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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"But your parents are weird," he offered, only half teasing. "Ella adores you, Rune. So do Trevor and Jade. Adamair and Dawn love you to death and I'm sure Alexander will once he's old enough. And when ours aren't pissing on everything, they're hanging onto the both of us." Calder reached up and pressed a soft kiss to his lover's cheek. "We'll be okay. And besides. Sergei's over there. He can tell us gender and how many..."
The 'how many' was what got to Rune. He stopped, mid-chew of his chocolate and shot up from the ground. He left the chocolate onto the counter before he was literally sprinting to the other end of the house. Number was importantn. Number was very important at the moment. He ran into the living room of Relic and Tanner's side, skidding to a stop and letting out a breath when the redhead was still there.

"sergei! I know I freak you out but ... How many glows?!" He asked, ignoring Relic staring at him and he really was about to have a heart attack if the man said more than one. His ice blue eyes were ever so pleading toward the man, yet a bit of fear behind them as well.
Calder looked after Rune, fighting to not be amused. He followed quickly, holding in a laugh at the question.

With wide eyes, Sergei looked at Rune like he was nuts. What on earth was going on in this house? Three men pregnant all at once? And one with enough babies to satisfy them all twice over! But the question wasn't specific enough for the Russian to quite understand. He pointed towards the door that the twins and Pierce had gone out of. "Seven." He pointed to Relic. "One." And then to Rune. "I..." He stared hard. "Well one.'s purple..."
"OH thank god." Rune collapsed onto the ground, forehead against the ground before he perked up. He lifted his head and lookd over the arm chair of the couch, staring at the man with a brow arched in question. "So, what? I'm having a hermaphrodite?" He asked, staring the man over a bit. He was the one who saw auras and what not, so what was it? Or was it too soon to tell? Damn. And here he thought he would have things cleared up.

Relic giggled before stopping short at the 'seven' clicking into his head. He turned to Tanner before back to Sergei. "Seven? Those ... Thsoe boys are going to have seven?! Dear GOD what the hell are we drinking?" he probably should warn the boys ... Maybe after the shock of their boyfriend being pregnant.
Tanner nuzzled into Relic's neck. "He's got bunny DNA, Relic. Would you expect anything else?" He sighed, not sure what to think at the moment. It was all so overwhelming.

"Herm..what?" Sergei was confused and looked around the room for some help. It was Calder who took pity on him.

"Hermaphrodite is a person who has both female and"

"Oh. Well... I... Hum." Sergei thought for a moment. "I do not know. It is a maybe? But it is that could be two, one behind the other. I... You will have to wait. They will either be moving, or it will become pink or blue."
Rune stared at him. Two? Two!? He whimpered and fell onto the floor once more, glaring over at Relic and Tanner on the couch. "Fucking family freak only gets one ... What do I get? Three ... Two..." He grumbled and laid where he was, mentally exhausted over the whole thing. "At least you'll have litlte baby bunnies to look after." He chuckled, a bit darkly and then curled up on the ground. His head on the floor and his knees to his chest.

Relic shook his head a bit and then looked down at his belly, thinking about how far he had been lat time he was this far. It had to be a few months by now. Well, the bloodwork frmo Dr. Byrne would tell him how far along he was. He giggled and nuzzled into his love and smiled cheerfully at his brother's words, nodding. "mhm. Seven little grand baby bunnies. I'm sure the twins will ... pass out. But, at least they'll indefinitely be loved." He stated, quite glad for a parents' love. Maybe then they would not feel so out of place. If they had little babies who would look up at them with a cute little 'papa' or whatever.
With a sigh, Calder bent down and pulled Rune to his feet. "Lets go. You can sulk at home." There was no point in being miserable on the floor of his brother's house when he could be miserable in his own bed. At least it made sense to Relic. The blond thanked Sergei and said good bye to them all as he lead his husband out of the house and back across the courtyard. "Besides. You'll be lucky if Viktor hasn't finished off that chocolate."
Rune grumbled, head flopped against his love's and he sighed heavily. "Why ... are we such freaks?" he asked, looking down at him with interest. "Relic's pregnant. That bunny is pregnant with seven. I'm pregnant ... possibly with two." He groaned once more, turning and nuzzling into the man's neck pathetically. "This better get better. At least I know there's two. Fucking Doctor." he grumbled and kissed his love once more onthe lips.
As Rune and Calder made their way back into the house, Viktor looked up, shutting his phone a bit quickly. "My uncle's coming to visit. I offered him a room... I hope that's okay..." He felt bad now that he really had a chance to take in the emotions of his father and Calder. "Um... He'll be here tonight... I can ask Trevor to cook... I'd help, of course..." He was babbling, but a visit from his uncle was always...daunting, despite being the favorite (of his generation, anyway).
Rune arched a brow, listening to the babbling boy and he sighed heavily. He walked over to him, pressing his forefinger to his forehead and pushing it back to look into the other's eyes. "Chill, seriously. Do I beat yo-- okay. Ignore that. It's fine. Your family is welcome in our house. And don't worry, I'm fine. I just .. need a nap." He groaned, kissing the ravenette's forehead before walking past him. "Wake me up for dinner. Or when he's here... Doesn't really matter." He wiggled his fingers to the two and then made his way toward his bedroom, wanting to just collapse.
Viktor took a deep breath and nodded. He was glad that they didn't seem angry with him for inviting his family over. He ised his father dearly, and being connected to his family would, hopefully, make him feel a little better.

It was the better part of three hours before a tall redhead was knocking at the door. Hades knocked as he towered over the porch light. He stood nearly six feet, eleven inches tall. He was slim yet muscular; strong for his age (and really, who wanted to deal in numbers anyway?).

The call from his great-great nephew was...surprising, to say the least. Not that they didn't talk, but they didn't talk often. And he most certainly wasn't invited to visit. Well. It would be a nice vacation anyway.
Trevor perked up when he heard the door, turning to look at it before he sighed softly. Seemed no one was getting it. He brushed his hands off on the frilly apron around his hips, turning and heading toward the door. He spotted Ella toddling her way along, telling her to go wake Mama up nicely before he walked to the door to get whoever it was. He opened the door, staring up at the tall man and he took a step to the side. "Viktor's uncle, I take it."
"Indeed. You are?" The man looked down at the brunette. He was quite lovely, actually. If he could have gotten away with it, he would have contemplated stealing the boy away for a bit of fun before going inside. He doubted that he could get away with it though, and stepped inside with the invitation.

Viktor heard the door and hurried down, wrapping himself around his uncle's waist in a tight hug. "Uncle Hades!" He was patted on the back and squeezed once before being released.
"Trevor." He stated, giving a simple bow of his head. "Pleasure to meet you.' He stated, seeing Viktor rushing from the other room. He nodded and then turned to return to the other room. He pulled his hair out of hte tie, merely to twirl it all back into the bun it had been in previously. He disappeared back into the kitchen, going through the final touches of everything. Within twenty minutes, the meal should be good.

Rune groaned. He realized that the men in the family had figured out the trick to not getting him evil upon waking up, and it was the little five year old that was cilnging to him and nuzzling him with small little 'mama wake up's. He sighed heavily , scooping her up and onto his shoulders before making his way out of the room. He yawned, following the scent of tdinnner and quite happy at the moment with the smells. He absently took in the two at the door, hnad lifting to wave to the redhead. "Hey, Hades." he mumbled groggily, continuing toward the food.
He nodded once to Rune, shaking his head. Nothing changed with him: He was always moving towards food. The tall God moved further into the house and shut the door behind him. "How have you been, Viktor?"

Viktor looked up at his uncle, and then to Rune, and then back again. They knew each other? "How do you know him?!" Was the wold really that small?! He was a little flustered now, unsure of what to think. Couldn't he have anything that Rune didn't ruin for him?
Rune moved into the kitchen, taking Ella from his shoulders and setting her onto the cuonter, away frmo the things that Trevor was doing. He reached forward, stealing a piece of apple the man just cut up, sinking his teeth into it and he stopped instantly. Hades?! He turned on his heel, walking out of the kitchen and staring at the tall redhead, eyes widening. "What hte hell are you doing here?"
"Viktor did not tell you I was to be arriving?" he asked, eyebrow raised at his nephew. "I thought I'd taught him impeccible manners..."

"I did too!" he argued, turning to his uncle. "I told him that my uncle was coming. How was I to know he didn't know who I was talking about?" Okay. So he'd been a little scared to mention Hades' name. Most people looked at him weird, then ran away. Hades' laughter cut through though, and he received a rather condescending pat to the head.

"I suppose I should ask the same of you-how my great-great nephew came to live in your home. I assume this is your home?"
Rune groaned. Great. This day just got ... SO much better. He sighed heavily, shaking his head a bit. "He told me you were coming, just not who you were. understandably so." He sighed once again, his hand lifting to rest at the back of his neck, looking up at the redhead and shaking his head a little. "Apparently, he's my son. Don't know how you didn't get that from being around him, but whatever. He's my kid. He lives here." He looked over at Viktor then shrugged. "Make yourself at home." he mumbled before hearing giggles from beside him.

He turned, spotting the peeing monsters running toward the group, trying to escape from Jade who appaerntly had been put on Triplet-duty. He stared at the three naked boys, closing his eyes for a moment before he scooped all three up in one easy swoop, holding them against his chest and turning to Jade who looked so very worn out. "Go help your brother in the kitchen." he offered, seeing the relieved look of the blond and he turned his eyes to hte three giggling and wiggling boys. "None of that. We have a guest."
Viktor was, quite understandably, confused. "Yes but how do you KNOW each other?!" he asked, exasperated. Hades laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Your, uh, father can tell you that story. Point me to the showers, please." Sighing, Viktor pointed to the stairs, directing him to the third door on the left before turning to Rune and taking one of the triplets. "How?" he nearly demanded, not liking being left in the dark. "How do you know him but didn't know he was my uncle?"
He sighed heavily, shaking his head and leaning toward him. "because, little one, it was before your time." he winked and then straightened up once more, looking to the naked boys and nudging his head in the direction of the boys' bedroom. Well, more so their dressing/changing room that was downstairs. He set the two blonds he held onto the changing table and then set about getting them clothes, hopefully something more difficult to take off.

He shrugged his shoulders while pushing through the clothes they had. "Long story short? I fucked him" He took out one outfit, grabbing Lucius before he fell over the table, beginning to wrestle with him to get the clothes on. He glanced over to Viktor, waiting to see just what the boy's reaction would be.
Viktor shuddered with the thought. Sure. If the man wasn't a bazillion years old and related to him, perhaps he could see the appeal. But he was both of those things and he really didn't need the mental images. Trying to distract himself, the teen took out an outfit for Severus and whipped it on him before the little beast knew what was happening to him. "Ever think about just sewing them into the clothes?" he asked, wanting nothing more than to change the subject.
"I've thought of stapling them to their very tiny bodies." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders and changing Draco, both boys trying to get them off already. He grumbled, pulling them off the table and resting them against either hip. "You wouldn't think my brother created clothes, would you?" he sighed heavily and then looked down at Viktor, eyes traveling along his form before he shrugged a bit. "I have no issues with him. Your uncle is still welcome here as long as he w--" He stopped when he heard a very loud scream coming from the other side of the house.

going wide-eyed, he rushed out of the room, boys giggling and swaying at his side as he did so. He ran into the living room closest to the joined house.

Relic came rushing into the room, looking furious as ever. His face was literally beet red as he glared at his brother. "MAKE HER GO AWAY!" He growled, pointing behind him to the giggling and bouncing, gorgeous, woman that seemed ever so attached to Relic. "Where is that worthless piece of Tartus scum!" He took a hold of the front of his brother's shirt, yanking him to him. "I swear ... If she does not leave within five minutes, Hades is becoming a widow." He growled, releasing his brother with a little shove before he turned to glare at the woman. "Fuck off!"
Viktor was close behind Rune as he ran, eyes going rather wide at Relic's reaction, and then even more so at the woman behind him. "Auntie Persephone!" He ran forward and hugged her tightly, keeping a firm hold on Severus, who was attempting to wiggle away from him still. "I didn't know you were coming!" He loved his aunt, almost as much as he loved his uncle. "Oh what a great surprise!" Viktor chose to ignore Relic's reaction.
Persephone giggled happily, wrapping her arms aroudn the boy and kissing his forehead softly. "Viktor! It's been too long." She giggled her musical laughter once more, hugging him again and then pouting at Relic. "Aww ... Relish isn't happy to see me." She pouted, truly looking quite gorgeous while she did so, as well as hurt.

Relic's right eye twitched at the woman before turning on his heel and storming up the stairs. "HADES! YOu get your worthless King of the Dead ass OUT here before I tear you to shreds!" Yes, he was livid.

Rune arched a brow. He turned to look at Relic running away, actually quite concerned for hte wellfare of the baby. Stress ... was not a good thing. He sighed heavily, looking at the boys in his arms and shaking his head. "uncle RElic's going to pop a vein." he mumbled, looking over at the woman once more, rolling his eyes as he did so. "Why are you doing this to him, really? He's over you, you know."

The woman blinked a few times, turning to look at Rune and her head tilted to the side before she giggled once more. "Because I love him." She then kissed Viktor's forehead once more, hugging him against her form. "and I love my lovely nephew."
Tanner was quite concerned for his husband. He didn't know what was going on, only that he'd heard a woman's voice and then his love's yells, and then a door slamming. That couldn't be good. When Relic returned, the blond wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders, holding him still while studying his face. It only took a moment to decide what to do. "Get yourself and Adamair packed. I'll get the twins. Pierce too. Neither you nor him need stress." He had no idea where they would be going, or the cause of Relic's stress, but he knew that they needed to go. He kissed Relic's temple and then released him to get their son together while he went to get the older two.

Quite happy to see his aunt, and not realizing just why Relic was so upset, Viktor cuddled into her close for a moment more before pulling away so that he could get a better grip on the baby in his hands. "I'm so glad you came, Auntie!"
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