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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

With a happy little hum, Nikkos continued to move through his work with ease. Dawn was more managable now that she was a toddler, and Alexander wasn't mobile yet. That left much more time in the day to actually complete work. With the knock to his door, he called for the person on the other side to come in. The headmaster didn't look up right away, but when he did, he stiffened. "Y-Youjin?" He didn't waste another minute before calling for his husband, unsure of what was about to happen.
Tomias had just put the two kids down to sleep. Dawn laying down in her little bed in the corner of his office, Alexander in his bassinet and well, everything was so great! He smiled to himself and then perked up with his love's words. Turning on his heel, he was instantly in the room and glaring at the back of hte man's head. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He growled, moving behind his husband and wrapping an arm around hi shoulders protectively.
Nikkos couldn't help but lean into Tomias, seeking the strength and safety and comfort of the man he loved so desperately.


Youjin looked worse for wear. He was unnaturally thin and pale. His one beautiful and silky hair was scraggly and dirty. His clothes were wrinkled and stained. Nikkos almost felt sorry for him. "You what?" he prompted, a little sting in his tone.

"I need a job." The man's head sagged down low, obviously ashamed to have to ask them, out of everyone else in the world, for a job.
Tomias lookedh im over a bit before his hand wrapped aroudn the back of Nikkos' chair. He glared at him and then dragged his husband off and into his office. He closed the door behind him, looking down at the man and he sighed softly. He moved to crouch in front of him, eyes looking up at his love. "What do you think we should do?"
That wasn't fair. He was just about to ask Tomias that question. Nikkos chewed on his bottom lip for a minute. "He...looks sincere?" Youjin's appearance made Nikkos feel very sorry for him, and he had a hard time turning people away when they were in need. He cupped Tomias' chin and lifted his face to press a kiss to his lips, seeking the comfort that his husband always brought to him.

"Maybe we should ask Rune to come his thoughts." Nikkos didn't like that idea, but what choice did they have? Anyone could act, and if this was a game then Nikkos wouldn't have any trouble tossing the man out on his rear end. But if it wasn't...
Tomias sighed heavily, kissing the man back and he nodded once more. He then arched a brow, setting back to stare at the man in front of him. "Sweetie ... I can read minds." He informed him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips and he groaned. "That's the issue. He truly seems down on his luck." He groaned and flopped his head against the other's lap. "We can ... Give him a shot, yes?" He leant up, kissing the man's lips and then settling back to his knees.

"I ... have no true issue with giving him a shot. He tries anything with you, and Rune can snap him in half, but he seems so ... depressed and it's not an act. I skimmed, he really seems to be having some shit."
He blushed lightly. "Forgot."

The kisses distracted him, as did attempting to search within himself for the strength to allow this man back into his life, even in a professional capacity. Nikkos nodded before he could change his mind once more. "Yeah." The school infirmary needed an attendant, and Nikkos greatly appreciated the irony of that position for the man. "We'll stick him up with William. I think I'll like watching him be someone's bitch..." Grinning, Nikkos sat back in his chair and motioned for Tomias to push him back into his own office.
"That's my husband." He whispered, leaning down and kising the side of his neck before he stood up properly once more. He moved around behind him, pushing him back toward the other room. He moved to behind the man's desk once more. HIs hands on the back of his chair, hip poking to theside just a bit while he stared at the man in front of him, not liking him any more, but really feeling bad for him. Pitied him, really.
Youjin had spent the time fidgiting. What if Nikkos sent him away? The man had to know that this would be his absolute last resort? Youjin Kim did not beg. Not like this, anyway. When the couple re-entered the room, he tried very hard to straighten up, but felt the despair of defeat coming.

"You may assist our nurse, William," Nikkos spoke. Youjin breathed a great sigh of relief, not missing the irony of the position. "You may take any teachers' rooms that are open, too."

Nikkos looked back at Tomias before reaching into his own wallet and tossing out a decent amount of money towards the man across from them. "A loan," he cautioned. "I'll deduct it from your paychecks. Either go shopping, or speak with Relic about clothes to last you until you're paid."
Tomias nodded a little, his hands sliding to rest on the other's shoulders. He leant down to kiss his cheek softly. He then straightened up when he heard the soft, "Poppie?" from the other room. He released his husband and turned to walk into the other room. He smiled at the little girl, hoisting her up from the little bed and resting her on his hip. 'Hey sweetie." He said softly, kissing her cheek softly and he then turned to walk into the other's room, waiting for the man to leave.
Youjin hesitated to take the money, but at last did. What choice did he have? Bowing his head, the man thanked Nikkos profusely, though Nikkos noticed he never apologized to him. He was just glad to see him leave the office. The brunette stood and moved over to Tomias and Dawn, wrapping his arms around them both. "Why must I always be so nice?" he asked Tomias.
Tomias sighed softly, kissing hte other's lips softly. "Because you're caring. You're teaching our children to not hold grudges and be better people.' He said softly, kissing him once more and getting a small 'eeew' from Dawn. He laughed, turning to the girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
The next few weeks passed without any real problems. Rune gave him hell for giving Devon a second chance, but that was to be expected. Calder was a bit more...subtle. Viktor could tell that he was disapproving, but the blond talked with him about it, let him get his own feelings out while giving his advice. The teen appreciated that a lot.

His friendship with Devon was...growing. He didn't trust the other man as much as he had yet, but Viktor was pretty sure that he would grow to do so. He just...needed to take things slow. Tonight, though, they were going out. He supposed that one would call it a date, but really he couldn't label it as that just yet. In his mind, he was going to see a movie with a friend... Who had offered to pick him up at his house and who would, likely, pay. Nope. Not a date.
Devon was very glad that Viktor was actually hanging out with him and that he seemed to be a bit less jumpy. Not completely, and he still seemed like he was not trusted, but all in all, he was very happy. Even more so that they had a date! Okay, not a 'date'. Two friends handging out and the one paying and oggling over the other, but oh no, not a date.

He shook his head a bit, calling up Viktor on his way to hte man's house to pick him up. Once he picked up, he let outa soft sigh of relief. "Hey! I'm pulling up now .. Can you please come meet me out here and quickly before Rune kills me?"
They would have to work on Rune not killing the man if they ever made it back into a relationship again, Viktor decided. Shoving his phone into his pocket, the dark haired teen grabbed his jacket and ran out of the house, waving goodbye to Trevor on his way.

"Hi," he greeted while sliding into the car and slipping on his seat belt. It didn't take them long to get to the theater, or to get popcorn and choose seats. And once he was comfortable, Viktor found himself leaning close to Devon; using the arm rest between them to lean on, rather than the one on his other side. It was a sign of just how comfortable he was growing.
The rest of the date went by very nicely and smoothly. Devon took the other out for some ice cream after their dinner, happily trailing through the park happily. He finally munched the last of his ice cream cone and then turned to look at the man beside him. He continued to walk until the other man beside him was finished with his ice cream. He kept forth a bit more, stopping in front of his mustang and he stared at him for a bit. He leant forward to very, very gently ghost his lips along his and pulled back after a moment.

"Ready to go home?" He asked, waiting for the other to either beat him and demand to go home or just ... something else.
Really, he was being spoiled. Ice cream and candy in one night? Viktor was very grateful that he had the metabolism that he did! They made small talk as they strolled through the park, the teen finding that he wasn't as nervous as he would have been only a couple of weeks before. Not that he ever thought that Devon would outright attack him, but fear did crazy things to people.

His eyes went wide when he saw Devon leaning forward, and Viktor gasped with the light brush of the man's lips over his. He tried to process everything, but really didn't know how to. But he knew what he wanted, and that there was really only one way to get it. He stepped forward, standing close enough so that he could feel the warmth of Devon's body.

"I want what we had," he admitted softly, though unable to look the other man in the eye. "But I... You need to make me feel safe." Finally, Viktor did look up. "I'm not able to give a third chance, Devon."
Devon perked up when the other was closer to him. His arms wrapped loosely around his form so that he knew he was not being trapped or anything of that sort. He pulled back, looking down at the man and he nodded happily to his words. "I understand." He said softly, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "We'll start off slowly. One small step at a time." He added and kept his eyes to the other man. "I ... don't know what else to say, to be honest. It's completely your decision, of course. So, if you will ive me a chance then ... I am more than willing to earn up your trust again."
Despite his wanting to keep his guard up for longer, Viktor found it very hard to do so around Devon. The warm weight of his arms around his waist made the teen sigh just a little, and lean in closer to the other male. He rested his head against the other's chest, letting his eyes slip closed and his arms wrap around his waist. It felt so natural to be in Devon's embrace once more, and Viktor couldn't help his heart from giving a little flutter.
Turning just a bit, he moved to rest against the side of his car. His arms kept around the other and he looked down at him with a soft smile to his lips. Yep. Son of Satan, mooshy-gooshy- for one man. He didn ot care. He just wanted anything to make the man feel better. He looked down at him and leant over to press a kiss to his forehead. "How about a contract?" He suggested, pulling back once more and he looked down at him once more. "I know it sounds retarded, but we can put down our limitations on it."
Viktor found himself stepping that much closer to Devon as they stood there, soaking in the strength and warmth of the man. The words broke through his clouds and, in theory, they sounded great. He mulled them around a little bit. While words on paper wouldn't stop anyone from hurting anyone-that's what laws were, right?-it still showed him that the man he cared so deeply for was willing to do things that weren't very traditional and go the extra step to try and help him feel better. And that meant a lot to Viktor.

He nodded to the suggestion, leaning up to press his face into the crook of the other man's neck.
Devon sighed. He agreed. That definitely made him feel better. His arms wrapped around his shoulders tighter, hugging him tighter and he pressed a kiss to his forehead once more and let out a happy little sigh. "So ... What do you want to do? Home ... Go get coco ..."
Weighing his options, Viktor shook his head to both. He didn't want to go home-Rune was sure to torture him about his decision and berate him. Cocoa, while a favorite, just wasn't ringing a bell for him at the moment. Well, it was. Just...not the sort you buy at a cafe. "Can we go back to the dorm?" he asked softly, not really even sure himself that it was a great idea. "We can make hot chocolate..."
Devon nodded a little to his words. "All right. We can go back and make hot chocolate. I'll even keep my dorm open.' He winked before leading the way to the passenger's side. He opened up the door for the man, kissing his cheek before he moved inside. He released him and slowly walked over to the driver's side. HE hopped into the seat, buckling up and turning to VIktor when the engine came to life. "Ready?"
He nodded and sat back in his seat to relax a little bit. Viktor was nervous, but knew that he had regained all of the trust that he was going to from a friendship. They had to take that next step (again) in order for everything to fall back into place... Even if he was scared.

The teen made himself comfortable on the other man's bed once they had gotten back, sitting with his back against the wall. "Thank you for tonight."
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