for the blond to walk in first, following after of course.
Moving into the room, he nodded. The night had gone much better than when he pictured it while he was worried. He laid down on his bed, pulling Trevor with him. He simply wanted to cuddle up with his boyfriend to end the night even more perfectly. "Thank you again for the presents." Bohdi pressed a soft little kiss to Trevor's neck before nuzzling the warm flesh there.
Trevor cuddled up beside his boyfriend once more, pushing his shoes off just to help get comfy. His arms wrapped around his form and he nuzzled into the blond. He pressed a gentle kiss to his lips in response, hugging him happily. He nodded and lifted his wrist up, looking at the bracelet then back to his boyfriend. "I love my bracelet too ... It's beautiful." He whispered and kissed him passionately for a bit.
Bohdi smiled as he was kissed, pulling Trevor closer to his form. He hadn't planned anything past the dinner, but his boyfriend's lips on his were easily working him up. Very slowly so as to not scare the other, Bohdi's hand slipped up the brunette's shirt, hand resting on his warm, bare side.
Trevor took in a sharp breath at feeling the man's hand up his shirt. He shivered at the flesh, blushing even more. His arms pulled the other closer, not wanting to push him away, but not really knowing what to do. Well, no, he knew what to do, he just was not sure if that was what his boyfriend wanted. His head tilted back a little, pressing his lips closer to his boyfriend's. His hand trailed along the side of the blond, not going beneath his shirt as the other man had done to him.
His hand easily moved around to Trevor's bare back, once more pulling the other impossibly closer. He broke the kiss, only to trail his lips over the other male's neck and jaw with short, peckish kisses. It didn't take long for their lips to be pressed together once more, Bohdi's tongue breaching his boyfriend's lips to taste a bit. He always loved how sweet Trevor tasted.

"Stay the night" was whispered breathlessly in between kisses, a very hopeful request.
Trevor took in a deep breath, kissing the male back happily and ever so passionately. He slowly pulled back when the other did, the question bringing a deeper blush to his cheeks - especially with what he was feeling from his boyfriend. Yes, now that he was not distracting himself with the kiss and his thoughts, he got what the man was feeling as well. He looked up at him and blushed a little more. He leant toward him, kissing him deeply once more.
Bohdi smiled and pulled from the kiss almost immediately, playful. "Is that a yes?" His eyes searched Trevor's while his fingertips lightly ghosted over the warm flesh of his boyfriend's back. He wanted the other to stay so badly, and hoped that he hadn't made the other nervous, or that he hadn't gone too far too fast. Bohdi leaned forward and nuzzled along Trevor's cheek a bit.
"Mhm.' he whispered softly, blushing even more. He tilted his head to the side, connecting their lips once again and he pulled him closer to just keep him there. He really needed him to stay where he was. His hands trailed along his form for a while before slowly sliding under his shirt, hoping to show the man that he did not mind, and a bit that he knew what the other wanted.
He smiled as he kissed Trevor back. Bohdi allowed him to take the lead a little bit, though after a few moments his hand was removed from under his boyfriend's shirt and they slipped in between them to begin to unbutton the shirt that he was wearing. "This okay?"
Trevor took in a deep breath and looked down at the blond pulling at his shirt. He turned an even deeper red and he nodded a little bit. "Y-yes." he whispered, leaning forward and kissing his lips once more. His hands, shakily, lifted to begin undoing the other's shirt to help show that he really did not mind. He really did not. He loved his boyfriend, a lot, and it would be nice to show it, since he did not have the courage to say so yet.
Bohdi nearly collapsed next to Trevor, completely out of breath, sweaty, sticky and high. He pulled his boyfriend close to him, nuzzling into his neck and chest in his post orgasmic daze. "Happy Valentines Day, Trevor..." The blond pulled the covers up over them both, easily settling in and relaxing to sleep. He really had meant for his boyfriend to stay the entire night, and he hoped that the other understood that and didn't think he was simply being presumptuous.
Trevor took in a deep breath as Bohdi collapsed beside him, panting heavily as he did so. It had been a lovely time of changing who was on top, and who on bottom, and he truly had a lovely time. He had only had one other instance of being with a man he could say he cared for, and well, that man is the reason why he refused to tell Bohdi he loved him. Not yet, he could not. He turned to his boyfriend, nuzzling into his chest a little bit and he nodded. "Yes. Happy Valentine's Day." he whispered, kissing the front of his chest.

He laid a hand upon the other's side and then looked around him a bit. "Um ... Where is Kyros?" he questioned, blushing once more as he had realized he had no idea where the pup [brother] went or was.
Kyros? Bohdi looked up and around, having to think for a moment. "Oh. I asked a family friend to take him for the night. I didn't want him to feel left out of dinner." The blond smiled up at the other male and nuzzled at his chin a little bit. "Why?" he asked. "Want him to keep your feet warm?" He was teasing playfully.
He blushed and shook his head a little bit more. "N-no ... Just curious." He whispered, his arms wrapped around the other's form tighter, burying his face into the older man's chest. He nuzzled him a little bit more, enjoying the other's scent at the moment. He really was ... happy. He was ecstatic actually. Feeling the man in front of him so happy and knowing that they had had a good time, he felt so many times better.
He laughed a little and kissed the male for a minute before settling back down again. They laid like that for a while, Bohdi nuzzling into the top of Trevor's hair the whole while. He wanted to tell his boyfriend how he felt, but didn't want it to come out at such a cliche time. He sighed a little and closed his eyes, hugging the brunette more tightly to him.
A good five days passed and, once more, Trevor was making his way to his boyfriend's dorm. His Mama was teasing him a little bit since he knew what happened, especially since he had not gotten a phone-call, but he just ignored him and did his best to not be too embarrassed. He moved to the room, knocking on the door, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he held onto his form, eyes keeping to the door, waiting for his boyfriend -- still not used to the possibility of just walking on in.
The week had gone by pretty smoothly. Trevor's parents hadn't killed him, and there was no awkwardness between him and his boyfriend, either. Bohdi still hadn't told Trevor that he loved him, but had come so close. Each time, though, the time just hadn't felt right. Maybe today. He wasn't going to stress or push it.

With the knock he had to laugh a little. He opened it and greeted the other male. "You can just come in, you know. Kyros will only attack if he's hungry." The last part was a tease, of course, and the dog lounging on his bed growled at him playfully.
Trevor blushed faintly, walking into the dorm room and he moved to sit beside the pup on the bed. His fingers trailed through the fur of the dog and he shook his head a little bit. "I do not like to." He stated, closing his eyes for a few moments befor ehis head lifted to look at Bohdi once more. "I feel intrusive."
Intrusive? Bohdi sat down next to Trevor and wrapped his arms around the teen's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. "Why should you feel intrusive?" he asked, nuzzling along the side of his jaw. "I like spending time with you-and my space..." He paused for a minute, looking to Kyros for support or help... When he was told to stop being a pussy, the blond had to stop himself from reaching over and smacking his twin's head.

"I... I love you, Trevor... I don't want you to feel like you're intruding upon me... Ever."
Trevor stiffened completely with the man's words. His eyes kept in front of him and he chewed his bottom lip for a short while. He took in a deep breath and shook his head a few times. "I ... I'm sorry." he whispered, pulling the other's arms off of his form. "I ... I can't... I just ... I just can't right now, Bohdi. I'm so sorry!" He let out a little whimper and turned to literally run out of the room. He ran down the hall and just had to get away fast as possible. He oculd have sworn hearing those words would make him feel better, but it did not. It just scared him so much. He did not want to hear them! He just wanted to feel it. When it was said, it could be taken away. That's always what happened! When it was said, it was taken away... He just could not even process right now, all he did was just ... run.
Bohdi sat there, dumbfounded. He didn't know what had just happened, or what he'd done. He looked at Kyros, his heart breaking, and then collapsed onto him. The blond buried his face into the soft fur of the dog, seeping the comfort off of him like he always did. It'd been going so well and he'd gone and just... Ruined it! How could he have been so stupid?
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