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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner gave a soft grunt as he hit the ground, unable to revel in the knowledge that it took so little to bring his husband to completion. Relic's lips were guided up to his own and the blond kissed him deeply, holding him tightly around his waist, grinding his hips upward. "Gonna be hard through denim," he teased, moving his own lips down to nip and bite at Relic's neck and shoulder.
Relic snorted, muttering a small "pun" before his lips connected with his, prying his lips away frmo his neck for the moment. His hands hurridely undid the front of his love's pants, pushing them off his hips and ripping off any undergarment that may have stopped him from getting what he wanted. The jeans and shreds were tossed away and he ran his sore rear along the man's erection, groaning at the sensation and he leant down to bury his face into the crook of his neck. Taking in his scent, he purred, completely loving the man even more now.

He waited only a few teasing moments before sliding onto the man, groaning with the sensation and he let out a happy little growl.
He laughed at Relic, kissing him again. "You wouldn't love me if I didn't make such corny jokes!" So that was a lie. It didn't matter. Tanner lifted his hips to help get his jeans off, shaking his head at the shreds of fabric that had been his boxer shorts. The thought was forgotten though when the heat of his lover surrounded him. Tanner hissed and pressed his hips upward, holding onto Relic's hips as he did so. He allowed them both to adjust before lifting Relic easily and then, quite literally, dropping him back down onto his erection.
Relic chuckled, letting the comment go for the sake of better, harder, things. He moaned when he felt the other man moving within him, his eyes fluttering closed and he slowly moved with him. He let Tanner keep control of his hips, falling back onto him with a sharp gasp, loving the sensation so very much. He moaned even more, lifting his hips up and then slamming back into the man, repeating the action many, many times. His lips connected with Tanner's, kissing him passionately and he definitely loved the difference in the man. Not that he did not have fun other times, but oh, he so adored pain.
Bracing his feet flat to the ground, Tanner held Relic up a few inches. The blond took control, thrusting upwards into his husband's body with quick, deep thrusts. He groaned, fingertips digging deeply into Relic's hips as he brought himself closer and closer to the edge. It didn't take him very long to release into his lover, his head thrown back in pure lust and adrenaline. His hips didn't stop after he'd crested, Tanner continuing to thrust as he used one hand to stroke over Relic's own erection with quick, sure movements.
Relic gasped, pulling away from the man to sit on his member, moaning with each thrust into him, and even louder when he felt his nails penetrate his flesh. His hands slid off of his love's form, nails raking along his thighs, sinking into the flesh once his husband took a hold of his member. He dug deeper into his flesh, panting heavily with a few breathy "more"s passing his lips. He helped move himself upon the other before after a few more thrusts, the man released on his lover, moaning out his name before he fell forward, collapsing onto the man's chest and panting heavily.

"I ... love you."
His arms immediately went around Relic's torso, holding him there securely. Tanner nuzzled into the man's hair as his legs fell and their bodies separated. The blond's eyes closed as they laid there, regaining their composure and allowing themselves a bit of time together. He was struggling a little bit with having caused Relic pain, but for the most part, Tanner knew that anything he'd just done wouldn't be considered abuse in any form. Still, it poked at the back of his mind a bit.

"Me too, baby."
Relic smiled, lifting his head up to press a kiss to the man's lips. He smiled cheerfully, looking down at him and his face dropped, a pathetic little pout to his lips. "Stop thinking that." He warned, forefinger lifting to press into his forehead and push him lightly against the floor. "You know that I can kick your ass any day if I did not want something." He leant down to kiss his lips once more. "Trust me ... I loved it." He added, standing up and wiggling his rump for the man to see. "See? All fine."

Laughing, he turned back to the man, taking up his hands and pulling him up from the ground with a n innocent little look to his ice blue eyes. "Does Professor Reed wish to wash up then crawl into bed with the naughty boy?" He asked, smiling as he leant up to kiss his lips softly, nipping it playfully.
Tanner rolled his eyes at Relic but still stood and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist, kissing him rather deeply. He moaned with the thought and nodded. "I think Tomias and Nikkos can watch Addy for a few more hours..." Another round of sex wasn't out of the question, either, he thought with a grin and a nip to Relic's neck as they moved through the house and to their bedroom.
A few weeks passed and Relic ... was not feeling very well. He was ill through the days and really unmotivated to do a lot. He even made Rune take a few of his classes so that he could stay home. The raven-haired man grumbled while he stumbled into the bathroom, rubbing at his stomach and he stopped. He pulled up his night shirt, looking at his stomach and arching a brow. He seemed ... flabbier. No. Not even flab he just was not flat. He turned sideways in the mirror, looking at his belly and seeing his ring not lying nicely as it normally did.

He stared for a while, just stared before he was running out of the room. He rushed to the telephone, quickly calling up Dr. Byrne and yelling at the man to get there within the next few hours or else his manhood was well ... not going to be of any use on a platter.

With the phone tossed at the wall, cracking upon impact, Relic turned on his heel and began to pace back and forth, truly far too concerned about this than he should be.
Tanner was concerned for Relic. He hadn't been feeling well and that simply wasn't like him. His lover was usually happy and roaring to go. Now it seemed like an effort just to get out of bed. The blond was making tea for his love when he hard the loud smash, and Tanner rushed out to see what had happened. "Relic? Are you alright? What's wrong?" He moved up behind him with a hand on the small of his back, checking over his husband for any injuries.
Relic looked over at his husband, shaking his head with a pleasant smile to his lips. "Nothing. Just ... frustrated." He giggled and kissed his lips before he heard the tea kettle singing. "Tea?" he questioned, turning and heading for the kitchen to go get the tea. Maybe it was just a cold. Yes. A cold and ... some excess fat that is not so flabby and makes no sense for him to have! Yes. That made ... perfect logical and coherent sense.
He seemed more than frustrated, but Tanner didn't push it. "You'll be purchasing us a new phone then?" he asked, unable to help at the little jab towards his love. With a shake of his head, the blond lead the other man into the kitchen and set him down at the table. He went around to make two cups, fixed perfectly for the both of them. "Are you sure you're alright, Relic?" he asked, concerned. "You've been so tired lately..."
Relic giggled happily and nodded. "Of course I am!" He said, putting on a smile as he took his cup from his husband and giggled once more. "Why would I not be? Just because I could possibly be pregnant again ... That's nothing to worry about!" He kissed his lips softly. "Thanks for the tea." He turned and made his way to the living room, plannign to let the idea fester in the man's head for a bit. He had thought that that could be a possibility at first, but then he pushed it aside. He did not do anything spell-wise and he figured it was just a cold -- despite his ... genetics.
P--pregnant? Tanner stood up and quickly followed his husband through the house. "Pregnant?" he asked, eyeing the man. Did he not learn anything from the last time? "When did you do the spell again?" Tanner was a bit hurt, but tried very hard to keep his emotions in check. There had to be a reasonable explanation for it, right?
Relic shook his head and turned to look at the man, stopping despite the eager urge to continue to pace. "I didn't!" he protested and shook his head once more before he started yelling. He took in a deep breath. "I did not do the spell again. I ... don't know why. I mean! It'sn ot affirmative yet! Dr. Byrne is on his way and ... he'll do the bloodwork and find out." He nodded, sipping the tea softly and keeping his eyes over to his love. He had not meant for this to happen! He was happy with Adamair for a long, long while. Maybe in a few years have another one or two, but not for ... a while. Like, Adamair in college-while.
He sighed in relief a little bit. If Relic hadn't done the spell then there was no way that he could be pregnant again. Tanner reached forward and pulled his husband into a tight and supportive hug. "Then it's something else, and no matter what it is it can be fixed." Tanner sounded more sure than what he really felt. He kissed the top of his lover's head.
Relic sighed heavily, melting into his husband's embrace. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into the man happily, feeling better and just wanting to be closer to his llove. He pulled back, resting the cup against his chest and pouted, staring into the warm liquid. "What if I'm not pregnant and ... I'm sick...?"
"I'm sure it's nothing that can't be taken care of with some medicine," he assured with a little kiss to Relic's temple. Softly, he lead his husband to the living room and had him sit on the sofa to relax until the doctor arrived. There was no reason to worry. No spell equaled no baby. It was really that easy. Tanner sat down next to him, resting his own legs over Relic's.
Relic nodded, scooting toward his husband and resting his head against his shoulder. He took in a deep breath and just collapsed against him a bit. He turned, biting the man's shoulder out of his anxiety and then returned to lying his head against him. "You better be right." he mumbled, sipping a little bit more of the tea while he waited.

Two god awful long hours passed, and there was a knock at the door.

Relic pushed his husband's legs off his lap, making his way toward the door and pulling it open to look at the man in front of him. "Took you long enough." He mumbled, still very annoyed at hte moment.

The doctor just laughed and nodded. "Lovely to see you too.' He made his way into the house, leading the male toward their bathroom, figuring it was a pretty decently sanitary place. He then set up everything to take his blood and any other tests he would need to do. "So, what? Think you're pregnant? Sick ... Bored?" He looked up at Relic while he slid the needle into his arm.

He grumbled a bit. "I don't know. I didn't do the spell or anything! so ... I can't be pregnant and Calder was sick ... maybe ... Maybe I have something like that? I hope not but .. What else could it be?"
Tanner stayed out of the bathroom. It wasn't meant to hold three people at a time. Not the 'normal' bathroom anyway. Their ensuite one would have held them all three times over. Well, perhaps he was exaggerating. Still, Tanner didn't like the sight of needles and he didn't want to be in the way.

When the two exited, the blond wrapped his arms around his husband and hugged him tightly. "When will we have the results, doctor?" He was hoping for an answer like 'tomorrow', no matter how far fetched that would be.
Dr. Byrne looked down at his bag, calculating a bit and he shrugged his shoulders a little while he thought. "One to two weeks. I'll put a rush on it, though. So ... maybe closer to one.' He stated, shaking Relic's hand before he left. "From what I can tell, you're not dying or anything, and I don't think it's anything serious, so don't worry about it. Just ... have lots of ginger-ale and saltines."

Relic groaned. Stupid man. He turned into Tanner, arms wrapping tightly around his form as he nuzzled into him a little bit more. "I don't want to wait."
"I know, sweetheart." Neither of them wanted to wait, despite the "assurance" that Relic wasn't dying. Ginger ale and saltines weren't exactly something someone went to medical school to prescribe. The blond hugged his husband tighter. "It'll go by quick." He hoped.
Relic thought for a while, staring up at the ceiling before he said a simple, "Fuck this shit." He pulled away fmor his love's embrace, wandering to the broken phone on the ground. He stared at it before perking up. "TOMIAS!" He made his way to the other side of the house, his bigger brother staring at him, Alexander on his hip and both looking at hte man like he was insane.

"I broke our phone. Too lazy to get a new one. Stealing yours." He stated, walking into the kitchen and picking up the receiver, dialing the number instantly.

Tomias stared at the male before he shook his head, sighing heavily. "Suppose you forgot about your kitchen phone ... And the others in your house, huh?"

"Shut it, you old hag!" He hissed, glaring at the man and then perking up with the man on the other end, smiling hapiply. "GABE! You knooow you're my favorite brother ... nephew ... thing, right?" He grinned and then bounced on the balls of his feet.' Goodie! Can you and your lovely family hop on down to our end, hm? I'm sure your little boy would just adore to get out of the house and visit his ... uncles." He shrugged, really ignoring their messed up history at the moment. "Ee! THANK YOU" With that and a giggle, he hung up and then stuck his tongue out at Tomias. "I hope you stub your toe."
Curious, Tanner followed Relic. It was quite amusing to watch the interaction between him and Tomias, and the blond was also curious about the phone call. Gabe and Sergei? Why did he want them to visit? Not that Tanner minded-he loved the both of them a great deal and would love to see them. It was just... A rather odd time. The blond stifled a giggle to the 'curse' and moved back into their own home, only having to wait a couple of hours for Gabriel and Sergei to show up on their door step.

Tanner greeted both of them and invited them in.

Sergei hung back a little. He liked Relic's personality but the dark aura... Well he couldn't really get over it. But the soft pink glow over the man's belly made him smile. "Congratulations." His English had improved greatly. "What is it you are going to name her?"
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