Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune turned, looking over at the boy in his husband's arms, groaning a little bit as he did so. He was right. Severus looked ... far too much like him. He sighed heavily, head resting against the other's shoulder before he turned his eyes to the door. Lovely Trevor. Such a soft little soul.

Trevor relaxed, pushing the door open and moving into the room with a tray full of a very nice meal for the two of them. He walked over to the bed, resting the tray on the side table. He turned to look at his parents, leaning down to look at the three boys. "Triplets..." he whispered, looking from one boy to the other. "You just had to beat Uncle Relic?" He asked, teasing the man, really.
Calder laughed at the joke, leaning forward to kiss Trevor's cheek softly. "You know your Mama-always has to be the best." He would have said 'on top' but figured the mental images that it brought to him weren't needed in the mind of their son. Sitting up, he offered Severus to his brother. The blond waited for Trevor to take him before scooting off of the bed and standing up, easily taking the two blonds out of their Mama's arms. "Heal," he whispered softly, nuzzling along Rune's cheek a bit. "We'll get them settled so we can eat."
Rune pouted when he took away the two in his arms. He looked over at Calder and growled a little bit. 'Give me food." He mumbled, pulling the tray closer to his form and then looking at Trevor holding the boy. "Thank you." He said simply and then took up one of the little triangle sandwiches, biting into the food happily. "It's really good." He added absently, going back to eating the food.

Trevor nodded a bit. "You're welcome, Mama.' he said, looking at the little boy he had in his arms. Severus? That was a nice name. He moved, sitting on the chair nearby and continuing to hold the boy in his arms.
He laughed a little, setting the two in their bassinets and then returning to the bed. The blond sat on the edge now, picking up one of his sandwiches and nibbling on it. Calder wasn't nearly as hungry as Rune was it seemed, and then again that made sense. His lover had done all the work labor required, and hadn't really eaten properly since getting pregnant.

Calder had just popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth when Ella came running in. "Papa! Why was Mama yelling? Is he okay!?" She climbed up onto his lap and hugged him, Calder chuckling at her.

"Mama's fine, honey." He turned her to look at Rune. "See?"
Rune looked over at Ella when she came into the room. His eyes to the girl's form while she asked if he was okay. His arm reached out, wrapping around her waist and he pulled her onto his lap. Resting her there with a kiss to her cheek. "Mama's fine." He stated, taking another triangle and beginning to chomp away at the delicious sandwich.

He turned his attention to Trevor, seeing him with Severus and he sighed softly. "You have three new little brothers."
Calder could see that Ella was pleased to find her Mama okay, and he found it humerous how her eyes went very wide with the news. "THREE!?" she squealed, looking excited. "How were three in your belly, Mama?!" She reached over and lifted the blankets only a little, poking Rune's stomach with her free hand.

Laughing, Calder lifted her onto his hip and he moved to the cradles, pointing to each baby as he said their names. "Draco and Lucius." He then moved over to where Trevor was sitting. "And Severus." She really did look awe inspired and Calder thought it was rather cute.
Rune sighed heavily. "I don't know." He mumbled, continuing to eat, and finding that the food did a good job of taming him from wanting to bite Calder for the three that were in him. Sure, he had the twin-genetics ... but they skipped generations, right? So it couldn ot possibly be his fault!

A flash of black and red came into the room, followed by a loud 'oof' from Rune. Relic giggled as he clung to his brother, nuzzling his neck and his arms around his shoulders, hugging him happily. "Oooh! THREE!" He giggled and looked around at the little boys, spotting Severus in Trevor's arms and then the two blonds in the bassinets. "Very nice."
He only shook his head when Relic flew in. He had expected it sooner, really. And so long as his collapsing onto Rune wasn't causing his husband pain then... Well Rune must be used to it, right? Calder plopped Ella back onto the bed and moved to gather Lucius in his arms, passing him off to Relic to hold, and then getting Draco to settle in his own arms while he got comfortable on the bed with his lover.
Relic gladly took a hold of the child, resting him in his arms and he scooted up to rest at the headboard beside his brother. he looked down at the boy in his arms, smiling even more." Oooh. He's precious." he said softly, looking at the blond little thing and then turned to look at Rune."See? You can create pretty things." he teased, leaning over and kissing his brother's cheek softly.

Rune grumbled, rolling his eyes and soon taking the tray he ate a good three-quarters of and setting it onto the side table once more. He then leant against his brother, looking at the boy he held. "But ... three." He whispered, head in the crook of Relic's neck as he looked at Lucius.
Murasaki knew what that gleam meant and he shook his head, placing his hands firmly on his love's shoulders. "No. Sex." He nodded and leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Just for tonight," he promised, though, taking a hold of Jade's hand and moving him to the sofa. Really, they needed to talk about what was happening and dinner would only put off the inevitable.

The professor sat down and pulled his lover onto his lap, arms wrapping tightly around Jade's waist. "I think we need to talk about something."
Jade pouted. Why must he put down his lovely ideas? He sighed softly and then followed him to the sofa nonetheless. He curled up onto his lap, his head against his chest and his hand lifted to absently trace his forefinger along the man's collarbone. He tilted his head back, looking up at him with interest in his features. Murasaki sounded very serious. "What is it?"
What wasn't it? Taking a deep breath and a minute to organize his thoughts, Murasaki spoke. "Jade my parents are coming to visit tomorrow." Well that wasn't the bad part. He leaned down to kiss Jade's lips gently, knowing that his little blond was sure to rush out of the room when he heard the rest of his dilemma.

Once their lips parted, he sighed again. "They don't know about you... About us... And... I'm not going to tell them right now..."
Jade perked up. His parents were coming?! Oh! He wanted to meet them. He really wanted to see the two who created the lovely man he had with him today. He was very curious to see what they look like, how they act. He giggled behind the kiss, thinking the dilemma was whether or not he would want to meet them -- not what came out of his love's lips.

He pushed the man away, his brows furrowing together as he stared at the man in front of him. "You're not going to tell them? Why not?"
"Because they won't understand, sweetheart," he answered very softly, unable to look Jade in the eye. "Your age, your being a student at the school that I teach at... You have to understand. I love you; I love you more than my own life, Jade. And I love them. They're my parents and I can't risk to lose them from my life." He sighed, head flopping back to the back of the sofa. "It's just...not time to tell them."
Jade growled and then pushed himself off the man's lap. "Whatever" He turned on his heel and without even looking back, not even caring to say anything in return, he left the room with a loud slam of the door behind him. He cursed under his breath, forcing the tears to stop from pouring down his cheeks. He could not believe him! He just ... could not.
The next three days were hell. He had to entertain his parents as if nothing was bothering him and yet... Well Jade's being upset more than bothered him. He didn't ever want to hurt his love, but the situation had made him and Murasaki resented his parents for that. The professor played the good host and bit his tongue, though, and they were barely out the doors of the school on Sunday afternoon before he was at Jade's house, pounding on the door in the hopes that he could rectify what he'd fucked up.
Rune came to the door, Lucius in his arms and he opened the door, glaring down at Murasaki instantly. A growl forming at the base of his throat as he stared down at the man. "What do you want? He hasn't left his room for three days. Hasn't stopped crying even while he sleeps. You're lucky you still have a head."
Mura bowed his head to Rune, knowing that he very easily could have been murdered. He silently thanked the baby in the man's arms as that was likely what stopped him. "You have to understand," he offered. "It was the only way to not choose between Jade and my family. I never wish to hurt him, and to not tell them was painful. Please. Please let me speak to him..."

Calder came up behind Rune with Severus and Draco in his arms, overhearing the last of the plea. With very little thought, the blond took Rune's arm and pulled him back a little to allow Murasaki to step into the house. Calder understood greatly, even if his husband and son couldn't. Murasaki thanked them both as he made his way through the house to Jade's bedroom. He knocked first to see what sort of reception he'd get, though he expected the worst.
Rune had been a moment away from slamming the door in the other man's face, wanting him away from his son, and quickly. He growled when Calder let him in, turning to shoot quite the glare at him. He took Severus from the man's arms, sticking his tongue out and then walking off, mumbling to the children about how much of a wuss their Daddy was while he walked to the bedroom.

Jade was curled up under his sheets, the purple teddy bear gripped tightly within his arms. His face buried into the now-wet, drenched really, fur and trying to calm himself to be somewhat coherent, especially with the knock on the door. "Go away." He called, not giving too much of a shout to his voice, probably barely able to be heard.
He heard...something? Murasaki was sure it was Jade's voice, but he couldn't make it out through the door. Well. That meant he said "come in!", right? That was how Mura took it, anyway. He opened the door and stepped inside of the room, closing it behind him softly as he made his way to the bed. The professor knelt down next to it, reaching out to tug the sheet down enough to see Jade's red and puffy face.

"Please don't hate me."
Jade tensed instantly when he heard the door open. He scooted closed to the wall and curled up closer to his teddy bear and tried to evade the other. Of course he would not let him be. He had to come in and disturb him. He buried his face even more into the bear, not wanting to look at the man.

"Go away!" He moved farther from the man, just trying to escape him, make him leave and realize he did not want him here.
He sighed, having expected that. "You know me better than that, Jade." Murasaki stood and then sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning against the headboard so that he could look down at his upset love. "I..." He didn't know what to say, really. And so he went with the only thing he could think of. "I'm sorry that I hurt you..." He could say again that he had to keep his parents, but what good would it do? The younger wizard would still be hurting. "I want to make it up to you, sweetheart. I just...don't know how."
He groaned and took the sheets that were pulled away, wrenching them over his head and trying to ignore the man even more. "I don't care! I don't want to hear it. You chose them over me. By not telling them that you even have a boyfriend, you chose them!"
He chose them? Murasaki didn't see it that way, but if Jade did... He moved onto his side, pulling down the sheets once more. "I'm sorry that I made you feel that way, Jade." What else could he say? It hadn't been intentional-he'd never intentionally hurt his love! The rest of the sentence hit him and he had to shake his head to process it a little bit. "I did tell them, honey..." He'd told them that he was seeing someone that he cared very much for. Just... Not that it was a fifteen year old former student...
He cursed a few times under his breath and glared at the wall in front of him. He snapped up, turning to look down at the man. His rump rested on the back of his heels and his eyes narrrowed at the man lying in his bed. "So, what? Are you never going to tell them about me? I'm just going to be 'the faceless man you're dating' until they're dead?! Or what? are you waiting three years so that it can be legal and by the time they do the math, it won't matter anymore? I realize I've only have parents for, oh, three years ... but shouldn't parents love you no matter what?"
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