Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune, at the moment, was chasing after Severus who had decided walking around the house without his diaper would be perfectly fine -- even when he was peeing! He groaned, snatching up the boy and then quickly moving him back into another room. The ravenette giggling as he tried to wiggle away from his Mama that was putting on the diaper. "Hey! You stop that. You keep pissing on my floor and walls. . . Jade will step in it. Or me! Don't be mean to Mama." he kissed the boy's nose before plopping him back into his feet with his pants on properly, and pinned even to his shirt, and tehn off he went, just in time to hear Calder.

He sighed heavily, finding where his love's voice was and then looking at the kid in front of him. "Can I help you?"
Looking up when the man entered, Viktor was quite shocked at how similar they looked. He felt a flutter of nerves, but brushed it off. No point in ever beating around the bush he felt. Sooner or later the truth would come out and it was always better to just get it over with. "My father-Slade-sent me to meet you because he wanted me to meet my other father."
Rune stared at the teen, just stared. Slade? Oh that was ... He looked over the kid a bit more and hissed an annoyed" Fuck" under his breath. Slade was a good fifteen, sixteen years ago ... Guess how old the kid looked! He growled, right eye twitching in his annoyance as he turned toward the kitchen. "CALDER! We have a problem!" He yelled before he spotted Lucius trying to waddle his way out the door. "hey! Stop that." He groaned, picking up the blond boy and then looking at the other.

"Son of a bitch ... Just ... Get inside before I kill you." he hissed, quite pissed off at the moment. This ... was never to have happened.
Well wasn't he just a ray of sunshine? Then again, his father had warned him before he'd left so Viktor was pretty aware of what he was walking into when he'd rang the doorbell. The dark haired man stepped inside the house and shut the door behind him. "They make leashes for rugrats you know..."

Calder stepped in just to hear the conversation, and was smoldering because of it. "My children are none of your concern." Something along the lines of 'rude little snit' was muttered under his breath as he took Lucius onto his hip. "What's wrong?" he asked Rune, seeing the anger and frustration in his face.
Rune grumbled, turning to look at his husband and he sighed heavily. He glanced to the kid beside him then once more back to Calder. "He's ... my son ...apparently." he mumbled, flopping his head forward and onto Calder's shoulder with his utter exhaustion for this whole thing. "And I blame Val! Before him, I knew men could not get pregnant! It's all his fault." he mumbled into the man's neck before he bit him once more.

Straightening away from Calder, he turned to look at the kkid there. He took a hold of the boy's wrist, leading him to the kitchen for his own little experiment. SURE Calder would be pissed, but hey, whatever. He took up the nearest knife and without even thinking twice, sliced it along the other's wrist. If it did not heal, then he may not be his kid. and he would just heal it up himself. If it healaed, then ... fuck.
Rune's son? Calder was highly confused. But before anything, his attention was on the knife slashing through flesh. "Rune!" The blond rushed over to the other, unsure of what to do at that point, though before the thought finished processing the wound was healed as if it'd never been there and Viktor had a rather bored look on his face. With a sigh, Calder reached out and smacked his love's shoulder for making him worry when he wasn't thinking rationally in the first place.

"Is there anything else you'd like to cut?" Viktor asked flatly.
Rune growled and really wanted to just stab the other through the heart, but that would be bad. Very, very, very bad. He did not want to traumatize his other children, now did he? He gurmbled and tossed the knife into the sink. "Yes, and it's between your thighs." He hissed before he released the other, crossing his arms over his lower torso and just staring at the kid.

"So, what? Why are you here? Bonding time ... Want some money. Daddy made you ... Just in the city? what? 'cause if it's a pisspoor reason, I'm shoving you out on your ass and pretending I never knew you existed. Like I had for the past however many years."
"Awww such loving words from Daddy Dearest!" He pulled a face and moved out of the kitchen. It was a bit crowded in there and he wasn't a people person, to say the least. "I don't know why I'm here. Curiosity. Genetics. Abandonment issues. What's the difference?" he asked, turning to look at the man from whom he'd gotten half his genetics. "I want nothing from you other than perhaps the chance of a relationship with you."
Rune stared at the teen while he spoke, eyes to his and he listened before shrugging his shoulders. "Fine." He said simply and then turned on his heel to return to the refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of water and then something to snack on, chomping on the piece of fruit he had and he then turned once more to look at the male that so lovingly flipped his world upside down.

"What about Slade?" He asked, his rump resting against the counter as he kept his eyes to the man. "Did he die or something?""
It was a good thing that he'd calloused himself from his father's death only two months before, or else he'd have started blubbering like a little baby; like he had for the first month after. Finally, the rest of his family had gotten sick of his moping about, and he'd gotten sick of their bitching. The uncaringness settled both problems for a short time. Then they wanted him out.

But that didn't make him any less protective of his father, either. "What's it to you?" he snapped, eyes narrowed. "You didn't care to keep up with him so why do you care if he's alive or not?"
Rune arched a brow at the kid in front of him, staring at the male for a while before he growled under his breath. He took a few steps toward him, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he glared down at the man. "Listen, you little brat. I met your father. I fucked your father for a good month. I dumped him. If you want to whine about the fact that I'm an uncaring asshole who just used him for sex, stand in line. There are infinite numbers before you. It's not my fault he did not tell me he was pregnant. While I would not have given two shits, I would have at least taken you and him into my parents' home. So don't give me this attitude like I abandoned you both. I did not know about you until five minutes ago."

He growled once more before he flicked the other's forehead out of his frustration. "Now. I'm sorry Slade died, Really I am. He was a nice guy. Little clingy, but still nice. So, if you have any of your things with you, go get them and put them into a fucking room. You're underage and need a house. Mine's big enough. Few rules, so go make yourself at home."
Viktor resisted the urge to spit at the man, or worse. For all of his father's gentleness growing up, he certainly had Rune's temperament. "Don't act like you don't give a shit," he finally got out, standing his ground. He didn't want to give away the nature of his own abilities just yet, and so he left it at that for now, moving further into the house with the invitation. He'd had his things shipped, knowing that any father would be hard pressed to turn their son, wanted or not, out. He disappeared down the hallway muttering to himself, finding a room upstairs. His first choice had looked occupied ((Trevor's room)) and so Viktor chose the one across the hall from it.
Rune growled under his breath, glaring at the back of the teen's head. Yep, he was going to murder him. He sighed heavily, turning on his heel and just grumbling while he flopped onto the ground of the kitchen, rummaging for his chocolate and feeling so much better with the soothing sugar.

Trevor perked up with, well, all the rapid emotions that were surging through the house and then the noises. He stood up from his bed, poking his head out and he looked at the room across from him. Ever so slowly, he stepped out of his bedroom, gently knocking on the door before he poked his head into the room, seeing someone he did not know who it was. "Um ... Hello..."
The hello came much too quickly after the knock for him to process. Viktor spun around quickly, glaring at who he was sure would be Rune. He softened considerably, though, when the calmness came through and he realized that the brunette in front of him wasn't any threat. "Hi," he greeted just as softly and even with a little smile. Okay, so he'd picked up some of his father's niceness. Still, the flipping of the switch could be instantaneous.

Viktor studied the brunette for a moment, reading his emotions (which came very easily for him, especially since they flowed so freely through him) for a moment. He found the curiosity immediately. "Viktor," he offered.
Trevor said a soft, "sorry" since he seemed to have caught him off guard. He stood up, taking a small step into the room and he examined the man in front of him for a while. Hearing his name, he nodded, holding his hand out in greeting. "Trevor." He waited to shake the other man's hand before both his hands linked behind his back and he looked around the room then once more back to the new face.

"If you don't mind my asking ... Why are you here?" He could sense the many, many emotions running through the other, but they never answered why. They told him this man was nervous, anxious, pissed [which is a normal sideeffect of meeting his Mama], and a few other ones.
He smiled a little bit. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked, wondering how many strangers found their way to bedrooms and made themselves at home. "Well no, I suppose not. Your father-Rune?-he's... Well. He's my father as well." Sighing softly, Viktor sat on the bed. It was easy to open up to this Trevor. He had warm emotions running through him and an open curiosity. "My other father died a few months back and so... Well here I am."
"Oh." He nodded a little bit and then looked around the other's room before once more back to the male sitting on the bed. "I am sorry for your loss, truly I am." He said softly, slowly walking to the other and standing beside him. "Mama is ... mean, but in the end, he is very nice. Scary, but nice. Right now he is overwhelmed. I can feel it very easily." He stated and then shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "Do you have some things to move in with? I can help you get them."
Mama? That made him laugh a little. "I know he is. It radiates. But don't tell him I can feel that." Looking over to the other, he smiled a little bit. "And thank you, but my belongings were sent along after me. They should be here in a few days I suspect." Standing and stretching his arms over his head, Viktor looked around. "So tell me about everyone. There's a little one. What's his name?" Might as well get to know who he'd be living with, right? "And you don't look like either of them... No offense, of course."
Trevor nodded a bit. Well, that stunk. He would have to take him to Uncle Relic, see if he had anything that he would fit into. Of course once his Mama told him. Otherwise ... he was pretty sure Relic was scarier than Rune sometimes. At least emotion-wise. Relic was a ball of energy and far too many emotions at once.

He turned to look at him once more. Little one? He thought for a bit before saying a simple "Which one?" He smiled for a moment before he nodded at the question. "Yes. Jade, Ella, and myself are all adopted. The little one you speak of is Calder, we call him Papa, and Mama's child. Well, triplets. The one with black hair is Severus. Then the two blonds are Lucius and Draco. When you see them, it is easier to tell them apart." He nodded a little bit and then glanced to the door before once more back to the teen beside him.

"Then there are the other two families with us. Uncle Tomias and Uncle Nikkos are in the main part of the house. They have Dawn and Alexander. Uncle Relic and Uncle Tanner have Remus and Romulus, their adopted twins, and then Adamair who is their child together. I am sure you will meet Uncle Relic soon." He sighed softly. "Uncle Relic is ... a lot to take in, so be warned."
He counted to himself. "SIX!?" That...That MONSTER had six children? Well, seven including himself. That was... Well it was almost too much to take in, really. Who in the hell adopted three and then had three more? Especially with a temperament like Rune's?

Relic? Oh yes. Rune's twin. His father had told him about Relic. He said so. "Yes, I've been warned..." He smiled a little at the stories. "I'm not sure who was downstairs. One of the blonds I suppose." He really didn't care to figure it out right about now. "You're an empath." It was quite obvious and Trevor wasn't attempting to hide it. "Strong?"
Trevor let out a gentle laugh. "Yes. He had not planned on getting us three, and he did not plan for the triplets. He ... is more fertile than he thinks, obviously." He stated and then smiled once more. He was glad that Viktor was warned about Relic. He really was so much to take in at once. "Once Mama calms down, or when the boys are napping, I can show you to them so you can see who is who."

He perked up. Empath? He looked at him and nodded a little bit more. "Yes. And ... yes. It gets hectic and ... hormonal around here." He sighed softly, rubbing the back of his neck and he lifted his eyes to the male beside him once again. "You are as well. So, you know that Mama is not all cruelty."
"Yes," he confirmed. "But your Mama doesn't know that and I'd like to keep it that way?" he asked. Viktor knew that he was asking a lot-Trevor didn't seem like the type to keep secrets from his parents, especially for a stranger. But it would be better this way. He liked having free range of reading people's emotions, and even though he could read them just as easily if they knew, it was a pain to have to sort through the false ones they attempted to put up to "hide" the real ones.

"I think I'm going out," he announced, standing up. "You're more than welcome to...escape with me," he offered, shrugging. He liked Trevor. "You can be my tour guide."
Trevor nodded. It was not his to tell, so he did not see anything wrong with keeping that knowledge to himself. If he wanted to not tell his parents, he would not object. He looked up at him when he stood, feeling a bit disappointed really that he did not wish to stay. At least until the invitation. He was relieved. He just needed air, not to literally run away from everything. there was a difference between the two.

Standing up, he looked at the male beside him. "All right. What sort of things do you wish to see?" he asked, beginning to walk forward and heading out of the room.
He shrugged. He'd never been to Italy before, and so he didn't know what would be around or interesting to see. "I don't know. Surprise me." Yes, that would do nicely. He'd be living here for at least the next two and a half years so seeing a little of everything would be nice. Viktor liked to have an overview of everything he was near, which was why he enjoyed his Empathy so much.

They exited the room and Viktor gave a rather smug smile to Rune as he passed the kitchen with one of his son's in a friendly conversation.
Trevor nodded. Well, he had a few ideas in place, so that would all be fine. He glanced to the kitchen and waved to them. "We will be back before curfew." He stated and then left the house. He led the way down the driveway and soon to the sidewalk in the street. He looked around before he truly decided. He took the male through the scenic route of all the vineyards and everything until they ended up at a cute little bistro-cafe that was right in the center of the farmer's market of the town.

"I think this place embodies the Italian culture." He smiled and then looked over at Viktor once more. "And ... the emotions are not too bad. A few angsty or angry ones, but mostly, they're all very pleasant."
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