Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The year had passed by quickly for everyone. Tanner had been sitting in the living room, looking through the photo album he'd recently begun to put together. The twins were growing up quickly, and the blond could hardly believe it. They were coming out of their shells nicely, too, and Pierce's presence, he was sure, helped that.

With his husband's yell, Tanner looked up at him, highly confused. "What's wrong?" he asked, setting the book aside.
He giggled and shook his head to his word. "Nothing! Nothing is wrong! Everything is greeat" She giggled and once more began to bounce upon the other's form. He stopped a moment later, hands traveling up and along the other's form, digetting a little bit with the clothes and just loving the man even more right now. He giggled after a moment and looked down at the other, eyes traveling along his form before once more back to his eyes. "I'm pregnant!"
Tanner stared at the other man blankly for a few minutes, putting the pieces together. He remembered that Murasaki had given them information to get Relic pregnant but they hadn't decided on anything... And now... The blond felt betrayed, and hurt, and even lied to. He took Relic by the hips and lifted him off of his lap, settling him on the sofa before standing. He just didn't know how to process this. "Deciding together would have been nice..." Tanner left the room, dejected and hurt.
"Eh?" he questioned, watching his love walk off and he stared at the other man. He sat where he was for quite a while, just staring at where the man left him through. His jaw dropped. He ... He thought he would be happy! It ... It was supposed to be a nice surprise. He stood up and then made his way to the door, slowly walking after his love. "But ... But Tanner!" He called after him, rushing to the other and he took a hold of his hand, tugging him back and looked at him with pleading eyes. "I ... I thought you would be happy!"
His heart wrenched at the tone and Tanner pulled his hand from Relic's. "I would have been... If you hadn't gone behind my back." The blond turned to face his husband, the pain evident in his eyes. "It was a decision we should have made together. And it's a decision we can never make together now-you took that from me." He sighed and turned to walk away once more, not able to deal with it.

He let himself into Calder and Rune's side of the house and curled up on their sofa, not sure where either of them were at the moment. Tanner really didn't care, either. He just needed some time alone.
Relic stared at the man and his jaw flapped open a few times, his heart dropping from his heart. "I ... I thought ... we did." he whispered, blinking a few times and his arms crossed over his loewr torso. He just ... stared. He could not completely process all of what had went on. He just could not. His one and only love ... was so very angry at him! That was not a good thing at all.

Trevor slowly walked into the room, slowly finding his way to where the crushing feelings came from. He stopped a little ways from the other, head tilting to the side and he looked over the male with interest. "Uncle Tanner? Are you okay?"
Looking up, Tanner smiled at the teen. "I'll be okay, Trevor." There was no point in lying to him that he was okay. The boy could clearly tell that he was not, but the hurt would soon pass and the excitement that was bubbling at the very core of him would take over. The blond just hoped that it would take over sooner rather than later...

"Can you please tell your Mama that he'll need to go see Uncle Relic?"
Trevor nodded a bit to the blond in front of him. He was not sure what had gone on, but the mixed feelings within Tanner were making his stomach feel far too out of sorts. He leant down to his uncle, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Cheer up." He whispered before turning and heading to the other room where his Mama was. He opened the door up and poked his head inside, seeing him playing his violin. "Mama..." He began, getting the other's attention. "Uncle Relic needs you. He and Uncle Tanner got into a fight."

Rune blinked a few times, listening to the other's words and he sighed heavily. A soft little groan passed his lips and he walked past Trevor with a simple, "Thank you" before he headed to the other side of the house. He found Relic pacing and pacing and, oh, more pacing. He quickly grabbed the other by the shoulders, making him stop and seeing his tear-stained eyes. "Oh Relic ... I told you to tell him, didn't I?" He whispered, kissing his forehead and he then pulled him into a strong hug around the shoulders, letting the worn-out male just sob into his neck. "Congratulations, though." He slowly began to make his way to the main living room of their house, wanting his brother to sit. Pacing was bad. Stress was worse. He knew what had gone on, he knew what his brother had been planning, and now he just did not want him to get a miscarriage because of a fight that would end up okay by the next day.
Tanner spent several hours collapsed on Calder's and Rune's sofa. His friend eventually found him there and sat on the floor next to him, talking in an attempt to distract him from what was going on. It wasn't going to work, but Tanner was grateful for the attempt, anyway. And the company.

By dinner time, he knew that he had to go home. For the first time since meeting Relic, Tanner wasn't really looking forward to going home. He sighed, kissing Calder goodbye and slowly made his way back to his own home, slipping inside quietly.
Eventually, Rune got Relic calm enough to stop sobbing and pacing and the man was actually sent back to bed. He had been giddy over the past few days and had not been sleeping since, well, he had thought he had gotten pregnant and was just waiting for confirmation, though that combined with the utter disappointment of his husband 'hating him now' [as Relic said] just drained the man.

The elder twin headed out of the room, walking to where Tanner was and he sighed softly. He rested a hand on the blond's head, holding him there for the moment. "I know you're pissed. I know why you're pissed, and I can understand how that pissed you off. But ... Before you go to bed angry, let me tell you: Relic thought it would be a nice surprise. He knew that both of you wanted a baby and that you thought that the idea was agood one. So, he did not tell you once he found out how to do it and well, he did not want both of your guys' hopes to be crushed. What if it did not work? Then you both would be disappointed." He shrugged his shoulders a bit absently, pulling his hand away.

"Besides ... It tends to happen that when you try, it never happens when you want it to ... So, just go easy on him. If you stress him out anymore, I will have your head on a platter, keep that in mind... And even more so that I'll know if you upset him." He narrowed his eyes at the male before pushing him off toward the direction of their bedroom. "He's probably awake."
"I'm not angry," he answered softly to Rune, though the male had already started to leave after nudging him towards the bedroom. "I'm disappointed." The blond didn't return to their bedroom just yet. He still had emotions that he needed to work out. Instead, Tanner sat in their living room in the dark, simply allowing his thoughts to roam as they pleased.

He understood-honestly he did. But that didn't make him less disappointed and upset that the very final decision had been made without him; without his input. He'd wanted to really talk about it with his husband; to make the final decision together. This wasn't the sort of thing you surprised someone with. Not according to him, anyway...

Still hurt, he sighed. Tanner moved into the bedroom and, fully dressed, climbed into the bed next to Relic, wrapping him up into a tight hug. "I'm not angry with you, Relic."
Relic remained where he was, hearing the other move into the room and he only buried his face deeper into the pillows beneath his head. The tears, once more, fell from his eyes and he curled up tighter, knees to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around his legs, wiggling away from Tanner, just for the moment. He did not want to be near him right now. He just could not do that at all.

At his words, the man shook his head a bit and he moved away from him even more, trying to not start sobbing once more. "But you're not happy!" He stated and he scooted to the very edge of the mattress, still feeling too close to the man.

He remained silent for a while before he pushed himself up from the bed and turned to look at him, the hurt so very obvious within his tear-stained eyes. "What if I was a woman, hm? What if I already had the ability to bear a child and it was just an accident? Would you be as disappointed then?! Because, really, I don't see a major difference. Yes, I did not tell you but excuse me for not wanting to get you disappointed because we couldn't get pregnant. I know it was not a definite decision, but we both agreed that we wanted our own child and we agreed that this would be a good way. Yes, you did not have the final say but ... but it was not like you never wanted a kid ..."
Tanner sighed as Relic pulled away from him. He sat up and waited for his husband to finish speaking before reaching forward to brush away the tears. "It's not the same, sweetheart," he whispered softly. "It's not the same because I was looking forward to making that decision-that it was time to start trying-with you. We had that luxury, Relic, and I so wanted to take advantage of it when we were ready to seriously start planning." The blond scooted closer to his lover, only after shifting Relic so that his back was against the wall at the head of their bed-he didn't want the other man to fall off.

"Don't you see, honey? I'm not disappointed that you're pregnant. Only disappointed that I didn't get to share in the happiness and excitement of the planning and trying with you."
His cheeks puffed out with his words, not liking them at all. "But ... Then I wouldn't have gotten pregnant!" He protested, brows furrowing together and he bit into his bottom lip out of his annoyance. He said he could not get piercings, nothing about tearing into his lip -- okay. That was one of the first things he told him to stop doing, but he did not care at the moment. "Whenever a couple tries to get pregnant -- they can't! I didn't want that to be us. So ... I figured that if we were not trying, and merely had the ability to, then it would have worked better without you knowing ... and it did." He groaned before throwing the sheets off his form and sliding out of the bed. "I'm taking a shower." He growled and then walked past him to the bathroom, just not wanting to deal with it right now. Arguing would change nothing. He could just stay 'disappointed' with him.
"But you don't know that, Relic!" Tanner argued. "There are plenty of couples who try and get pregnant within the first month!" The blond threw himself back onto the bed as his husband left in a huff. The blond laid there for a few minutes before getting up and returning to the other side of the house once more. Tanner didn't knock, nor did he say anything to anyone until he found Rune. He cornered his brother in law, quite obviously frustrated.

"I. Don't. Get. It."
Rune blinked a few times when Tanner was once more in front of him. He stared at him, a brow lifted in question as he heard his words. He sighed heavily and shook his head a bit to what he was saying. "He's afraid of being heartbroken again. While you have eternity to be together, no matter if you forget that, he wanted his little family now since everyone around him has one. He did not want to be the one in twenty years who finally gets the little baby he, you both, wanted. And while, yes as you said, you can get pregnant within the first month ... Think of how your history with kids has been, Tanner. Denied, Denied, Lost, denied, then you got your twins whcih was a positive, but for hte most part, it was negatives. He did not want to risk jynxing it again and by telling you, he would have done just that."
The blond stepped back and, literally, screamed. "I wouldn't have denied him!" Tanner didn't really know how to phrase what he was thinking without sounding like a right asshole. "It's one thing to not tell me that he might be pregnant-after we had discussed and decided to try!-until he was sure. I wouldn't feel this way if that had been the case! Why did he have to take it all from me!" Okay, that made him sound like an asshole, too, but he couldn't really help it. He was frustrated and wanted to tear his hair out because he had no where for the energy to go.
Rune shook his head. "no no no!" He protested, heel of his palm connecting with the front of the other's forehead, just trying to get the attention back to him. "He knows you would have said yes! THat's part of the fucking issue. He knows you want this just as badly as he does! He just did not want to jynx it. His fear was that once you two finally agreed that it was a perfect time, that the voodoo magic was working and everything else, that something else would have happened to make it not work. That was what happened to him. You both agreed on adoption and a surrogate. You tried and tried and tried and you did not get what you wanted. When you were not looking, when you had finally decided to just wait, you got your boys. He feels that if he had talekd it over with you, and once you agreed that it would be a good time, it would not work. Something would have happened to take it away. Actually he thought he would have been speared through the abdomin... but that's just ... him." He sighed heavily, and pushed his hand through his hair a bit out of aggrivation.

"Do you get it? It was not some sort of selfish desire to have a kid without you giving the final say. It was his own fear, his own superstitions, that made him not tell you, or discuss it with you."
"I didn't want the final decision!" Tanner was now more confused, he was fairly sure. "I wanted to share in the excitement! And the disappointments! And what would he have done if he miscarried? How did he think I was going to help him with his disappointment?!" Ugh! The blond was wishing to turn back time and talk Relic into telling him. Because this just wasn't working out.
Rune let out a little laugh and shook his heaad. He cupped the other's chin and held him there. "When will you realize, he did not want that? It is better, in his mind, if you did not know that he was trying, and if he miscarried, then he could just keep trying until it worked and he was able to tell you the good news." He sighed gently, releasing the other's face and he let his eyes stay with the other. "He thought this through. He debated for a week whther or not to tell you he found out how to do it, or to surprise you. He chos ethe latter because of what I told you. Besides, now the only disappointment you have is not benig told. Not not being able to get pregnant, or losing the baby, or whatever else comes with planning to get pregnant. He's already pregnant. And if you keep stressing him out, he'll lose the baby. Hell, he still could and he'll be even more crushed than ever. So just ... Please get over your disappointment. It's done. He's pregnant. You can't change it. So, stop spazzing ... It sucks, but just make fucking lemonade."
He knew all of this. Well, he knew that there was no changing what had happened, but it was still frustrating beyond belief that he couldn't change it. He wanted to change it! "You two can do everything else, why can't you turn back time!" he called back, frustrated, as he left the room, and then that portion of the house. When he returned to his own, Tanner moved directly to the bedroom and stripped from his clothes, changing into a pair of pajamas.

Even if Relic hadn't told him he'd been attempting to get pregnant... Why couldn't he know that he knew how? Tanner simply didn't like being completely in the dark with something so important to the both of them.
Relic stepped out of the bathroom, a zipper-up hoodie on his torso and pajama pants to his hips. He did not glance to Tanner while he made his way to the door. "I'll be sewing." He stated, truly not wishing to sty in the same room. Not right now at least. He just knew he would end up crying once more if he stayed, so he left to make his way to his sewing room. He knew it was late in the night, but he did not care about that. He just needed to distract himself until Tanner cooledo ff -- or whatever.
Before Relic could get very far, Tanner was behind him and sweeping him up onto his shoulder with ease. "Oh no," he answered with a bit of a bite to his tone. "You're going to bed. I'll go sit in the courtyard or something." The last thing that Relic needed was physical exhaustion. That could be just as detrimental as stress. His husband was plopped into the middle of the bed and for a minute, Tanner followed. "I love you, Relic. And you can't know how happy I am that you're pregnant. I just need a little time to get over the disappointment of finding out the way I did." He pressed a kiss to his lover's cheek. "Sleep. It's bad for you-both of you-if you don't."
Relic took in a deep breath when he was set onto the bed. He twitched a bit before standing up. He took a hold of his love's elbow, flipping him over his form and onto his back, on top of the bed. He stared down at him, annoyance obvious upon his features. "I ... can't fucking sleep." He stated and then turned his back to the other, walking out of the bedroom once more. He stopped at the entrance and turned to look at the man behind him. "I'm sorry for not telling you ... but it was my choice and I stand by it." He then turned once more, slamming the door behind him out of frustration and he began to walk back to his sewing room.
Tanner flopped back onto the bed and sighed. Never had Relic been angry with him, or vice versa, and it really sucked. The blond hated not being able to go to bed with the both of them happy and loving each other and excited over the news. He wanted that. And the more he thought about it, the idea that would probably only get him laughed at embedded itself further and further into his brain.

At least it would bring a smile (sort of) to Relic's face? He got up and made his way to the sewing room. He knew he'd pushed just about as far as he could today but he needed to push just a little bit more...

Standing in the doorway, he watched Relic for a minute. "Roleplay it with me."
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