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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Devon debated. Three was a decent number, but did he want to give in? He shook his head, looking at the other and he said a simple, "Four." He stated, pushing his legs off of his form and he pointed to the groudn beside his lap. "Up and off." He said firmly, waiting for the man to do as he told.

Once the man's pants and boxers were off his hips, he did actually help him to his knees so that he could bend him over his lap. His hand lifted, coming down onto his rump with one smack, not all too harsh. Even less than a high-five at a good force. Just enough to get a small sting. He repeated the action three more times, patting his rear gently once he was done.
Four...he could live with four. It seemed fair, and he knew that he'd been lowballing the number at three. Viktor whimpered once more as he was instructed to take off his pants and boxers, though he wasn't sure if it was out of uncertainty, fear, or purely being turned on. The teen lowered his pants and boxers, shuddering softly as butterflies rampaged through him as he was settled over the man's knee. He was at the man's mercy, his most private of areas fully exposed to him. That gave Viktor a rush of excitement.

He gasped with the first swat, whimpered with the second and third, and groaned with the fourth. His prick was nearly leaking and fully hard, and his rear end was warm and stinging, sending shocks to his groin. Slowly, he slid from Devon's knee and into his lap. The teen kissed his Master rather passionately, needing the comfort.
Devon gladly wrapped his arms around the other's form, pulling him tightly to his chest. He kissed him back, wanting the other to feel that he really was cared for. He glanced down to the aroused flesh between them, a brow arching in interest. Well, he definitely was not a masochist ... but did he like it a bit kinky? he looked up at the ravenette on his lap, pressing one more kiss to his lips and his hands kept a firm grip on his hips, too scared to let go for fear of doing something the male did not want. Pet or not, he still had the right to say when he wanted what.

"Would you like me to help your ... problem?" He questioned, kissing his lips again and trying to keep himself calm.
Viktor whimpered softly and leaned into the kiss more, nodding. His mind was clouded and his groin a bit painful now as he stood at full attention and his head began to purple a bit. He needed relief and it didn't occur to him that that meant sex. The teen simply wanted to feel better. "Please... Please Master," he whined softly before returning his lips to Devon's, kissing him desperately.
Devon nodded, his hands caressing the teen's side for a bit and he told himself many times over that now was not the time to have sex with him. No matter how hot and how gorgeous and sexy and arousing he may look, now was not the time. He pressed his lips back and into his, his hand sliding from the hip of the other to wrap around his twitching flesh. He gave the other a few jerks of his hand, just getting the general relieving in pressure away before he cotinued to move his hand for a while at least. Until he really was bored with his hand.

His hands took a grip of the other's hips, holding onto him and moving him to the bed. He kissed him passionately for a while, hand still pleasing the boy until he trailed his kisses down his form. He wrapped his lips around the flesh, instantly taking most of the member into his mouth, just wanting the boy to be relieved and in less pain. He would not be able to think right even if he sugested sex and that would be bad. Getting a guy completely and utterly aroused then requesting sex, to him, seemed almost like getting him drunk - just with lust over alcohol.
Viktor cried out with the touch, hips lifting up into the warmth and strength of his Master's hand. The touch was rough and strong and demanding, and it only served to turn the teen on further. He felt like he couldn't possibly feel better...until there was a moist heat around his member. Hips thrust up once again and Viktor's hands twisted in the sheets beneath him. "De--Dev--Master... Guh!" He was beyond coherent thought at that point.
Devon lifted his baby blue eyes to look up at the man, smirking to himself in his utter amusement. He would just ... shower before they went anywhere. Damn him to pieces! Viktor made him so very giddy and he only wanted to make him happy and while sex would make himself happy, he doubted the teen was ready, or even wanted to have his first time in this sort of situation.

He pushed the thoughts aside, concentrating on the male's member instead of what he wanted to do to him. His head bobbed up and down, taking deep swallows and tongue traveling along the head of the flesh, doing quite a few tricks he knew to help make the other pleased.
It didn't take much longer before he was exploding. Viktor's hips pressed up, the teen wanting more heat around his erection. Spent, he fell back into the mattress, chest heaving and his heart pounding so hard Viktor was afraid that it might explode. Blindly, he reached out for Devon and pulled him up to him when he found his Master. He kissed the other man, pulling Devon fully on top of him and wrapping his arms around him tightly, still in a lust-filled haze.
Devon took all of what the man released into his mouth, swallowing it all out of many different trial and errors - spitting just made everything worse. He kissed the man back softly, lying beside him, making sure that he could not feel the bulge in his pants. His arms wrapped around him gently and he pulled Viktor to his form to nuzzle into his neck, calming himself with the action. He kissed the pale flesh softly, relaxing more and he tilted his head back to look up at him, seeing the lust within his eyes and he shook his head a bit.

"I take it, you feel better." he mumbled, taking the sheets and pulling them up and over the teen's hips.
Viktor nodded, curling into Devon's side sleepily. "Can we go for ice cream later, Master?" he asked, a rather pathetic pout to his lips. They had all evening, really. It was only three in the afternoon. Or perhaps just after? He'd lost track of the time. "'m sleepy." The teen gave a little yawn and cuddled further into the other male's side, burying his face into Devon's neck.
"Of course, my pet." He whispered, pressing a light kiss to his temple before he relaxed against him, as best he could. He stared at the ravenette, waiting to watch him fall asleep. And oh how happy he was when he finally was asleep. He kissed his temple and then slid out of his embrace. He crawled over him and then practically ran to the bathroom. Yep. He needed a shower. A very very very long and cold shower. Damn that little ... He groaned and disappeared into the showers or a good twenty minutes.

He came back, quite refreshed and changed into a new pair of jeans and a simple tee shirt to his form. He scooped up the boys pants and boxers off the ground, laying them over the computer chair and he then crawled back into bed with him, now it was only to wait until he was awake. Then they could do things.
Adamair kept them rather busy, and Tanner was...frustrated. The blond moved through the house to find his husband, having sent Adamair off to visit Dawn and Ella on a play date at Nikkos' and Tomias'. The twins were somewhere with Pierce and they had the house to themselves for as long as they wanted. He was definitely going to take advantage of this.

He found Relic in his sewing room and he smiled...smirked, really. He moved up behind the other man and slipped his hand beneath the skirt that he was wearing, smacking his lovely rear end to tease.
Relic really was a bit overwhelmed with Adamair. That little thing kept growing and exploring and oh boy, he really needed an escape. So, he had given his husband the child, just for an hour or so, purely so that he could work on an article of clothing. A shirt or a skirt, just something to keep him occupied and to calm his nerves. He had not thought that his love would push their little boy off on his big brother, but he really did not even know what the two were doing.

Currently, he was hunched over his desk, sketching out a new design that was rolling around his head. He took in a deep breath when he felt a hand under his shirt and smiled once he realized who it was. He stopped, mid-drawing, yelping softly with hte little smack to his rump. He turned his head, grinning at his husband behind him. He leant toward him and kissed his lips gently. "Ditched Adamair, I see.' He teased, nipping his bottom lip playfully before he turned to the drawing in front of him, not really thinking much in a sexual manner for now.
"You blame me?" he asked, moving to stand behind Relic, kissing down his neck and then his spine to the very top of his rear end. "I've missed you." Tanner's hands once more reached beneath the skirt and began to slip the panties that were in his way down his husband's thighs. "Besides, I think that you were a very naughty little boy, Mr. Reed..." Tanner grinned and gave another swat to Relics behind.
Relic arched a brow, his pencil completely stopped at the top of his sketch when he felt his love kiss along his spine. He shivered visibly, eyes fluttering closed and he smiled absently while he listened to the man, melted already to his doings. He took in a deep breath when his panties were pulled down his form, hand gripping the pencil very tightly and he gave a small "Oh?" His eyes opened at half-mast, looking at his love and grinning even more. "Are you sure I was a naughty boy? I hear there's someone out there who looks like me." He grinned, completely and utterly amused by the situation.
"Ah but the other one doesn't wear skirts, or have the same long, gorgeous legs..." The blond's hands slid down Relic's thighs. "I think that you might need to be punished..." He nipped sharply at his husband's neck, though not quite hard enough to draw blood from him. "What do you think?" Another bite.
Relic shivered under the man's touch, already such putty beneath his love's touches. He gripped the desk beneath him a bit more, not really wanting to collapse. He was pretty close to doing so, but not quite yet. He gave a little moan of an answer, taking in a deep breath and he turned to look back at the male again and smirked. "Whatever teacher sees fit."
Leaning up, Tanner pressed his lips to his husband's ear and whispered: "I wonder how long it would take to make you come just from being spanked..." The blond licked the shell of Relic's ear and nipped at the lobe, giving his rear end yet another swat. "Shall we find out?" He thrust his hips forward, teasing the other man mercilessly.
Relic arched a brow. Well, this was very ... unlike his husband -- he loved it! He gasped with the smack to his rearend, eyes closing and he turned his body fully against the desk, fingers pressing into the wood and his rear ground into the male's hips, just wanting so much more.
Tanner took that as a 'yes'. He stepped to the side and lifted the skirt up over Relic's hips. The flesh was already tinged pink, though just barely, and he had to admit that the sight in front of him made his erection twitch. The blond ran his hand over his husband's rear end, smoothing away the stinging sensations for a few moments before giving another smack, followed in quick succession by a couple more before he went back to running his hand over the reddening flesh.
Relic went wide-eyed when he felt the first contact of his hand to his rear, truly thinking that that would have been all his love would have done to him. He knew Tanner well, and the man was not for injuring, so it definitely came as a shock when the smacks continued. He moaned, despite not really wanting to give into the man this early. He could not help it! It was all just so ... exciting and painful. He bit into his bottom lip, his already aroused member twitching with each slap to his rear end. He leant his body against the desk, bending over even more for the man behind him.

His eyes fluttered closed with the male rubbing his rear. He pulled himself forward, whispering a very heated, "More" to the blond.
"Ah so you were a naughty boy, were you Mr. Reed?" he teased, a hint of great amusement in his voice. Tanner switched to the other cheek, giving a series of four or five firm, stinging smacks to the flesh there. The blond leaned down and blew cool air across the hot flesh, teasing.
Relic gasped and his form pressed into the desk even more, gripping onto the desk tightly and he moaned when the man continued to hit him, definitely missing the feel of pain in such a manner. His eyes fluttered closed and he really was going insane with the feeling of the smacks. He moaned out a heated, "Very ... very bad." and he felt the bit fluid trickling out of the head of his member, the man moaning more and he bit his bottom lip all the more, pulling the ring in his lip into his mouth to try and contain himself, but it truly was not working well. THe moans still passed his lips, and he was so very close to hitting the roof, all he needed was just a bit more. Little more.
"Oh?" Tanner asked, licking up one of the red cheeks. He sunk his teeth into the flesh a bit before standing once more. "Then I think that the punishment isn't quite over... Don't you agree, Mr. Reed?" he asked, voice sweet as could be as his hands ran over the reddened flesh a bit more.
Relic whimpered in the pleasure when he felt the male sink his teeth into his flesh. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he pressed his hips against the corner of the desk even more, breaking the flesh of his lip that he held within his mouth. He released, dirtying the desk and ground in front of him and not even caring that he was so easily pleased. It did not matter to him at the moment. Merely that his husband was so very able to get him riled, and far to ready for another round.

"Not at all... I'm going to be even naughtier." He stated and within a flash, he turned and pounced his husband, tackling him to the floor and grinding into his groin, lips connecting with the flesh of his neck and kissing anywhere it was possible, hands already sliding up the fornt of his shirt. "I can't take anymore... I want you. Wholely.."
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