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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Just don't have the energy to do it right now," he answered, sitting up fully and leaning against the headboard of his bed, looking towards Rune. That didn't mean that he wouldn't after fully resting-he would. But for the moment, it was more than enough to sit upright. "I'm sorry I didn't call last night." If he had, then maybe this wouldn't have happened?
He rolled his eyes at both teh teal-haired kid, and then his son. "Trust me, it would not have made a difference. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to realize where you would have been.' He sighed heavily, his hand lifting to rub at the back of his neck, looking over the man passed out beside him. He shook his head a little bit more. "and ... as far as he goes, after the beating he took, I don't ... hate ... you and him together. I know my opinion means close to nothing for you, but seriously. He doesn't heal like us and ... it's just ... whatever. I don't hateh im.' He grumbled a few times under his breath and looked up at the man in front of him. "Sleep. Trevor or Calder will make you food when you get up. You're on healing-asshole duty. Once you're rested."
He nodded, thanking Rune softly as he sank back down into his bed, and Devon. Viktor yawned. "Maybe not. But your not hating him makes it easier for me." He didn't mean that in a snarky or smart-assed way. It was the truth: Rune not hating Devon made it easier for Viktor to care about both of them, and it made it so neither had to worry if Devon would die simply for showing up at the house. "Thanks," he whispered again before falling back into his healing sleep. He knew his body-it would heal him from the inside out with enough rest. Devon, on the other hand, would not be so lucky.
Rune nodded a bit, covering the two males back up, and pressing a very faint kiss to Viktor's temple before he left, with the tray of food, and off to the rest of the house it was. Again, he would just have Trevor or his husband make them something warm to eat when they got up willingly.

Devon was fast asleep once more. While he did not heal instantly like the two other men, he healed a little faster than most. Not rapidly, but already, his broken bones were beginning to mend themselves and make it hurt a little less than they had been the night before.
It was daylight when he woke up next, though he didn't know how long he'd slept for. With a yawn, Viktor took inventory on his body. There was no more pain anywhere in his body and for that he was thankful. He looked over to Devon, who was still sleeping, and smiled a little. He pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before forcing himself out of bed. He had to pee, and had to eat. Hopefully Calder or Trevor would be around to help him with the latter.

Finally making his way downstairs, he found Calder chasing after Draco, who had now taken the advice of his brother to run around, peeing, with no diaper on. While the little boy had speed and size on his father, he was no match to be double teamed. Viktor intercepted him and scooped him up, aiming the stream away from him. Calder sighed in relief thanking Viktor.

"How do you feel?" the blond asked, taking the baby once he was no longer emptying his bladder and put a diaper on him.

"Hungry," he answered, hoping the hint would be taken.
Devon grumbled awake, staring at the empty space beside him and he gasped. Snapping awake, ignoring all the pain in his body, he rushed out of the room, only to stop instantly when he stepped in something wet. "OH ... oh.. EEEEEEW" He whimpered a bit, quickly rushing past the two men talking and disappearing into one of the bathrooms. quite the many more "Ew"s could be heard as well as "Owwww" in betweeen them.
Viktor couldn't help the chuckle of amusement. He carefully sidestepped all the puddles to get the mop, cleaning it up easily while Calder, bless his heart, moved about the kitchen to cook them something. After everything was clean, he moved to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Come out here so I can help heal you... Please." He hadn't forgotten what he'd said before they'd both fallen asleep, and didn't know if he was being upheld to it or not just yet.
Devon groaned when he heard the man at the door. Luckily, he had already emptied his batted once he clenaed off the pee. He washed up and stumbled to the door. Opening it up, he looked over at the ravenette with a questioning look in his eyes. "Will you wear a naughty nurse costume while you heal me?" He asked, eyes keeping to his and he was dead serious. Hey! He was injured, he wanted to be visually pleased while the man healed him.
He laughed. "No." Perhaps if he was feeling well himself, he might entertain the other man. Today he would not be doing such a thing. Leaning up, Viktor kissed Devon's cheek softly before pressing his hand to the man's ribs and concentrating. In his head, he focused on seeing the bones heal and sent that energy into them. Once he felt them shift back into place, Viktor's arms wrapped around the other male's waist, head resting on his chest.
Devon took in a deep breath when he felt his lungs healing up. He relaxed happily, leaning into the other and pressing a kiss to his temple. "How about my arm? Or is that punishment?" He asked, merely teasing with the latter, but he still liked to tease him so very much. He kissed his forehead, looking down at the male while he patiently waited for it to hopefully be healed by the male in front of him.
"You didn't tell me that Rune didn't heal that," he countered, sticking his tongue out at the other. Viktor easily healed the arm with a gentle touch, and he pressed a kiss to Devon's bicep after he'd finished. "Anything else that needs to be fixed?" he asked, returning to his previous position of hugging the teal haired man. It felt good to feel safe there again. "Or can we go eat?"
"If it gets a kiss ... I can think of something.' He mumbled, shrugging and then wiggling around a bit. Yea, no. He was fine. He kissed the top of his head, arm wrapped around his shoulder while he led him out of the bathroom. "Let's eat." He agreed, continuing to hold him tightly to his form. He did not want to let him go. He was a bit paranoid that they would be farher apart if he did.

He waited a while, stopping a ways away from the kitchen to look down at the man beside him. "Last night ... was the 'master' comment intended or ... tired-mind mumbo jumbo?"
Yes, eating sounded good. Viktor's stomach was grumbling viscously and his head was swimming from his lack of food. How long had they been sleeping anyway? Well, he was sure Calder could tell them. But he was stopped in his tracks in the hallway. Viktor looked up and shrugged at the question. "Which do you prefer?" he asked, unsure of how the name would be received.
He thought for a while and then shrugged his shoulders again. "I would love to be your Master again ... but I would also settle for boyfriend." He groaned, leaning down and resting his forehead against the top of his head, nuzzling him a bit and grumbling a bit more. He straightened up once more and then led the way to the kitchen once more. "It's your choice, Viktor. If we go with back to how we were, I will be ... very happy. If we stick to just normal relationship or whatever, I'll still be happy." He sighed heavily, kissing his forehead once more.
"We'll talk," he promised. The aroma of the food was calling to him and Viktor knew that he wouldn't have much to say until his appetite was taken care of. Calder had done a wonderful job with French toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hash browns. The teen nearly drooled at the sight of all the food and dug into it without question.
The man nodded, far too happy to just eat. He easily dug into the food, thanking Calder for the food as he did so. He ate beside the other, easily finishing off the whole feast made by the blond. Devon stood up, giving Calder a hug and happily thanking him for the meal, before he took the man up and back to his room. He laced their fingers along the way, gently closing the door behind him and walking toward the bed.

Sitting down, he pulled the other onto his lap, arms aroudn him and a kiss to his neck. "So ... What do you wish to do?"
Breakfast was wonderful, and he pecked Calder's cheek in thanks after everything was said and done...and cleaned up. The man had cooked a huge feast just for them and Viktor wasn't about to let him clean it up, too. Only once the kitchen was sparkling clean did he follow Devon up to his room, making himself comfortable on his lap.

In answer to the question, Viktor smiled and kissed the other's lips very softly, slowly slipping his arms around Devon's neck as he did so.
Devon arched a brow, looking down at the male and smiling pleasantly. Kiss? Oh, he was more than happy to ignore everything else for a kiss. Whether or not that was his intention, his mind pretty much crashed when he was kissed, especially by him. His arms slide over his hips, pulling him tighter and kissing him back passionately. He kept his eyes closed and pulled him a bit closer to his form. He was so very happy right now. Just ... content that he had him back. Whatever their relatioship was right now, he did not care. HE was with him, back with him, he did not care anymore.
They kissed for a long time, Viktor reveling in the sensation of it once more. He was happy to be back kissing the one that he truly wanted to, and that he was being held so tightly and with such care. It almost felt like nothing had ever happened to change their relationship, other than they were talking about whether or not they should go back to how they were. "Yours," he whispered as the kiss broke. He was breathless and took a minute to catch it. "I don't care in what capacity. I just...want to be yours." He kissed Devon again.
He nodded to his words, pressing another kiss to his lips, merely wanting to enjoy the contact a little bit longer. "Okay, my pet." He whispered, grinning afterward. honestly? He was pretty sure he more enjoyed calling him 'pet' than anything else. "Less strict ... Just as long as i know where you are, I will not get huffy. Maybe only asking permission to go places. I don't know anymore. I don't .. .care right now.' he kissed his lips once more and then pulled back with a deep breath. "You and I .. later, we can sit down and write out what we want. okay? I don't ... I don't want to hurt you again. I want you to be happy and mine for a long, long, long time."
He nodded and cuddled into the other man closely, nuzzling along his neck as he settled in. "I wa--would like a collar?" he asked, hopeful that his request wouldn't be denied. Devon had promised him one before everything had gone belly up and so Viktor had high hopes that he'd be given what he wanted.

The morning, as they'd found out it was, went by nicely. They cuddled on the bed for long hours, simply getting to know each other on a more intimate level once again. As the afternoon began to lead into evening, Viktor pulled away just enough to look at the other. "Do you have any ideas?"
Devon grinned. He wanted a collar?! He tackled the man to the bed, kissing him many, many times and hugging him quite a bit. He chuckled, kissing his neck a few times and he pulled him tighter while he happily babbled on about this and that. He was just so very happy that they were talking about whatever it was that they were speaking about.

He looked down at him and he shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "How about stating with rules?" He offered, pushing his form up and he kissed him softly, just liking the contact. He turned to the other's desk, rummaging for a bit and then taking up a piece of paper and a pen, sinking back into the bed and righint 'yes' and then 'no' on pieces of paper. "Okay ... FIrst no: No pain." He wrote that down twice and then turned to hte man beside him. "What else?"
Yes. No pain. That was first and foremost, and he knew that Devon knew that. But it wasn't that he didn't want pain-after all, he fully expected to be punished if he did something wrong. Reaching over, the teen took the pen and paper to amend the first rule to read 'no unnecessary or excessive pain'. He couldn't explain the erection that he got from the thought of being taking over his Master's knee, bareassed and shivering in anticipation.

He thought for a minute, but came up with nothing, really, other than a limit on punishments. "Punishments should be discussed and agreed on," he offered, curling into Devon's side. He didn't want to simply be told what was to happen-he wanted a say in it. "And only done with a bare hand." That lat bit was very important.
Yes. No pain. That was first and foremost, and he knew that Devon knew that. But it wasn't that he didn't want pain-after all, he fully expected to be punished if he did something wrong. Reaching over, the teen took the pen and paper to amend the first rule to read 'no unnecessary or excessive pain'. He couldn't explain the erection that he got from the thought of being taking over his Master's knee, bareassed and shivering in anticipation.

He thought for a minute, but came up with nothing, really, other than a limit on punishments. "Punishments should be discussed and agreed on," he offered, curling into Devon's side. He didn't want to simply be told what was to happen-he wanted a say in it. "And only done with a bare hand." That lat bit was very important.
Devon nodded, circling the rule his boyfriend just added onto the list. He rested against him a little bit and he added in what the other man said. He nodded a little, turning toward him an he pressed a kiss to his cheek. "So, I'll spank my lovely pet when he is naughty." He whispered, nuzzled into his head happily, smiling cheerfully to himself. Yes, he definitely was better now. He added a few more things that were about not freaking out.

He stared at the paper a bit and then turned to look at the male beside him. "As for asking permission from me ... I suppose using our best judgments work. Ask to go somewhere. You don't need to ask to leave just ... tell me when you are leaving." He leant over and kissed him once more, nuzzling into him once more. "Sound reasonable?"
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