Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune growled softly when he felt the other's arousal pressed against his. He took in a deep breath, grinding into him and enjoying his lovely words far too much. He so loved it when his love was like this. Sure, it never took much, but he adored him nonetheless. He easily tore - literally - the clothes off of his loves, throwing the shreds of fabric aside and he pressed against his bare flesh teasingly for the moment, until he removed his clothes as well.

He rolled his newly exposed flesh against the other man's, looking over the gorgeous brunette and he leant down to nip the other's ear gently, "I love you, Calder.' he whispered just as he moved his whole aroused muscle into the entrance of the other, moaning into his ear ever so softly.
The words sent full shivers up and down his spine. He'd been hearing them more often since he'd gotten sick, but they still hadn't lost their effect on him. Calder leaned up after he was penetrated and kissed his love with a great deal of passion behind it. There were no words to describe how he felt about the man who was currently above him, and there were even less words in his sex addled mind.

He lifted his legs and wrapped them securely around the other man's waist, rocking his hips up to impale himself further upon his lover's body.
Rune gladly ravaged his soon-to-be husband. For quite a while too. Sure, after the first round or two, he dropped the morph, but oh he still had quite the fun time the next few hours that went by. They probably should have at least left to go tend to their son and his boyfriend,but they knew where everything was and, at the moment, Rune had quite the bit of sexual energy to expell, and what better way than having sex with his fiance?

Falling to the side of the man, he let out a content little sigh, nuzzling into the pillow. "I'm a bad parent, aren't I?" he mumbled, leaning over to kiss his fiance once more.
Sex was always intense with Rune, and that was exactly the way Calder liked it. He always came away from their love making exhausted and fully satisfied, and this time was no different. When his love collapsed beside him, Calder forced himself onto his side and curled into Rune's, using his fiancee's shoulder as a pillow while he swung his arm around Rune's waist. "You're not a bad father," he assured him, pressing a little kiss over the man's heart. "It's not... Trevor. It's the physical image that appeals to you. And had I not been...me, you wouldn't have given into the urges." Anyone who really and truly knew Rune would have known that. Leaning up, Calder kissed his lover's lips gently.

"You're an excellent father," he assured softly. "Our children adore you."
Rune sighed softly, lifting his arm to wrap it around the man's shoulders, pulling him against his form with a soft kiss to his head, nuzzling the blond locks a little bit. He remained silent, listening to him and he nodded a bit. Made sense. He was not that bad of a pervert to go after his own son, so he could easily accept that. "Mm ... I still don't know why we haven't played with your morphing before." He admitted, kissing his head once more before he pulled up the sheets with a little yawn. "And ... Since when did we give permission for Trevor to become hot? I don't recall that."
Calder yawned in response. "Because it's hard work keeping up a full morphe, and you require a lot of energy." He cuddled into his love more deeply, fully ready to simply nod off. "And neither of us have brought it up before, either, because the last time that I did... Hmmm... How was that put again? Oh. Yes. 'Your size means nothing to me. I bend for no one.'." The blond stuck his tongue out at his fiancee, loving to be able to use his own words against him.
"Mm ... I belive it was ' I bend over for no one' but I could be mistaken." He mumbled into the other's hair, sinking his front teeth into the man's headbefore he pulled them out, pulling him tighter and he yawned softly. Hereally did love Calder.While he still did not prefer to ... bend over for him, he had once or twice, and did not hate it, he just did not like to make a regular occurance of that. Too many bad memories, and well, he did not like to lose control in general.
Easily, he slid to lie on top of Rune, bending his head to kiss the man softly. He so wished that he could erase the bad parts of Rune's history. Not because he wanted control or even to top more often, but because he hated knowing that his love had been hurt by anyone in the past. "Whether you do or not, you always have the control," he assured softly, nuzzling into his lover's chest a bit. "I enjoy giving up the reigns to you." It was part of the reason they worked so well as a couple.

"We can't fall asleep," he muttered after a few long minutes. "I promised them dinner."
Rune growledwhen he was told he could not sleep. He turned his head to the side, glancing to the clock and arching a brow in question. "It's almost eight." He stated, turning his head back to Calder with a brow raised in question. WAs he really still concerned about dinner? Sure, he was hungry since all the energy he had recently used, but he was not sure if Calder really wanted to make dinner at the moment.
"Well it was only nearing six when I promised them," he answered, poking his tongue out at his love as he very tiredly slid from the bed to get dressed. "And no, I don't have the energy to make dinner, but I promised Trevor so I'm going to do it anyway." He tossed a pair of pajama pants to Rune, which landed on his head. "And if you don't eat your dinner you can't have any of the dessert that I made." That promised, the blond left the room, having a fairly good feeling that his fiancee wouldn't be very far behind him.
Rune groaned, sliding out of the bed and absently tugging the pants onto his hips. He yawned gently and then pulled a zipper-up hoodie onto his form, zipping it halfway up his form while he tiredly made his way out of the room. Another little yawn passed his lips and hisarms stretched above his head, making his way toward the kitchen with a little grumble. "I want chocolate." He stated, stepping into the kitchen and looking at hte back of his love's head. "As my appetizer." He added, not caring how immature he sounded. He wanted chocolate.
He chuckled at the 'request'. "Not likely. I had Jade hide the dessert before he left for his date with Murasaki. I don't know where it is." Not that he couldn't guess, but he could honestly tell his love that he wasn't lying to him. "On our wedding night you can have all the chocolate you want." Vast amounts of homemade and gourmet chocolates were likely going to be only a small part of Calder's gift to Rune, though that wasn't what he'd meant. The blond turned and looped his arms around his love's neck, kissing along his jaw. "So long as you eat it off of me." He smirked and nipped at Rune's bottom lip before turning back to fix dinner.
Rune grumbled a bit , leaning down and sinking his teeth into the side of his neck, not even caring as he broke the flesh. "How about I eat it off you now and teach the kiddies a thing or two?" he mumbled, not serious, but Calder knew that. He growled a bit, releasing him and then turning to make his way toward the cupboards, needing something to tide himself over for the moment, and if he was not going to give him chocolate, then he would ust have to find something else.
He purred with the bite, tilting his head to offer more of his neck to Rune while leaning into the abuse of his flesh. His lover really had no idea how hot and bothered being bitten got him. Calder pouted when the other man moved away from him, but knew that it was for the best-both of them had high sex drives and easily could have gone another round right then and there if Rune hadn't stopped.

The blond did, though, reach behind him and swat at his fiancee's behind. "Dinner isn't going to take long. Why not make a salad for me instead?" he asked.
"Um... Because I'm not your bitch." He stated, rolling his eyes and then continuing to poke through the cupboards and everything else, just trying to find something to take his mind off the fact that he was quite hungry. He pouted a little bit, sighing heavily. "Fine. Your salad wins." He mumbled, walkingto the refrigerator and taking out all the things to go into the salad. He got a bowl, and literally, just dumped everything into it. He would not touch a knife, not unless Calder wanted the room painted red. So ... He would just keep to dumping the ingredients into a bowl. Luckily, it was the small tomatos, so it was okay! In Rune'smind at least.
Calder only shook his head. He knew that there wasn't any real venomn behind the words. The blond continued to cook and laughed at his lover's attempt to make a salad. It was lucky for all of them that Calder cut the veggies in advance, knowing Rune's accident prone-ness in the kitchen.

He'd thrown together a quick dinner, and set it on the table in a matter of a half hour, though probably less. Trevor and Bohdi were called down as the blond finished setting the table.
Rune stuck his tongue out at his love as he laughed at him, shaking his head and then helping to set the table before walking off to go retrieve their daughter. He scooped her up from the ground, resting the little four-year-old on his hip and smiling warmly at the girl. "Dinner time." He stated, nuzzling his nose along hers and grinning even more. She really was too adorable.

Ella giggled happily and hugged her Mama back, head into the crook of his neck and smiling while they walked odwn the halls. "Mama ... Isn't it past my bedtime? Why are we just now eating?" She asked, tilting her head back to look up at the male who held her.

He chuckled softly, shaking his head just a little. "Because your Mama distracted Papa from cooking. But, hey, Trevor's back!"
Yawning, Bohdi heard Calder call them and groaned. Their trip home had been long and they'd crashed into the bed the moment they got into the room. The bond definitely didn't want to move. But he knew that he had to because, at the very least, he didn't want to be a bad guest. Shifting his weight so that he was now sitting on the edge of the bed, he turned to shake Trevor's shoulder gently. "You need to wake up, sweetheart." His tone was gentle and soft, not wanting to startle the other male.

When Rune moved into the kitchen with Ella, Calder easily lifted her from his lover's arms and settled her into a chair, which they'd afixed a booster seat to for her. It wouldn't do much good when Trevor entered the room he suspected, but at least (maybe) they could get her to take a few bites of dinner before that happened.
Trevor groaned lightly, his brown brows furrowing together at the disturbance beside him. He nuzzled the pillow a little more, but he soon realized that it was Bohdi that was waking him up, and that they were back home. He yawned gently, pushing his form up, long flowing brown locks cascaded over his shoulder, scattering across his defined features and his crimson eyes blinked, spotting the man through the veil of hair. he leant over, kissing his love's lips softly, relaxing a little bit aterward. "Is it morning?" he whispered, having lost track of time already.

Rune smiled lightly and sat down beside Ella, cutting up her food and then placing the dish in front of her, wanting her to eat a little bit before her brother got his groggy ass outo fbed. It would be bad to have her get too excited to eat or focus. Though, he supposed that when in doubt, he would just have Trevor make her eat, but that was not the point.
He chuckled a little. "No, baby." Bohdi tugged Trevor to sit beside him and drape his legs over his own while he wrapped a secure arm around his waist. He kissed his love's temple and then nuzzled along his jaw a little bit. "Your parents have made dinner for us." A moment of silence passed before he amended his statement. "At least your Papa has." He kissed Trevor once more before standing and then helping the other to do so, too. "We can come back to bed after we've eaten, hmm?"
Trevor yawned softly and he nuzzled into his love a little bit more. He remained where he was, listening to his boyfriend and he nodded a little. "Mhm.' he whispered, kissing his lips before he wiggled away from Bohdi, just so that he could get out of bed. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning at the feel of his bones cracking and adjusting themselves. He took Bohdi's hand, ignoring how messy his hair was at the moment. He only planned to eat, chat for a little bit with his parents to subdue them, and then go back to bed with his boyfriend.

'Ready' wasn't exactly the word he would have chosen, but Bohdi nodded his head anyway and allowed himself to be lead downstairs to the dinner table. He greeted the three with a warm smile and a soft 'thank you' for dinner before taking one of the two empty seats on the far side of the table. The blond had wanted to lead his love to sit next to him, but knew that he'd not yet said hello to his sister and so Bohdi had dropped Trevor's hand when he'd gone to sit down.

He made a plate for both of them, having easily learned what his love liked in their year of travel together. "It smells wonderful," he complimented.
Trevor smiled as he walked in, heading over to his sister and crouching beisde her seat. "Hey, Ella." He whispered, leaning over to kiss her cheek softly.

Ella perked up, turning to look at the brunette and her eyes sparkled instantly. She instantly had her arms aroudn his neck, beaming happily. "Revvy!" She said excitedly, giggling and nuzzling into his neck a little bit, having missed him so very much over the past year.

Trevor wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up and out of her seat, knowing he would not get rid of his little sister. "I missed you, Ella." He added, kissing her cheek before he moved over to sit beside Bohdi, resting her on his lap and not minding that she still was attached to him. "Thank you, Papa for the meal." He said, turning to look at the blond and then he lifted up his fork, begining to eat the meal, feeding Ella some of his items on the dish every so often.
Bohdi couldn't help but admire how cute Trevor looked with the girl on his hip. Not that he wanted children any time soon, but the image of having a family some day with Trevor was all the more embedded into his mind with that image. He smiled softly at it as he, too, began to eat his dinner.

"Is there anything we can do for the wedding?" he asked, taking his second helping of mashed potatoes. "I'm pretty sure we'll be dead asleep through tomorrow morning but tomorrow afternoon and after we're all yours..."

Calder laughed, having guessed that the two were probably beyond exhausted from their travels. "You can go over and find out when Relic would like you to get measured."
Trevor nuzzled his sister gently, truly having missed the girl. He really did love her so much, and was glad she recognized him. He kissed her cheek gently and then turned to look at Bohdi when he spoke, nodding in confirmation. He turned his head to his Papa, smiling lightly Oh, he hasn't seen his Uncle Relic in so long, he missedhim as well. Of course, not as much as his parents, but he really missed him too. And his new nephew! Adamair must be SO big by now.

Much to the Lin-trait, it seemed you mention them, and they will come.

Chasing after the little blond that was flying into the room, Relic was going full force after the boy. "Addy! Stop that." He said, rushing after him until stopping as he attached himself to his brother's neck, sighing heavily. "Adamair ... I know you like your wings and all, but must you fly away?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at the little one-year-old who only giggled and clung to Rune all the more.

Rune blinked a few times, looking at the blond boy and he then turned to look at his twin, shaking his head a bit. "Why must all kids who fly attack me?" He asked, sighing heavily and he pulled the boy off his neck, holding him onto his lap, looking at the man and shrugging. "Trevor's back."

Relic arched a brow, looking at the brunette and narrowing his eyes a bit. "Noo.. That's not little Trevor!" He said softly, walking over to the brunette and he poked his cheek softly, mid-bite. "Wow. You age nicely.' He mumbled, eyes traveling along his form and he then smiled. "Glad you're back! I need you tomorrow once you're rested."
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