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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Devon growled when there was finally the knock on the door. He was pissed. Sadly, the room suffered because of it. His desk was half melted, the edges looking like tar around the rest of the wood that was not distorted. His roommate's bed was merely a pile of ash and the wastebasket was, much like the desk, partially tar. He stood up from the bed, the door swinging open and the man glared down at the man. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he continued to stare at the man. "FOUR hours. FOUR! Not a phone call, text, fucking carrier pidgeon -- nothing!"
Viktor was shocked with the reaction that he received. Had he been supposed to call? He thought back... No... No Devon hadn't given him an instruction to... Oh. But the other instructions came back to him at that point, and the teen bowed his head a bit. "I'm really sorry!" he attempted to plead. "We were baking, and then Bohdi and Kyros walked back with me, but we were window shopping and... And I just lost track of time!" He felt horrible, now that he realized what he'd done.
Devon growled once more, his fingers curled around the front of hte man's shirt and he yanked him into the room. The door slammed behind him and he dragged the other to the bed, tossing him onto the bed and he growled once more. "DO you know how worried I was about you?!" He growled once more, moving on top of the other and he leant down, sinking his teeth into the side of the man's neck, having to fuel his agression somehow and the idea of spanking him sounded lovely, but he knew that if he did, he would not be able to stop without beating the other completely. SO, for now, he would just use his energy by sinking his teeth into the other's flesh. His nails were already a good two inches in length, solid black as they gripped, and ripped the other's shirt.
Viktor squeaked when he was manhandled onto the bed. He gave into the pain for a moment, thinking that was his punishment for not calling and making Devon worry. However, he took only what he could before using his strength to push the other man enough away from him that his teeth were far away. The pain (more emotional than physical) was very clear in his eyes. He hadn't meant to worry the other, but never did he think that Devon would hurt him like that. With another shove upwards, Viktor dislodged his boyfriend from himself and moved off of the bed, leaving the dorm completely.
Devon went wide-eyed when he was pushed away, gasping and staring down at the male beneath him. Shit. This whole things was meant to give him reassurance he was cared for, not that his boyfriend was some psycho who lost control at the slightest thing. He let the other leave, giving him a moment or two before he stood up. He took one of his shirts, since he did rip the one he had been in, and left the dorm as well. He appeared in front of Viktor once more and instantly fell to his knees, arms wrapping around the boy's waist, pulling him against his form and he held onto him tightly.

"I am so sorry, Viktor." He whispered, nuzzling into him and he refused to let the other leave. He could not let him. "I just ... I was so worried and kept getting more and more worked up that you were in some ditch, or that Rune finally snapped and killed you. It ... It just all balled up and... I am so sorry!" He slowly tilted his head back up to look at him, his sky blue eyes truly showing his regret, hell, the other could feel it oozing off him. "I can understand if you want time to yourself ... but please don't leave me completely. I know, I know it's corny and I'm sure anyone listening will think so but ... you're the best I ever had! Really, you are. Why else would I be so protective of you? Why else would I be so very willing to change my life, stop being the whore I am, just for one guy -- you ..."
In a way, Viktor was hoping that he'd run into Rune. He knew there was no chance-it was Saturday and Rune was at home with the triplets...he thought so anyway. But he needed the strength that oozed from his 'father' to help hold him up, even if they didn't like each other. But he didn't get far before there as someone in front of him and then clinging to him. The teen stood still, arms hanging limp at his sides as he listened to what the other had to say. None of it made him feel any better, not even the waves of regret and sadness that poured off of the man.

When Devon was done talking, Viktor pulled away and kept walking without a word. What could he say? He didn't know where any of this was going anymore. If he couldn't trust Devon to take care of him then why be with him at all? Only that wasn't what he wanted-he wanted to be with the other... Confused and hurting, he made his way home and shut himself off in his bedroom to lick the wounds and straighten his head out as best he could.
Devon flopped onto his rump, staring after the other while he left. His heart just ... breaking. "Fuck." He hissed, turning to look at one of the dorm rooms that was open, the occupants watching them. He growled, flipping them off before he stood from up and then made his way to his car. He hopped on in, started it instantly and was soaring down the street to the man's house. He screeched to a stop in front of the house, leaping out and running to the door. He stopped instantly when the very-scary Rune was the one to open the door, glaring down at him.

"He may not like me, but he's my son and ... you hurt him. Physically and emotionally. Why should I not kill you?" He hissed, glaring down at him and his arms crossed tightly over his lower torso. He was NOT a happy camper.

The man arched a brow and looked at the scary male in front of him before he held up his keys to the mustang in the driveway. "Because I'll give you my car if you just let me speak with him. If he still hates me afterward, kill me. I don't care. Either way, you get the fucking car."

He stared at the man for a bit, snatching the keys from him and nodding. "You get ten minutes. If he still hates you, leave." He stated and then turned to go back to the triplets who he could already hear crying for Mommy.

Devon sighed and then rushed into the house, running up to Viktor's room and knocking upon the door. He knew he could open it up, but he just could not. "Viktor ... I'm sorry! I know it's not enough but ... Just give me ..." He glanced to his watch and then back to the door. "Eight minutes."
He buried himself further into his covers when he heard frantic footsteps running up the stairs. Viktor knew who it was-he could feel it. The protectiveness of Rune was most prominent, though. He needed it to be and that was what he let through. Devon's voice only grated on him, and the teen shuddered a little bit, curling into a ball. "Go away." He needed time to heal, and having Devon there wasn't going to help him any.
"Um .. NO." He said, sighing heavily and he opened the door, not caring about violating his space right now. He did not want to upset him more, but he needed to speak with him. He walked over to the man on the bed, moving to his knees and he rested his chin on the top of the mattress. "Hear me out." he whispered, hands at his sides and he refused to leave. He just sold his car to, well, someone close to the devil -- he needed to at least speak with him.

"I, obviously, lost control. I never want to hurt you, Viktor. Not ... ever like I did. And I get why you're pissed, I would be too. And ... we can drop this whole ... master-pet thing. Maybe it's just not right for us, you know? It was fun while it lasted, but it is not what I care about. I care about you and since ... the whole situation we had beforehand led to me hurting you, I don't want it." He sighed once more, his eyes closing before he pushed himself up from the gruond, brushing off his knees. "I'll give you your time now. But just ... if you still want to try, we can do what you want. Go back to just being who we are. I promise I won't hurt you like that again. You know where to find me."

He looked him over once more, glad to see the wound healing and he nodded to himself before making his way out of the room, trying to think of the best path to leave without Rune seeing him.
Having that option soothed Viktor, even though he didn't want it to. He wanted to stay mad at Devon, because he deserved to feel how he was feeling. But he supposed that that wasn't very fair, either. Devon obviously felt sorry for what he did, and Viktor believed in giving people second chances.

But it was too soon, and he spent the next four days mulling around the house and avoiding Devon. He even convinced Calder to let him skip school for two days. By Wednesday, though, he had to go back and he didn't know if he was looking forward to it or not.
Devon wound up staying cooped up in his dorm. He had to replace all the things he ... melted, and was not a happy camper because of it. So, on top of his boyfriend hating him, he had to avoid Rune for fear of being ripped into two pieces, lost his car, and then had to go buy some new furniture that resembled the pieces he destroyed. Oh yes, definite fun there.

Of course, at the moment, he was just curled up on his bed, a book in his lap and eyes staring at his thighs. He was not a happy devil right now. He wanted some sign that Viktor would forgive him. MAybe not tomorrow, or today, but just something to show him that he was going to get him back. He did not like this whole business of being in a proper relationship ... Of being, well, head over heels for someone.
Before leaving the house, Viktor moved through it to try and find Rune. He had known what Devon had given up to see him and while at the time he thought that it served him right to lose something he loved so much. But now... Now it just wasn't worth it and he was hoping to persuade Rune to cough it back up.

Finding him, the teen moved up to him, holding his hand out for the keys to Devon's car.
Rune arched a brow at the man in front of him. He stared at the hand before he shook his head. "No. He hurt you. He's lucky he is not in two pieces. I let Murasaki off with warnings. Bohdi ... well, that kid's too cute to hurt and has not done much to annoy me. That prick? No. He does not get his car back. He is lucky to have his balls intact. No." He crossed his arms over his torso, glaring at the boy and firmly standing his ground. Oh, the boy who would dear to even think of harming his Ella would definitely not live to ever see the light of day.
Shrugging, Viktor swiped the keys to one of Rune's car's. It was only fair right? He stuffed them into his pocket and went back up to his bedroom to get the rest of his stuff. Maybe he was just looking for an excuse to go and see Devon, but it didn't really matter. He had to go see him anyway. At least this way, they'd have something to talk about.
"DONT YOU STEAL MY KEYS YOU LITTLE PRICK!" He yelled up, cursing quite hte few times as he got the car keys from that annoying bastard and then made his way up to his son's room. He walked in, grabbign the keys from his pocket, replacing them with the ones to the mustang and then growled as he made his way out. "Fucking brat." e hissed, storming out to go find where his little triplets went to. They had to be driving someone mad, right?
Viktor smirked at his victory. He knew that he would win. Though the realization that he now had to go to school and face his... Well, Devon sobered him quickly. It was still early so maybe he could talk to him before classes? No use in torturing themselves all day, right?

Once at school, and after a little hesitation, the teen moved down to the dorms and knocked on Devon's door, fidgiting quite a bit as he waited. What would he say? What was he supposed to say? Did he still want a relationship with him. Did he trust Devon enough to have a relationship with him? Did he forgive him? The onslaught of questions that his brain threw at him made him want to turn and run.
Devon growled at hte knock. Didn't people realize he was brooding here, seriously?! He grumbled, standing off his bed and he walked to the door, quite ready to kick whoever was there -- until he saw who it was. He straightened instantly, baby blues blinking as they saw the gorgeous man in front of him. "Yes, my p--" He shook his head, stopping himself and taking in a deep breath. "Hello, Viktor." He said, correcting himself and just waiting to see why the other was here. Not that he did not like him there, he loved that he was, but still.
His heart wrenched at the almost-nickname. He had to take a minute to pull himself fully together once more, not that he had been in the first place. Viktor gave a very soft 'hello' before reaching into his pocket and then holding the keys to the other man's car out to him. "I wouldn't go up and thank him, though." Devon would likely be killed if he went near Rune right now, or ever again, but especially right now.

Another full minute passed in silence before the teen spoke again. "Why?"
He blinked a few times, staring at the keys before he took them with a small "Thanks" and a bit of a smile. He held the keys within his fingers, gripping the cool metal tightly and he remained where he was, not wanting t move just in case he tried to leave. When he heard the question, he had to kust stare at him. Why? That was so ambiguous. "Why, what? Why I want you, or why did I bite you and be such a complete controlling, evil bastard?"
He wanted to know about the latter, yes, but that hadn't been what Viktor was talking about. He shook his head and fiddled with the hem of his sleeve a little bit, trying to bring himself to speak once more. "Why did you hurt me; lose control." He couldn't admit yet that he'd been scared. That would be giving too much of himself away. He needed to hear the answer first and then, maybe, they could have a deeper conversation.
Oh. Okay, not one of his blurted out answers! He sighed heavily, his form flopping back against the desk that was to the side of the door. His rear was at the corner and he looked at the floor in front of him. "I was worried." He admitted, toes poking into the carpet and he sighed heavily once more. "I just ... I'm not used to caring about someone so deeply as I do you and not having heard from you, it got me worried. I know you're strong and whatnot, but still, someone oculd be stronger and something could have happened to you. I would hate that and at two hours, my mind just began to go throgh all the bad things that could have happened and so by the time you got back, I lost it. The whole master-pet thing only fueled my fire even more and made me want to ... I don't even know. I really don't want to hurt you. Really don't want to, didn't want to. It was just the only way I had been able to get my emotions through. I ... am not used to being with a guy in a relationship. Normally, it's just sex not ... Not what we have so I think that I did not want to risk losing it and I just lost it anyway, huh?"
The answer didn't really make him feel any better. "Then what's to stop it from happening again?" he asked. Viktor needed to know these things. Because they would either ease his mind and allow him to give Devon another chance, or allow him to see that they both just needed to move on. Either way, he needed to know...and so did Devon.
He looked over at the man in the doorway, eyes traveling along his form and he let out a heavy sigh. "Because ... I don't ever want to hurt you. That was enough to scare me, Viktor. I don't like seeing you in pain. I hate seeing that look in your eyes of ... I saw that I hurt you, and not just your neck. I never want to risk seeing that look. I won't lose control on you. I can't. I just ... can't."
Still the answer didn't give him the feeling that he was hoping for. Viktor stood and thought for a little while. He still didn't know what he wanted to do, or what was best. "I..." He stopped, trying to think a bit more. The teen wanted to say what he needed to say the right way. "I need to learn to trust you again." In short, he needed to be 'courted'; to have a normal friendship with Devon. He wasn't saying they'd never be boyfriends again, but trust was built in friendship for him.
Devon looked over at the man and thought for a moment. He stood up off the desk and then walked past him to the opposite desk. He pulled out a small origami flower he made a while ago, walking back to the man. He moved onto one knee, holding the flower up for him. "Viktor, will you be my friend? And we can start all over again? ... with a bit of a rhyme" He chuckled, not having meant to, but the bit of slant rhyme amused him a little bit.
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