Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He shook his head a little and cuddled closer, leaning up for a few small kisses. "I don't want to be away from you." Even if they were here for a month, there would be no guarantee that Abbadon wouldn't be here for another month after that. And then what? He'd be stuck home while his boyfriend was here and he'd have no way to see him, or talk to him, or be with him... No, that wouldn't work at all. At the same time, he felt bad that he was being so clingy. Maybe it would have been easier for Abbadon if he'd just stayed home in the first place?

"I... I don't want to be a hindrance to what you have to do here... If it'd help you if I were home..."
Abbadon shook his head immediately with the man's words. He pressed another kiss to the other's lips, kissing him passionately for a few moments before he pulled back once more. "I want you here. I just was not sure if you would want to stay." He wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him tighter and kissing him once more before he relaxed. "I am merely concerned for you." He leant down and rested his head against the side of his neck, nuzzling him a little bit more, just wanting to be close with him.
He breathed a little sigh of relief with that answer. Tobias cuddled close, too while his fingers carded through Abbadon's hair. It didn't take much for him to fall asleep in his boyfriend's arms. Abby always made him feel warm and safe and comfortable. It was one of the perks of sharing a bed with him, really. And it was the main factor in why he'd asked the man to stay with him right after he'd gotten his own apartment two years ago.
The next day, Abbadon had not been looking forward to it. He was not very happy when he woke up, but he knew he had to. He told Tobias that, more than likely, he would be better in the bedroom. He did not want him to witness what was going to happen. He kissed him quite a few times before finally being able to pull himself away enough to go to confront his father.

It was a few hours later, and a few showers as well, and the door opened, a tired-looking Abbadon stepping htrough with a soft yawn to his lips. He made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge, hands beside him and he closed his eyes while he relaxed, figuring he would investigate where Tobias was soon, if he did not show up soon.
Tobias had clung to Abbadon for as long as he'd been allowed to that morning. He really didn't want the other to leave, and while his boyfriend had told him what 'would' happen, he couldn't help but worry. That wasn't how things worked-something didn't happen simply because someone predicted that it would. But he let go because he knew he had to, though if he had a choice everything would be set to rights here without a 'duel to the death' or however it'd been phrased the day before.

The brunette entertained himself well enough with graphic mental images of a horrible life without Abbadon in it, and he'd soon made himself crazy by doing so. He left the room to walk the hallway a little bit, simply to release the pent up energy but returned to the room when he heard a door open and shut. The sight of his boyfriend overjoyed him, no matter how tired Abby looked. He rushed over to the bed and latched onto the horned male, kissing him deeply and hugging him tightly.
Abbadon took in a deep breath, and thankfully so, when he saw Tobias rushing to him. His arms wrapped around his form and he pulled him closer, kissing him passionately and his eyes flutered closed as he continued to hold him. He pulled back after ... a long while. His head pulling away to bury into the side of the other's neck, kissing the flesh softly and letting out a gentle sigh. He pulled him tighter, arms wrapped around his waist and he kissed him a few more times, just calming himself down a bit more. "It is all over, Tobias. Already, things are beginning to change. If it keeps at this pace, we shall only be here a few weeks."
So long as Abbadon was okay, it didn't matter how long they were here for. Granted, he would not like to actually live here, but Tobias decided that he could deal with about anything so long as Abby was okay. The brunette kissed his boyfriend several times over, unable to help himself. What if something like this happened again and Abby died? He tried to shake those thoughts away as he clung tighter to the other man.

They held each other for a long time before Tobias was able to let go enough to maneuver them into bed properly. Abbadon looked completely tapped out.
Abbadon sighed softly, pulling Tobias closer to his form and he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "There is food in the dining area if you wish for it, Tobias. Or ...you can ask the kitchen help." He yawned and then nuzzled into the pillow while pulling Tobias closer. No matter what his words may say, his body did not want to have him leave. he wanted the comfort he had whenever the brunette was near.

He snuggled up to him, nose resting in the crook of his neck with a soft little yawn once more. "If ... if you have any trouble, just tell them you are with me." He added and it was not a minute later before the demon was fast asleep.
While he was hungry, Tobias wasn't ready to leave Abbadon's side just yet. He curled into his boyfriend and cuddled up close to him. Despite not having eaten since the morning before, the brunette fell asleep quickly, just as emotionally exhausted as Abbadon was physically. They both needed the sleep.

Tobi woke up before Abbadon, though, and his stomach was grumbling. With a sigh, he pecked Abby's lips before slipping from the bed and heading out to explore his way to the kitchens.
Rune was ... not used to these hormonal things. Hell, he was not really used to most emotions that normal people experienced, yet alone ones that were forced upon him. For the past month or so, he had had a good control of them! he just stifled any odd feelings away and stuffed his face with strawberries and whipped cream, which seemed to tame him enough.

Today, it was definitely not the case. The raven-haired man was curled up on the couch. His arms wrapped tightly aroudn one of the pillows and his face was buried into the pillow beneath him. His sholders shaking a bit and he sniffled, soft little sobs being muffled by the pillow.
Calder was very aware at how good he had it. Rune was fairly calm and tame throughout the pregnancy thus far, which was extraordinary in and of itself. Anyone who knew Rune knew that 'tame' didn't really describe him very well. The blond was sure to keep large batches of strawberries, heavy cream, confectioner's sugar, and vanilla in the house to keep up with his husband's cravings and they all seemed pretty okay.

Moving into the living room from the bedroom, needing to go ask Tanner something or other, the blond stopped short when he saw the other man. Immediately concern rushed through him as Calder nearly leapt over the coffee table in order to get to the sofa. "Rune?" He tugged the pillow away softly. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Rune took in a shuddering breath as he looked at the man in front of him. He shook his head at his question, lifting his hand to rub the back of it against his nose and wipe away the tears. "I ... I don't know!" He whimpered and shook his head a little bit.
It was only with the admission that Rune didn't know what was wrong that it clicked in Calder's head. The blond shifted his weight so that he could easily wrap his arms around his husband, hugging him tightly to his form. With several soft kisses to his cheeks, Calder pulled back a few long moment's later to study the other man's face. "Will talking to Relic help?" he asked, knowing that he'd be of no help no matter what was wrong. He wished that he could be, but Calder had never had to deal with hormones before. It was one of the larger perks of being gay. "Or strawberries? Or we could drop Ella off with Relic and go out by ourselves for a nice dinner? Or I could shut up and just sit here with you..." The last offer was only a partial joke.
At the mention of strawberries, Rune turned a little green. He groaned and shook his head, taking in a deep breath to calm himself a little bit from vomitting on his husband. He shook his head once more and then turned to press a kiss to Calder's lips. "I want to have sex." He stated, a pout to his lips as he leant forward and nuzzled into the other's neck a little bit.
Calder saw the greenish tint of his love's face. He groaned softly but leaned forward anyway to nuzzle softly at Rune's cheeks, hoping that his own scent would help calm Rune's stomach from whatever was about to make it revolt. The statement made him chuckle a little, but he leaned forward to kiss his husband softly, nipping at his bottom lip a little. "Since when have you had to ask?" he teased, standing up and the holding a hand out to help Rune up, too. Ella had just been put down for her nap, but the living room still wasn't the best choice to ravage or be ravaged in.
Rune stared at the man and smirked. He took his hand, standing up and then leant up and pressed a kiss to the man's lips. He blinked a few times before he whimpered pathetically. "Fuck." He whispered, his arms moving to snaked aroudn the man's torso, pulling him tightly to his form. "I ... lied." He growled and slowly flopped back onto the couch. "WHY are you stealing my fucking libido!?" he growled, looking down at the larger belly he had now.
Calder wanted to giggle. Really, really badly. But he bit his tongue, not wanting to upset his husband, and sat down. He maneuvered them so that they were both lying on the sofa on their sides, Calder lying with his chest to Rune's back. His hand was resting over the man's middle and his lips were pressed to the back of his lover's neck. "It's only another three months," he offered softly, though the blond knew that it wouldn't really help. "And then you never have to do it ever again..."
Rune grumbled and bit his bottom lip. Three more?! He growled once again and turned to bury his face into the pillow. "This fucking sucks!" He growled and then turned to kiss his husband. "This kid better be ... cute."
Returning the kiss, Calder nuzzled into his lover's neck a little bit. "Three months out of how many years we're going to live?" he asked, trying to get him to see the bright side of things. "It's a drop in the bucket," Calder assured him with another little peck. "Besides-he or she will look like you, I'm sure. And they'll be a little person to mold to torture Tomias enough to make you proud." Looking up, Calder smiled at the other man, though they both knew that he wouldn't allow any child of theirs to torture anyone too much.
Rune thought for a while and then gave a simple nod. he had a point. The whole three months more would not be too bad, compared to the rest of their lives and many, many years from now. "Ugh. Great. Another kid to look like my father." He grumbled and then turned to look back and Calder, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips gently. "At least I'm a looker." He chuckled, teasing his love a little and he kissed him once more before relaxing.
Murasaki moved through his rooms, cleaning everything that he could get his hands on. He was a little neurotic when it came to seeing his parents. They'd lived in Japan for a good part of his life, and the culture had expected them to be neat and tidy all the time. Mura was anything but, but his mother always expected him to be a neat freak like she was. And though he was a grown man, she still felt it was her job to nitpick at him for things like that. It wasn't worth it.

And beside that, he had to make a decision: Tell them about Jade, or attempt to keep his love away for the few days that they were in town. Neither his mother or his father would understand or approve his choice.
Jade made his way to Murasaki's room, choosing to surprise him a little bit. His homework was finishede for the whole week. His parents were ... well, scary. His Mama was crying and it, frankly, scared him. He lost trck of Trevor, and was not sure what else to do.

so, he happily skipped into Murasaki's room, giggling before he stopped. Why was he cleaning? He was ... cleaning. Murasaki was cleaning. "Um ... Is something wrong?"
He jumped with the sound of Jade's voice, turning after he'd caught his breath. "Wrong? No..." Moving over, he hugged Jade and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. He didn't want to tell Jade about his parents. They weren't due in until the next night, and he didn't want the blond to take his dilemma the wrong way. "You're here early." Jade didn't usually show up until after dinner, and it was only coming on four. "Is everything okay?"
Jade shook his head, finally closing the door behind him as he walked to the man. He wrapped his arms aroudn his waist and nuzzled into his neck with a happy little giggle. "Nope! Mama is scary when he cries, so I ... escaped to you." Hw smiled warmly, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips, loving the man so very much.

"so, you're not upset or anything?"
"No, not upset, Jade," he answered rather truthfully. "Your Mama is crying?" He wanted desperately to change the subject for the time being. "Is everything alright with the pregnancy?" The professor could guess that it was only hormones that were wreaking havoc on Rune's emotional state, but he wanted to be sure. Then again, Jade's happiness should have told him that everything was fine. Murasaki was just...distracted.
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