Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus thought for a while after the questions flooded the air. They all were on his mind as well, but he had just not voiced them. he was curious how it would work if all three of them were dating. Would it be more so on and off. One night out with Rommy, the other night with Remus. Or would it just be the three of htem always? Andwhat about sex?! Same questions there too. He slowly tilted his head back to look up at him, a faint pink to his cheeks. "I ... I kind of want to try it. We both feel the same way for Pierce and he said he liked us both ... so it would have to be the three of us dating, wouldn't it?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he promised softly, pressing a kiss to his twin's forehead. The brunette wouldn't "allow" Romulus to date anyone else other than him, or without him involved in the relationship too. He was just possessive like that and while he would accept the choice if that would make his brother truly happy, it would never make Remus truly happy. At least he didn't have to worry about that with this situation. "We'll talk to Pierce on Wednesday. Really work it out..."
Before the two knew it, and after a few more assurances that any other questions they had could, and hopefully would, be answered by Pierce, Romulus was happy. Nervous, but happy. When Wednesday came, the twin was pacing around their bedroom, trying to think of what he wanted to wear, or if he should shower again, brush his hair, curl it, straighten it ... Oh he did not know anymore! He was much too nervous and antsy to think straight, and so, walking around the room in just his pj pants is what he did.
Looking at the clock, Remus figured they had close to two hours before Pierce would show up. Making up his mind, the teen moved over to his twin and took him by the shoulders, stopping him in his tracks. "Relax." Remus gave a devilish little smile before slipping one hand down to tweak at his brother's nipple playfully as his lips came into contact with Romulus' chest. He had a sure-fire way to rid his brother of excess energy, and fully planned on using it as he slowly moved down the other male's body, moving to his knees as he tugged the pajama pants off of Romulus' hips.
Romulus stopped when his brother's hands were on his shoulders, ruby eyes fluttering to the other in front of him. He turned a faint pink when he saw the smile, but the blush only got worse when his brother gave him the affections he had. He whimpered softly into the air, feeling him moving along his body and he blushed horribly. He stumbled back a step or two, hands gripping the dresser behind him tightly. His fingertips pressed into the wood and he chewed his bottom lip. His ever-so-obvious arousal was even more apparent when the other pulled down his pants, making him gasp at the sudden cool air upon the sensitive skin. "Remmy..." he whispered, voice barely able to be used, yet alone heard.
Looking up upon hearing his name, Remus grinned wickedly just before his lips wrapped around his twin's member. The brunette hummed softly around the aroused flesh as he began to suckle it gently. His hands held Romulus' hips steady as his head bobbed up and down the shaft. Remus closed his eyes and concentrated on his movements, pulling his upper lip from between Romulus' prick and his teeth to graze them along the top of the sensitive organ for a moment.
Romulus did not last long. He never really could when his brother did things like that. It was spontaneous and they really never used their mouths in that way, or at least not for long, and it definitely did well enough to calm his nerves. He released into his brother's mouth and, after prying his fingernails out from the woodwork, he wound up stumbling to hte ground, in part due to his pants being around his ankles, but mostly because his knees were too weak to hold up his form.

He looked over at Remus, eyes traveling along his form and he leant forward to press a firm kiss to his lips. "I love you, Remmy.' he whispered, nipping his bottom lip gently.
He took every drop that his brother had to offer him, though he turned to spit it into their trash can as it wasn't his favorite flavor in the world. He turned his head just in time to receive his brother's lips on his. Remus smiled and hugged Romulus tight, returning the kiss with everything he had for a few long minutes. "Relax, Rommy... He did the hard part, right? We know he likes us so now... Now it's just trial and error to see what works for us all best."
Romulus nodded to his brother, smiling warmly as he did so. "Y-yes." He whispered and then turned to the dresser beside him. He pulled open the bottom drawer, pulling out some pants and then the drawer above that, getting out a tee shirt and then a zipper-up plaid hoodie to match the pants and shirt he had picked out. He cleaned himself off a bit with a tissue, tossing that aside and then he got dressed. STanding up, though shakily, he took in a deep breath and relxed once more. "You should probably ... brush your teeth." He took his brother's hand, pulling him to his feet as well and kissing his lips gently.
Standing, Remus wrapped his arms around Romulus' waist once more and hugged him tight. "We always have us, Rommy," he promised. No matter what happened with Pierce, they always would have each other to love and be with, and it was that thought that allowed Remus to think of a relationship with their friend as almost risk free. The only risk was Pierce's friendship, but if they went into the relationship the right way, he knew that that wasn't at risk, either. He pecked a kiss to his brother's cheek and then went to get ready himself.

Dressed and with his teeth brushed, the brunette collapsed back onto their bed to wait.
Romulus let out a relieved sigh when hisbrother reassured him of that. He was glad. He knew that, no matter what happened, they would not be separated. They could not be.Many tried to at the orphanage, but well, they never succeeded at all. They would just grow stronger, so if this did not work out, it would make them closer, right? Oh he hoped it would all work out well.

Soon enoguh, there was a gentle knock on the door with a very nervous Pierce at the source of it. His ears were a bit droopier than normal, flopped over on the top instead of at attention like they normally would be. He took in a deep breath, calming his nerves and trying to tell himself that if they said 'no', at least they would still be friends, right? They would not stop talking to him because of ... that.
With the knock and their friend's entrance, Remus stood up from the bed and moved next to Romulus. He clung to his twin's hand as they walked over to the rabbit eared man and stood nearly chest to chest with him (Pierce was quite a few inches taller than they were). He looked up, studying the other male for a moment before leaning up and brushing his lips against Pierce's. His grip on Romulus only tightened and he pulled his brother in closer to them both, not wanting him to feel as if he were being left or ignored.
Pierce's heart leapt within his chest when Remus kissed him, turning a lovely red, but loving the feeling nonetheless. It was so nice. He liked the boys a lot, and he figured that was their way of saying 'yes' to his unspoken proposition. He let out a heavy sigh and pulled back from the soft kiss. He, nervously, lifted his arms and wrapped them around the boys, pulling them to his form and hugging them tightly, not enough to hurt them of course. He just did not know what else to do show how happy he was. "That ... That isa 'yes' isn't it?" He added in a hushed whisper.

Romulus wrapped his free arm around Pierce after the two kissed, nuzzling into the taller male's chest and he let out a soft sigh. "Mhm ...It .. It is." He whispered, blushing in his own right as he leant up and pressed a faint kiss to his lips in return.
Remus wrapped one arm around Pierce's waist and the other around Romulus. He rested his head on the taller man's chest while facing his twin, grinning at him a bit. It felt nice to be in two people's arms at once; like he was doubly protected. The brunette was the first to pull away, leading the other two towards the bed to get more comfortable. They needed to hammer out some specifics. "So... We're all dating now?" he asked, kneeling in the middle of the bed and facing his brother and Pierce.
Pierce followed to the bed, sitting cross-legged and turning to look at the two. His hands rested in his lap and he looked over at Remus with his question. He nodded, head still spinning over what was going on, and how he had just been accepted. Not denied at all! It was very nice. "Yes. Yes we are." He stated and smiled, stomach flipping when he admitted to it.

Romulus sat beside his brother, mimicking his position and he looked at Pierce, hearing his answer and he turned to hisbrother, smiling lightly. He leant over , kissing REmus' cheek before he settled his rump back between his heels, sighing. Yep, definitely a load off.
It felt different to finally hear it. It felt...final. Remus smiled and settled onto his rear end, sitting Indian style. Quite a few questions came up, each pushing to be asked first in his head. But Remus was embarrassed to ask most of them, and so he asked the the one that blanketed the majority of what he wanted to know. "Then... How does it work?" he asked, not really meeting Pierce's gaze.
Pierce thought for a short while, not really having thought about that either. He shrugged a little bit. "I ... am not sure. I have not done this before" he informed the two, looking from one brother to the other, butterflies still dancing away in his stomach. "I do not see why it has to be too different from two people dating. Well, it is obviously, but just ... no need to act differently. I do not know. It ... it may have to be more trial and error than anything else."
He figured that would be the case, but Remus had to ask. What if he didn't and Pierce had preconceived notions of what the relationship would be like? "That...sounds fair." He nodded and then leaned forward to take Pierce's hand and tugged him forward so that he was sort of between himself and Romulus. He couldn't help but reach out and stroke the soft furry ear as they settled into a little pile to simply bond.
Pierce went a little wide-eyed as he was pulled between the two,fumbling a little and then adjusting himself to sit between teh two, sighing softly. He moved his arms behind him, hands on the mattress and his legs stretched out in front of him. "So ... Do you two want to go out then? Tonight? We can do something ... Have our first official date."

Romulus scooted toward the bunny-eared male, resting his head against his shoulder and he sighed softly. Eyes slipped cloesd and he shrugged his shoulders a little bit to the suggestion. "If Remus wishes." He said, though he was quite comfortable where he was.
Go out? The brunette nodded. "That would be nice... Something simple? And then we can come back and just... Do this..." He had to admit that he was really enjoying himself just cuddling and petting their new boyfriend's ears. Being able to touch and pet them whenever he wanted was an extra perk that he hadn't thought about before.

Remus looked to his twin. "What are we going to tell Daddy and Dad?"
Pierce nodded and slid himself off the bed. He took a hold of both boys' hands, pulling them up and off of the bed. He stopped, though, when he heard the mention of their fathers. Shoot. He had not thought of that. His face drained just a bit of its color, staring in front of him and he felt a bit queezy now. "I ... I am not sure." He admitted, his voice a little hoarse and he shook his head a little. "We can think about that later." He offered, holding onto them still and beginning to walk toward the door.

Romulus smiled warmly, leaning up to kiss the man's cheek and he then settled back to his side, head rested against his shoulder while he walked beside him, glancing to his twin every now and again. "Would ... Would they be mad?" He asked, really unsure of it. He knew his parents did not mind them together, but what about Pierce?
It wasn't that they were adding Pierce into the mix... It was that they were adding a third person into a relationship. Though, Remus supposed that once they knew and accepted that they-identical twin brothers-were sleeping together... Well there wasn't much that they could do to shock them now was there? "No... I just don't think they'll be expecting it is all..." Luckily for them, though, they made it out of the house without running into either of their fathers.

The trio got some odd looks as they walked down the street half clinging to each other, but Remus simply turned his head a little further into Pierce's chest. They'd walked about a quarter of a mile before Remus thought to ask where they should go.
Romulus gripped onto Pierce tightly, his arm tightly wrapped around his elbow and he ignored the looks. It was hard, but well, he learned to ignore them pretty well by now. He looked in front of them at where they could possibly be going, not having any clue at hte moment, really, so he hoped their new ... boyfriend did. Yes, very weird to say that, but well, it was nice at the same time.

Pierce stopped, looking around the area and he spotted a quaint little cafe. "Hot chocolate and cookies?" He offered, nudging his head toward the cafe. Just something nice and light to tide them over.
Hot chocolate was one of Remus' weaknesses. Pierce didn't have to suggest it twice. He nodded and began to lead the other two males into the cafe eagerly. He ordered his usual hot chocolate with extra-EXTRA whipped cream, settling into his chair happily. He'd specifically asked for a table so that they wouldn't have to split two on one side and one on the other. This way they could all "sit next to each other".
Romulus smiled and moved into the cafe with them, sitting beside his brother and Pierce and he ordered the same as his brother. He loved hot chocolate! Not nearly as much as Remus did, but he would never really turn it down. He sighed softly and turned his attention back to the two in front of him. His eyes went from his twin to the blond and back again a few times. He really was happy, but still very nervous about how this whole three-way-dating thing would go.

Pierce sat down, ordering just a simple little hot chocolate for himself before he crossed his arms and set them on top of the table, looking from one boy to the other. He just could not completely believe that they had agreed to this. He was happy -- very happy actually, but he still did not think that they would have agreed. He smiled softly, shaking his head a bit and then turning his attention to the table, toying with the napkins there and just trying to think about what they should do next.
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