Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He smiled and leaned forward, kissing Trevor softly. "Just... I need to tell you something and I'm afraid that you'll be upset when I do." There wasn't any use ever lying to the other, and he wouldn't lie to him even if he could get away with it. Bohdi wrapped his arm around Trevor's waist and lead him towards the bed to lie down with him. When they were settled, Bohdi spoke, though very slowly, and he had to smile at Kyros when he laid himself directly in front of the door.

"I'm thinking about leaving..." His voice was very soft and his eyes wouldn't meet the brunette's.
Trevor tilted his head to the side, nodding as he moved to the bed with him. He laid down beside him and his eyes kept to the blond's, his concern very apparent in his features. Even more so when he heard his words. He ... he was leaving?! "But ...' He began, his voice already starting to crack. Great, now he felt like his heart was being torn out of his chest. It really was a good thing he had not told him he loved him yet, huh? It's been a year since Bohdi confessed but ... the namybe it was the opposite! Was it because he had not said 'i love you' to him yet?!

He gasped and pulled back, looking down at the man in front of him and he seemed like his little heart was going to shatter, felt it too. "Why? Is ... Is it because I still haven't said it yet? Is it?" he asked, his eyes pleading as they looked over the male in front of him. He gripped the front of his shirt, not wanting to let him physically leave his side right now. "Becuase.... I... I can! I can say it ... I just ... I just had not found the right time to do so and ... and Please don't leave, Bohdi -- I love you!"
What? Oh! Bohdi shook his head and pressed his fingers to Trevor's lips softly. "No, no Trevor. Please!" Oh now he'd done it! He hadn't meant for it to come out like that! The blond leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips, pulling him close to him. "That's not what I meant, Trevor... I promise-I'm not leaving you. I think that I want to travel a bit. I've seen Greece and Italy, but I want to see everything..." He leaned forward and nuzzled into his love's neck, wanting to be close. "I'm sorry I made it sound different," he whispered.
Trevor sighed heavily, feeling all the more relieved that he was not leaving him, juist wanting to travel. He wrapped his arms tightly around the blond's form, burying his face into the front of his neck. He took in quite a few deep breaths, gripping him and nuzzling into his chest a little bit more. Okay. He felt better now. "I ... I do love you." He whispered, having to tell him it was not just some ploy to get him to not leave. He remained quiet for a while, letting the information sink in and he tilted his head back to look up at Bohdi once it had. "Well ... Why don't we go together? We can go anywhere you want to ... together. It ... It would be a lot of fun, I think."
He smiled with the words, leaning down to kiss Trevor a bit. "I love you too, sweetheart." The year wait had been so worth it to hear those words. He hugged the brunette close and kissed his forehead a few times. Together? "What about your parents, Trevor?" he asked softly. He was only seventeen, and while that wasn't very young, it still wasn't a legal adult. He didn't want his love to get into trouble, or into a fight with his parents. "I don't want you wanting to come with me to cause problems for you and your Papa and Mama..."
Trevor nuzzled into the male a little bit more, thinking about what his parents would say. He was not sure. He did not really see a reason for them to say 'no', but he could be wrong too. He took in a deep breath and then looked up at Bohdi once more. "I will not get my hopes up until I ask them. Tonight... You can come with me and we can ask them together. I do not think they will say 'no' but I am never sure, really. Mama has such an odd temper." He shook his head and curledu p against him once more. "It cannot hurt to ask."
He nodded that he'd definitely be there to ask Trevor's parents for permission to take him. He wasn't really sure how either man would take the request, but he was looking less forward to talking with Rune than with Calder. At least Trevor's Papa had a level head on his shoulders! "Yes, we will ask them together tonight." He kissed the other male softly and nuzzled into his neck a bit as he relaxed into the bed.
Trevor sighed softly, kissing Bohdi's lips softly. "It'll be nice." He whispered, speaking about them traveling together. Yes, he really would love to travel with him. He curled upwith him, resisting the urge to spend their time more physically. While, yes, he may not be a horny dog [like his parents] but he had gotten more used to being physical ands exual with his boyfriend over the past year. And he really would have started something, if Kyros was not in the room. Heck, he would not do that if he was a normal dog.

Soon enough, though, the night came and Trevor was getting a little anxious. He slid off the bed and over his love, taking a hold of his hand. He pulled him off the mattress, kissing his lips gently. "Come on. I ... want to know what their answer is going to be."
Bohdi cuddled with his love for the afternoon, enjoying the simple closeness. The blond nearly fell asleep, not thinking of sex or anything more physical than what they were doing at all. Of course he enjoyed sleeping with Trevor, but it was never the first thing on his mind when he was spending time with his boyfriend.

When he was tugged out of bed, he smiled at Trevor and wrapped him up in a tight and protective hug. "If you keep worrying, your Mama will know what's going on before the words come out of our mouths," he warned softly with a little peck to Trevor's temple. After another moment or two, the blond lead them from the room and then the school, heading towards Trevor's home.
Trevor took in a deep breath, calming himself and nodding a little bit. He pressed a kiss to hi love's lips once more, relaxing a little bit with the contact. "I'll ... be fine." he whispered, more si reassuring himself, rather than his lover.

Soon enough, they arrived at the house, kissing his boyfriend one more time, and then into the house. He sniffed a few times, instantly knowing where his PApa was, and by the smell of the chocolate, knew where his Mama would be as well. He made his way into the kitchen, seeing his Mama poking his finger into everything there possibly was being made on the counter. "Papa ... Mama..." He began, looking at the two and he smiled warmly.

Rune perked up, turning away from the batter he just dipped his finger into, the digit still between his lips. "Yea?" He asked, staring at him and instantly knowing something was up.

With a deep breath, and his figners laced with his boyfriend's, he stepped toward them. "I ... was thinking about traveling with Bohdi. Only for a year. He wishes to go and I ... well, I do not want to be without him for a whole year and travelling the world sounds so nice. I ... I've only ever been on the run in the places I've been to and so .. I think it would be very nice to have some good memories there.."

Rune walked to Trevor, shoving the spoon with the brownie batter on it in his mouth. "Shh. Breathe. You don't need to babble on, Trevor. I, honestly, do not see much of an issue with it." He then turned to Calder, interest to his features. "Do you? Or is this a Mama-Papa conversation that we need to have?"
Swatting Rune away from the batter for the hundredth time, Calder was quite glad for the distraction that Trevor and Bohdi brought. It meant that as Trevor was babbling on, he could get the batter in the pan and the pan in the oven before there were no brownies to be had at all.

Only when the sweets were safely baking did the blond turn around and study his son, and the blond who stood next to him. Trevor leaving for a year? He didn't like that at all, really. But... Well that was the only part of it that he wasn't okay with. "I don't know..." he 'thought' out loud, still studying the pair.

Bohdi was rather surprised by the swift agreement of Rune, and the questioning by Calder. Really, anyone would have thought that it would go the other way around. He went into lobbying mode. "I promise that we'll check in every day, and that I'll take good care of Trevor. And we wouldn't be leaving for three months yet anyway..."
Rune turned to look at Calder, sighing heavily. He straightened up, taking his love's hand and lacing their fingers together. "Give us a second." He said, ruffling Bohdi's hair as he walked by. Yes, Trevor was better with people touching him, but he still tensed up, so no torturing him right now.

Pulling his love into the hall, far enough away to now be heard too much by hte boys, he released his hand. "I know, I know. A year is a long time. And they'll be gone for quite a while. Maybe it's my upbringing, but I think they should live a little, ya know? Do it while they're young. We don't have to decide today, of ocurse. Bohdi said not for three months, I just ... I want Trevor to live, ya know? Actually get out there, have even better memories." He shook his head and kissed Calder's lips softly, pulling back once more. "Besides, we could always have a coming home party slash wedding celebration -- combine the two." He offered in a whisper, grinning as he did so.
"But I'll miss him," Calder pouted softly as he leaned forward and rested his head against Rune's chest. He knew that his lover was right, but that didn't mean that he wanted their son to leave for a year. Why couldn't they work up to a year, instead of going for a year all at once? The blond sighed softly and nodded. He wouldn't deny Rune something he wanted, nor Trevor something he wanted and so Calder knew that he was simply out numbered. "Okay."
Rune let out a soft laugh. Calder was so cute. He leant down and pressed a kiss to his lips, nuzzling into his blond locks a moment later. "It'll be fine, Calder. Besides ... It leaves us, pretty much, alone for a year." he added, leaning down to nip at the other's earlobe, grinding into his hips ever so playfully and suggestively. "We have those months you were ill to make up for, you know ... And telling Ella to go play with Dawn is much easier than making sure everyone is out of the house. And since Pedo pretty much always is with Jade..." he smirked, biting into the side of his neck before he straightened up once more.

He stepped away from the blond, heading toward the kitchen and smiling as he looked ath te boys. "Papa agreed! As long as we have every detail of where you're going and you tell us how long you'll be there, call us before you leave the country -- maybe even the hotel room -- and I think we should be pretty good."
Calder whimpered with Rune's teases, leaning into them a little too much for the situation at hand. He really and truly missed being with Rune. The blond gave his rear end a playful smack when he made the announcement to Bohdi and Trevor, but only nodded to the two. "And you must be back a week before the wedding!" He wanted his son there for the rehearsal dinner, and Relic would need to measure him for a tux, too. He gave a little sigh and returned to the kitchen where he felt most comfortable (aside from the bed with his love) and began another batch of brownies. He had three months to get used to the idea of Trevor leaving for a year... Three months wasn't a very long time, though...
After the three months, it took quite a bit of reassurances and promises to finally have Calder let Trevor go, but the brunette was happy. Not happy to leave his family, more so because it meant more time with Bohdi. He had had such a great time with him too. It was lovely to be able to spend nights alone, just the two of them [and Kyros if he tagged along] in the hotel and begin able to not worry about his Mama coming in and causing chaos.

The year just whizzed by, too. One day, it seemed, they were in Spain, then the next, France, Germany, Austrailia ... Everywhere and then bam! Back on the plane to come home and Trevor was nervous. He missed his parents so much! He had called them every day and made sure they knew where they were, and even got them souveniers, but it wass going to be so great to be able to see them, to hug them, and kiss them and oooh he missed them so much!

Stepping off the plane, Trevor turned to Bohdi, smiling happily. He pressed a kiss to his lips and sighed gently. "I'm so happy to be back." he wihspered, pulling the long braid of brown locks over his shoulders, just fidgetting with them for the moment. Of course, by the time the two got back to the mansion, all the brunette's fiddling aroudn had broken the tie. He pouted, shoving the band into his back pocket and then fingering his hair to get the braid out. He stopped at the door, tugging down the front of his button-down shirt and the simple slacks he had on.

It took him a few more moments to get his bearings, but he soon stepped into the houe, smelling the kitchen and sighing contently all the more. He walked through the house, figuring he would let his love go wherever he pleased. His crimson eyes traveled along the familiar walls and surroudnings, happy to see not much has truly changed. Couch facing a different way, new lamp here or there, but for the most part: It was still his lovely home.

Rune was rushing toward the kitchen, having smelt the chocolate, when he skidded to a stop at seeing the tall, gorgeous, brunette in front of him. A raven brow cocked in question, staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Calder?! Were you expecting company ...?" He called out, just staring at the brunette and just as he was beginning to undress the other with his eyes - it clicked. He gasped, eyes wide and he took a step back. "TREVOR!?"
The three months went by with amazing speed, and even by the morning that Trevor and Bohdi were leaving, Calder wasn't ready to allow his oldest son to step out into the world by himself. Rather ironic considering Trevor's start at life. Still, he was going to miss him terribly and the blond hugged him for much longer than he probably should have, until Rune had to physically pull him away from their son. And even then, Calder clung to his lover for a long while after the two had left.

The year was another story. It went slowly at first. The first three months were agony for Calder and he spent a great deal of time in the kitchen mourning 'the loss' of his son (though this was much to Rune's great pleasure as he mostly baked). The remaining nine months of the year were filled with wedding plans, and the blond found himself too busy to be mournful. He never stopped missing Trevor, but he didn't have time to dwell on his feelings, either.

He hadn't heard the door open and only when Rune called out did he raise an eyebrow and move into the living room. Even with his fiancee's exclamation did it take a minute for everything to click over in his head. "Trevor!" Calder made a bee line for their son and quickly wrapped him up in a tight hug.
Trevor stared at his Mama for a while, unsure of what that face was about, and the strange feelings he was receiving, but those were all pushed aside once he felt the great excitement of his Papa. He perked up, eyes traveling to the blond and he wrapped his arms around him in return. "Hello, Papa." He said softly into his hair, gripping him tightly. He was taller than when he left. Before, barely reaching five nine, and now, he was a good six feet, if not six foot one, so he definitely grew. And changed. Features more mature, more stunning than they had been. He had not really noticed, only that his hair was much longer, and he quite liked it that way.

He continued to hold onto Calder, having missed his parents so much. He buried his face into the side of his neck and sighed contently as he relaxed within his arms. "I missed you, Papa."

Rune, after pushing the shock away, relaxed. Their son was back! He smiled and walked over to the two, hugging them both since he knew he would not get his lover away from the boy. He kissed the brunette's temple, still not believing that was his son. He shook his head, straightening away from the two and turning to Bohdi. "You did your job well. You returned him unscathed, and now you're more than welcome at our wedding." He informed the blond, walking over and giving him a little hug as well.
Calder was glad that his lover realized just how futile an attempt to get him to let go would be. He hugged their son tighter for a much longer time than he probably should have but unable to help himself. He'd missed Trevor so very much! Once he was sure that he really was there, Calder finally took a step away to look at the male, who was now all grown up. "You look wonderful." He reached up and pressed a little kiss to his son's cheek before turning to greet Bohdi, who was looking rather unsure of the hug that he was receiving from Rune.

Laughing, the blond tugged his love away gently and greeted the other blond with a handshake and a strong clasp of his shoulder. "He's kidding-you'd have been welcome either way... Unless he killed you first..." That would have been a distinct possibility if anything had happened to Trevor...If Rune could have beaten Calder to it.

"There is a bedroom upstairs for you." While he'd debated giving them Trevor's old room, he realized in the past year that he and Rune had grown quite accustomed to not having anyone near their room at all, and the room would be too small for them to stay in anyway. "All of your stuff is up there too, Trevor." With the exception of the twin bed. Calder had gone out and purchased a queen sized bed for them to use while they stayed at the house. "And dinner is almost ready. I'm afraid Mama has eaten all the dessert before anyone else had a shot at it." The last was a teasing shot at Rune.
Trevor smiled gently, walking over to Bohdi and taking his hand in his, lacing their fingers together as he turned to his parents. He listened to them and gave a simple little nod. "Alright." he said simply, leaning over to kiss both his parents' cheeks. He then turned on his heel and began to walk to the directions his Mama had given him of which room was now his. He really wished to lay down for a little bit. It was overwhelming enough to be back, yet alone with the jetlag.

Rune watched the two leave, even letting the comment about the desserts go as he did so. His eyes stayed to their backs before he turned back to Calder with a pathetic look to his eyes. "Am I a bad parent for wanting to pounce our son?" He asked, ignoring the fact that that would make him a bad husband -- he was not one yet, so he could still ... okay, he would not be unfaithful at all, but that was beside the point.
The question made Calder chuckle a little and ideas form in his head. He stepped up to Rune and wrapped his arms around his love's waist, nuzzling into his neck a little. "Maybe," he answered softly as he began to concentrate on changing the things that Rune could not see-like his facial features. "At least he's not our biological son, which would make my answer worse..." His hair grew, his frame filled out, and finally his height changed until, standing before Rune, was a rather perfect replica of Trevor.

He was happy that their son was home and was very willing to tease a bit because of his good mood.
Rune arched a brow, eyes traveling along his love's form and he stared at him for a while. He was not sure just how bad it was that he still wanted to tackle him and ravage him like there was no tomorrow in that body. Yep, he was a horrible parent. He whimpered softly, leaning forward to kiss the other's lips, pulling back afer a short while with another pathetic whimper. "Don't tease me ... It'd be traumatizing for the poor boy." He took in a deep breath and pulled back from the man, his hands resting on his hips and, despite how wrong it may be, he could not help but to have his hands slip beneath the other's shirt. Dear GOD Trevor was ... Just wow.
Without really much thought, the blond quickly took his love's hand and barricaded them in their room. "Then you best get it out of your system with me," he answered with a little smirk. He leaned forward and kissed his love softly, tempting him to move further. His ability to morphe wasn't something they'd played with very often, if at all, and the blond was very curious as to how Rune would react to it.
Rune arched a brow, his heart truly racing for, well, pretty much once in his life. AT least as bad as it was. Don't get him wrong, it raced whenever he was near his fiance, but that was a different reason. This was, well, his conscience really. To do it or not, was the true question. He knew that, morally, it would be wrong to have sex with his son - adopted or not - but then ... Wasn't this just a more drastic form of roleplay? On the flip side of that was that: It was still the image of his son and he was sure there was someone up there just shaking his head at him,or being sure that if he dies, he goes straight to hell.

Fuck it.

His hand wrapped around the front of the man's pants, tugging him harshly against his form and clashing their lips together in a heated embrace. Yep, he was going to hell...But come ON! He was smoking hot! And, hey, it was not cheating if it was still his love he was ramming into. He turned, tossing the male onto the bed and then mounting him a moment later. His eyes slipped closed while his lips began to kiss along the side of the man's neck, hips already grinding into his with a little growl to his lips. "Why don't we play with this trick more?" he mumbled absently, not really wanting an answer ashis lips were instantly pinned with his a second later.
Calder allowed himself to be fully manipulated by Rune. He moved where he was wanted, giving his love full and total control of the situation. The blond pressed up into his thrusts, moaning softly when their erections met and pressure was put onto his. And while he wanted to answer the question that was asked, he wasn't given the chance to. Instead, Calder continued to bed to Rune's will while his hands explored the man's body as if he'd never done so before.

"Want you..." he breathed out in between kisses, nipping at Rune's lips. "Now."
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