Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

It was only a few days later that Dru's labor had started and their new baby boy was born. Nikkos settled the baby into Dru's arms for him to start nursing-she'd be stuck there for a few more days, so there was no reason that the baby shouldn't get some of her immunity before she ran off again. The baby was asleep before long, and the brunette couldn't resist the urge to lift him in his arms and cradle him close. It was much the same as it had been with Dawn: Nikkos had an instant and all encompassing love for the baby.
Tomias watched Nikkos take the baby boy, moving to the other and pressing a kiss to his lips. He turned, spotting Dawn and he let out a soft sigh to the girl. "Just sleep. We'll wake you up when he needs to feed again." He stated, walking over to her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

He turned, walking to Nikkos and wrapping an arm around his waist, leading him out of the room and into the living room. He sat down beside him, watching Dawn slowly peek her way around the corner. He motioned her toward them, lifting her up and onto his lap so she could look at the boy in Nikkos' arms. "this is your brother." He stated, kissing her temple and then looking over at the boy in his arms once more.

Dawn perked up, leaning toward the two and looking at the little boy. "What's his name?"

Tomias looked at the little girl when to the boy, staring at him for a while. He did need a name. He stared at him for a while before looking at his husband. "How about ... Alexander." He offered, waitign for a reaction from the man.
Looking over at their daughter, he smiled and lifted the baby so that she could see him better. She was much too young to hold him, but looking and touching his hands (gently) would be alright. He looked to Tomias for the name suggestion and smiled at it. "Awww you want to name him after me," he cooed, only half joking. When Dawn looked confused, Nikkos had to laugh a little bit.

"Before two people get married, they have different last names. Mine was Alexander." She nodded a little, though he could still see the questions running around in her head.

"Why isn't it still?"

"Because I love Poppy a lot and I wanted to be part of his family, and then when we got you we wanted you to be part of it, too." So it was a little white lie. So what? Dawn didn't need to know that Tomias' family could scare the crap out of him if he allowed them to.
Tomias smiled. Okay, so that had been half of his motivation for naming the baby boy Alexander. He only stuck his tongue out at the man and then wrapped his arms around Dawn once more, holding onto her while Nikkos explained his name. He nodded in agreement, looking back at the litlte boy in his husband's arms. "Mhm. Daddy took my name so that we could be one big happy family." He kissed her cheek softly and then looked back at the baby. "And now Alexander will have our last name as well." He added, smiling cheerfully as he looked at the baby.
She seemed to like those answers and stopped that line of questioning, for which Nikkos was grateful. He had been dreading that she would ask if that meant that when she got married and changed her name if that would mean that she wasn't part of their family anymore. He pushed that thought away, not wanting to send it to her telepathically or whatever and leaned into Tomias' side, rocking Alexander softly.

He laughed when Dawn looked up to Tomias and asked, "Poppy who's that woman upstairs?"
Tomias blinked a few times, looking down at Dawn and he arched a brow in question. Oh, goodie ... More questions. He debated for a bit. Tell her the whole truth, or just bits and pieces until asked at a later date. He planned to tell her, when she was older, that she was technically his granddaughter, but that was more so when she could handle the more complex situations and not freak out too much or anything.

He shrugged a little bit and then looked at the baby in his love's arms. "She is a friend." He stated, looking down at her and smiling more. He kissed her head softly before relaxing a little bit.
Once again, their little devil angel seemed content with the answer and she, thankfully, settled against Tomias' chest and relaxed without another question. They sat like that for a few more minutes before Nikkos coaxed Dawn out of her Poppy's lap so that he could hand Alexander off to him for a little bonding time. Once the baby was secure in his arms, Nikkos settled back once more, lifting Dawn into his lap and cuddling her a little bit. It was a nice, quiet family moment and Nikkos only wished that they had a camera around to capture it.
Pierce was ... very unsure of what to do. He knew that it could happen, his parents warned him, but he had not thought to tell the boys. They were safe! They used protection every time-- oh. Shoot. No ... there was the one time in the shower. Oooh no. The man's ears instantly drooped over his head as he took in a deep breath. Yes, he was going to have to tell them. While it was not confirmed yet, they still had the right to know, and at the very least, they now needed to know that he could get pregnant.

This was not going to be fun. He knew Relic did not mind too much that he was dating his sons, but making htem teenage fathers?! Oh, he did not think Relic would like him much after that. He took in a deep breath and made his way through hte house, slowly to their room. He gave a small warning knock before he entered the room, chewing into his bottom lip as he looked at the two gorgeous boys in the room. "Remus ... Romulus ... I ... I need to talk to you two."
Things had been going spectacularly well for them. Pierce had been accepted into their circle easily, and no one questioned or even raised an eyebrow to the fact that the three of them were in a relationship all together. Remus smiled a little at that thought as he nuzzled into Romulus' shoulder a little bit while they read. With the knock at the door, the brunette perked up, and was instantly worried when he saw the drooped ears and heard the soft and scared tone of their boyfriend. He was up and instantly at Pierce's side.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He lead the other male to the bed, settling him in between himself and his brother.
Pierce took in a deep breath when he saw Remus in front of him, and looked at Romulus just as worried on the bed. He moved, sitting between them and he took a hold of Remus' hand, lacing their fingers together for the added support. "I .. I am not one-hundred percent sure yet..." He began, not wanting them to freak out too much with the news. He stared at his feet, chewing his bottom lip while he tried to think of the wording.

Romulus put the book behind him and scooted toward Pierce, his arm wrapped around his elbow and eyes looked pleadingly up at hte man. He did not know what the problem was, but he so very hoped that they could help.

Looking from one brunette to the other, then kissing both their lips, just in case they were mad, he straightened up once more. "I...I think that I could be ... pregnant."
The words hit like a ton of bricks. Pregnant? How? Well, he knew how but it still didn't make sense! They were so careful-they always had been, even with each other. The twins knew that they always were at risk for pregnancy because of one of their parents (Remus forgot which one), and after Murasaki had found that spell or whatever to help Jade... Well he'd asked for it, too. They just...never thought to use it on Pierce because they always used condoms... He sighed a little and nuzzled into the man's neck and shoulder. He knew he was being selfish for looking for support and comfort from him instead of giving it, but he couldn't help but need it.
Romulus' eyes went wide. Pregnant?! He looked at his brother and then once more back to Pierce, seeing that both looked like they were going to fall apart. He took in a deep breath, knowing at least one of them needed to be strong, and well, why not him? He scooted toward the two a little more, an arm wrapped around Pierce's waist and his head rested against his chest while his other hand reached forward to lace its fingers with his brother's. "It ... will be okay." He whispered, nuzzling into Pierce a little bit more and chewing his bottom lip as he did so. "You ... You said you did not know for sure." He added, looking up at the male for confirmation

Pierce wrapped an arm around both boys, pulling them to him for the comfort of them just being there brought. He looked down at Romulus and he nodded a little more. "Mhm. I have not taken any tests or ... anything. IT is just the signs that are there." He stated, not really wanting to go into detail about what they were or anything. He just had a good eight out of ten and was too scared to confirm it in case the boys would not be happy.
Sighing softly, Remus gathered a bit of strength from Romulus. It wasn't fair that he had to comfort the both of them when they were all in the same position. He laced their fingers together and leaned up to press a little kiss to Pierce. "We'll be there when you're ready to take the test," he added, nuzzling along his jaw a little bit. "And... And I'm sure Dad and Daddy won't be too mad...right?" He groaned and threw himself back into the pillows, effectively bringing the other two males with him. "Maybe we shouldn't tell them yet."
Pierce went flying back with Remus, Romulus now lying on top of him and his arm tightened around the other male's form, holding him where he was while he nodded a bit. "We .. We can take the test first and then if it is positive, we can tell your parents then." Oh how he wished it was negative! Not that he did not want their children, he would love to, but not when they were only sixteen. They had their whole lives ahead of them to plan for and having a child would not make anything better.

Romulus nodded, agreeing with the man. He nuzzled into his chest a bit, holding onto Remus' hand still and he sighed softly. "I ... do not think Daddy and Dad will be too mad ... IF it is positive." He gripped Pierce for a few mometns before he relaxed with a soft little sigh. "Everything will be okay." He tilted his head back, leaning up to press a soft kiss to Pierce's lips before he settled back down to laying on his chest, happy to be with him.
"At least Daddy can't read minds like Uncle Rune can..." Remus shuddered at that thought as he settled down a little bit. The announcement had been a big shock and all three of them just needed a little bit of time to recover. Leaning up once more, he kissed Pierce's lips gently. "We love you, Pierce." Reaching forward, Remus brushed his fingers across his twin's cheek and smiled at him.
A few days went by and Pierce had went through all the tests - the boys by his side the whole time - and now, it was just a waiting game. Actually, not so much anymore. The blond had the envelope in his hand with what the results were, but he was too scared to open it, especially alone, so he figured he would let the boys do it.

Walking through the large house, he headed to their room, knocking before he opened the door. He held the envelope in his hands so that the two could see what it was that he had. He looked over the edge to the two and slowly walked over to their bed to sit down before he passed out. He took in a deep breath, resting the item in his lap, looking down at it and he tried to calm down just a bit more.

Romulus perked up, looking over at Pierce and he walked to the bed, sitting beside him and looking at the envelope. "Have you opened it?" He turned his head, seeing Pierce shake his head and he nodded a little bit, not really wanting to open it either. He was not sure what he wanted anymore. The thought of a baby was nice ... but they were still only teenagers and so that would be bad. Logically, a negative result would be good. He then lookedo ver at Remus, taking the envelope and holding it out to him. "You open it."
Remus' heart rate picked up when Pierce showed them the envelope. He moved to kneel behind the bunny eared man, hands resting on his shoulders as he looked over his head a little to see the results. The brunette hadn't expected to be told to open them and he squeaked a little when he was. "Me?" With a little whimper, he took the envelope and examined it, as if doing so would tell them the results without having to open it. He knew it was stupid, but couldn't help it.

With a sigh, he tore open the envelope and handed it back to Romulus. "There. It's opened." Remus stuck his tongue out at his twin.
Romulus puffed his cheeks out a little, taking the envelope back and he slowly pulled the paper out of the torn envelope. He stared at the paper, unfolding it and then holding it out for Pierce to take, covering his eyes with his one hand. "I can't read it." He stated, holding his breath as he waited for the results.

Pierce took the paper, his hands shaking as he read the results, and after a moment, he let out a heavy breath, relaxing once more. "It ... It's negative." He whispered, lifting the paper to show the twin behind him. He relaxed a little more, leaning to the side and he rested his head against Romulus' shoulder, eyes closed as he did so.
Remus let out the breath he'd been holding and collapsed into both Romulus and Pierce. He hugged them, nuzzling into the older man's hair and ears softly as he did so. He wanted children...some day. Not at sixteen. And while he knew that he and Romulus would have stood by Pierce had the results of the test been different, it was a relief to know that they had a second chance to do things right.

"We'll just. Have to be extra super careful," he whispered softly, hugging both men tighter.
Pierce's arm snaked behind him, wrapping around Remus' form and pulling him onto his lap, hugging him tightly as he pressed a kiss to his lips and then turned to kiss Romulus as well. "Mhm. Very careful.' He whispered, completely and utterly agreeing with the man. He nuzzled into the teen's neck, just so very calm right now. Now that things were better and he knew he did not have to add any pressure to the two while they are in school. He sighed lightly, kissing them both once more before he finally relaxed a little more.
Bohdi paced back and forth some more. He felt like he'd been in uncomfortable situations with Trevor's parents every time he saw them now. But this was important. Their trip away had really taught him a few things about his boyfriend, and had helped him to fall even more in love with him. Bohdi didn't want to let that go...ever. But he also didn't want to die a premature death because he didn't have the foresight to ask first, either.

With another few paces along the hallways of the school, he finally squared his shoulders and gathered enough strength to knock on the door to the classroom. The blond poked his head inside and smiled at Calder.

"Um, Mr. Lin? Is... Um. would it be possible to talk to you and... Uh.. Your husband?"
Rune made his way through the halls, seeing the lovely kids causing far too much chaos. He easily scared them all to go to their dorms or at least stop doing what they were doing. He sneered at them a little on his way to his husband's classroom. He spotted Bohdi and walked up behind him with a small "Boo" into his ear. He grinned, pushing the door open even more and then pressing his hand between the other's shoulderblades, nudging him into the room. "You're either in or out." He stated andt hen walked over to Calder, kissing his lips softly, plopping onto the desk, hands behind him as he looked over at Bohdi.
He gave a little 'eep' when Rune walked up behind him, and scooted into the room when he was urged to. Bohdi's heart rate picked up yet again and he wondered how he wasn't having a heart attack or something similar. The blond took a full minute to catch his breath. He didn't want to stumble over words because he wanted to sound how he felt: Sure that he wanted this.

With one last deep breath, he started.

"I want to propose to Trevor, and I was hoping for your permission to do so." He let out a big sigh. There. That wasn't so bad, was it? By the worried look on Calder's face, he wasn't so sure.

"Trevor is barely eighteen."
Rune arched a brow, listening to the blond tell them what the whole reason for him being here was. So, he wanted to propose to Trevor? That was sweet, but not too sure ifi t was a good option. Calder had a point. Trevor was barely eighteen, barely legal to do much of anything, and he was far too young to get married. He glanced from Calder then to Bohdi and he nodded. "I agree with Calder. Trevor just turned eighteen a few weeks ago ... And you already want to marry him?"
"No," he answered softly. "Well yes but. I. Hmm." He wanted to word this correctly. "Yes. I want to marry Trevor... In a few years. I want a long-very long-engagement to him. Something more committed than what we have now but... Not marriage. Not right now."

Calder studied Bohdi, really looking at him to try and detect anything that might be a lie, but found none. "Why?" he asked softly, protective of his oldest son. "Why get engaged now if you wish to wait two-or four-years to marry? Why not wait to propose?"
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