Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He kept a hold on the male's hands, pulling him closer and leaning down to him. He moved their lips to a good inch or two apart, his baby blue eyes looking at the icy blues of the male in front of him. "You said after a proper date." He whispered, purposely using a bit more breath, just to have it dance along his lips, teasing him and remaining right where he was - unmoving - until he got what he wanted.
Viktor had to hold in a gasp at not only the proximity of the male's face to his, but also the warm, sweet breath that ghosted over his lips and face with his words. Perhaps the orange glow of the light would hide the pink in his cheeks? He hoped so. He stayed where he was for a moment, teasing back, before giving in. He was a man of his word if nothing else.

Leaning in, Viktor brushed his lips over Devon's, their flesh barely making contact and only for a brief moment before he pulled away again. "So I did."
Devon smirked when he pulled back after the brief contact of their lips. His eyes lifted to his once more and he chuckled softly. "You're a tease, but I'll accept it." He kissed his hand once more and then let the limb fall to his side. "See you monday." He stated, waving his fingers to hte man and walking off to his car. He was more frustrated than when the date started out, but he had to admit, he was enjoying himself.
Smiling, he moved into the house after waving goodnight to his date. He really was happy at that moment. Viktor had enjoyed himself and teasing Devon at the end was just icing on the cake. Humming to himself, the teen moved into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich before going to bed.
Rune perked up, smirking as he made his way toward the kitchen. He rested against the doorframe, eyes to the male inside and he grinned even more. "How was it?" he asked, chuckling once more. "I presume a pompus ass like him has some bragging rights? Or was it horrible?" He really wasa bit ... curious. Not for any other reason than being nosey, and possibly having something to tease that brat with, but he wanted to know. "Was he small? No stamina? Mediocre ... Pretty decent, great? What?" Yep, nosey.
Looking at the other, he pulled a face. He didn't even talk to his father about sex. Why would he talk to Rune. Viktor shook his head to all the questions, hoping beyond hope that doing so would make the other move along. He knew there was no chance of that happening, but still... He could pray!

"Go fuck your husband." Not the greatest comeback but that wasn't the point.
Rune chuckled. "Already did. He's catching a breath." He shrugged and walked toward the boy, smirking even more." It was bad?" He looked the male over a bit more before his hand snapped to his lips with a gasp. "Oh no! It was good, wasn't it? I mean, I hate the kid, but if he's got skills, good for him. Did he rock your world? Make you see stars? White light ... Did he use protection?"
"Nope," he answered to the last question. Well. If Rune was going to push his buttons, might as well push them right back. Besides, what fun would it be not to? Viktor sat at the table with his sandwich and ate, ignoring the other man in the room unless he was asked a direct question. And even then, he didn't give whole answers. "Why?" he asked, turning around after a moment. "Looking for a replacement for Calder?"
Rune chuckled and walked to the man, crossing his arms and resting them on top of the table he was at, looking at the teen with a bit of questioning. "Oh yes. We need a third party to spice things up. Relic's taken, so I figured I would steal my bastard-son's boyfriend.' he said dully before he looked him over a bit more, features dropping. "Oh ... He couldn't get it up. I get it. I'm sorry, Viktor. It's not you, I'm sure. Maybe he's on some meds that make him droopy."
He resisted the urge to spit the food that was in his mouth at the man. Instead, after taking several calming breaths, Viktor swallowed the food and stood up, glaring at him. "I wouldn't really know, now would I?" he asked, violently shoving thoughts of purity and white towards the man. For once, he hoped that Rune wasn't so stupid as to not understand the implied meanings of the symbols. Especially because Viktor moved up towards his bedroom, no longer in a good mood or wanting to deal with the asshole in front of him. Why couldn't have Relic been his father? Same genetics so it's not like he'd have turned out any differently!
Rune arched a brow, staring at the teen. How could he not kn-- Ooooh. He went wide-eyed and leapt up from the chair, prancing after him and he stopped in the others doorway, refusing to let him close his door. "You're a virgin!?" He was utterly shocked, and it showed too. He looked over the teen and shook his head. "Tha'ts impossible! You're my son. You're hot! How can you not have had sex? not even with a ... woman..." He turned a little green at the latter question, shaking his head and turning his mind back to the teen.
Okay so maybe he hadn't thought out wishing that Rune would understand what he was saying. The dark haired teen only rolled his eyes...until he saw the green tint. Then he smirked, throwing pictures at Rune of porno he'd watched when he was younger. Images of voluptuous, naked women having sex flooded his mind and were given a push towards Rune; pretty painted mouths around thick pricks and images of vaginal penetration.
Rune growled before he took in a deep breath and shook his head. "Doesn't work when I don't want it to." He hissed and then walked over to the teen and crossedh is arms over his torso, resting his rump on the desk in the room. "Seriously... Why haven't you had sex? Obviously you've watched porn, and aren't some prude ..." He really was curious. Wondered if it was just not a boyfriend, or not the right guy ... Which it was.
Viktor narrowed his eyes and pushed past the other man. "It's none of your business." He wasn't in a bonding mood at the moment. Really, he just wanted some time alone to (privately) go over the night, and his budding feelings for Devon. The dark haired teen closed the door on his 'father', knowing that a piece of wood wouldn't do much to stop him from entering the room if he wanted, but perhaps it would get the point across anyway.
Rune growled, staring at the door and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. He would give him his privacy, but only because, well, the kid hated him. Why give him even more fuel? He sighed heavily, turning on his heel and making his way back to his bedroom. He pouted, crawling into bed with his love and nuzzling his neck absently. "Why won't he tell me why he's a virgin?"
Viktor sighed in relief when he heard the footsteps fade away and down the stairs. He collapsed onto his bed, turning the light out, for the night. He was tired-a happy tired-and just wanted a little sleep to end a night that was, all in all, good.

Looking up when the bed sagged with the weight of his husband, Calder looked at him as if he were insane. "You're seriously asking me that question?" he asked. The blond knew good and well that Rune wasn't stupid, but the question was a stupid one. His lover had to know the answer! ... Right?
Rune grumbled, leaning over and biting the other's shoulder in annoyance. "Because he hates me?" He sighed heavily, flopping beside him exhausted mentally. "No ... I know ... Because it's personal and it's none of my bloody business why he hasn't gotten laid. I don't think he's my kid if he's a virgin though." He admitted and leant over to kiss the man's lips softly.
He sighed a little, shaking his head. "He doesn't hate you. He resents you. And why would Viktor confide such information to you?" Calder asked, pressing a kiss to his husband's forehead. "He doesn't know you, and you've been nothing but horrible to him." The blond really did think that Rune was taking it a little too far. He was the adult, after all.

Waking up the next morning, Viktor smiled to himself. It had been a good night, and that always served to wake him up in a good mood. Maybe Devon would call him? He felt like a silly little school girl thinking such a thing, but he couldn't really help it. Of course, he could always show up at his dorm with the pretense of picking up his backpack...
Rune groaned. Fuck. He was right. He sighed heavily, cuddling up to him and he pouted a bit more. He remained quiet for a while before falling asleep contently.

The next morning, the man was up and about. Tending to the triplets, actually having Lucius on his hip as he wandered aroud and heard Viktor up. He looked at the boy on his hip, sighing heavily. "You're right." He mumbled, taking a piece of the cake that TRevor had made for the teen a little while ago and then walking up to the other's bedroom. He gave a knock, actually deciding to wait for an answer. He looked over to the blond, snapping his teeth at him playfully. "Not your cake. It only is if it gets thrown on Mommy's face."
The teen groaned a little bit with the knock. He really had just wanted to lounge in bed for a little bit more. But it looked like that wasn't meant to be. With a sigh, he pushed himself from the bed and slipped into the pair of jeans from the night before. When Viktor opened the door, the sight on the other side of it shocked him. "It's not fair to start a food fight when your opponent has no way of getting food to retaliate," he chimed dully. "And it's childish."

Reaching forward, though, Viktor tickled at the bottom of Lucius' foot, causing the boy to giggle.
"You really think I would teach my baby boy to have a food fight? Please. He needs to at least be five." He rolled his eyes before holding out the plate to him ."Peace offering." He admitted with a little shrugo f his shoulder. "I was excessively dickish last night, and I apologize." He turned to Lucius it currently had his head buried into his Mommy's neck, nuzzling the flesh there and he pressed a kiss to the blond lockso f the boy before turing to look back at him. "I don't like Devon. I don't like him at all ... but it's not my decision. I'm sure if my mother was normal, she'd hate Calder. Oh, by the way, be happy you ahven't met that bitch. Seriously..."
"You've been excessively dickish since I showed up," he corrected the man, though Viktor readily took the plate of cake and began to pick at it with his fingers, smudging a bit of icing on Lucius' cheek. "But me too." He hadn't actually ever apologized to anyone, and he wasn't really about to start now anyway.

Viktor shrugged his shoulders to the statements about Devon. "You don't like him because you're a dick to everyone you meet without giving them a chance. You only see their defenses. How in the hell you wound up with Calder... Well, you're really lucky that you did. I would have turned and left."
Rune sighed heavily, shaking his head. "You have no idea. I was horrible to that man." He shuddered and then turned to Lucius who was currently trying to get the frosting with his tongue. He laughed lightly, taking his forefinger and wiping away somce of the frosting, letting hte boy lick it off his finger. He then turned back to Viktor. "Listen. I don't expect to be your best friend, okay, I don't want ot be your best friend. I want to be a decent parent and I realize that involves ... not being a douche. And time. but I'm impatient, for a guy who has eternity, and you're far too fun to tease. So, just remember this: I don't hate you. If I did, I would have dropped you at the bottom of the ocean." He shrugged and then squeaked when Lucius bit his finger, narrowing his eyes at the boy. "FINE i wouldn't have... done that. but still. Stop ... acting like Daddy.'
Lucius giggled immensely with his Mommy's squeak, looking up at him and smiling brightly.

"I suppose I can't hate you," he conceded softly, still picking at the cake. "I don't know you." He shrugged. Viktor wasn't sure if he was interested in getting to know Rune, really. He felt abandoned, even if the man standing in front of him never knew about him. Shrugging, the teen stepped past the other man and the baby. "I think I'm going to go get my stuff from Devon's room... After I shower." He moved towards the bathroom, stopping mid way down the hall.

Rune nodded, giving a little wave before looking at the giggling boy. He sighed heavily, shaking his head a bit. "Come on... Let's go bother Daddy and your brothers." He kissed the boy's nose while beginning to walk forward, actually feeling quite accomplished. Which was definitely a good thing.

Devon happily blared his music, dancing aroudn the room and singing to himself. Luckily his roommate was not here at the moment, so he was even happier. Last night had gone off without a hitch, other than teh tease, and he was very happy about everything! He perked up when there was a knock. Brow lifted in question efbre he turned the music down. Walking to the door, he opened it up and stared down at the ravenette. "Missed me that much?"
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