Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic stopped in the middle of cutting a piece of fabric when he heard his love's words. He blinked a few times and straightened up, resting the scissors down and he turned his head to look at the man. "Tanner, Suggesting new things to play with in sex, will not make me forget, you know.' He really had no idea what the man was talking about, so - being who he was - his mind went to roleplaying in sex. He just figured the man was trying to take his mind off of his hostility so that they could just ignore what went on and get distracted.
"What? No..." Tanner shook his head and stepped into the room, sitting on one of the stools to face his husband. "Well, yes... But no. I want... I want to pretend that I don't know-and you to tell me everything..." He felt stupid now that he had to spell out what he wanted, because when you said it out loud, it really did sound dumb. "And then yes-sex. And then... Just tell me it worked..." The last bit was said rather low with the blond's head bowed down to try and hide the blush that was forming in his cheeks.
That was what he wanted? Relic stared at him in utter shock at what he said. He pouted as he walkd toward his love, leaning down to rest his forehead against his and he sighed heavily. "Jerk. I can't stay mad at you when you're adorable." He whispered, arms wrapping around his shoulders and he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He remained kissing him for a short while before he pulled back and took a large step away from the man.

He cleared his throat, rubbing his chest a bit and he then took in a deep breath. "TANNER!" He squealed, bouncing over to him and wrapping his arms around his shoulders - again - "I found out how to get me pregnant!" Yep ... He could definitely play for his love.
Tanner really was expecting to be laughed at. Really, when you thought about it, it was a very ridiculous request. But when Relic, without question, played along, the blond felt better instantly. He stood and wrapped his arms around his husband, kissing him hard and passionately. "I love you so much, Relic."
"And I love you too." He whispered, pulling the other tighter to his form before he leapt up and wrapped his legs around the other man's torso, pulling him closer to his form. He kissed him for a while and then parted for just a moment. "Now ... How about we go make a baby, hm?" He offered, a happy grin to his features as he pressed their lips together once more, glad to do anything that would make Tanner feel better, really.
Grinning, Tanner held Relic up underneath his rear end and nodded, moving back towards the bedroom as he nipped harshly at his husband's neck. It took no time at all to get rid of all of their clothing and tangle himself in Relic's limbs in the middle of the bed. The blond was rough in his movements, needing an outlet for the frustrations that had built up during the day. And what better outlet than sex?
Relic definitely would have to get Tanner angered more often. He knew his love did not enjoy being harmful to him or anything like that, but oh, it was so lovely when he was rough! Not as good as being ripped to pieces, literally in some aspects, but very close to it. The man enjoyed the time far too muhc, kissing his love and just cuddling up with him and whispering how much he loved him into the other man's ear.

Of course, it had to end, and at least they were happier once more. RElic calmed. Tanner calmed, and the next few days were pretty darn good. The male, after the third day of being too impatient to wait a bit longer for his love to be giddy, rushed to his husband, leaping onto his back and his arms around his neck, giggling into his ear. "Guess what..." He whispered into the ear of the blond, nipping the flesh a moment later. "I'm pregnant."
Tanner was definitely much happier. He cuddled up to his lover and easily fell asleep, relaxed and content. This was so much better than being angry at his love.

When Relic settled himself on his lap, Tanner hadn't been expecting the announcement, but he couldn't help feeling giddy and happy and excited. He pulled back enough to press his lips tightly to Relic's, hugging him close. The blond couldn't even begin to express how much he loved Relic, or how happy he was that they were going to have a child-their child. It was nearly ten minutes before Tanner felt that he could pull his lips away from Relic's long enough to speak. "Think we should tell the boys?"
Relic gasped as he pulled back, his hand to his lips. "I already told them..." He whispered before a grin formed to his lips. "Kissing." He whispered, kissing him passioately for a while once more. He nodded and pulled back, sliding off his lap and holding out a hand to his love. "Only Rune, and now you, know... For now." He added, tugging the man up from the couch to go in search of their lovely little boys.
Tanner gave a quick smack to Relic's rear end for the tease, as well as a sharp bite to his neck. "Smart alec." Still, the blond stood up and followed him towards the twins' room. They knocked and only entered when Remus called out to them that they could.

The knock was... Odd. Usually their parents left them in their room for as long as they wanted, so long as they both showed themselves for meals and for outfit fittings for Relic. Pierce had been spending a lot of time with them, too. In fact, he'd just left and they were just about to take a nap when the knock came.
Relic giggled happily and slowly made her way into the bedroom of the two, seeing the two there and he smiled even more. Hisfingers laced with his and he gripped him to his form and he nuzzled into the other'sshoulder a little bit."You want to say it or me?" He whispered into his neck, nipping the flesh gently. Yes, he was very excited right now, but figured he could give the other some bit of word into what happened.

Romulusperked up atthe knock, staring at the door andhe turned to Remus, blinking a few times. Huh... Thisreally was odd. He scooted toward his twin, takinga hold of his hand and lacing their fingers tightly. "Tell us ... What?" Now ... he was a little paranoid. Were they being sent off? That could not be the case. They loved them! They said it oftenand they had so much fun through the past year. OH! Maybe their grades were not good. That was slim, but it could be likely. Hm ...
Tanner watched and saw the worry in both twins' eyes. He moved to sit down next to Romulus, as he looked more worried than Remus, and put a comforting arm around his shoulders. "Don't look so worried. Our news is something wonderful, not horrible." He tried to figure out how to best break the news, but figured nothing could cushion the blow, really. "Daddy's...pregnant."

Remus' eyes opened wide. That wasn't... And then he remembered Jade's trouble the year before and knew that it was. But what did this mean? Would they be cast aside for their parents own flesh? But they were here first! The brunette let go of his brother's hand only to wrap his arms around his waist and rest his head on his shoulder. "We... We weren't enough?" he asked rather sadly.
What?! that was what Remus thought, and by the other's look, Romulus did as well. He shook his head, looking very sympathetic to the two. "no no no! Sweetie ... That is not the case at all." He walked over to him and knelt in fron to fh te two, leaning up to kiss their foreheads gently and then resettled back down to look up at them. "Remus, Romulus ... Our love for you will only grow because of this. You're not being replaced. You're not being pushed aside. Merely, our family is growing. You two get to be big brothers! It'll be great. Ooh! I can make matching outfits!" He squealed a the idea before he cleared his throat, topping his excitement and returning his attention to the boys.

"I know that you may have your doubts, but don't. I love you. Your Dad loves you. You'll always have a special place in our hearts. Somewhere that this child cannot even penetrate. You're our special boys. No one can ever take that away from you, you got that? No child, no adult, no animal for that matter. You're ours. Ours alone. You have to share us now... but we'll still do things just for you two. I promise that it will not be all about this baby."
Remus nodded a little bit, taking in the information that they were being given. It did make sense, it would just...take some getting used to. They had had to share attention with many other children before being adopted and they were just now getting used to not having to anymore. Now they would have to once again. It wasn't ideal, but the brunette figured that everything would probably work out alright.

"Okay, Daddy..." He nuzzled into his brother's neck a little before turning to look at Relic with a little smile. "Can we teach the baby to call Uncle Rune 'Auntie Rune'?" Oh...Oh that would be fun! Until they were murdered, of course...
Relic grinned and wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders. "Ooooh, you are definitely my son." He stated, kissing his temple and he nodded. "Yes. I would expect nothing less. Heck, even go with Auntie Mias if youwant." He winked and then he took in a deep breath,looking downat the two with a warm smile to his lips. "You two want to go out for ice cream? Or..." He looked over at the clock and perked up. "Let's go out to dinner! Make a whole Reed-Family night. To celebrate... and because I now feel like I've deperived you of attention." He giggled and kissed the twins once more on their foreheads.
Dinner went well, and Remus could tell that his twin thought so too. The year had helped them to come out of their shells more. They were more open with their hand holding and other less sexual affections for each other in public, and it was getting easier for them to just not care what other people thought about them. It was nice to be able to be with his twin like that.

The next day was nice, too. Saturdays always were. Remus yawned and stretched out, throwing his arm over Romulus' waist. "What time's Pierce coming?" he asked, sleep causing him to mumble.
Romulus smiled warmly at his groggy little brother. He pressed a kiss to his temple. "Ten thirty." He whispered and then led the way to the bathroom. "Come on. We should tkae a shower before he gets here." He suggested, kissing his brother's lips softly. He did not know why, but he always felt the need to look nice whenever Pierce came to visit them, or dress them out. Well, more and more, he was coming to just visit and he was happy with that, very much so.
He looked at the clock. It was only eight thirty but if he got up now... Well that meant that he and Romulus could shower together... And that was always one of Remus' favorite activities. The brunette lingered for just another minute, though, and pulled his twin back to him for a proper good morning kiss. "I love you, Rommy. Another peck to the teen's lips and he crawled out of bed, standing by the side of it as he stretched his arms above his head with a soft little groan.

"Together?" he asked, heading for the bathroom already.
Romulus smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes." He said softly, turning a faint pink while he followed his brother into the bathroom. He loved him so much. He really, really did. They were still a little unsure of the whole Daddy being pregnant thing, but for the most part, they had faith that their parents were not going to shove them aside. They did not want to go back to being ignored. He loved the attention their fathers gave them. He really did not want to share, but knew he had to.
They took their time in the shower, and in fact needed two to undo what they'd done in the first. Remus wasn't about to complain, though, and he would bet a fair amount of money that Romulus wouldn't, either. Moving back into their room, Remus stood in front of the closet, trying to decide what to wear. It was an advantage of having an identical twin: you had double the wardrobe of anyone else who had a sibling.

"It'd be easier if we could just go naked," he complained, flipping through the shirts.
Romulus shook his head at the other's words. "I do not think Pierce would like that." He whispered softly and then pulled out a simple pair of dark purple pants to wear. An off-white shirt on his torso and then a dark purple vest over his the shirt. He then turned to his brother, smiling warmly. He leant over and pressed a small kiss to his lips. He took in a deep breath and then leant back to him, kissing him passionately now.
Still not dressed, Remus didn't really care the minute that his brother's lips were on his. The brunette moaned softly and wrapped his arms around the other male's waist, being sure to make flesh-to-flesh contact. He kissed the other quite passionately, pressing his tongue forward to taste as well as tease, enjoying every minute of their fun.
Romulus pressed back into his brother, holding him tightly to his form. He nuzzled into him a little bit and slowly pulled back, after quite a bit. He took in a deep breath once more. "Get dressed." He whispered, kising him lightly once more, not being able to force himself away fmor him quite yet. "You really, really should get dressed..." He added in another slightly hoarse whisper.
"Don't you like me better naked?" he asked, batting his long eyelashes and pouting at his brother just a little bit. Remus thrust his hips forward a little, teasing further. Romulus was so fun to tease because, usually, he could get his brother to give in very easily. Remus huffed a little, not giving his twin any time to react to his teasing, and stepped away with a little shiver to actually get dressed.

He pulled on a simple pair of jeans and a shirt that matched Romulus' pants and vest. The minute that the clothes were securely on his body, though, Remus was once again pressed to his brother's body, kissing along his neck.
Romulus gasped softly with his brother's teasing, whimpering just a little bit. He could not even respond to the male. Remus bounded away far too fast for him to do so. Luckily, once the male was clothed once more, he was once more pinned against him, though he was not sure if that was 'lucky' since it definitely was getting him a bit riled again. He tried to keep himself calm though, Pierce should be here soon and he did not want to stand him up because they were getting intimate ... again.

He really was no match for his twin, though. He leant toward him, kissing the lips of the other when they parted from his flesh, his arms wrapped around his torso and he pulled him against his form even more. Kissing from his lips and down the side of his neck, hips rocking into his and just melting at the slightest movement from the other.
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