Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He couldn't help but laugh at the scene before him. Relic chasing after the little terror who refused to listen was quite cute! The fact that the little blond boy had begun calling Trevor's mama 'Auntie' only made both of the older blonds at the table snicker behind their hands.

Calder had found it rather amusing since day one, though he was sure that Rune only found it half as amusing...if that. "I don't know, Relic," he answered while getting up to get a clean plate. "Seems to me that it was you who was babysitting when Dawn took her first flight and told your brother and brother in law that it wasn't a big deal..."
Relic cleared his throat a bit, shaking his head. "I know not the madness you speak.' He stated, sticking his tongue out before he reached forward and took a bit of Rune's food, popping it into his mouth before he walked over to Trevor, standing beside him and measuring him with his eyes, sighing heavily "Why'd you have to grow?" He mumbled, grumbling a little bit. Well, at least he had only started the patterns. He shook his head a little and then moved to sit in the chair beside his brother, right knee crossed over his left and he looked at Adamair. "You like Auntie better than me, huh?" He pouted, looking at his son who only giggled again and buried his face into his 'auntie's chest

Rune rolled his eyes a little, looking down at Adamair, setting him aainst his chest, in his lap and looking back to his brother. "Of course he does. You're his Mom ... No one likes their mom."

Relic rolled his eyes as well, shaking his head a bit more. "No. Most people like their mother. You don't like our mother because you're an ungrateful, sadistic bastard." He gave al itlte 'hmmph' before he took his brother's dish and began to eat what was on the plate.

Trevor blinked a few times, looking at the two and he sighed contently. He had missed them. He really, really missed his family. He turned to Bohdi, giving him a warm and brief smile before he kissed Ella's temple, feeding her a bit more of his food, as well as himself.
"That's not true," Calder countered, shaking his head at his lover. "I was under the impression that our children happen to ove their Mama, no matter how much he scares off their potential dates. In fact, I quite remember a certain little girl clinging to her Mama like Adamair is currently doing." The blond reached over and ruffled Ella's hair a little as she ate from her brother's plate.

Bohdi looked to Relic. "You expected a seventeen year old boy to leave for a year and not grow?" he asked, teasing. Really he knew that Relic had known better but still. He'd been much too quiet throughout dinner, even if it was a makeshift family reunion for his love.
Relic pouted. "YES! He hasn't changed over the past two years ... Why'd he grow with you?! Magic sperm?" he sighed softly and shook his head a little bit, turning his attention back to Ella, smiling all the more. "Ah! Ella ... Do you want to try on your dress?" He asked, smiling all the more at their little flower girl.

Ella perked up, nodding excitedly and Relic grinned. He stood up from his seat, walking over to the girl and holding out his hand. "Well, come on little princess.' He smiled, holding her hand and he helped her off Trevor's lap, kissing the teen's temple softly. "It's good to see you. Your paernts were getting to be annoying." he chuckled and then hoisted Ella up and onto his back, holding her there as he turned to look at her, smiling warmly. "We can go try on your dress then I'm sure your parents want you in bed.' He stated, walking over to the two, Ella clinging to him as he scooped up Adamair from his brother, sticking his tongue out. "baby snatcher." He stated, holding onto Adamair while he walked though th house.

It did not take long before a silver streak was running into the room, literally tackling Trevor out of his chair. Jade gripped his brother tightly, kissing his cheek and nuzzling into his neck, anything he could manage. "Trevvy! I missed you." He held him tightly, not wanting to let go just yet.
For a moment, both Calder and Bohdi were fairly scared at what had just entered the house. Both blonds relaxed when they realized that it was Jade and Calder simply laughed at his youngest son. "I half expected you to be pacing in front of the door for hours before they got here," he commented while shaking his head. "Well. It looks like we have a full house once again." Really, that made him quite happy. He'd missed having his children, and Rune, all under one roof at one time. Even before Trevor and Bohdi had left to travel it was rare that one of them weren't with their respective boyfriends.

With a sigh, both Bohdi and Calder got up and began to clear the table, Calder pausing to press a kiss to his fiancee's lips while he passed. "If we thought they were trouble, I think we'll have our hands full with Ella more than the two of them combined..."
Rune kissedh im back, sighing heavily as he did so. "Can't we keep her locked up?" He asked, looking at Calder iwth ap leading look. "I don't want boys wanting to date her." He stated, already thinking about her high school and middle school years. The boys would be chasing after her! She already was gorgeous, so it only had to get 'worse' when she was older.

Trevor smiled, hugging his brother back and kissing his forehead a few times, still holding him tightly. He had missed Jade the most. They had never really been apart for that long and while he called him every day, it still was not even close to the same. He sighed, pushing himself up to sit on the ground with him, still holding onto the silver-haired male who refused to let go of him.

Jade blushed faintly at his Papa's words. "Um ... Murasaki kept me occupied." He whispered, turning even brighter as he buried his face into his brother's neck. He had been pacing back and forth, but then he easily was distracted by Murasaki changing shirts or something and well... he found something to do. As it was, Jade was not growing. At least not yet. He had changed a bit, but Murasaki and he had established that the reason he was not was because his body was catching up. It has gone through the two years that he spurted via magic, and now that he was almost to where he should be, his body was chaning. He grew an inch or two, but that was it for now.
He held up a hand. "Don't need to, nor do I want to, hear it." Both he and Rune knew that neither of their sons were the blushing virgins, but Calder, personally, liked to believe otherwise simply to keep his sanity. So long as Jade didn't turn up pregnant again then there was no need to know or hear it. "I think, though, that if you do not retrieve dessert from its hiding spot, your Mama will go a little more crazy than he already is, hmm?"

Bohdi laughed at this and moved over to help both Jade and Trevor from the floor. "Go on. We can have a big sleep over in the room tonight if you want." While he wanted to be selfish and spend the night cuddled close to Trevor as he'd become so accustomed to doing, the blond knew that he couldn't be selfish like that their first night back. Not with Jade, anyway.
Jade sighed softly, leaving the room and going into the kitchen. He used his magic, levetating himself to the top cupboard, pulling out the nice chocolate cake his Papa had made. He walked to the dining room again, resting the cake onto the table and then looked over at Bohdi, smiling excitedly and nodding. "Yes! I would love that!" He stated, giggling happily. Of course, he would not be tired for a little while more, but he could easily just sit beside them.

Rune looked over at the cake, grinning instantly. "I hope you realize, I'm marrying you for your chocolate skills." He stated, taking a knife and slicing into the cake, dropping a piece onto his plate and humming happily.
"My skills in bed have nothing to do with it? Funny. I was under the impression that you enjoyed those talents of mine..." he asked, grinning as he gathered cake plates and forks for everyone else. He knew that if he wasn't quick, no one would get any cake other than Rune. The cake was sliced and served, Calder 'forgetting' to mention that there were other treats waiting around the house just for Rune to stumble across them. It was a fun game he enjoyed, loving surprising his love in those little ways. "And I'm marrying you for your--" He stopped short and pretended to think long and hard about why he was marrying Rune. "Hmm. That's funny. I must have had a reason to say yes..."
Rune chuckled softly, shaking his head a little bit. "I'd take your food over your sex." He teased, of course not meaning it at all and would much more prefer the two to be joined together, but that was for another time. He took a bite of his cake, looking over at Calder and arching a brow in question. He smirked, a devious little glint to his eyes. "Oh, I know why you're marrying me ... but I doubt the little ones wish to know." He winked and then continud to eat his cake, humming happily while sending lovely little images of just what he could do to his love all the while. Ah, he loved playing with his powers.

Trevor cleared his throat a bit and looked over at his Papa, smiling warmly. "The cake is delicious.' He stated, taking another bit and then settling against the chair a little more. He really was happy. He was pretty much used to his parents per-- okay, his Mama's pervertedness. He really was, for the most part, but a whole year away had made him forget about how innuendo-laced anything that came out of his Mama's lips were.
Smirking, Calder moved behind Rune and pressed his lips to his love's ear. "You can show me whatever you want, but remember that I can play with my powers, too," he whispered hotly. He reached forward and took a bit of the cake that was on Rune's plate with his fingers and ate it with a happy little grin. He didn't mention that he could morphe himself to look like anyone he wanted...any gender. He would save that for a little later.

Bohdi shook his head and stood up, holding out a hand for Trevor to take. "I think I've had more than my fill of... That."
Trevor sighed softly, shaking his head a little as he finished the last bit of cake. He stood up and rested his hand in Bohdi's as he pulled himself up off the chair. "You get used to it." He stated, leaning over and kissing his love's lips softly. He puled his brown locks over his shoulder, walking toward Bohdi and then glancing behind him to Jade, already knowing the boy was torn. "Jade ... When you get tired, just come into our room. You can wake me up. I will not mind." He smiled once more and then turned to Bohdi, letting him lead the way up the stairs.

Rune chuckled softly, realy tempted to just stab the man's hand, but knowing that would probably lead to .. traumatizing their children. He looked over at Bohdi, laughing lightly as he did so. "You're lucky I like you." He stated, leaving it at that and then gently pushing away Calder so that he could go back to his own food.

Jade listened and then nodded. He stood up from the table as well and looked at the two, glad his broher understood. "Okay. . . I think I"m going to go to Murasaki's for a little bit ..." He walked over to his brother, pressing a kiss to his cheek and he then turned to bounce over to hi parents, kissing hteir cheeks and saying a simple "Back by twelve!" before heonce more was rushing off to go be with his lover to spaz about his brother.
The next couple of days were rather hectic. While Calder was fairly calm about the entire idea of a wedding, simply because he knew that it would change nothing of how they were living or how they felt about each other, Calder's mother insisted on flying in three days before to 'oversee'. Of course, with news of the wedding she'd completely forgotten the fact that she had three grandchildren she'd never met before.

Ella was the first in her sight lines and Calder felt bad for his daughter as she was swept up and hugged impossibly tight, his mother cooing at her in baby babble that drove him insane. "Mother, she's four. She can talk."

"I know she can but she's just so cute!" Her voice was high pitched and made the blond cringe.

"Rune! My parents are here!" Perhaps he could save their daughter because his mother sure wasn't going to give the girl up to him at the moment.
Rune sighed heavily. He knew that already. It was why he was currently hiding away in one of the rooms, but for hte sake of his daughter, he was quick to hop up and out of hte room. He made his way to the three, prying the woman's arms from the girl and resting her on his hip, arms curled beneath her rump to keep her where she was. "Audrey ... It's so lovely to see you." he stated, though his tone was a little dull. He did not hate the woman, just did not really prefer her either.
Grateful that their daughter had been saved, as it were, Calder leaned up and kissed his love's cheek, and then Ella's. "I think it's Ella's nap time..." It was an out for Rune, not that his fiancee would stay where he wasn't comfortable in any case, but it still helped for his mother to see what he saw all along. "Why don't you put her down while I help mother settle in." Leaning up once more, the blond whispered a 'thank you' to Rune before taking his mother's bags and carrying them to the second floor of the house, at the opposite end of Trevor's and Bohdi's room. Thankfully, Jade and Ella still had rooms on the first floor where they were not so easily accessable.

"I'm so glad he's finally seen the light!" she commented. Calder cringed.

"I'm not so sure what you mean, Mom." He set the bags down in the corner of the room and moved to open the curtains and windows.

"Well he was just so...obstinate!"

"I never said I was in love with a man who loved sunshine and rainbows," he added dully. "Lets drop it? I know you think... Well not all that highly of Rune's attitude and beliefs on marriage but I love him-desperately. And I love you. You need to co-exist in my life."
Rune nodded, kissing his love's lips before he made his way to the girl's room. Ella pouted, looking up at her Mama with a pathetic little look to her eyes. "She's scary, Mama." He said softly, nuzzling into his chest even more, yawning oftly. She was tired, so luckily, she never protested taking a nap.

He sighed heavily and nodded. "It only gets worse." He admitted, finding her bedroom and pressing a kidd to her forehead. He placed her under her covers, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. "Don't worry ... She'll leave in a few days." He smiled and kissed her forehead once more. He stood up, making his way out of the room, unsure of where his love wandered off to.

Trevor yawned softly, making his way out of their bedroom and rubbing absently at his side a little. His brown locks were braided and pulled over one of his shoulders, crimson eyes traveling around the area. He thought he sensed his Papa ... Was he wrong?
Calder and his mother had a heart to heart, the blond laying out the 'rules' and the way things were. They were getting married, and she was there as their guest, not their wedding coordinator. Their children were grown and could talk-she needed to back off and allow them to get to know the woman that he knew. She said that she understood and that she would back off a bit. Smiling, he hugged her and left the room only to run into Trevor.

"You okay?" he asked, seeing the worry in his face.
Trevor relaxed when he saw his Papa, and more so felt his mood having changed. He shook his head. "I am okay now. I was worried Mama did something again." He admitted, letting out a little sig. Yes, he felt better now. His arms crossed over his lower torso, holding onto his form tightly, keeping his eyes to the blond in front of him. He tugged at the bottom of his button-down shirt, adjusting it a little bit and just finding himself something to do.
"No, Mama is fine," he assured with a smile, though he took a deep breath to brace himself when he heard his mother exit her room.

"Oooh and who might this strapping young man be?" Calder could only laugh at her.

He turned so that he was no longer in between the two. "Mom, this is Trevor, our oldest. Trevor, this is my mother-your grandmother."

Audrey stepped forward, arms raised to hug the boy when Calder stopped her. "This one has an issue with touching," he warned with a hint of teasing towards Trevor.
Trevor stiffened when he saw the woman going to hug him. He would have allowed it. Not preferred it, but would have allowed her since she was his Papa's mother. He breathed quite the sigh of relief when Calder stopped her. He smiled gently and gave a small little bow of his head. "It is lovely to meet you, ma'am." he said, ducking his head a bit and tehn straightening once more. His arms kept around his form, not truly comfortable with meeting new people yet. that and this was his Papa's mother, he wanted to give a good impression.
"Oh..." She wasn't used to anyone having an issue with something as simple as a hug, but she respected the boy's wishes and nodded her hello. "Audrey," she corrected. "You can call me Audrey." Calder was glad that she realized that requesting "Grandma" might be a little too much for Trevor, and likely Jade.

Standing in an uncomfortable silence for a moment, the blond shook his head. "Go on over to Uncle Relic's, hmm? He needs to completely re-do your tux." He patted Trevor's shoulder and guided his mother downstairs. "Jade should be home soon. Murasaki's rooms at school have become his home away from home lately."
Trevor was glad for the place to go. He nodded and made his way out of the hall, heading ot hte other side of hte house to go get his tux suited to him.

Jade slowly made his way into the house, looking around as he did so. Where was everyone? He spotted Trevor, seeing him heading to theo ther side of the house and he smiled warmly. He hugged him tightly, still having missed him and needing to make up for a year's worth of not getting hugs. He perked up. Papa's Mother was here? He smield and nodded. "Okay! I'll go see them." he giggled happily, turning on his heel and bouncing away to go find where his Papa went off to.
Calder set to making some tea, wishing that Rune felt comfortable enough to join them. He understood why he didn't, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow. Maybe... The blond popped some brownies into the microwave to heat, hoping that the lure of chocolate would help his lover come out of his shell just a little bit for the next few days. It wasn't likely that his mother would visit very often after this anyway...
"MAMA!" Jade yelled, rushing toward hte male and leaping onto his back, arms around his shoulders and his legs tightly aroudn his waist, hugging onto hte man with a little giggle. "Trevor went to uncle RElic's." He stated with a little nod.

Rune arched a brow, looking at hte blond and shaking his head a bit. "I know." He informed him making his way toward the kitchen. He smelt the brownies, and he knew the motive behind them, but he could give his lover this. Just once . He may not prefer the woman, but he did not hate her or anything.

He walked into the kitchen, silver-haired boy still attached to his back as he did so. "I want better chocolate than brownies." He informed him, walking to him and crossing his arms over his lower torso, looking at the male and waiting for some candy-chocolate. Yes, he was being a brat, but he did not care.
"In front of my mother and Jade?" Calder asked, hand to his chest in an over dramatic fashion. "Really, and I thought I knew your every desire!" The blond grinned at his love and pecked a kiss to his cheek, looking over to be sure the heart attack he'd just given his mother was a rather mild one. He moved to a hidden stash that he was sure Rune knew about, and pulled out a bag of homemade caramels from a week or so ago and began to arrange them on a platter.

"Mother, the monkey on Rune's back is our youngest son, Jade."
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