Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Hardly," he teased, leaning against the doorway. "I need my books so I can finish my homework for Monday." It was the truth. So what if the answer to the other man's question had been an outright lie? "Besides. Home got too hot. Rune... Is trying to play nice." Viktor still wasn't sure what he thought of that idea, but he supposed that while weird, it was better than being at each other's throats all the time. "And not asshole nice... Nice-nice." The dark haired teen gave a little shudder.

"So. Can I have my stuff?" he asked, batting his eyelashes a little bit.
Devon thought for a moment. Rune being nice-nice? That really was frightening. He stared at the ravenette before he hsook his head. "Nope." He stated, hand moving between the male and the room, resting onthe doorframe. "Only way you're getting your books is if you give me a proper kiss.' He stated, leaning down toward the male once more, his eyes keeping to his and he remained a few inches away once more, wanting the kiss he so badly desired. And yes, he had no shame about bribing him for his school work.
He pouted a little bit. "I gave you a proper kiss." Okay, so that was a lie too. But they both knew that it was a lie and that he wasn't trying to deceive the other man so...it wasn't a big deal right? Viktor sighed as if it were a great burden to have to kiss the other male, but leaned up and very quickly pecked his lips.
Devon rolled his eyes, looking at the male and he shook his head after the kiss. "Nope. Proper kiss. As in more than a peck, less than tongue." Yes, he was being picky, but goddamnit. He wanted his kiss! He would not ask for more than a nice one, for now. The rest could come at a later date. Tongue, bit of making out .. Fun stuff like that. He could wait for that! Just, right now, he wanted what he expected.
"How do you know that's not my definition of a proper kiss?" he argued, smirking a little bit. Viktor continued to lean against the doorway, allowing Devon room to lean forward all he wanted. His arms were folded over his chest, though loosely, as he studied the man in front of him. "You never specified whose definition we were using, so I merely assumed that we were going by mine."
"Oh? That's the game then." he smirked ever so deviously. His hand lifted and slid behind the man's neck, pulling him to his form, pressing their lips together and he kissed him, quite passionately. His lips caressed along his and he pulled him into the dorm, just to pin him to one of the walls inside. His hand moved and closed the door shut behind them. His arms wrapped around him, staying put on his back just so that the male knew he was not intending on getting frisky. HE would love to, but he would not do so at the moment.
Very easily, Viktor fell into the kiss. He liked to kiss, but he also liked to tease...especially when someone was so adorable when flustered like Devon was. His hands moved to Devon's hips, resting there as he allowed himself to be moved inside and pressed to a wall. The weight of the other man's hands on his back soothed his worries of whether or not the other would try to go too far. He was glad that that didn't seem to be the case at all.

Viktor pulled away after a few moments, not opening his eyes quite yet. "Now can I have my books?" he asked, smiling a little bit. He was teasing again, but the game was far too fun to give up.
Devon smirked at the other's question, chuckling a little bit. "Mm. No. You still haven't given me a proper kiss by my definition. That was my kiss to you." He paused a moment before whispering a soft, "This one too" before his lips clashed with his once more. His hands pulled him tighter to his form, gripping him and trailing his hand along the other's back, just wanting to touch him, and barely managing to contain himself, but he would managed. He cared too much for the brat to want to mess it up. Yes. Already, he cared greatly for him.
"But I returned the kiss," he pouted softly, leaning up into the second that was given to him as he stepped forward into the embrace. Viktor's arms moved up to loop around Devon's neck now, enjoying the closeness with the other that he hadn't had with another person in quite a long time.

"That should count for something?" he asked after he'd broken the second kiss after a few long moments. Leaning up, the teen pecked a couple of kisses to the teal haired man's lips, wanting to gain a reaction from him.
He chuckled. "Not by my rules.' He mumbled, pressing a very soft and delicate kiss to the other's lips. He pulled back with a deep breath, forcing himself to not smother him with kisses once more. He looked down at the raven-haired teen, eyes traveling along his form and he shook his head. "Nope. Doesn't count unless you initiate it. It's either intiate now ... or at a later date when things may possibly turn more intimate. Your choice. And yes, it's hopeful thinking, but hey, I'm an optimist." He smirked, looking dwn at hte male once again, quite content at the moment.
He thought about his options, acting like he was truly considering simply walking away. He wasn't, of course, but Devon didn't have to know that. Viktor considered teasing; kissing the other man's neck or jaw rather than his lips but threw that out the window. He wasn't ready to take on the consequences of those actions just yet, and teasing was meant to be fun, not cruel.

"Ugh," he huffed, joking. "Fine. I guess I don't have a choice..." Looking up at Devon he smiled a little before leaning up and pressing their lips together in a 'real' kiss.
Devon kept his baby blue eyes to the male, watching him play with his emotions and think about ... whatever. He remained right were he was, grinning when he finally 'gave in'. He gladly kissed the other man back. Leaning closer to him and his hands slid up the other's chest, just exploring a little on the way to his neck. His fingers slid behind the other's hair, holding him in the kiss for a while before he pulled back. A happy grin to his lips and he looked down at the raven-haired teen in front of him. "All I ask.' He whispered, pecking a kiss before he straightened up and away from him.

He turnd on his heel and walked to his bed, pulling the man's backpack out from underneath and he held it to the other with a grin. "Here you are, you've rightly earned yourself homework. Suppose I'll be seeing you later then, huh? Since, as you said, you were only here for hte books. "Oh yes, he was cruel sometimes.
Viktor's heart fluttered a little more with each kiss. He had to keep his eyes closed for an extra second when Devon stepped away, and it took another millisecond for him to remember 'why' he came over in the first place. Clearing his throat, he nodded. He knew that a game was being played, and would fully enjoy himself while playing it. Stepping forward, he took the bag and smiled at the other male. "Thanks. See you later!"

Viktor left, strolling slowly down the hallway. He really did hope that Devon would come after him, but if he didn't well... Then he'd just go swimming! Indoor pools were nice in the winter.
Devon watched the other man leave the dorm, wiggling his fingers at the male and he remained where he was. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the door. He would let him think he would not go after him. He wanted to, but then, their game was so much fun. He debated for a while. To give in and go attack him and drag him back, or let him go and sit in his dorm and ... do homework. WELL ! That was easily decided upon.

Appearing suddenly in front of Viktor, Devon walked toward him, linking his elbow with the boy's while he walked forawrd, dragging the other man backward with his movements. "I don't want to do homework. And my roommate left me and, come on, I'm hot! Why would you want to leave so soon?" He smirked, looking down at the other and shrugging his hsoulders. "Besides, I didn't get a good-bye kiss. And now you have to stay with me until I want you to leave."
He smiled to himself with the appearance of the other male and Viktor allowed himself to be dragged backwards. He laughed at Devon, fully amused by his 'logic' and 'demands'. It was fun to give into him, really, especially because it got him what he wanted in the end, anyway. "Ugh fine!" he whined, pouting softly now. "I'll forego skinny dipping just for you..." He tried hard to sound like it was a real burden to go back to the dorm, and Viktor really hoped that the enticement of skinny dipping would allow them to go swimming. He missed the water.
Devon, ever so fluidly upon hearing the words from the male's mouth, turned them around, still making Viktor walk backward, but now in the direction that he had been going. "That's what I said. You force me to take you skinny dipping." He stated, continuing forward and toward the school's pools. Luckily, there were not many people who wanted to swim on a Saturday morning, yet alone even be up until three in teh afternoon, so they should have the pool to themselves. If not, he would have to throw some people out for his own benefit.
Using his strength, Viktor began to walk forward, forcing Devon to walk backwards and away from the pool. "No, no," he 'argued'. "You said that I needed to keep you company in your room so we'll just do our homework together. It's okay. Skinny dipping can wait until it's warm."
Devon arched a brow as he was being tugged backward, staring at the boy and he shook his head a bit. He wrapped an arm aorund the boy's waist, lifting him up and draping him over his shoulder effortlessly, continuing his way down the hall as he did so. "Don't make me spank you." He warned, giving his rump a little swat as his 'warning' and then continuing forward to gladly dive into the pool. He really would love to skinny dip. Sure, sex in the pool sounded better, but hey -- Naked hottie swimming around, getting all wet? What more could he want ... aside from the sex.
He laughed when he was lifted up, swinging his legs in "protest". Really he wasn't opposed to skinny dipping with Devon. It sounded quite fun, actually. But he was devious. The dark haired teen manipulated the water when they got pool side, creating a rather large tidal wave that came up and drenched the both of them from overhead. He was rather glad that he'd tossed his bag to the side before doing so.
Devon stopped and stayed where he was, soaking wet from head down to his toes. He arched a brow and looked at the male that was obviously the cause of the wave that attacked them. He stared at him for a while and slowly a smirk pulled to his lips. "Is that how you're playing this?" He questioned, chuckling for a little before he swung him off his shoulder and onto the ground, being sure he did not hit it hard, merely a little pressure from connecting with the ground. He was on top of the male a moment later, arms on either side of his form and his baby blues traveled along the other's drenched form as well then once more back to his eyes.

"What did I tell you about being naughty?" He whispered, leaning down and pressing his lips to his in a passionate embrace, grinding his wet hips into his, more so meaning to tease him than anything else. Once he was fully satisfied with his teasing, he leapt up and off the otherwithout another word. Pulling his clothes off, tossing them at the ravenette and once he was nude, there was another large splash from the man doing a cannon ball into the water.
Laughing, Viktor's arms wrapped around Devon's shoulders as he was kissed. He tried very hard to not react to the hips that were grinding into his own, but it was difficult. He wanted to-desperately-but knew that it would be considered 'teasing'. The teen was grateful for the fact that Devon got up and got into the pool, and he quite enjoyed the sight of the man nude. He took a moment to get up off the ground and follow suit, shedding his clothes before diving into the water.

He was at home in the water. Viktor felt like he should have been a mermaid sometimes, though of course that was pretty ridiculous. Diving under the water, the dark haired teen made his way up to the other male, his teeth sinking into the flesh of his rear end rather sharply.
Devon yelped with the man's teeth in his rump. Batting him away and he rubbed the sore spot once the other released his flesh. He glared at the raven-haired male, staring at him for a while before he grumbled "What's up with that shit?! I realize my ass is delicious ... but it's not bite-worthy!" He moved forward, his arms wrapped around Viktor's form, yanking him through the water against his form and he nipped at his bottom lip playfully. "Or was that an invitation?"
He came up laughing, moving through the water as he was pulled closer. "Just for fun," he admitted. Looking over the other male, Viktor leaned in and kissed him softly. "I like getting reactions out of you," he laughed softly. He swam away after only a short while, playing and splashing and generally having fun, especially when splashing large amounts of water towards an (at first) unsuspecting Devon.
Devon arched a brow and shook his head, kissing him back gladly. He really was lucky he liked him. He let him get away, happily going about the resto f the time playing, splashing, dragging the other man under the water. All in good fun, of course. He soon hopped on out of the water, stretching his arms above his head with a groan as he did so - partially wishing to tease the man that he was swimming with, but hey, he needed to get the kinks out anyway.
Viktor only shook his head at the other and ignored him. He figured that ignoring Devon's actions would be the biggest tease that he could ever inflict upon the other. He pulled on his still soaked boxers and gathered the rest of his wet clothes in his arms, ready to make his way down to the laundry to use a dryer.

He moved over to the other and pecked his cheek, smiling up at him. "So do I qualify for a second date?"
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