Relic walked through the house, quite hte many fabrics within his arms as he did so. He stopped, spotting Remus and he perked up. Perfect! Walking over to the boy, he wrapped his free arm around the boy's shoulders. "Come come! Perfect timing." He giggled happily and continued to lead the way, whether or not the boy wanted, to his sewing room. He walked inside, releasing the boy once he was a few steps inside. "Pierce, I found the fabrics! They were in my boxes from Atlantis." He laughed softly once more, walking over to the table, resting the fabrics onto the table and smiling a little bit more. "AND I brought the model."
Pierce's ears twitched when the other spoke to him, turning to look at the male and he looked over at the boy. Oh. That was his son, was it? He looked the other male over a bit, interest to his features and he gave him a nod in acknowledgement. He understood why his friend made so much for his sons. They had nice bodies to put clothes on. He walked over to the manicquin that there already was an outfit beginning to formo n, anothe one beside it with a similar attire. "All right, Relic. The turquoise you got should work very nicely." He stated, looking at the clothes a little, briefly glancing to the teen in the doorway, turning a faint little pink and returning his eyes to the clothes, knowing it bad to ... do anything of that sort.