Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Following Trevor, they had a very nice walk. He enjoyed himself far more than he ever would have thought he could after his father had passed, and that made him feel a little guilty. The dark haired teen pushed those feelings aside for the time being. As they came up on the cafe he smiled. He liked the general vibe of the place. It was easy for him to turn off feeling individual emotions and when Trevor mentioned some, he wondered if the brunette could too.

"Do you always feel them?" he asked, taking a seat. "I mean, every person's emotions all the time?" For him, it was a simple blanket of good or bad most of the time, with stabs of one or the other in there depending on how strong and how many people were feeling it.
Trevor looked over at the man beside him and nodded to the question. "Yes. I have been trying to not feel them, to turn it off or mask it ... but it seems it cannot be done." He shrugged his shoulders a little bit and then turned to the hostess, holding up two fingers to the woman. "At least it does not send me into pain anymore." He followed the woman to a little table, sitting down and waiting for Viktor to do the same. It was true. He always felt everyone's emotions all the time, no matter what he would do. He was used to that by now, and accepted that, no matter what, he would always know at least how someone felt.
"It can be done," he answered, sitting down and draping his right knee over his left. "It's kind of like when you stare out into space? You can see things sharply for a moment and then...it all goes fuzzy." At least that was how Viktor thought of it. "It took a lot of practice, though, but it's natural now to fuzz it out."

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and sight seeing. It was nice to be able to make a friend so quickly. As it began to get darker, the teen suggested they head back. "Don't want your Mama to think I've kidnapped you or anything."
Trevor nodded to the other, putting that idea to the back of his mind to try and use later on. Of course, by now, he was just used to it. The only time it was bad was when someone horrible came by them. He was not as bad as Sergei, though. Sergei could only see the auras and that tended to blind him from anything else, but he tended to be able to feel everything, especially if he dug deep enough into another's subconscious.

He smiled at the mention of going home, nodding a bit more. "Yes. Mama should have cooled down by now." He stated and then led the way back to their home. He stopped in front of the door, staring at it before he froze. He looked back to Viktor and he sighed softly. "Do you feel that bubbling energy? Like ... it almost makes you feel like you're on a rollercoaster? That would be Uncle Relic." he forewarned, slowly opening the door so that he man could enter behind him, figuring he would save him a little bit.
The happiness overwhelmed him. "I feel...happiness. It's not really intense or anything just... Strong." He shrugged and followed Trevor inside. The happiness inside of the house doubled, taking over anything else that may or may not have been inside. Viktor just groaned a little bit but entered anyway. "Daddy I'm hoooome!"
There was a squeal from the other room, followed by quite the curse, and then the lovely skirt-wearing twin charging at the ravenette near his nephew. He practically tackled the poor kid. His arms around his shoulders and hugging him tightly to his chest. "MINI RUNE!" He giggled happily and nuzzled into his head as he bounced on the balls of his feet." Oh! He's adorable!" He giggled again, stepping back so that he could look down at the male in front of him. "Awe! Same pissy, I'm going to kill someone, attitude! Asshole is genetic!" he squealed and pressed a little kiss to thet boy's cheek before seeing a very pissed Rune at the door. "TOOTLE"! With that, the man ran out the doors and to the other side of the mansion, to his house.

Rune growled, flipping off the door before he took in a deep breath and calmed himself once more. His fingers pushed through his raven locks, loking down at the kid in front of him once more. "Welcome back. Did you eat?" he asked, looking at Trevor for confirmation, and with the nod, he gave a returning gesture and then sighed softly. "help yourself to the fridge if you want anything."
Viktor stiffened with the physical closeness, but only because he simply hadn't been expecting it. Though he suppose he should have been after feeling the overall happiness that hid Rune's bad mood. He was amused by the interaction between the two, but didn't let it show (though he was sure Trevor could feel it) as he nodded to his 'father' and moved into the kitchen. He really was, as his father had told him, a human garbage disposal. Viktor liked to eat, and could eat many out of house and home before they realized what had happened. He pulled out the items he would need for a sandwich and began to make one.

"Want one?" he asked Trevor.
Trevor perked up, his eyes flicking to the male that addressed him abotu a sandwich. He shook his head. "No thank you. I'm actually quite stuffed from the cafe." He admitted and then walked over to his Mama, kissing his cheek softly in gentle greeting before he walked over to where Viktor was creating his sandwich. He took out some dessert ingredients from teh refrigerator, placing them all around the counter, lined up for when he would need them, and then began to make something off the top of his head.
"Wuss," he teased gently with a little smile. Viktor wasn't really paying any attention to Rune's presence and he didn't care if the man was shocked or horrified at his budding friendship with Trevor. It would amuse him greatly if the man got upset by it, really. But he doubted that Rune would allow him to get the best of him like that, no matter how badly he wanted to.

Sandwich made, Viktor sat at the counter to eat while watching Trevor. "Whatcha makin'?
Trevor shook his head a bit at the man's words and then just continud on with what he had been doing. He soon had a nice, thick batter going and he examined the contents a bit more when he heard the man's words behind him. "I'm not sure." He admitted, taking a bit of the batter and placing it into his mouth, crimson eyes staring at the wall while he pondered.

"Almost like a ... cake brownie." He stated, turning to look at the man and he then turned back to the food, shrugging his shoulders gently. "Mama likes chocolate so, I like to make him my taste tester. And the whole invincible thing helps too. That and because he is blunt and doesn't care if he hurts my feelings."

Rune stared at the man and arched a brow when he babbled on about the thing he was making. "HEY! I'm right here you inconsiderate little prick!" he rolled his eyes before hearing the cries of the boys upstairs. He groaned, turning on his heel, he made his way up the stairs to tend to the little babes.
Viktor stuck his tongue out at Rune's back, mumbling something about learning to be nicer to his kids. Shaking his head, the dark haired male turned back to his new found friend. "Ooh you bake often?" he asked. He had a sweet tooth, though he didn't particularly like chocolate. Vanilla and strawberry were more his style. "I don't know how to myself, but I enjoy the fruits of other people's labor!" he joked.
Trevor shook his head a bit. He knew Rune was kidding, of course he was. He loved being here, Rune loved them lots, and everything really was great in general. He turned to Viktor, nodding to the question asked. "Yes. It was great when they adopted us ... I got to use the kitchen whenever I wanted, and Papa, Calder, would even cook with me." He smiled at the memories and then looked back to the teen beside him. "Want me to make you anything? Mama likes the chocolate so it will be gone by tomorrow, maybe the next day, so I can more than easily make you something."
The prospect of someone baking for him was very tempting. "Don't go out of your way," he answered, though. Viktor wasn't used to being spoiled, and didn't really want to be spoiled, either. If Trevor was going to bake, then he most certainly would enjoy the sweets, but he didn't want the teen to bake just because he was craving something. The teen popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth and got up to put his dish in the dishwasher. "Besides, I'm sure your Mama gives you enough work around the kitchen if his sweet tooth is everything my dad said that it was."
Trevor shook his head to his words. "No. Papa cooks enough for him. I just wanted something to do, but I will make you something. What kind of sweets do you like?" He asked, popping the pan into the oven, setting the timer, and then walking to the refrigerator. They still had many strawberries and whatnot left - Rune one day had ordered a box for every month for the next three years on a random whim of strawberry-craving ... scary times. - "We have strawberries ... I can make some sort of white-strawberry cake."
The weekend passed without much more incident. He still wasn't completely comfortable in the house, but Viktor was getting there. His stuff arriving on Saturday really helped him to settle in a little bit more, and he even went over to talk to Mr. Arcule about enrolling himself in school, since it didn't seem like Rune was going to take that parental initiative.

Monday morning came and even though there were thousands of students around in school, Viktor felt infinitely more comfortable in Prometheus than he did at home. It was a nice escape. It was also nice that he had a class with Calder. He liked history and he hoped that he could bond a little bit with his, apparently, step father because of the class.
Relic beamed as he spotted the male in the halls, bouncing his way toward the male and he giggled happily once he was beside him. "Hello, Viktor!" He giggled once more, his arm wrapped around his shoulder loosely, holding him against his side and leading him through the halls happily. He looked at one student to the ther then back to the boy he was holding onto. "Calder's class this morning? He is a good teacher. Loooves his history. If you bother Tomias about it, he can give you a first hand account. Dunno how you feel about history, but the offer still stands. He has random relatives popping up ... far too much." He shook his head a bit and then turned his full attention to the teen.
Yes, he'd been told that Mr. Arcule could help him with history. And while Viktor didn't need help, per se, he was interested to hear first hand accounts of what he enjoyed learning about. He knew that he'd likely take his... Uncle? up on the offer. Nodding to Relic, the teen moved with him through the halls. It was easier to do so than to pull away since the hallways were so crowded.

"Thank you, Mr. Reed." He moved into the classroom and took his seat, ready to see what type of teacher Calder was.
"Welcome" He said cheerfully, giggling even more while he bounced his way toward his own classroom. He still loved to hear 'Mr Reed" directed at him.

Lunch came and Trevor made sure to bring Bohdi with him to sit with Viktor. His fingers laced with the blond's and his thumb trailed along the back of his hand. He walked through the hords of people, spotting the teen and he tugged his shirt gently. "Hey, I made you a sandwich, if you're interested." He offered, head cocked to the side in interest while he waited to hear his answer, figuring introductions could happen soon - or Bohdi introduce himself.
Trevor had mentioned his Mama's other son that had just moved in, and Bohdi was quite curious to met him. Kyros seemed to be, too. This was the first time in a long time that he'd followed them down to lunch. The dog wagged his tail at the teen, and Bohdi smiled a little at him, introducing himself.

Viktor smiled up and thanked Trevor, taking the sandwich, and then at the blond next to him. "Infamous," he commented, teasing playfully. From what the brunette teen had told him, he already liked Bohdi. "You can sit if you want... Though I'm not sure dogs are very sanitary around food..." He eyed the dog who growled at him a little bit.
Trevor turned a soft pink at the mention of Bohdi being infamous. It was true, he talked about him quite a bit when he was talking to Viktor. He really was in love with the blond, and while he did not speak obsessively about him, he defintiely talked a lot about him. He took in a deep breath and then looked down at Kyros, shaking his head a bit. "It may not be, but he does not try to eat anyone's food ... and he tends to stay calm, so I see no problems." He admitted and then led the way to a table, sitting dwon on one side with Bohdi, finally releasing his hand to set out his lunch.

"How are your classes so far? Was Papa's class good?"
Bohdi laughed as he sat, giving Kyros' head a little rub to calm him. "I assure you he's very hygienic." He, too, blushed with the 'infamous' comment. Really, he thought it was cute, but he didn't say that. The blond didn't want to embarrass his fiancée further.

Shrugging, Viktor dug into his lunch. Class? "Oh it was nice. He likes to tell the story, not the facts." It was difficult to explain Calder's teaching methods, but he had enjoyed the class and that's all that mattered anyway. "I'm very interested in talking to your uncle Tomias about some of the history he's witnessed."
Trevor nodded and smiled a little bit more. "Yes. Uncle Mias has some interesting stories. He is very ... blunt, and a bit vulgar about it, but really ... Who else can you talk to who met Shakespeare?" He shook his head a little and then took a bite of his sandwich. He really liked Viktor. He was a nice guy, especially considering whom his father was. He was surprised he was not thoroughly sadistic and malicious like his Mama. While, yes, Rune had quite the many soft spots as of recently, he was still mean and scary and he was pretty positive Murasaki was still too scared to even come near their house. So, yes, Viktor is a very nice boy.
"Bluntness seems to run in the family," he answered with a little bit of sarcasm, grinning at Trevor and at Bohdi, too. They shared a nice lunch together before Viktor slipped off to walk off the food before classes started for the afternoon. He strolled along the confusing hallways of the school, simply taking them in so that he could, maybe, remember them later if he ever had to use them again.
Rune spotted Viktor, arching a brow as he did so. He slowly strolled up to the male, stopping in front of him and pressing a forefinger to his forehead, stopping him from going any farther. "Going somewhere?"
He groaned when he was stopped, rolling his eyes at the male in front of him. "Does it matter?" he asked with a heavy attitude attached. "I'm on my lunch break. Classes start in twenty minutes. I can do what I want with my free time, thanks." He didn't really care that the man was a glorified hall monitor, he just wanted Rune to get out of his way. "Excuse me," he said, moving to push past him.
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