Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Too late." Rune mumbled, kissing his lips before he gripped him lighter to let him fall asleep. He kissed him gently upon the forehead a few days and he pulled him closer and he cuddled into him to let them sleep peacefully.

Two weeks passed and the doctor was useless. Anything he tried to do, would not work. Rune was growing impatient and annoyedand he growled in utter annoyance, pacing abck and forth in front of their bedroom, the doctor inside poking and prodding his love... Doing things he really wanted to slap him for. He really, really wanted to kill the doctor, see if maybe his lifeforce could be take in by Calder. He growled when the door opened and the doctor looked upset still.

"This treatment did not work ... I have some new things to test so I will be back next week. Give the medicine time to start working as well' He turned and left with that.

Rune glared at the man, growling after him before he turned and made his way into the bedroom once more. He sighed softly and moved to the bed, kissing his love's lips passionately for a while before he pulled back. "I ... am so sorry, Calder." he whispered, kissing him once more and he set onto the edge of the bed, his head falling to the side and resting upon his chest. "There's nothing I can do. Nothing Dad can do ... Not even Yin knows anything! And the doctor ... just seems as worthless." He turned, nuzzling into his chest and mumbling a soft, "I love you."
The doctor always forced him to wake up when he was there now. Calder found it more annoying than anything, but complied. He wanted to get better but was losing hope fast. Nothing the doctor did seemed to work, and it always just left him more tired than before he came. He gave another sigh and nodded when the doctor told him he'd be back the week after with some new medicines or treatments or whatever he wanted to do next.

When Rune entered, Calder's heart broke. He didn't want his love to hurt this way and it hurt him to know that he simply couldn't fix it. He carded his fingers through Rune's hair, massaging the man's scalp as he did so. "All we can do is wait, Rune... We both knew that from the beginning." Or at least he did. The blond knew that once his love had tried everything he could think of, it was simply a waiting game. "Maybe the stuff that tasted like hell today will work better." One of them had to be optimistic, right?

By the end of the week, Calder could notice a difference in how he felt. Not strong enough to get out of bed, but he felt well enough to sit up, propped by pillows, and have a proper conversation with Rune. The doctor came and went once more, and two days after he did whatever it was that he did the blond was back to sleeping nearly twenty four hours a day.
Rune was a little more hopeful now. Calder seemed to be getting better, very little by very little, but he was still very weak and not yet able to be up and about. He headed to their bedroom, spotting his love in bed and he sighed heavily. He walked over to the man, sitting beside him and he pressed a few kisses to the man's lips. His head slid to rest upon the blond's chest, holding onto him once more. "Calder ... When you get over this ... I'm marrying you." He whispered, softly, lifting his eyes to the male and he kept his head against his chest, eyes closed and he held onto him tightly.
Calder wasn't awake to hear the words, but he shifted a little as he moved from a deep sleep into a lighter one, though it was fleeting. The blond was once more in a deep sleep and the next thing he knew, he was being woken by the doctor once again. He groaned. "You were just here." He tried to go back to sleep and caught something having the word "weak" in it (or so he thought) and he nodded that yes, he was very weak. He had no idea that the doctor said he'd been there a week ago and he'd been sleeping ever since.
After a quick explination to the doctor that whatever he had done the time before had made him better, Rune was feeling a little bit ... more at ease when the man told him that he would to the treatment once more. He had to. He just ... had to. He could not lost him. Not now. Not after he had been looking forward to an eternity with him! So, once more, it was back to the waiting game and trying to not strangle the doctor out of his frustrations. If he made Calder better, that was all that mattered.
When the doctor showed up once again, Calder was awake this time. Still very, very weak, but not asleep. The blond greeted the doctor with a very soft smile. "It's good to see you awake, Mr. Delano." The man did whatever he'd done the week before (which included an injection).

"What's wrong with me?" he asked, not hoping to truly get an answer out of the man.

"It seems that your white blood cells are attacking... Well. You. I've not found the reason yet, but if this medicine is making you less tired then that is the reason you were so weak and on death's door."

"Will I get better?" He was afraid of the answer, but both he and Rune needed to know.

"In time, it seems that you will, yes."
Rune held his breath when he heard the question from his love. WEll, okay, snooped in on their minds, but whatever. When the doctor said that he would be okay, quite the heavy sigh passed his lips. His eyes slippedclosed and he relaxed a little bit before shaking his head. Straightening up fmor the wall he had been leaning on, he turned and headed into the room, smiling to the doctor. He gve him a little nod as he walked off, looking back to his love.

He walked over to Calder, leaning down to press a firm kiss to his lips, sighing softly as he settled onto his rump beside him. "Why do you have to be difficult, hm? You just can't be invincible like I want you to." he whispered, leaning forward and kissing him once more.
"I'm difficult, you're an asshole... We're even," he teased softly. The blond kissed his lover once more, unable to express just how happy he was at that moment in time. "He said it could take months to get back to normal..." Calder wasn't sure he could deal with another month or more in bed-he was already going stir crazy. "And," he added with another soft kiss. "I told you that that will was necessary." He poked his tongue out at Rune, feeling a tiny bit like his old self.
Rune let out a heavy sigh when he heard the other man's little jab. He shook his head, pulling back a little to be able to look at the man in front of him. "No. It's still pointless." He stated, looking him dead in the eye and being completely and utterly serious. "Because I"m going to make you my husband." He leant forward to kiss his lips once more, hands resting upon the other's hips and he gripped him gently, resting his forehead against his and he sighed softly.
The blond's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open a bit. He certainly hadn't heard what he just thought he did... Did he? No. He must be delerious from so much sleep! But he knew that wasn't true. Calder reached up and touched his fingers to Rune's face, studying him for a moment. "It wouldn't have changed this, Rune," he offered softly. Calder felt bad that Rune was giving in on something he didn't want because of him...again. "Don't get me wrong-I love you and would marry you in a heart beat... But it won't save me if I get sick again..."
"I know."He stated, sighing heavily. He turned to face hima bit more, his legs crossing beneath him and he scooted toward the other. "I know that ... It just got me thinking. What if, what if you were not able to be saved? I .. I would lose you and what do I tell people? I lost my life partner. My lover ... All are so ... They don't match what I feel for you." He admitted, grumbling a little and he flopped to the side, resting his head in his love's lap. "But .. if I say 'i lost my husband' ... it's what sounds proper. You're more than a lover, more than a life partner ... and while we won't go out tomorrow and get married, I at least want to have it in the works. Maybe in a year. Or two ... we can have Relic and Tanner's baby as our ring bearer or flower girl or something ..."
He couldn't help the tears that began to form. Calder reached down and tugged Rune up to him, kissing him deeply. "I love you." He kissed Rune again, allowing their lips to continue to touch for long after the kiss had actually ended. He really just wanted to be close to Rune for the moment, and only after he'd nearly fallen asleep again did the blond move a little bit, nuzzling his lover's cheek.

"I love you."
Rune sighed softly, kissing hte man back happily. His eyes fluttered closed and he let out a soft little sigh once his lips were once more free, hearing those lovely words in his ears. "I love you too." he whispered, kissing his lips once more, feeling the need to tell him his feelings. He knew Calder knew, but he knew he never said it enough too. While yes, for him, it was a feat to have him even say those three little words, he still felt he should tell him.

Pulling away once more, he took his love's hands, holding them to him and he took the ring from the other's left hand, sliding it onto his left. He reached into the side table drawer, pulling out a lovely engagement ring [you can find a pic if you want] and slid that onto his left hand. "There. It's official now.' He stated, leaning forward and kissing his lips once more.
Calder was really crying now. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he kissed Rune once more, holding onto him as tightly as he could manage. "Maybe I should get this sick more often," he teased while burying his head into the man's chest. The emotions did Calder in and before he knew it, he was asleep once more. He dreamt this time, though, about their wedding and being able to call Rune his husband.
Rune rolled his eyes. "Like hell." he kissed him many times until the male fell asleep. His arms still gripped him tightly though, just enjoying his embrace for a while. ONce he went limp, he glaldy tucked the male away into the covers. Kissing his forehead before he stood and left the room, only to be pounced by his twin,now clinging to his back.

"I'm so proud!" Relic chimed, giggling softly as he kissed his brother's cheek. "You looooove him." He whispered and then turned to look at the door before back to his brother. "He's better, yes?"

He nodded, letting the man stay on his back while he walked down the hall. "Yes. Not recovered yet, but he should be fine in a few months.Doctor says his white blood cells were attacking him or something like that. I don't know why. It pisses me off though.' He grumbled a bit, shaking his head and then turning to the man behind him. "How are the boys?" He asked, truly curious. He ... well, he knew what was currently going on with the two [or should he say three?] and was not sure if they told their Daddy yet.
Tanner was rather... Scared, really. Relic had been having labor pains for several hours now, and while Abbadon and his father were there and doing all they could... Well he didn't like to see his husband in pain. And, really, when did you ever see a man give birth? It was a new experience for him. The blond sat on the edge of Relic's bed and held his hand, running a cool and damp wash cloth over the man's forehead and encouraging him through the contractions. Tanner didn't understand the thinking. Relic would have to have a c-section anyway but they were talking about being 'as natural as possible'. He was still trying to figure out what part of a man being pregnant by magical means was 'natural'.
Relic took in many deep breaths, burying his face into his love's chest and he gripped him tighter. He kissed him a few times, needing the lovely distraction from himself. He took in another deep breath, listening to the man tell him that, now, they would start the cut. He opted to, well, not have pain meds for the moment. Or at least not strong ones. Mild ones would be fine, and that was what the other did.

It was an hour or so later when the man finally collapsed onto their bed, panting heavily and gripping his love tighter still. He heard the cries of their baby, beaming excitedly as he did so. Oh, he loved that soudn so much! He lifted his head, forcing himself up a little and then turned his attention back to the horned male who held a lovely blue bundle. He took the baby into his arms, smiling instantly as he saw the lovely blond locks, and his ice blue eyes peeking back up at him. He giggled softly and leant down to kiss their baby boy's forehead. "Hello, gorgeous." He whispered, kissing his temple once more.

Romulus impatiently paced in front of hte hall of their fathers' room, chewing on the corner of his lip and grumbling a little bit more. He knew things had to be okay, but he was still very nervous.
The choice to have very little pain medication worried Tanner. But it wasn't his decision to make. The blond held his lover's hand tightly, pressing his lips to his forehead and cheeks and lips to attempt to distract him from what was going on. Really, it was better for Relic to be the one giving birth as Tanner simply would never have been able to handle the pain of it all.

When the bundle was handed over to Relic, Tanner made his way to lie in the bed next to them both as Relic's wounds were healed and closed. Soft tears appeared in the corner of the blond's eyes as he leaned down to kiss his husband deeply. After all of the heartache, their family was finally complete... For the moment. Tanner knew that Relic would want more children in the future, as their life span was so long, but this family in the here and now was everything they'd wanted it to be from the beginning.

He bent his head and kissed the baby's forehead, nuzzling the peach fuzz hair that he had. "Any suggestions for a name?"

Remus paced with his twin, unable to help himself. He knew that worrying would do no good, and that if anything had gone wrong they'd have been told, but he couldn't help but worry. What if something went so wrong that they didn't have time to come out and tell them!?
Relic took in a deep breath, letting out a heavy little sigh and smiling happily as he looked down at the boy within his arms. Oh, he was so cute! He bit his bottom lip, completely and utterly excited at the moment. "I'm .. not sure." He admitted in a soft whisper. He leant down and kissed hte boy's forehead once more. He rested back, settling into his lover happily and hugged him, of course not enough to harm him. He lifted his head, looking over at the two and smiling more. "Abby ... Can you send the boys in?"

Abbadon lifted his head, looking at the male and he nodded. Turning on his heel, he made his way out of the room and to the twins. He moved to them and glanced to the door then back to the twins. "Your father is fine. You can go see them now." He stated, glancing inside. Yes. All the bloody sheets and thins were tidied up and shoved into the hamper so nothing scary was there.

Romulus perked up, looking at his brother and taking his hand, tugging him into the room and he smiled happily at his parents. "Daddy!" He said, walking to the man and pressing a firm kiss to his cheek, sighing softly. HIs eyes closed for a moment before he turned to look down at the little baby in his arms. "What ... What's his name?"

Relic kissed the boy's temple and then sunk back into the cushions and pillows and his husband. "I ... was thinking you two could think up one."
Tanner agreed that allowing the twins to choose a name for their baby brother was an excellent idea. He knew that the two were still feeling a little pushed out and this would help them to feel as if they were just as much as part of the family as the new baby was.

Them choose? Remus was a little daunted by that, not really knowing what to do. What if they picked a name that the baby grew up to hate? Would he hate them too because they picked it? But that was their fathers' wish and so the twin sat on the edge of the bed, reaching forward to draw the back of his finger down the baby's soft cheek to help him think.

"Adamair." He nodded, hoping that the other three would like it.
Romulus stared at the two in front of him, listening to them and quite shocked about it all.He slowly walked tostand beside his brother, looking over their new baby brother. He perked up at the name. Adamair ... Yes, he liked it. He really did. He nodded in agreement,moving to sit beside his brother on the bed, his hand taking a hold of his and he then looked to his fathers for their input.

Relic smiled. "I love it." He stated, looking to the child and grinning even more at the boy. "Adamair." He whispered and then he reached forward, taking a hold of Remus' hand and he gripped it gently, looking at the two. "Adamair Reed ... It has a lovely ring to it." He admitted, resting against his love's side and nuzzling into his husband's shoulder.
Grinning to the suggestion, Tanner nodded that he liked it as well. "Adamair it is," he agreed, leaning forward to kiss both twin's heads, and then his love's lips. Very gently, the blond lifted the baby up and into his own arms, craddling him closely to his chest. Tanner cooed at Adamair, and rubbed the tip of his nose along his soft cheeks as he slept. Looking at the twins, he smiled as he stood up and moved around to where they were sitting. The blond leaned down and very gently passed off Adamair to Remus, who looked quite shocked.

He didn't know what to do, really. Remus copied the way his Dad was holding the baby (though he was much more stiff about it) and sat with his back very straight, afraid that if he moved Adamair would suddenly jump or fall from his arms. He didn't want to be responsible for killing their baby brother!
Relic kissed him back softly, watching his love take their baby and hand him over to their sons. He smiled gently, watching Remus looking ever so stiff with the baby. "Relax a little, Remus." He said softly, pushing himself up a little bit more to look at the boy. He kept his eyes to the two, finding them to be completely adorable, even more so because Remus was so stiff about it.

Romulus scooted a little closer to his brother, being sure to not bump him and startle the child. He looked at the boy, eyes traveling along the baby and he then turned to look at his brother. "He's ... adorable." He stated, not that he had any doubts, their fathers were very goodlooking after all, but it was still a little shocker to see the baby.
Bohdi paced back and forth a bit. He'd been thinking about leaving for quite a while, but was very worried about what Trevor would say or think. He didn't want his love to think that he was leaving him, because he wasn't. He simply wanted to go see the world. The blond paced some more, Kyros looking at him like he was out of his mind, and telling him so, while he waited for Trevor to stop by like he usually did after classes on Friday afternoons.
Trevor made his way to his boyfriend's dorm room, waving to those who recognized him by now along the way. He gave his usual warning-knock before opening the door and heading inside. He tilted his head to the side, feeling the tension easily within the air. "Bohdi ... What's the matter?" He asked, walking over to the male and he took a hold of his hands, gripping them tightly as he leant up and kissed his lips softly. "You're ... tense."
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