Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Is that something different than normal?" He questioned, lashes batting against his cheeks and he shrugged. He pulled the boy from his back, easily setting him onto his feet before he sighed heavily. Caramels? Pssht. He wandered to one of the cupboards, taking out the homemade chocolates from the day before Trevor came home, and then walked over to sit at the table. Right knee lifted to drape over his left, the candies in his lap and he took a piece of chocoalte, popping it into his mouth with a little happy hum.

Jade perked up, turning to look at the woman and giggling happily. "Hello!" He chimed excitedly, not really one to get in the dumps, especially not after being with his boyfriend.
Shaking his head, Calder set the platter of candy onto the table for everyone else, as Rune was sure to polish off the bag he had in his lap on his own, and took a seat near his love. Leaning over he pressed a kiss to Rune's cheek. "Thank you." He didn't have to sit there and endure it, but Calder was grateful that he was.

Looking over, Audrey smiled at the peppy boy. "Hello, Jade. It's lovely to finally meet you." Calder noted that she didn't try to hug the one who would have given the affection back freely and laughed at that.
Jade giggled happily and smiled a little bit more. "Yes! Nice to meet you too ... Grandma?" He asked, brows furrowing together as he thought about it. He really was not used to saying it and he was not sure whether or not the woman wanted it or whatever. For now, he just plopped onto the chair beside his Mama, giggling a little bit more. He was quite happy at the moment. Really, he was just glad to be home again. It was nicer since Trevor was back.

Rune kissed him softly, sneaking a candy into his love's lips with the action. "Welcome." He whispered and then returned to eating the chocolates, watching his son interact with the woman. His eyes traveled along the male and he shrugged his shoulders. Jade never really disliked many people, so it was no wonder he was as cheerful as he was.
Calder settled against Rune's side, enjoying the rest of the afternoon with his mother, who had mellowed out since their talk upstairs. He was immensely grateful for that.

The next few days passed peacefully, too. Thank goodness. The chaos that was around them didn't seem to penetrate between himself and Rune and Calder was grateful for that, too. He had some nervous jitters when he woke up on the morning of their wedding, immediately curling into his lover's side for a little comfort from the butterflies. "Tell me I'm stupid for being nervous..."
Rune grumbled. "You're retarded for being nervous." He stated, going well-past stupid, if not just because he did not like to be awake at the moment. "We are already together. This is just formality and legal bull shit among other things and blahdy blah blah blah. Anything goes wrong, we work around it or ignore it until afterward."
He gave a soft sigh and nodded. He knew Rune was right, but really who wasn't nervous on their wedding day? Calder cuddled in further and held on a little more tightly. He supposed he felt that before the wedding, Rune or he would have an easy out if either ever wanted it (not that he ever planned or wanted to want it). And with that thought, he wholly understood Rune not wanting to be married in the first place. He leaned up and pressed a kiss to his fiancee's lips before settling down again.

"I know."
Rune nodded and then kissed his lips softly, relaxing once more. "Now shut up so I can sleep." He mumbled, nipping his bottom lip and then pulling him tighter to try and drift off to sleep once more, not yetready to face the day.

Of course, that did not last long. The door swung open and an all-too-familiar woman stood in the doorway. "Rune. Get your lazy ass out of bed." Andrea stated, walking over to the two in bed and flicking his son's forehead.

"Go rot in hell, you whore!" He yelled back, pulling the sheets up and curling away from Calder, just trying to get her to go away.
Sighing with the ruckus, the blond slipped from bed and left the room. It would not be a pretty sight and he didn't need the stress today. Besides, he wanted to make breakfast. Maybe cooking would help him get his mind off of everything.

Calder set to making eggs and bacon and home fries and pancakes and toast, shuffling around the kitchen to keep himself as busy as possible.
Trevor slowly made his way into the kitchen, hair wet and behind him, a simple pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt to his form. No need to get dressed up when he was only going to get attacked by Relic later. He walked over to his Papa, lightly bumping his hips against his and he smiled warmly. "Good morning, soon-to-be Mister Yin." he whispered, kissing his Papa's cheek before he handed him the salt and pepper, seeing that he would need those next.
Smiling at Trevor, Calder bumped his shoulder into his son's softly while taking the salt and pepper from him. "How did you sleep?" he asked as he moved around the kitchen a bit more. He was glad for Trevor's ease about the day as it helped him become more at ease, too. "And would you set the table for everyone?"
Everything went by beautifully. The ceremony was gorgeous, and simple. That was what Rune wanted. Nothing big. Basically, a beautiful quote to start off the ceremony, then the vows, kiss, and voila! Mister and Mister Rune Lin! Hey, if he was getting married, no matter what his kids thought, he WAS the 'man of the house' ... Or at least the relationship. IT was still gorgeous and Rune actually liked it. He liked it better when they were making their way to the food, but hey, that was well beside the point.

Nothing big. His father, mother, little Rosalie who was not so little anymore. His brother, his family of course. Calder's family. And their kids. Nothing huge, and that was what he liked. Small little thing and already, his mother was talking to Ella and the boys, probably telling stories about him when eh was yougner.

Rune sighed heavily, walking to hte candy bar that was there and picking up a piece of chocolate, not caring if he was cauhgt or not. Hey. It was his ceremony, he could eat the table if he wanted!
After it was all said and done, Calder felt silly for worrying. He trusted that Rune had made wonderful and simple plans that fit them, and that everything would go alright. There was no reason for it not to. He laughed when Rune headed straight for the chocolate, but most certainly wasn't surprised. He moved next to his new husband, bumping Rune's hip with his own. "Save room for the cake."
"Fuck the cake." He mumbled, taking another chocoalte and actually satisfied with that. He turned to look at the male, leaning over to press a very soft kiss to his lips. He pulled back with a soft little sigh. "Mister Lin." He whispered, nipping his bottom lip before he straightened up once more. His arms stretched above his head and he groaned a little bit at the feel of his back cracking a bit.
The use of his new surname sent a thrill through Calder. He leaned up and kissed Rune softly, nuzzling along his jaw a little. The blond was beyond happy and content, and would have been very happy to cuddle up to his lover for the next few weeks. As it was, he'd planned for them to go on their honeymoon the day after tomorrow, though he'd yet to tell Rune about it. Calder knew that he'd likely regret taking him where he was, but that was beside the point for the moment. Right now, he simply wanted to be close to his love.
He nodded, leaning forward and pressing a passionate kiss to his lips. He slowly pulled back with a deep breath, looking down at him and kissing him again, actually quite happy. "Let's ditch the party and hit our bedroom.' He mumbled, leaning down to sink his teeth into the side of his neck, actually breaking the flesh. Oh, he knew exactly what his bites did to the blond, and he was hoping that it would be persuasive enough for him to agree to leave.

"If mom bitches ... I'll just tell her I'm following in her shoes." He added in a hoarse little tone, biting him once more, though not as badly as he done the first time.
Calder whimpered softly with the pain, loving it. He leaned into Rune's attentions and offered more of his neck as he reached up to kiss along his husband's own neck. He nodded, not caring that they had guests and would be searched for to do the first dance. It didn't really matter to him at that moment, and he took the other man's hand to lead him towards their bedroom.
Rune smirked. Ah, he so loved it when he won. He glanced around them, seeing everyone still chatting away, not caring at all. He was just glad they were distracted. He took his husband's hand and pulled him thorugh the house, pinning him against the first wall not within sight of a window. He pressed his lips to his heatedly, grinding his already-aroused flesh against the pants of the man.

He kept against the wall for a second before he pulled him back, hands to his hips while he walked toward their bedroom. He pushed the door open easily and moved into the room a second later, kicking the door closed with the bottom of his foot before he shoved his lover onto his bed. He then moved on top of him, already going at the other's clothes, debating whether or not a pissed-Relic would be a good trade off for ripping the clothes from his body.
Calder followed without question, moving with Rune's guidance. Well, his forcefulness. Did it rally matter how they both wound up in the bedroom? He thrust his hips up into his husband's, moaning softly at the sensation. They'd had sex thousands upon thousands of times, but having sex for the first time while married felt...different; more exciting. The blond helped with his clothes, not wanting to piss anyone off, and then undressed Rune, tossing everything to the floor next to the bed.

"I thought there was supposed to be chocolate involved," he teased breathlessly.
Rune groaned softly, doing the civilized thing and taking off his clothes without ripping anything. He gladly slid his naked form along the other man's, loving the sensation far too much. His teeth moved along the man's neck and he groaned a little bit more. "I'll save it for that honeymoon you're planning." He whispered, biting his neck once more before he pulled back, knowing the man would get huffy. "I don't know where, just that you're planning it." He added, crashing his lips with his and he bucked his bare hips against his, groaning softly into his flesh. Oh yes, he definitely was going to have quite the fun time with his new husband.
Calder had known that Rune would know he was planning something-he didn't try to hide that from him. The blond was glad that his new husband hadn't delved deeper to ruin the surprise. The surprise was half the fun.

The blond's thoughts were cut off by the thrust forward of Rune's hips. He groaned and pressed forward, hands exploring while he allowed his body to be tasted and teased and taken. He gave himself up to Rune, allowing him (as always) to take control. Leaning up, he captured Rune's lips in a heated kiss, pressing their bodies together more tightly as one leg lifted and wrapped around the man's waist.
Rune kissed back, glad for the contact with his love. He adored the man so very much, and loved him even more than he had twenty minutes ago. He had to admit: Being married was different. It was simple and nothing that is worth taking too much note of, but knowing that the man beneath him was legally and by the Church his, made him feel so much closer to him. Of course he would probably never ever tell anyone. Maybe Calder later on, but no one else would have to know his deep dark secret.

Pulling away, he kissed along his neck before his teeth sunk into the crook of his neck, piercing the flesh and growling at the sensation. His nails raked along the man's form, leaving red marks, and bits of blood, along their way. His hips rocked against his, teasing his flesh for a moment before he positioned himself at the man's entrance. He spared no moment in slipping the aroused muscle into the man, groaning at the feel of being within his husband.
Calder was beside himself with the sensations. The pain of being bitten and scratched mixed wonderfully with the pleasure of being taken... He wasn't sure how he'd ever enjoyed sex without the mix of pain that his love introduced and the blond now understood how Relic felt. Calder's body lifted off of the bed and arched towards his love, while strangled moans and cries of pleasure escaped his lips. His fingertips dug into Rune's shoulder muscles, holding the man closer to him while his head turned to the side, offering more of the sensitive flesh to him.
Rune had enjoyed himself so very much, and by the time they were done, Calder was bloody and had quite the many marks from Rune along his body. Mostly bite marks and nail marks since, well, most of his good toys were still at his parents' house and then not to mention getting the few he still had would involve leaving his love to go get them.

Instead, the man fell to the side of the blond, nuzzling into the bed and he turned to lay on his side, looking at Calder for a while, just examining him and he sighed softly. An arm lifted to wrap around his bloody torso, pulling him closer to his form to press a passionate kiss to his lips. He relaxed once more and kissed his lips once more.
It had definitely been one of the rougher sessions they'd had, but Calder wasn't complaining. He loved the burn that was running along his body from neck to waist. He sighed contently as he settled into the bed further with his husband, cuddling up close to him, returning the kisses as they were given. The blond was very ready to sleep as he snuggled in close to Rune, using his chest as a pillow.

Of course, that couldn't last all that long as he heard Ella toddling through the house calling for them. "Mama? Papa? Nanny Audrey wants youuuuuu!!"
Rune whimpered when he heard Ella, pouting horribly before he slid off of the bed, kissing Calder passionately for a few moments. He slipped into a simple pair of jeans that were lying about, poking his head out and spotting their daughter. He smiled, reaching over to scoop her up and onto his hip, kissing her cheek gently. "How is our little flower girl doing?" He asked, grinning as he snatched his zipper-up hoodie from the chair near the door, beginning to walk out, giving Calder time to clean up and get dressed. He pulled the hoodie onto his form, switching hips with the girl in order to do so. He would just zipper it later.
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