Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Confident little shit aren't you?" he asked, continuing to look over his menu. He liked everything on it and so it was hard to pick just one thing to eat. Viktor kept the other hanging, enjoying the power struggle they were having far more than he should. And he felt only amusement coming from the other side of the booth, so he knew the other was, too.

"Viktor," he finally answered as he set the menu down. "I suppose I should ask yours so that I know what to tell the ingravers to put on your headstone."
Devon smirked. Of course he was confident! How could he not be? He was drop dead gorgeous. Not to mention he had yet to meet a guy who turned him down Viktor was turning him down at the moment, but he could understand that. Some people tended to have morals and not want to fool around with the guy, no matter how hot, they just met. Personally, he never had that problem, but to each their own!

He chuckled a little bit more, grinning as he kept his eyes to the male. "Devon. Devon LaMonte."
Viktor nodded and stored the information away. The relationship that he was developing with the boy in front of him was different from any of the other relationships he'd ever had, and he was quite enjoying it. They ordered, continuing their banter back and forth for a little while afterward, too.

"So what did you do to piss Rune off?"
"Exist" He stated, knowing that that was proabbly the case, too. He sighed heavily, shaking his head a bit and he chuckled lightly. He straightened and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "We got off on a bad foot, I suppose. Probably because mine went up his ass ... but hey! He deserved it." He stated, pointing his fork at the kid and he shrugged his shoulders once more. "First year here, he made some snotty comment, well, snarky really, and 'let me off with a warning' so I turned aroudn and kicked him in the ass. He broke my ankle, sent me to detention, and that was that."
"Interesting way of making friends you have there," he commented with a little bit of an attitude hidden in. Shrugging, he sat back to relax a little bit. Actually, Viktor knew that Devon got away quite lucky. His 'father' could have easily broken his entire leg, or killed him. "How long have you been at Prometheus?" Maybe the answer would give him a round about age of the other male, too. Really, Viktor was simply too curious for his own good.
Devon shrugged his shoulders. He was not there to befriend the hall monitor, really. He was ... decent to the other students. He pushed the thoughts away to count back to years he had been there. "First year it started so ... Four?" He shrugged once more, looking back to the male. "I've lost track. Three, five ... something. Less than a decade." He sighed softly and then took another bite of his food, finishing it up a bit and then turning his attention to the man in front of him once more. "So ... You don't seem like you've known Rune long. You're what? Fifteen or something ... Yet you refer to him as 'father' and it's not very pleasant ... I realize he's an ass, but Trevor and that spazzy blond one like him."
Spazzy blond? Oh. "Jade," he answered with a little smile. "They love him. He saved them, despite what you would think of Rune." While he didn't want to believe that of his 'father', neither Trevor nor Jade had any reason to ever lie to him. And neither did Calder. Viktor enjoyed the company of his step brothers, and they quickly had become friendly with each other, much to the annoyance of their Mama.

"I didn't know him until a week ago. Rune got my dad pregnant, but left before he could be told. My dad raised me, but died a few months ago. So. Fifteen and no where to go... Well I got stuck with that." He shrugged. Really, Rune was the worst of it. What fifteen year old wouldn't like to have the run of Italy?
Devon listened to the other and nodded a bit. "That explains it." He shrugged his shoulders and looked the male over a little bit more, smirking to himself. Yep, still delicious. "I mean ... There has to be something, right? MR. Delano ... and shove it, jailbait, he's still Mr. Delano to me ... anyway, he likes him. Those two like him. His brother... Even Mr. Reed seems to not mind him, so he can't be all bad. Yea, he's a giant turd, and probably hates anyone non-family ... but hey! You're family! You get to ... punch him in the balls." He shrugged once more before catching the waitresss "Check please. I'm taking him home for some ... dessert" He winked at the woman who blushed and quickly rushed away.
"Wishful thinking," he warned, though it was more for the waitress' sake than Devon's. "I don't. Well, I could. But he's not worth the energy because, fuck it all, he'd fight back." Though, Viktor smiled at the extra detention he'd earned today. "I did eat the chocolate Calder had made for him last night, though. That reaction amused me greatly."

The check was brought and paid, and they exited the restaurant, Viktor starting the car by hot wiring again before speeding away. "Should get this baby home," he said rather regretfully. "I'm sure she's missed." He chuckled, wondering what Rune did when he found out the car was gone.
Viktor barely got a step into the house before there was a strong hand wrapped around his neck and he was pinned to the wall just inside the manor. Rune growled as he stared down at the boy, hoping to rip off his oxygen. "You ungrateful ingrate! That's MY car! More important than your life! Do you understand that?! If there is a single mark on that, I'm making you live with Relic! IN THE SAME fucking room as him! And yes, he doesn't mind an audience!" Yes, that was his threat. HE could not just toss him on his ass, no matter how tempting the idea was. Calder would ha te him, Trevor would silently shun him, it would be very bad.

Devon blinked a few times, staying a step away and he looked from Viktor then to Rune and back again. "Um, if you would excuse us, I was trying to ravage your son here ... You're kinda getting in the way."
He only laughed as he was half choked and threatened. "I'm sure he doesn't," he agreed, nodding all the while and yessing Rune to death. "Got it. No marks. Live with Relic. Got it. Yup. Okay Daddy. Uh huh." There wasn't much that Rune could do to him to phase him, and this was the least of his worries. He let the man run his anger out before prying his fingers from around his neck and stepping beside Devon. "Oooh! You know Devon, right Daddy?" He wrapped his arm around Devon's waist and cuddled into his side for show.
Rune growled, glaring at Devon even more and he took a hold of the teal-haired male's ear, yanking him toward himself. "You ... I have no problems killing. Remember that." He hissed and then shoved him away. "FINE! Go have sex. Hope you get fucking pregnant.' He turned on his heel and made his way toward the kitchen, going on a ravenous search for chocolate, or something to calm him. Hm ... MAybe some hostilities on Calder. Oh yes. He smirked, making his way through the house to find his husband for some one-on-one time.

Devon arched a brow, watching Rune leave before he chuckled with a shake of his head. "Silly psycho ... Don't you know I can't die?" He smirked before turning to the other cuddling up to him. "You keep doing that, I will rape you." He stated and then began to walk forward, looking about "Oi. Where's your room?"
"Oh yes," he agreed sarcastically, pulling away from the other male. "I"m going to usher you right up to the privacy of my room after a threat of rape." He rolled his eyes and moved into the house, pointing towards the sofa. "Make yourself at home." He moved to the fridge to get something to drink before joining his guest. "Besides, the joy you get from torturing my father should be more than enough 'payment' for you."
Devon thought for a moment before he shook his head. He turned ot look at Viktor, eyes to him and he smiled a little bit more. "Nope. I can do that any day, any time." He then smirked and leant toward him. "How about a kiss? Hm? Little peck ... nothing too big, just a friendly lip-on-lip. I won't even fondle you." Yep, he was goign to try. If he succeeded, tehn he would be a very happy camper. If not, then he would just go back to sipping his drink and pouting about not getting sex. And how hot the teen really was. SO WHAT if he was jailbait? He was hot.
While he wanted to say no, just to say no, Viktor had to admit that the thought of simply giving into what the other wanted gave him a little flutter in his stomach. But he pushed that away...for now. He shook his head. "No. I want the grand romantic gesture." Okay, so he was half bullshitting. So what? "I want the true first date and kiss-just like in movies."
Devon arched a brow, his smile dropping instantly and he huffed a bit. "Bastard." he growled and then straightened up from having been leaning toward the other man. He stood up, his hand resting on his hip and he looked down at the other. "Fine... You spoiled little brat, you win. Friday, you, me, movie ... dinner. You can choose both places. I don't care. I'll treat you completely.." He then took a hold of his hand, lifting it up and pressing a soft kiss to the knuckles. "As the prince wishes." he whispered, nipping his knuckles before he turned and began to head to the door. "Bye."
He laughed, greatly amused, but waved good bye.

Friday came easily. Viktor didn't bother asking for permission to go out. He simply found Devon after classes had ended and stashed his bag in his room for the time being. Sure, they'd have to return here for him to pick them up later but that didn't matter. Maybe they'd just leave them there and he could pick them up in the morning.

"La Capricciosa," he answered. It was a fairly nice restaurant close to his house that he'd seen on his first walk with Trevor and he wanted to try it.
Devon arched a brow and shrugged his shoulders. "Works for me." He admitted, making his way through the halls and leading the way to a lovely ruby-red mustang in the parking lot. He opened up the passenger's side for the male, grinning even more. "You said you wanted a date." He winked and then waited for him to be settled before he closed the door. He hopped on into the driver's side, buckling up and soon he was heading down teh road to the class, looking at the male beside him and then back to the road. "So, how were your classes?"
He raised an eyebrow at the car, but appreciated it none the less. It really was a beauty, and even though it couldn't be genetics, Viktor shared Rune's affinity for lovely machines such as this one. He settled in, admitting to himself that he liked the attention that the 'date' was gaining him.

The small talk, though it should have been awkward, was nice. "Average," he answered, sitting back to enjoy the ride. "Well, I always enjoy Calder's class, but the rest were so-so. I think I'll take some swimming courses next semester." He missed being in the water greatly.
"Does that mean I get to see you in a speedo?" He grinned, looking beside him at the man and he pulled up to the restaurant of choice. Parking the car, he hopped on our and jogged to the passenger's side. Opening the door, he once more held his arm out for him to take.
He laughed, shaking his head. "Doubtful."

Dinner was nice, and the movie was good. Viktor even rested his head on the other man's shoulder through the movie. He was beginning to really like Devon, and the fact that Rune hated him was only a plus. They moved to the car after the movie, sitting in their spot for a few minutes while the rest of the patrons left or found parking spaces. He'd forgotten how crazy movie theaters could be on Friday nights!

"Thank you for tonight."
Devon had been glaring at all the others in front of him, cursing them mentally about driiving badly and being in his way -- the usual. He soon turned to the male beside him with his words. He grinned. "You're more than welcome! We will definitely have to do it again sometime. It was nice." He leant over and kissed the ravenette's cheek, still wanting that kiss, but he would not push it. He gave an exasperated sigh when FINALLY htere was room to move. "Thank GOD" He chuckled in his amusement and put the car into drive, turning to Viktor once more. "REady to go home?"
Devon's road rage was...cute, really. He laughed at the turquoise haired man's frustrations, teasing him here and there. He could feel that the frustration wasn't really deep seeded and that was good to know, too. He also felt the honesty of the offer to go out again and that put his mind (heart?) at ease a little bit. He was glad that it was dark now, because he blushed a faint pink with the kiss to his cheek.

"I think that's meant to be a trick question," he laughed, but nodding all the same. "Yeah. Might as well get it over with!"
Devon shrugged and continud through the traffic, speeding through them all and returning to the manor in record time. not that he did not want more time with him, he just could not stand people. He hopped out, walking to the man's door and opening it up. Taking his arm once more, he led him to the front steps of his side of the mansion. He stopped and turned to look at Viktor, smiling cheerfully. "Thank you for a darling time, dear prince." He took the other's hand, lifting it up and kissing the knuckles once more, figuring he would at least give him a chance for the kiss.
He laughed a little at the actions and words. They were sweet, and they made his heart flutter just a little bit. Really, if there was a guy out there who would truly treat him like this all the time... Well, Viktor had no doubts that he'd have no trouble falling in love. How could he? It was nice to be made to feel special!

"Thank you again." He didn't move to go into the house, lingering in the dim light of the porch and moonlight.
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