Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune narrowed his eyes at the male. He wanted to propose to Trevor? He did not like that at all. He grumbled, shaking his head a little bit and his arms crossed over his lower torso as he slid off the desk. "Why not wait? Engagement is just a ring and a promise." He stated, not liking that idea at all. What if they wanted to move in after they were engaged? They just got Trevor back! He did not want to give him up that easily. No no no. He could not do that at all.
"Because," he answered rather pathetically. "Because Trevor has had such issues with love in the past and I want to make that promise to him; to reassure him." He hung his head a little, toeing the ground with the front of his sneaker. "Don't get me wrong-I love Trevor. I do want to marry him some day, so my proposing isn't just to lure him into some sense of security that is false and will hurt him. I want him to feel safe in our relationship, and if proposing this early-even if he says no-will help that then... Then it's the right thing to do."
Rune grunmbled, biting into his bottom lip as he listened. Fuck. He made sense. He narrowed his eyes a bit more before relaxing with a sigh. "Fine. Ask.. If he accepts, then you will wait a few years before even thinking about a wedding.."
"Several years," Calder added, not liking this at all, really. But what choice did they have? Bohdi made sense and he and Rune both wanted what's best for their son. When Bohdi beamed and thanked them, and then finally left, Calder dropped his head into Rune's chest and groaned. "How come when we get him back something else has to take him away?" he asked softly. "Think we can talk him out of saying yes for now?" He doubted it, but that wasn't the point, either.
Trevor made his way through the house, waiting for Bohdi to show up. They had a date today and he was quite excited for it. He was not sure why, but his parents had seemed out of sorts recently. He did not know what was up, but he was concerned. He hugged Calder and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Turning, he made his way to the door, just in time to see Bohdi walking up the driveway.

He smiled warmly, walking over to the blond and leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Where are we going?"
Calder smiled and hugged his son tightly. He felt like they were losing him after having him for only a short while. It made him sad. But seeing him so happy to see Bohdi warmed his heart a bit.

Smiling and returning the kiss, Bohdi wrapped his arms around Trevor's waist and straightened up, lifting the teen off of the ground by a few inches. "Somewhere special," he answered softly, nuzzling along his love's cheek a little bit. "Ready to go?" The blond had made reservations at a quiet little cafe near school and could only hope that the rest of the night went well.
Trevor smiled warmly, kissing him oncem ore and he nodded. HIs eyes slipped closed and he sighed softly. He really felt so content when he was with his love. He kissedh im one last time before his fingers laced with his. "Yes." He said, resting his head against his shoulder, letting him lead the way to the cafe near school. He followed him to the table in the back, sitting down and he took the menu up, trying to think of what he wanted to eat.
Dinner went smoothly, as it usually did for them. They always had a great time together and even despite his nerves, this time was no different. Bohdi had thought about doing something corny like having the ring topping a dessert, or in a glass of sparkling cider, but it was too cliche. It wasn't him. The blond wanted something more...meaningful than some overdone grand gesture. He did wait until they were finished eating, though, before pulling the box out of his jacket pocket and setting it in front of Trevor. Inside was the ring and he waited for the brunette to open the box before saying anything else.
Trevor blinked a few times when he spotted the box. He stared at it before slowly picking it up off the table. He opened it up and looked at the ring in front of him. He fingertips slowly traveled along the gems before his crimson eyes lifted to his boyfriend, just staring at him. "Is ... Is this a..." He stopped, not wanting to get ahead of himself if that was in fact what the case was. He did not know. Theyh ad been together for two years now, but they were still so young! It ... Maybe it was just .. oh he did not know. He really, really wished Bohdi would say something, and soon.
Smiling, Bohdi reached out and guided Trevor into his lap, taking the box as he settled there. "I love you, Trevor. More than anything and I was hoping-praying, actually-that you would agree to marry me in a few years." He looked up at his boyfriend, watching his facial expressions and trying to gauge whether or not he was about to be shot down. He didn't see anything though and so he sat and waited in a silent torture.
Trevor squeaked softly when he was pulled onto the other's lap. He turned and nuzzled into the man a little bit. He took in a deep breath and relaxed once he heard the 'few years' part of the request. Okay. A few years was good. He was so worried that he had meant within the year to get married. Then that would be too much. He did not want that. He did not want that at all.

He nodded, a little shakily taking the ring out of box and slid it onto his finger. He turned and leant over to press a soft kiss to his love's lips. He relaxed once more and rested his forehead against his love's, smiling gently. "Yes. . . In a few years. Five minimum. I do not think Mama or Papa will be happy to see me go." He kissed him once more, relaxing against his loe with a heavy sigh.
Bohdi breathed out a sigh of relief with the answer. His arms tightened around the man's waist and he leaned up to kiss him, shaking a bit. He laughed at the comment softly, though. "They nearly had my head when I asked them if I could ask you." The blond leaned up and nuzzled Trevor's jaw a little, pressing little kisses along it as he let it all sink in. He didn't have any preference as to when they got married, or even started making plans-he'd wait for as long as it took for Trevor to be ready.

He kissed his boyfriend again, truly and utterly happy.
Trevor sighed softly. "That explains why Papa hugged me like he would never see me again." He shook his head, kissing Bohdi back with the utmost of passion, enjoying his lips against his so very much. His brown locks slipped over his shoulder, hanging around the other's face and he kissed the man a little bit more. He pulled back to look down at him with a bit of interest to his features. "Maybe ... If Mama and Papa agree, you could come ... live with us? I think ... it would make them feel better. Less like they are losing me, you know?"
Looking up at Trevor, Bohdi reached up to thread his fingers through the loose hair that he loved so much. He thought about the offer a bit, though didn't really know how to feel about it. "I think that we should leave that for a few months or a year," he suggested softly, leaning up to peck a soft little kiss. "You just got home... I think you should spend some time with them on your own, and then we'll talk about living together." It didn't matter if he moved into Rune and Calder's house with Trevor, or if he got his own place and Trevor came to live with him, but the blond knew that his love's family wouldn't be very receptive to anything else changing with their son at the moment.

"We'll keep going as we have been, hmm? Seeing each other every day, spending a few nights here and there." He didn't want anything to change for the worse, only wanted Trevor's parents to feel like he wasn't stealing their son away.
Trevor nodded a little bit, kissing his love'sl ips passionately once more. He relaxed a little bit, pulling back and looking at the table behind him before once more back to Bohdi. He brushed his lips against his softly, pulling away once more. "How about we go back home and have some dessert?" He whispered, kissing the other's lips passionately, his hands trailing along his chest, hoping to get his point of 'dessert' across to him.
He smiled with the suggestion and nodded. "I think I like that idea." The blond kissed the other man before carefully sliding him off to the other chair so that he could pay the check. Once he had, it was a quick walk back to the school and then to his dorm room. When the door was closed behind them, Bohdi smiled and wrapped his arms around Trevor's waist, pressing a passionate and heated kiss to the teen's lips.
While their little Trevor being taken away from them was bad, at least Trevor stated that they would not be doing anything for quite a few years. They were content with that. And, the rest of the months went by easily. Spoiling everyone for Christmas, Ella completely and utterly interested in the new baby, Adamair as well. Both little ones tended to just stare at Alexander when they were near him, but they were better now.

New Year's day was lovely and now, a week later, Rune curled up into his sheets, turning to look at the blond beside him. HIs eyes traveled along his form, leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. His eyes slipped closed and he pulled back to look down at him with a bit of interest. "Have you thought about us reproducing?"
He loved the holidays, and this year was no different. Their family was all together for it, and everyone enjoyed each other's company. Calder was very content to sit back and watch everyone laugh and have fun, joining in the poking fun of his husband every now and again, too.

When Rune asked the question a week into January, Calder only laughed. "Only you would phrase it that way," he teased, turning onto his side and propping himself up on his elbow so that he could really see his lover as they talked. "A little bit," the blond answered seriously. "Have you?"
Rune kept his eyes to the blond and he nodded a bit with the question returned to him. "I have." He admitted, shrugging a little more and he leant over to kiss his lips once more before he pulled back to actually talk since that was the whole point of this. "I think we should." He kept his eyes to the other man and he took in a deep breath, eyes closing as he remained silent for a while as he thought about what to say next. "Since you don't want to be pregnant and ... since I heal better than you, so ... I could carry our baby."
Even just the offer to do such a thing touched Calder. He leaned forward to kiss Rune softly, cupping his face with his hand a bit as he did so. "Do you know what you're offering?" he asked gently. "I mean, I know that you do physically but... It's a lot of work, Rune. I just..." He didn't know what he was trying to say. He wasn't trying to talk his husband out of it, but more be sure that he was truly comfortable with the idea. He didn't want his love to think that he had to do it.
Rune kissed him back, his eyes fluttering open afterward to look at the man in front of him. He nodded at the question. Of course he knew just what he was getting into. He had thought about it for the months that passed, asked Relic how it really was, and then went back to thinking. He looked at the man with a bit of interest. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to his lips again. "I am sure, Calder." He whispered, pulling back once more and looking down at him again.

"I spoke with Relic. While of course that freak was all giddy about everything that happened, from what he explained ... I would not hate it. Maybe not enjoy it as much as he did, but I do not see me hating it. And ... I love you and want to have a child with you, and for us, I can put aside nine months and .. it gives me an excuse to eat chocolate."
"Like you ever needed an excuse?" he laughed softly, curling into Rune's front and cuddling there. Calder wrapped his arm around his husband's waist, hand finding its way beneath his shirt, wanting to simply touch his flesh. It was a big step that they were taking, and an even bigger one for Rune, and it scared Calder in an exciting way. "You know Tomias will never let you live it down that you'll be the one carrying the child, right?" he asked, laughing a little at the battles that were sure to be fought between the two siblings.
Rune leant down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head, eyes slipping closed as he relaxed a little bit more. He groaned at his words, knowing that that would end up happening. Of course it would. He sighed heavily, nipping the tip of the man's ear playfully. "Mm ... You're worth it." He whispered, kissing his lips gently and he pulled back to rest their foreheads together, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself a little bit more. "I'll just kill him, and everything will be fine.' He stated with a little nod.
Calder only shook his head. "No. Then Nikkos wouldn't stop bothering you. And you'd orphan those two beautiful children because you'd wind up killing Nikkos, too." The blond looked up and stuck his tongue out at his husband defiantly. He nuzzled into Rune's neck, nipping at the warm flesh there softly. "We'll get the spell and whatever else from Relic tomorrow then," he said with a yawn, cuddling into Rune further.
Another month went past and Calder and Rune had gotten the spell from Relic and, as normal, just had their normal fun. Rune, much to his annoyance, was getting used to being on the bottom with his love. He may not turn into Relic who just jumps at the chance to be beneath him, but he did not ... dislike it. Or maaybe it was just the reason why they were doing it? He did not know anymore. He protested a bit at first, whined is a better word, but now, he was far too used to it.

Perking up, the man glanced to the telephone, lifting it to his ear and listening to Dr. Byrne on the other end. He chuckled softly and nodded with a small 'thanks' before he hung up and made his way through the house. He spotted his love in the kitchen, striding up behind him and pressing his lips to the side of his neck. His hands slid over his hips, pulling him to his form with a nip to his neck, swaying his hips from side to side as he stood there.

"I have a secret." he whispered, fingers sliding between the pants and flesh of his love, far too happily sneaking their way to the sensitive flesh.
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