Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade perked up, on the way to his boyfriend's room and he looked over at his brother rushing toward him. He stopped the male from running away once more. He looked at the crying male and he hugged him instantly. He buried his face into his brother's neck, holding him tightly to his form. He gripped him and cuddled him a bit, letting the other shakily get out what happened in fragmented sentences. "Oh Trevor ..." He whispered, grpping him tighter and he turned, moving toward the room once more. Murasaki could let him comfort his brother for a bit.
Staying where he was, wallowing in self pity, for a few hours, Bohdi let out a few tears, too. But he knew that he had to go after Trevor. He had to understand why the brunette had run away from him; what he'd done or said to upset him so greatly. He moved out of the school and towards Trevor's home, knowing it was the likely place he would be. The blond took a deep and shuddering breath when he got there, hoping it would give him strength to knock on the door. It was a pathetic knock, but Bohdi only hoped that someone had heard him.
Jade stayed with his brother, eventually making him go back home and even then, he stayed in his bedroom with him. He held onto him and let the male just try and calm down to feel al ittle better about the whole thing. With the knock on the door, Jade slid from the bed, ignoring his brother's pathetic look of letting the door go unanswered - both knowing who it was. He opened the door, seeing Bohdi and he slid past him, shoving the blond into the room then closing the door behind him. He turned and made his way through the halls once more.
He was a little surprised at being shoved into the room by Jade, but thankful for it, too. Bohdi fumbled for words for a moment but wound up exactly where he had been: Sitting behind Trevor with his arms wrapped around his waist securely. "What's wrong, Trevor?"
Trevor shook his head, taking in a deep breath and he turned to nuzzle into Bohdi's neck. NO matter how badly he wanted to just shove him away, he could not. He whimpered softly, eyes closing and he gripped his boyfriend, arms around his form tightly. "I ... I don't want to lose you! I ... I can't say it back. I just, I just can't ... and I don't want to lose you. We ... It can crumble now. It always does!"
As much as Bohdi wanted Trevor's answer to enlighten him, it only confused him more. The blond rubbed circles over the teen's back and hugged him tightly, pressing soft kisses into his silky hair. "What do you mean, Trevor?" he asked, needed to know. He hated to probe, but... Well this was important. "You're not going to lose me, sweetheart."
Trevor took in a shuddering breath, pulling back a little nad he gripped his love's shirt tightly. "B... Before .. I told him I loved him and I ... gave up so much. I went through so much and ... he ... he literally threw me aside. He told me he could not ever love me and ... and it was all because I told him that I loved him and ... I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to throw me away." He whimpered once more and buried his face into his neck once more.
Bohdi didn't know who "he" was, but he supposed that it didn't matter at that moment.

The blond tightened his arms around the teen and pulled him closer into his own form. "Trevor, I'm not leaving you." He pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek and cuddled him closer, shushing him softly as he did so. "Don't you see the difference? I told you first. And I'll keep telling you how much I love you..."
Trevor whimpered softly and buried his face deeper into the other's neck. "I ... I still can .. cannot say it." He whispered softly, blushing all the more. He took in a deep breath and his arms pulled the other closer. He could not say the words yet. He could htink them, and feel them, but he was not able to tell him yet.
Bohdi didn't understand it, but he didn't have to, right? He simply had to respect it. The blond leaned down and pressed a little kiss to Trevor's lips, nuzzling his cheek before pulling away. "You don't have to say it," he assured, giving his boyfriend another kiss. "Just... Don't run away when I say it? Well. You can. Sending Kyros after you will be a great game for him..." the blond teased.
He let out a little laugh, blushing faintly with his words. He leant up and pressed a kiss to his lips in return. He took in a deep breath and flopped his head against his chest again. "O... Okay. I .. can try." He whispered ad whimpered a little more, nuzzling him with a pathetic little pout to his features.
Remus moved through the house, bored. Romulus was great entertainment...when they had an idea of what to do. Today, they had no idea and so he was looking for something to do. Maybe their Daddy had an idea... He wandered a bit, looking a bit lost as he did so.
Relic walked through the house, quite hte many fabrics within his arms as he did so. He stopped, spotting Remus and he perked up. Perfect! Walking over to the boy, he wrapped his free arm around the boy's shoulders. "Come come! Perfect timing." He giggled happily and continued to lead the way, whether or not the boy wanted, to his sewing room. He walked inside, releasing the boy once he was a few steps inside. "Pierce, I found the fabrics! They were in my boxes from Atlantis." He laughed softly once more, walking over to the table, resting the fabrics onto the table and smiling a little bit more. "AND I brought the model."

Pierce's ears twitched when the other spoke to him, turning to look at the male and he looked over at the boy. Oh. That was his son, was it? He looked the other male over a bit, interest to his features and he gave him a nod in acknowledgement. He understood why his friend made so much for his sons. They had nice bodies to put clothes on. He walked over to the manicquin that there already was an outfit beginning to formo n, anothe one beside it with a similar attire. "All right, Relic. The turquoise you got should work very nicely." He stated, looking at the clothes a little, briefly glancing to the teen in the doorway, turning a faint little pink and returning his eyes to the clothes, knowing it bad to ... do anything of that sort.
Well. He'd wished for it, right? Remus moved with his Daddy easily, even taking a few rolls of the fabric that he was carrying, and then set them down on the table with all the other fabric once they'd gotten into the room. Remus had been in this room before... Many times in fact when Relic wanted to fit them for one outfit or another. The brunette was quite comfortable here.

The room's other occupant, however, was new. Though he knew that he shouldn't, Remus stared at the ears and longed to touch them. Were they really as silky as they looked?
Relic nodded, going into serious-mode and beginning to cut the fabric right away, going skillfully and easily through the fabric, cutting it perfectly as he did so. He took the fabric newly cut and walked over to his friend. He pinned it up and then glanced over to Remus, smiling warmly. He was so cute! He could see the yearn to touch in his son's eyes and only found it even more amusing. His eyes lifted to Pierce, smiling even more. He gave a sideways glance to the teen and went back to the pinning.

Pierce's ear twitched once more, turning to look at the male that his friend hinted toward. He looked him over a little, knowing what most people meant by the look he was currently receiving. He slowly walked toward the male, leaning toward him and bending so his face was level with his, allowing him to touch the ears, or whatever he felt the need to do so right now.
Remus had been so intent on imagining how soft the fur on the man's ears would be that he hadn't noticed at all the interaction between his father and the other man. The brunette was quite surprised to see Pierce in front of him, offering his ears to be petted. The twin blushed profusely at being 'caught' but nonetheless he reached forward to stroke along the furred appendage. It was, indeed, 'rabbit soft' and he couldn't help leaning forward to rub the softness against his further pinking cheek for a moment.
Pierce smiled warmly at the blush upon the other boy's cheek. It was cute. So, so very cute. He remained where he was for a short while before slowly pulling back. He said nothing as he turned and walked over to the mannequin that he had been working on. He pinned up the fabric that had been cut out, a faint little pink tinted to his pale cheeks. He kept his brown eyes to the fabric, definitely glad for some sort of distraction.

Relic chuckled softly and then straightened up, walking over to the teen. He ruffled his hair and then stepped back from the brunette. "Where's your brother, Remus?" He asked, not wanting to have an awkward moment for his son after what had happened.
Awkward would have been a gross understatement. Remus was glad for his Daddy's attention to that detail, and the question. "Ummm... I'm not sure," he responded softly. "I think in our bedroom maybe?" That was one thing that he longed for: Daddy's and Uncle Rune's ability to communicate with each other, despite any distance between them. "Do you need him? I can go and get him..."
Relic giggled with the other's words, smiling a little bit more. He loved his little sons. They were adorable. he leant down and kissed his forehead and shook his head as he straightened away from him once more. "Not unless you want to. I can just work on you for now. The outfit is ... close to almost done." He stated amd let out a soft laugh. He walked over to a stoll, patting the seat and looked over at him once more. "Sit here. Relaax. Maybe I'll give you something to cut ... Or color in. Do you want to be in charge of cutting or putting colors together?"
Remus thought about it. Colors could be redone. Cutting... Well once it was messed up it would take a lot of work to redo what was already done. "Colors," he answered with a little smile. Maybe cutting once he learned how to properly... "Are these outfits for Romulus and me?" he asked, looking at the work that was already done.
Relic nodded happily. He pulled off the shirt that was pinned-finished and held it up to his chest, twirling aorudn and showing it off a bit more. "Yes! I'm quite happy wit hthem." He stated, giggling once more. He replaced it onto the bust and then walked over to where he was. He set down one of his latest sketches and then the colored pencils beside that. "Here! You can even add design if you see fit." He stated, kissing the other's temple once more and then turned to walk back to the bunny-eared man. "I'll drag Romulus in here when we're closer to finishing."
He wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be doing, so Remus pretty much played with whatever had been set in front of him. A little while passed and he was happy with the color choices that he'd chosen. The brunette left them on the table for Relic to do whatever he needed to do with them, abandoning them for Pierce. The winged male moved over to the rabbit eared man and stood next to him, watching him work. He hadn't meant to be rude in his actions, Remus was merely curious... About the work and the man.
Pierce looked over at the male beside him. He stared at him for a few moments before he turned his attention back to the fabric and pinning work in front of him. "Do you need any help?" He questioned gently, a faint pink still to his cheeks once more and he went back to engrossing himself in the work. He really liked to look at the boy, but he just could not do anything in any sort of hinting of liking the boy other than approving of him as his friend and co-worker's son. Yes, that was all he was able to do.
"Oh. No." Remus' voice was very quiet as he answered, still watching the man's hands work so precisely with the fabric in front of him. "I just like watching... If that's okay?" He smiled, his own cheeks matching the hue of Pierce's without him noticing it at all.
A little over a year went by and things were definitely becoming interesting. Pierce was spending more and more time around the Reeds and even suggesting many ideas for clothes for the twins - who were growing up gorgeously of course. Trevor and Bohdi were closer, even though the younger still could not say his feelings, the two definitely showed them plenty of times. The little baby girls were completely and utterly adorable! Growing up so much, walking [and flying] around, causing all sorts of chaos. Jade and Murasaki [FINALLY] managed a way to not knock up Rune's baby blond boy. [Rune's words].

Relic and Tanner on the other hand were doing perfectly fine as they had been. This day, though, Relic was ecstatic. The raven-haired, ice-blue eyed male was completely and utterly excited. He squealed as he made his way through the halls, rushing toward his husband. He spotted him on the couch and leapt, pouncing him and straddling his waist with a little giggle. "GUESS WHAT!" He chimed happily, bouncing up and down upon the man's waist, just beyond giddy right now.
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