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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Devon was currently sitting in his dorm room. A knee to his chest, papers in front of him and he stared at the m all, more so concerned about what he wanted to discuss with Viktor. He was not sure when the boy would get here, but he really was nervous when he would. He was not even sure how to bring up what he wanted to, but he knew that he had to. He was too curious and it sounded good and, well, why not, right? The worse that could happen is he'll get punched in the nards and broken up with. NO BIG at all..
They had forged a nice relationship with each other. Viktor really liked Devon, and the teasing and game playing was simply a part of their relationship. He liked that he could be himself with the other male and not have to worry about hurt feelings every three seconds. Rune didn't seem any happier about the situation, but really... Who cared? He didn't have to date Devon. Humming, he made his way to his boyfriend's dorm and knocked before poking his head in. Little droplets of water formed over the male's head and fell slowly on him, Viktor grinning devilishly.
Devon arched a brow, seeing the droplet on his paper and plopping onto his head. He stared at his homework before turning to look at the man at the front of his dormroom. "You realize that I need to hand this in." He mumbled and a moment later, he was in front o the man, pinning him to the wall with his lips passionately pressed into his. He rocked his hips against his, teasing him for the water and, well, just because he was his boyfriend.
"It will dry," he answered smugly. Viktor wrapped his arms around Devon's waist as he was pinned, happy to kiss the other man. The water was forgotten for the moment, the bed getting wetter and wetter with each passing minute. Finally pulling away, Viktor gave a soft 'oops' before releasing his hold on the droplets, making them disappear.

"You okay?" he asked, feeling the unease now.
"Sorta." he mumbled, stepping away from the man and he moved over to the chair at his desk. He pulled Viktor onto his lap, arms wrapped around his torso and he nuzzled his nose along the base of the man's neck, briefly trailing his tongue along the flesh before he relaxed once more. "I have a proposition." He admitted, tilting his head back to look up at him, smiling a little bit more and he leant over to kiss the side of his neck gently.
He allowed the man to tease at the sensitive flesh for a moment while he got comfortable in Devon's lap, but soon batted him away. The 'proposition' sounded serious, and if that was the case then he wanted to get the talking about it over with. He was never good at talking about serious decisions. "Oh?" he asked, resting his head on the other man's shoulder with his arms wrapped around his neck. "What might that be?"
He sighed softly, relaxing against the chair and he looked up at the man with interest. "Yea." He tried to think of a nice way to suggest what he was thinking, not really managing to get something good and he groaned at the thought. He lifted his eyes to the other and braced himself for the worst. "I was thinking about trying out a ... master-pet relationship." He admitted, leaning up to kiss the other's cheek softly, hoping that he would not get pissed.
That... Well that was different, and very unexpected. Viktor leaned into the little kiss to his cheek naturally, not even having to think about the action. The tension that he felt from his boyfriend was intense and it was taking a lot for the teen to think about the implications of the suggestion.

What it came down to, though, was that he wouldn't mind trying anything, really. "You think I'd make a good Master," he teased softly.
He chuckled. "You're cute, my pet." He whispered, leaning up and nipped the lobe of the man's ear, nibbling it a bit before he let the flesh go. He leant down and rested his chin on the other man's shoulder. His eyes lifted to look up at the male in his lap, eyes examining his features a bit before he pulled him tighter. "I take it, that's not a 'no' ? "
The warmth that spread through his body with the title was...odd. Pleasant, but he'd never felt it before and Viktor was quite curious about it. He'd have to examine it later, he supposed, as Devon had asked him a question. He settled himself a little more, fingers carding through the soft hair at the base of the man's skull a little. "We'll give it... A month?" he suggested. At the end of the month, they could both reevaluate whether or not they wanted to continue, or drop it. Really, he didn't see the harm in it.
Devon grinned, leaning up to press his lips to the other's in a passionate kiss and he nodded once more. "Yes. That sounds ... Lovely." He whispered, pulling the man tighter to his form and he kissed him quite a few times before finally pulling back with a pleased sigh. "I should buy you a collar.' He teased, grinning and nuzzling into the man a little bit more. Mm. He really was going to have quite the interesting time with this.
He shrugged a little, not really having an opinion. Well, he had one. "Nothing sparkly." Glitter was not his friend. Glitter wasn't anyone's friend, for that matter. Viktor could deal with pink leather, or even pink gem stones. If he was presented with anything coated in any color glitter, well that item just might have to be used to strangle his boyfriend.

"That's what you were worried about?" he teased, laughing a little.
"Shut it." He mumbled, biting the man's shoulder and he grumbled a bit more. He stood up, the man in his arms and walked over to his wet bed. He plopped the other onto the mattress before he crawled on top of him, pushing him down and onto the covers. His lips connected with his, kissing him ever so passionately, just really wanting to change the topic, for one thing. He adored his little Pet, truly he did. That and the name so very worked for him. 'my pet'. It ...just fit.
Laughing, he latched onto his boyfriend's shoulders as he was lifted, giving a soft 'omph' as he landed on the bed. Viktor kissed the other man happily. He felt...protected some how. Like he was safer now with the title of 'pet' to Devon's 'master'. Not that he'd been in danger before, but it was just a very calming feeling that he had. He liked it.

Slowly, he broke the kiss. "So...what does this mean?" he asked softly, arms still wrapped around Devon's neck. "I can't speak unless spoken to? I have to call you 'Master'? I can't do anything without asking for permission?" He needed to know the boundaries, and he wanted a say in setting them up.
The man pushed himself up, hands on either side of the male beneath him. He looked down at him and he thought about the boundaries and rules before he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Speak when you will, beware of consequeces." He winked, merely playing. Really, nothing he could say would piss him off or 'break rules' and if they did, then he would just spank him or something along those lines. He looked down at him once more and shrugged a bit. "I would adore to be called master, actually. While I won't make you ask to go piss, ask to go other places, yes." He thought fo a bit before shaking his head. "Nope. Ask to pee too. Not for permission to .. do the duty, just .. go to the bathroom."

"Just do what I say, no questions asked. Go where I want to. Be my lovely little pet whom I can groom and play with as I please. "Of course he could not let him get away without sexual innuendo. He just had to.
He listened, nodding a little with what was said. Viktor got a little scared with the instruction to ask to pee, but with the clarification he calmed down. Yes, he was comfortable with those guidelines, though he had to add a bit. "No sex..." Really, Viktor had no complaints in that area. Devon had been more than patient with him, and he really and truly appreciated it. But by instinct, he got worried with the last bit about doing what he was told without arguments. "Not... Like that." He didn't want to be told he had to, not that he thought his boyfriend would, and so he simply had to set the guideline out there.
He sighed softly and shook his head. "No sex until virgin-boy is ready." He whispered, nipping his bottom lip playfully. "My pet." He added, definitely loving how it soudned rolling off his tongue. He leant down, kissing along his neck and nuzzling into the flesh a bit more. He was only playing, had not intended to truly force him into sex. He would not do that, especially to the cute little virgin beneath him. He reeked of that lovely innocence, he wanted him to keep it for as long as he so very-well pleased.
He smiled softly and kissed the other male. Viktor felt at peace with the decision. He was happy. They kissed a while longer, Viktor stopping them before either got too hot and bothered to stop. His fingers continued to move through his boyfriend's hair as he studied the face above him. "Rune'll have kittens when he finds out," he laughed. The teen knew that it wouldn't take long for his 'father' to figure it out. One sweep of his mind would inform him. "You'll have to be there so you can get pleasure out of seeing that."
Ah yes. Rune. He smirked. He had forgotten about that. He grinned and looked down at the man beneath him, nodding as he agreed. "Oh yes. That will definitely be a sight to see." He agreed, leaning down and kissing his lips softly before he flopped to the side of him, wrapping his arms around his form and pulling the male against his form. "Stay with me tonight. Tell that prick that you're busy getting a blow job ... or something." He suggested and shrugged his shoulder a little bit at the thought. He did not care what the reason was, all he knew was that he wanted his pet to stay the night. Yep, definitely getting used to hte nickname.
Thinking about the proposal, he was about to turn it down. But, really, he couldn't he supposed, could he? And he didn't want to. "I'll have to go home and tell him," he answered, rolling onto his side and curling into Devon's. His fingers traced patterns over the man's chest. "You can come with me and we can have a bit of fun..." Rune's red face popped into his head when Devon told him to do something and he answered with a demure 'Yes, Master' and it amused him greatly.
"Does that mean I can give you a blow job?" He teased, knowing that the man meant teasing his father, but still. He was a pervert. He leant over and pressed a kiss to his lips happily. He nodded, sliding over the man's form and he clapped his hands together. "Let's go spend the night at your house. My bed's wet." He put his shoes on and then took a hold of the other's hand, lacing their fingers and beginning to drag him out of the room, greatly wishing to torture Rune now. Oh how fun it would be!
They'd never discussed sleep overs as a house rule (not that they'd discussed house rules at all) so Viktor simply took it upon himself to figure that Devon sleeping over would be all right. Nodding, he slid off of the bed, too, and grabbed the homework that they'd been lying on. The tee shoved that in his pocket so that they could re-do it later before allowing himself to be dragged out of the house.

"DADDY I'M HOME!" he yelled out as they crossed the threshold of the house.
Devon grinned, kissing the other's temple happily and lacing their fingers once more while he walked inside. This house never ceased to amaze him. IT was so huge! Sure, his house was ... well, bigger, than the whole place, but that was beside the point! Wasn't Karma supposed to stop this shit from happening? How that man had millions upon billions of dollars, he would never know. He shook the thoughts from his head and then turned to the man beside him once more, kissing his lips gently. "Do I get to see your room now?"

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Relic came running into the room, chasing after the giggling blond boy, growling a little at the runt. Relic leapt into the air, catching the boy within his arms and shoving the toddler under his arms, staring down at him while he flapped his gorgeous white wings, trying to escape. "None of that! You're lucky Mommy doesn't clip those." He threatened before taking in a deep breath and looking at the two atthe door, grinning happily. "VIKKY! How goes it? Bringing the boy home?" He chuckled as he looked over the male beside him, finding it all to be amusing. "Ah ... Young love." He giggled and then leant over to kiss Viktor's cheek. "Have fun. I'm gonig to go beat my child into submission." He winked before turning and heading to his side of the house.
Greeting Relic with a smile, Viktor watched him leave with the wiggling, fluttering mass under his arm. It really was cute, if you didn't have to chase the sucker. If you did... Well, Viktor generally just felt sorry for you after he stopped laughing. "I think I'm glad that the triplets don't have wings..." Or maybe they did and they were simply hidden like Rune's and Relic's. It didn't matter. He was glad that he didn't have wings.

Shrugging at Rune's absence, he moved into the house, taking Devon with him. "Drink?"
Devon looked over at the man, arching a brow in question. "Don't like wings, or just don't want to chase after them?" He asked, staring at the man while he followed him, nodding to the request. He really hoped the man had no prejudice against wings. That would suck. He had wings! THREE! It was ... weird and he knew the reason behind it, but still. It would not make him defer from the boy, but he just would hate to have him disliked because he had wings.
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