Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Abbadon finished up his last class, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and off to the apartment it was. He really enjoyed living with his boyfriend far too much. Being with Tobias was great. Nothing bad really happened, and his mood definitely was improved. While he had to step away to deliver a few babies in the meantime, it really was working out wonderfully!

The ravenette headed into the apartment, getting quite the many giddy emotions when he spotted his boyfriend. His stomach did a little backflip and his heart picked up just a bit more. CLosing the door behind him, and dropping his bag at the table, he walked over to the male. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to Tobias' before slowly pulling back with a soft little sigh. "Hello, Tobias." He whispered, moving to sit beside him and his arm wrapped around the other's waist, looking down at the book he was reading. "You're starting this one? Finally?"
Right after the incidents with Charlie, the door opening without someone knocking first would have scared the piss out of Tobias. Now, though, he trusted that it was only Abbadon because Abby was the only other person who had a key to the apartment. Looking up, the brunette smiled and returned the kiss, leaning into his boyfriend's side when he was enveloped in his arms. "Mmm... But I finished another one today that we got last week. It's on your night stand..." He continued reading through the entire conversation, but his attention was more on Abbadon than anything. "How was school?"
There was another on the nightstand? Oh, good. He had been wanting to read the series that Tobias had been doing before. He glanced to the bedroom before once more turning his attention to the male beside him. "It was fine. Rune's showing ... and vomiting." He shook his head a little bit more, kissing Tobias' cheek and settling his head against his shoulder. Yep, definitely happy with the man he was with.
Looking up at Abbadon, Tobias set the book down after marking his place. "I was thinking that maybe I'd go back to school next semester?" He loved reading and staying home and taking care of the house and his boyfriend, but he missed school terribly. And even though he didn't have any special powers, there were plenty of great 'regular' schools around that he could attend. "I've picked up a few applications and it looks like it'd be pretty easy to transfer my credits from home..."
Abbadon perked up, straightening his form away from the man beside him. He looked down at him and he cupped the other's chin "That would be ... perfect." He whispered, leaning forward to connet his lips with his. He was so happy. Tobias had been too scared to go to school before and now, now he was suggesting it, and it seemed, even started looking for a school. Or at least thinking about it.

Of course, the knock at the door definitely interrupted the demon's kiss. He slowly pulled away, taking in a breath and pushing himself up from the couch. He walked to the door, peeking out the hole before he got even more curious. He opened the door, seeing a horned-male standing in front of him with quite the pathetic look to his features.

"You have to help us!" The man stated, his arms crossed over his lower torso tightly as he did so. "Azriel has gone too far this time! You know it's true and you know you cannot abandon us, Abbadon! You're the rightful heir ... Overthrow him and take what's yours! You will be very welcomed!"

He sighed heavily, his dark eyes closing and he shook his head. "No. I have told you this before. I enjoy my life here. I am sorry that that demon is doing what he is but I cannot help you. I do not wish to be ... I do not wish to take his throne. I am happy here, I do not want my life to change. The resistance is strong and growing. Instead of wasting your words on me, go find others to help you." He narrowed his eyes at the demon in front of him, wishing for him to leave now. He liked his life, he did not want anything to mess that up!
Looking up with interest at the door, the brunette caught a few words here and there. Even more curious, he got up and moved behind Abbadon, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist. He listened in, resting his chin on the man's shoulders, sighing softly. "Abby... They need help..." He was never one to turn away someone who needed help, and he felt bad for doing so if he ever had to.
Abbadon sighed softly. He knew that TObias was right, and in his heart, he wanted to help as well. But it was not all that easy. Yes, getting there and everything would be fine, but he just could not do that and risk Tobi getting hurt. He turned to look at the man beside him, looking him over before once more turning to the man in the hall. "I will help." He whispered, turning to look at his boyfriend and he leant down to kiss his lips softly. "I do not wish for you to come with me. Well, I do ... but it will be dangerous and ... I do not wish for you to see the other side of me."
That... Well, he didn't know what he'd expected. Tobias looked at the other male, trying to size him up. "How long?" He wanted to know what he was agreeing to before agreeing to it at all. If it was going to be days, he could deal with staying behind. Weeks? Months? Well Abbadon would find a stowaway if that was the case, no matter what the circumstances were.
Abbadon thought for a short while. It could either go very well and fast, or it could take a while. He did not want to be away from Tobias for long. He grew attached to being with him most of the time and leaving him for a while would just be awful. He remained silent while he thought before turning his attention back to Tobias. "I ... I wish for you to come with me, Tobias. You deserve to see all sides of me, if that has to be the case. We will leave when you are ready." He leant down to kiss the other man once more, glancing ot the side and seeing that the other demon already left. HE closed and locked the door behind him, waiting for Tobi to be ready.
He was glad for the answer, and even happier that the other person had gone away. Once the door was closed and locked, Tobias wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's torso and hugged him tightly. "Nothing I see will change how I feel for you, Abby." He stayed wrapped in his boyfriend's arms for several minutes before he found the strength to pull away so that he could get ready to go.

Not knowing where they were going, he packed a variety of clothes for the both of them. The brunette wasn't even sure if Abbadon would need what he was packing for him but that didn't matter for the time being. It didn't take him long to get ready, though one bag was full of books. It sounded as if Abby would be busy and Tobias didn't know what his role would be.
Abbadon looked at the bag of books, shaking his head a little bit. "You will not need those." He stated in a soft whisper. He took the bag and set it onto the bed before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the other's lips, just needing to get the emotions out for a bit.

Once he pulled back, he nodded to himself. Straightening, his fingers laced with the other man's and he took in a deep breath. His eyes slipped closed, whispering a few words beneath his breath before a portal erupted in front of them. He turned to Tobias. "It will not hurt. Maybe a little tingle, but that is only because you will not be used to it." He kissed his temple gently and turned back to the portal. He moved forward, stepping into the portal.

On the other side, the two were in front of large doors, leading to a gorgeous castle. He turned to Tobias and kissed him once more. "Be prepared ... They are not friendly."
He shrugged off the comment about the books, indulging himself in the kisses with his boyfriend. The brunette held onto him tightly, trying to comfort Abbadon just as much as he was trying to comfort himself. When the portal appeared he looked at it warily, but trusted Abby. He trusted that it wouldn't hurt just because he said it wouldn't. Stepping through, he felt exactly that: a slight tingle that didn't hurt but it wasn't very comfortable, either.

Who was they, he wondered? But he shook that thought off and nodded instead, bracing himself for what was to come.
Abbadon nodded when he saw his boyfriend not freaking out or anything. He kissed his temple and then led the way forward to the gates. The men that were there instantly stood at attention, though stared at the brunette beside him. All Abbadon had to do was glare at the men and their eyes instantly went back to staring in front of them.

They made their way into the large castle, demons bustling about and trying to do this and that, all while looking like they would piss themselves at any moment. Scattering about from one room to another. Taking the bags Tobias packed, Abby took a hold of one of the servants, handing the man the bag. "Take it to a guest room. I'm not sure how long we'll be here." With that, the servant ran off, going to find a room for the man in front of him.

Finally, the two came to a set of large doors, Abbadon just staring at the doors for a while before he took in a deep breath. Leaning over for a bit more strength, he pressed his lips to his boyfriend's and then pulled back once more. He pushed open the doors easily, walking into quite the large and lavish room. A gorgeous bed with many drapings and pillows. Laying lazily in the fainting couch that was in the large room as well, quite the beautiful man was there. Black hair flowed to the man's waist and crimson eyes traveled along the room, spotting the men and a smirk pulled to his lips. "I was wondering when you'd come."

Abbadon took in a deep breath, sighing heavily afterward. "Hello, father."
Tobias took everything in. He was curious about most things that he saw, specifically why everyone seemed to obey Abby without a thought, but he knew that those questions could wait for later. For now, he felt the need to keep his mouth shut and his eyes open, as his mother had always taught him, until Abbadon spoke to him. The brunette gripped his boyfriend's hand tightly as they walked through the castle, and he eyed the man in front of them.

Father? That intrigued Tobias and he stored the question away for later.
Azriel pushed himself up from teh couch a little, looking over at the man and chuckling with the malace within the other's eyes. "ooh, Abby, you sound so ... unhappy. Why is that?"

Abbado sighed heavily. "You know why." He stated and then looked at Tobias, glad that he did nto seem frightened. Confused, but not scared. That was okay. He took a few more steps toward the man. "You have to stop this. Scaring, torturing, mauling your citizens just for your own sick pleasure is not a way to rule. I can no longer sit by and let you do this."

"Really now? Abbadon finally decides that he wantes to be the King of Demons? It only took .. how many centuries?"

"Please. I do not wish to hurt you or anyone else. You know this is wron. You have to stop. I do not wish to take your throne. I am happy on Earth. I merely wish for you to stop being cruel."

The elder demon thought for a while before he turned his eyes back to the ravenette. "No. You want peace and tranquility for those pathetic excuses for a demon, you have to fight me for it. And to the death."
King? Demons? Earth? His head was spinning with information that he didn't previously have. Well, he had the information of 'demon', or he could have guessed anyway. But King of them? That was news to Tobias. He began to think about it all, try to categorize and departmentalize when the last few words broke through. 'To the death' scared him more than anything and his grip on Abbadon's hand tightened exponentially. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend. Abby was his security blanket-how could he live without him? The brunette whimpered very softly with the thoughts, hating that he couldn't do or say anything to help.
Abbadon pulled Tobias closer to his form when he felt his hand tighten. Tobi was worreid about him, obviously. He knew the man was lost and had no idea just what was going on, nor what Abby knew, but once everything was calm again, he would explain -- anything the man wanted to know. "You know how a fight will end."

The man chuckled, walking to the two with his arms crossed over his toned torso. His eyes narrowed at the man, devious smirk to his lips as he did so. "Oh. I know. It will give me great pleasure to know that my last minutes of life were spent making this ... human you care for so much frightened of you. Or to know the true monster within you."
The words scared him...at first. But Tobias looked up at the man with a bit of curiosity. "We all have evil inside of us," he offered very quietly. "Everyone has the potential to be evil. It's those of us who choose not to take that path unless backed against an unmoving wall that are worth knowing... And loving..." He shut up after that, unsure that he wanted to or could say anything else that would be relevant. For now, he lowered his eyes and rested his cheek to Abbadon's shoulder, waiting to see what would come next.
Azreil chuckled once more, looking down at hte brunette with a brow raised in question. "Oh really? You think seeing the man you've been bedding for however long rip the head off of his own father would not frighten you? No deterrence at all?"

Abbadon took in a deep breath and shook his head a little bit. "You are no father of mine. We share DNA, I call you father for ease. My true Father is Doctor Byrne. You ... deserve to be impaled." He sighed softly, relaxing a little bit as he looked at the man a little bit more. "I do not wish to fight you. If I have to, I will. I will beat you. I will give this coutnry back to its people ... and then I will go back to my life from before."
"No," he answered with a confidence he wished he could really and truly feel. "Because I will know that he had no choice." The latter was the utter truth at the very least, and really Tobias didn't see the need to correct the man about sleeping with Abbadon. It was none of his business anyway. But he was once again at a loss for words because, really, he still had no idea about what was going on, or what was about to happen.
Abbadon looked from his boyfriend then to the man in front of them, remaining quiet for a while before he straightened his posture just that bit more. "If you wish for a fight, I will give you one" He stated, just completely and utterly sick of this whole thing by now. He wanted to retun to his home with his boyfriend, to school even to Rune and them to see how they were. Not deal with a sadistic bastard who kills for fun. Well, Rune was sort of that way, btu that was beside the point.

"Oh? Fine. We'll make it official. Tomorrow, noon, we shall have our duel."

He sighed heavily and then turned, leading Tobias out of hte room, only to be greeted by one of hte servants who bowed pretty much in half. "Sir ... Your highness, your room is ready. Sapphire wing. I can lead you to it, if you wish.'

He shook his head. "No. Thank you, Demetrius. And please, do not call me your highness or sir. Abbadon works." He nodded and then led the way to the bedroom, figuring his love would need some time to wrap his head around everything.
He was glad to leave the man's presence, but scared for the coming day. His boyfriend seemed to have confidence in his victory, but that didn't mean that Tobias' worries were obsolete. The brunette wrapped himself around Abbadon the minute they were in their bedroom and the door was closed, hugging him tightly and burying his head into the man's neck. "Abby I'm scared." He whimpered a little bit and took a minute to breathe in the other man's scent to help calm him. "What's going on?"
Abbadon wrappedh is arms tightly aroudn the other man's shoulders, pulling him to his form and he buried his face into the side of his head, nuzzling him for a short while. He led the other man to the large bed in the room, sitting down in the blue-themed room and he pulled Tobias onto his lap, arms still around his torso. He kissed his neck softly before he pulled away to look down at him. Of course he was confused. He had every right to be, and even more right ot know what is going on.

"Azreil is my father. I realize youknow that now, but I just need a starting point. He, centuries ago, raped my mother. She got pregnant, had me, and I was then given to Doctor Byrne. Azeris hoped I was dead, prayed that I was really since there are fortunes telling that I will be hte one to concour my father. I will be the one to kill him, exceed his power. It ... it is true. I have batled with him before because he threatened Dr Byrne. I could have killed him then, but it ... it is not something I want to do."

He sighed softly and rested his cheek against the side of Tobi's head, pulling him tighter, hoping he was not scaring him. "I am the righful heir to the throne. It is why no one will touch me, or hurt me. The only reason I am not in power is because by ancient law, I must defeat the king, or he must be dead, in order for me to take the throne. I do not want the throne. I want him out of it, but he will never go willingly and ... That is where we are now."
Curling into Abbadon, Tobias rested his head on the man's shoulder and settled into him, simply needing the comfort at the moment. He listened to the story, letting it sink in that his boyfriend was a few centuries old as well as everything else. It was a lot to take in for sure, and perhaps it would overload him after they got back home (they were going back home, weren't they?) but for now, he was simply glad to just understand what was going on.

"What will happen after you kill him?" he asked. If Abbadon was the rightful heir, and he didn't want it...
Abbadon looked down at the other, knowing what the other was thinking. He knew that they were going to go home. While maybe it would take a little longer than normal, he definitely was going to get back to their apartment. "There is a group of men who will be very good in power. As soon as they are capable of getting their laws and government together, ro whatever you wish to call it, I will leave. You do not have to stay for the whole time if it is more than a month. Unless you wish to, but do not feel that you have to."
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