Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder groaned a little bit with Ella's voice, burying his head further into his husband's neck as if that would stop the little girl from coming in. He knew it wouldn't, and he was ever so grateful for Rune's quick response and giving him a little bit of time. With a sigh, he slipped from the bed and moved into their ensuite bathroom, using the mirror to morphe away the visible wounds and bruises on his neck. He didn't want to heal them-he liked knowing that they were there; feeling them. Once he was sure that his skin looked unmarred, the blond went to get dressed in a casual pair of slacks and a button down shirt, rolling the sleeves up to the elbow.

Joining the reception once again, Calder sought out Rune and sat next to him, tickling Ella who was still attached to her Mama's hip until she giggled and squirmed.
Rune kept his arms around Ella, sighing softly as he sunk into the chair that he was sitting on. He was not sure why the woman was looking for him, but hey, she could come to him if she cared that much. For now, he was just content to sit and play with his daughter. He turned ot look at Calder when he sat beside him, leaning over to press a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back. He kissed Ella's temple, laughing gently at the giggling girl.

He then looked around at the people who were still there, examining them before his eyes turned to Calder. "When's food?" he asked, already quite hungry from . . . prior activities.
"Is food all you think about?" he asked with a little laugh. Looking around, Calder figured that they must have missed the salad course, but he was fairly sure Rune didn't give two shits about that. He did see the waiters he'd hired to serve his food coming from the house and smiled. "Soon," he answered with a little smile. Reaching over, he took a hold of his love's hand, lacing their fingers together under the table and giving a little squeeze.

The food was served quickly (there weren't that many people to begin with) and Calder dug in-sex made him hungry, too. He was anxious to get to the cake. He knew that Rune wasn't all that excited, but the blond thought that he might be when he saw what he'd done for him.
Rune arched a brow and shook his head. "No. But the other thing I think about has already been done." He admitted and then shrugged his hsoulders, watching the food go in front of him and he sighed softly. Resting his chin on top of Ella's head, he began to eat, giving her bites of his food here and there, whenever she tried to intercept his fork, he would evade her and then feed her with the next bite.

He kissed Ella's head once the course was done, lifting her off his lap and setting her onto the ground. He pushed the chair away, stepping toward the little girl and holding his hand out. "Would oyu like to dance with me?" He asked, smiling warmly, even happier when he saw the girl light up instantly. He took her little hand that was held out for him, leading her to the dancefloor and easily hoisting her up into his arms. One arm beneath her rump and the other holding onto her hand, dancing around the floor, just loving to see his daugher smile as much as she was.
Calder watched the two dance, smiling. Despite what anyone may think about Rune upon first meeting him, he was a really and truly excellent father. The blond sat back and watched a little bit before getting up and 'cutting in', though that consisted of simply sandwiching Ella between the two of them and wrapping his own hand around Rune's and hers.

Watching the three, Remus was intrigued. He wanted to dance with both Pierce (who had become a permanent staple in his relationship with Romulus) and his twin, but thought that the way that Calder and Rune and Ella were dancing would look...odd with two nearly grown teens and another man. He leaned into Romulus. "How would we dance?"
Romulus turned to Remus, hearing his question and trying to think about it. He watched the three on the dancefloor, seeing how it was easy for them since Ella was small ... but he and Remus were the same height, it would not work nicely like that. He stared for a little bit more, looking over at Pierce who was still finishing up his food. He really did eat slowly. He puffed his cheeks out when he tried to think a little bit more on what to do. "We could just ... experiment." he offered, looking to his twin once more, ruby eyes truly thinking about just how it could work.
Perhaps just taking turns was going to be best? Looking at Pierce who was still eating, Remus decided that at least for now it was. He pecked a kiss to the bunny eared man's cheek and smiled at him as he took Romulus' hand and moved to the dance floor. "We'll experiment when there aren't twenty people watching us," he stated as he took his brother into his arms and began to dance with him.

They danced with Ella for a couple songs, and then by themselves, and then it was time for cake. Nodding to the servers to bring out the cake. The three tiered chocolate cake that was iced in chocolate was set on the head table in front of them, and something else was set in front of Rune.

Calder had slaved over the treat-trying to make it taste good, and then to get it to work. In the shape and size of a normal cupcake was a candy cupcake, hollow inside and filled with a chocolate truffle.
Romulus nodded, happily moving to the dancefloor with his brother. His one arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him tightly to his form as his other laced their fingers together. He rested his head against his, eyes cloesd while he moved around to the music playing, enjoying just being with him, really.

Rune gladly moved back to their table, swinging Ella around before he set her into Trevor's lap on the way to go sit at the head table with his husband. He sat down, watching the cake come out and he smiled. Ah, Calder truly knew him enoguh to know the cake would geth im happy. Of course, what he had not expected was the little cupcake in front of him. He stared at it for a while before he turned to Calder. He took a hold of the fornt of his shirt, pulling him to him and giving him quite the pasisonate kiss, not caring about the rest of the traditions tat had to go on at the moment. The cutting of the cake and all that hubbub. He did not care.

He pulled back after a while, looking up at him and kissing his lips softly once more. "I love you." He whipsered, kissing his lips again and then finally releasing his husband's shirt.
Smiling, the blond easily slipped from his own chair into his husband's lap, kissing him deeply. His arms were wrapped around Rune's neck loosely as he sat there, nuzzling along Rune's jaw for a moment after his shirt was released. "Love you" was whispered back just before he slid into his own chair again and he was just in time as he saw a little hand sneaking up from under the table, moving swiftly towards the "cupcake". He nudged Rune and nodded towards Adamair's hand, giggling a little bit.
Rune glanced to the hand, arching a brow as he did so. He scooped up the blond easily,getting a little squeal from the boy as he rested him on his lap, keeping him a distance away from his cupcake. "Not on your life, midget." He stated, kissing his cheek before he bounced him on his lap for a bit, stopping to turn and look at Calder. "Should we cut it to keep the child at bay?" He questioned, chuckling softly as he did so.
He laughed, watching Rune with the toddler was always entertaining. He nodded to the question, sliding the cupcake to the other side of him just for the moment. The blond picked up the cake knife holding his hand steady for Rune to place his own hand over it. Once he had, they sliced through the cake together, Calder picking up the place with the small slice on it, breaking a bit off with his fingers and holding it up to Rune's mouth.
Rune leant forward, wrapping his lips around his love's fingers, purposely biting him before he took the cake from the digits. He then took a bit of cake and held it out to Calder in return, smiling happily as he did so. He really was quite .. .content with how things were at the moment. Very content, actually. He liked being with the lovely little blond.

Once Calder took his bite of cake held out to him, Rune took another little piece and held it out for Adamair. The boy happily scooped the cake out of his uncle's hand and shoved it into his mouth. Rune laughed lightly and then set his rump back onto his chair, quite giddy to get into his chocolate 'cupcake' that was made for him. He wanted to know what was inside. He knew his love would not cheap out and have it hollow, so he was definitely excited.

He kept Adamair on one knee, a plate of cake in front of him while he took his fork, sinking it into the cupcake and his eyes instantly sparkled when he spotted the filling, grinning even more. Yep. Definitely in love with Calder. He put the fork down, getting his spoon instead for better luck with the filling and then went to town on the chocolate, even giving a little piece to Adamair. . . And then Ella when she came up, plopping her onto his other knee.
The rest of the day went happily and by the time everyone had left, or gone to their own corners of the house Calder was ready to fall into bed with his husband. He was tired and happy and simply content with everything that was currently going on. But he still had to pack. Their plane left early the next morning and they had to get their own stuff ready, as well as anything Ella would need while with Tomias and Nikkos.

"Help me pack?" he asked as they finally laid an overtired Ella into her bed to sleep. "We won't have time in the morning."
Rune pressed a kiss to Ella's head before he stod, hearing Calder's request and he took a hold of the man's hand, leading him down the hall and to their bedroom. He thought for a few moments before he shruged. Walking into their room, he took out a little suitcase, tossing a pair of pajama pants for each, two sets of jeans, two tee shirts - doubled for htem both - and then socks and boxers before he zipped it up. "There. Anything else, we'll buy it." He stated, shoving the suitcase off their bed and then wrapping his arms aroudn Calder, pushing him to the bed and following him after, curling up beside him with a soft little yawn.
The blond shook his head at his husband, but easily fell back onto the bed with him and curled into him. He wasn't complaining but he couldn't help but be amused by it. He turned to Rune and kissed him, their lips lingering together for a long moment. "We have to be at the airport by seven." Might as well get the bad news out of the way, right? He knew how much Rune loved getting up early. "But you can sleep on the way there...?" Calder smiled up at Rune and curled into him further, easily falling into a light sleep.
Rune groaned, resisting the urge to strangle the man. It was not that bad. Well, it was, but the airport could just deal with a sloppy-looking Rune. Like hell he was doing anything but rolling out of hte bed and putting shoes on. He grumbled a little bit nd then curled up beside him. "It better be worth it, you little brat." He mumbled, biting his shoulder before he yawned, falling to sleep ever so happily as he did so.
Morning came and Calder was up much earlier than Rune. He got together anything he could think of for Ella, though he knew that Tomias and Nikkos could easily just walk over to get what he didn't pack. Trevor would be around, too, though he would be in classes most of the day. The blond packed a bit more for himself and Rune-a couple of nice outfits each as well as personal effects. He showered and dressed, and only after everything was in the car and ready to go did he slip back into the bedroom. Calder sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to shake his husband's shoulder.

"Rune. We need to leave for the airport in a few minutes."
Rune grumbled, opening a single eye to look up at the male beside him. He sighed heavily and took a hold of the man's wrist, yanking him to his form and pressing their lips together. He had known this was going to happen, so he did not really have much else to do. He yawned gently, sliding out of hte bed and groggily heading ot the bathroom. HE closed the door, going ot hte bathroom, washing his face a bit and brushing his hair.

AFter a moment or two, and putting on a new pair of pants, a tee shirt, and zipper-up hoodie over that. He pulled on his shoes and then walked over to his love once more, kissing his lips.
Rune put up less of a fight than he'd anticipated and Calder was grateful for that. The blond left Ella sleeping, but woke Trevor to say good bye and to let him know to drop his sister off at his uncles' offices before classes that morning. He kissed their son goodbye and then returned to the living room, kissing his lover and hugging him before they left the house.

The blond had contacted Tien and asked to use his plane, to which his new father in law had said yes to, and so the blond drove them to the small airport near their home, parking the car (Rune's new birthday present at that) and allowing the attendants to take care of the three bags that he'd packed. Linking his fingers with Rune's, Calder lead them onto the plane, easily making himself comfortable in one of the oversized seats.
Rune groaned as he saw the plane. He followed Calder and stared at the man with a little curse under his breath. "If we were taking Daddy's plane ... Why the hell am I up at the asscrack of dawn?" He mumbled, looking around and seeing others there and having his answer. "Great." He hissed, flopping beside his love with his arms crossed over his lower torso, staring in front of him and seeing quite the strange looks he was receiving. He sighed heavily and flopped his head against Calder's shoulder, sinking his teeth into the flesh. "First one to call me Tien gets thrown into the sky." He mumbled, curling up on the seat and nuzzling into his husband for a while.

By the time the plane landed, Rune only had to snap at one person who dared to interrupt his sleep. He had tried to throw him out of the plane, but Calder managed to convince him not to and settled for throwing the man back into his seat before returning to try and sleep.
The flight had been less eventful than Calder had anticipated. He stopped Rune from killing anyone and even got a little more sleep while he was at it. When they stepped off of the plane in Philadelphia, the blond lead the way to the private limo service he'd hired to take them to the hotel, about two hours north of the airport. It was another chance for Rune to sleep and relax, even though it was nearly seven in the morning local time.

They stopped for breakfast, merely to kill time until check in at the hotel, and when they were a half hour outside the town, Calder was fairly sure his husband could tell where they were going.
Rune was glad for the food. It helped to calm him a bit as well. He really did not like to be hungry, and well, the bit of food he had made everythign better. That and of course teasing his husband in the back of the limo. Yep, he had enoguh sleep at the moment. He would be fine for a while more until he was forced to wake up once more.

Settling back into the seat, he looked outside, arching a brow as he did so. There were kisses on the light posts and ... everything was pretty much colored brown. He stared for a while before glancing at the street sign names and everything else. He turned to Calder, grinning as he did so. "No way." He chuckled, leaning over and pressing a lovely kiss to his lips, relaxing a bit once more. "Do we get to take a chocolate bath?" He whispered, kissing him once more, just quite giddy about it all at the moment.
Grinning, Calder leaned up against his husband's shoulder and settled in for the rest of the ride. He was glad that they stopped to eat-the smell of chocolate in the air would have made him incredibly hungry if they hadn't. He leaned up and kissed him softly before settling down again and shrugged. "We're here for four days. We can do whatever you want. Except rob the factory of its chocolate... And you can't eat the huge Hershey bar in one sitting, either." Rune puking from over eating chocolate didn't sound like a fun honeymoon. "And that would ruin the rest of the trip anyway."
Rune pouted, looking out the window and he nodded. "I'll save the bar for home. . . I can even share with our kids.' He stated, leaning down to kiss him once more. Yep, he definitely loved him. He pulled Calder cloesr to his form, nuzzling into his head a bit with a yawn. "Told you it was smart to wait until our honeymoon to smother you in chocolate." He whispered and then pressed another kiss to his lips, smirking as he did so.

"You're taking me other places?" He asked, having finally registered the last bit of hi words. He looked down at him with interest, a brow arched. "Ooo... I'm excited now"
He chuckled but didn't say anything else. To do that would give away the link in all of the places that they were going. Instead, Calder leaned his head up to nip along Rune's jaw until they pulled up in front of the hotel. He checked them into their suite, though it wasn't the honeymoon suite for fear that Rune would murder him in the pink kiss shaped bed ((made that up)) or drown him in the red heart hot tub. Neither sounded appealing.

They entered the room and the blond set the bags to the side, pulling out the all inclusive passes he'd purchased when booking the hotel. "We have time to shower before the park opens," he mentioned casually before nearly launching himself at Rune, attaching them at the lips as he awkwardly walked them into the bathroom.
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