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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune shook his head, turning on his heel and mumbling a simple, 'Ignorance is bliss" before he disappeared into the kitchen as well. He looked at everything being made and then nodded, walking off to put the boys into their little play pen. He set them down, walking over to his other son, hoisting the boy up from his arms and resting him o his hip, looking down at him wiht a sigh. "Why did you teach your brothers such bad things.' He mumbled, shaking his head and placing him into the pen as well, staring down at the three and shaking his head a bit.

Relic sighed heavily, taking in a deep breath and nuzzling him a little bit more. "I hate her so much." He whispered, burying his face into his love's neck and he gripped him tightly for a while, stealing some of his strength before he went off to go tell the boys they were taking a little vacation.
After telling the twins and Pierce to pack, Tanner got on the phone. Tien was first to borrow the jet. Then it was a travel agent. He asked for someplace warm and touristy. What she suggested made the blond smile with a 'perfect'. He arranged every detail from hotel rooms to dinners to sight seeing and hung up to pack. "SOMEWHERE WARM!" he called out, hoping everyone would hear him and pack accordingly. He threw in only clothes. Everything else they'd get before going to the hotel.

Twenty minutes later, he and Remus were standing in the front entrance waiting for the other three and a half.
Relic packed ... a lot. He needed many skirts, many things that would look good with the belly, and he even packed quite a few fabrics, scissors, and thread to match the fabrics he had. He put a few shoes in and then hoisted it up onto his shoulder, walking to the twins' room where the two were still packing. "Romulus ... shouldn't this be second nature? You grew up in Austrailia."

Romulus blushed faintly, tossing up between a few outfits. "but ... I don't know what I want to look like when I'm there!"

He laughed and then walked over to the clothes on teh bed, shrugging and shoving them all into the trunk, closing it up and resting that on the ground in front of him. 'And you, Pierce?"

Pierce perked up, looking over at the man and he smiled gently. "Sorry.' He shook his head, closing up the suitcase and then setting it onto the ground,. "I'm ready now." he stated, walking to Romulus and taking the boy's hand.
Remus moved over to his twin and Pierce when they entered the front hallway, kissing both of them softly. They had all become very comfortable in front of their fathers over the past few years. He took Pierce's bag along with his own and one side of Romulus' trunk to help them out to the car, while Tanner too Relic's and Adamair's bag. "Your father will have the plane at the airport in an hour," he mentioned, pressing a kiss to his husband's cheek. With the three teens (well, two plus Pierce) and Adamair, Tanner had purchased a small SUV to fit them all. He was even more glad for the trunk space now.

Once everything was arranged, they were off and just on time to meet the jet on the runway.
Relic smiled, taking his child in exchange for the bags. He pressed a kiss to his forehead and then rested his forehead against the blond litlte boy's. "You're going to be a big brother." He stated, smiling cheerfully and kissing him once more before moving into the SUV. The ride there, the ride in teh plain ... All were an easy blur. Relic curled up beside his husband, nuzzling into him and giving Adamair-duty to the three. He explained that they would need to know how to handle a child soon.

When they landed, Relic hopped out, stealing his child back from their other sons and ... Pierce, then stepped out into the warm air. He took in a deep breath, relaxing once more before it clicked -- They were in Florida! He gasped and turned to Tanner, eyes sparkling happily. "You ... rock!" He giggled, bouncing over to him and kissing his love's lips happily. He giggled a little bit more. "In all my years, and travels, I have yet to come here.' He stated, bumping his hip into his gently before turning to look in fronto f him, grnning even more.
Happy Relic. Yes. That was much better. Tanner smiled and kissed his husband gently before turning to find three befuddled looks. "Disney World," he explained with a shake of his head. Remus perked up instantly and Tanner laughed a bit, bumping his shoulder. "Come help me with the bags." Before he did, though, he moved back over to Relic and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "Did I mention two rooms - one for the boys and one for us - in Cinderella's castle?" he whispered, nuzzling along Relic's neck a little. "And I meant all four boys in the one room...On a different floor." Adamair would be fine with the twins and Pierce. After all, they needed to learn, right?

Leaving Relic to think about that, the bags were grabbed and a car service picked them up to head for the hotel, where Tanner checked in.
Relic smiled cheerfully. He really was happy. Even more so when his love's arms were wrapped around him. He perked up even more with the words the man spoke. Turning, he looked him over and grinned even more. "I knew there were other reasons I married you." He whispered, leaning over and kissing his lips. "So smart." he giggled before walking over to Pierce. He hooked his elbow with his and smiled even more. "Us pregnant folk have to stick together." He stated, smiling even more and leading him to the shuttle, Adamair on his hip.

They arrived at the hotel and Relic happily slid out of the shuttle, one hand on his stomach, the other firmly holding onto Adamair's rump.

Romulus helped his brother and Father with the bags, taking his and Pierce's -- okay. His and Remus helped with the other side of Pierce's. He walked with the others to the front desk, crimson eyes looking at everything. This really was the most magical place on Earth, wasn't it?!
They showed the boys to their room and left them with Adamair and his crib, telling them that they'd meet in an hour in the lobby. Tanner then took his lover up to their own room three floors up. He tossed the luggage down and wrapped himself around Relic tightly; protectively. "Gonna tell me why we had to take an impromptu vacation to keep you from miscarrying?"
Relic let out a heavy sigh, turning into his love and he wrapped his arms around his form. He pulled him to his form, nuzzling into his neck and his arms slid over his hips. "Persephone ... Showed up." He sighed once more, nuzzling im and already so much more relaxed just being away from there. "Apparently, she is Viktor's Aunt." He groaned and kissed the man's jawline, nipping the flesh softly as he did so.
Tanner had to run through his head for the story. It came quickly and he gasped. "Oh, honey..." The blond hugged his husband tightly. Really, it was better that they weren't at home. The blond had a thing or two to say to that woman, Viktor's aunt or not! But that didn't matter. They weren't home and they were here to enjoy themselves. He kissed Relic softly before pulling away and nudging the man towards the bathroom. "Go get ready for dinner. I'll unpack."
Relic thought for all of a second before he grinned. His hand wrapped aroudn the back of his love's pants, dragging him toward the bathroom. "Nope. You're taking a shower with me. You told the boys an hour... I have a good forty-five minutes of husband-time, and I'm going to strut around naked before I get fat." He turned and pressed a firm kiss to the man's lips and then turned to make way toward the bathroom once more.
Tanner didn't fight it and allowed himself to be dragged into the bathroom with his husband. "You're not going to get fat," he argued. "You're pregnant and I like your pregnant belly." He stuck his tongue out at Relic as he stood behind him while he turned the water on. Tanner's hands slid up the man's skirt and groped his rear end a bit.

The next few days went by nicely. They did the parks and the sight seeing and they even did the abandoning their kids to have sex in their room all day thing.

A week went by. "Ready to go home?" he asked, nuzzling into Relic's neck as they woke up on their last day in Florida.
A good week or so passed and , sadly, Devon did not see much of his little pet. His uncle had been over for a while, and Rune was scarier now that he was pregnant again and ... aaah. TOday, though, he needed his love. He did not even car e for risk of injury by Rune. He appeared in Viktor's room, pouncing hte man on the bed and holding onto him tightly. "Save me.' he mumbled, nuzzling into his neck pathetically while he hugged him.
He gave a little grunt. Yellow eyes looked up at the man on top of him, questioning sanity. "I do not think I would be the one to be able to save you," Hades slid out silkily. His arms quickly came around the pretty little thing's waist and held tightly, though. "However, if you truly insist..." His hips thrust up, pressing his morning erection into the hip that was pressed to his groin.
Devon went wide-eyed at the man beneath him. "Hey! Stop that you old pervert." He grumbled, pulling hte other's arms off from around him and quickly hopping away from any morning ... anything from that man. "Why can't you be Viktor?" he whimpered before making his way out of the room, closing the door behind him and he looked around, groaning even more. He refused to ask that big old pervert where VIktor was ... but the thought was getting more and more tempting.
Yawning, Viktor shuffled out of the guest bedroom, his boxers half hanging from his hips and his hair sticking up in wild ways. "Morning, Master," he slurred as he made his way into the bathroom. He'd barely entered the door before something clicked with him, and he turned around now suddenly awake. Viktor was nearly instantly in the arms of Devon, hugging him tightly and nuzzling into his neck affectionately. He'd missed his Master desperately.
Devon arched a brow, eyes following the gorgeous form of his pet to the bathroom. Oh, why must he be so tempting? Why must he be so tempting yet not ready for sex?! He pushed hte thoughts aside, even more so when his love was in his arms. He wrapped his arms around him, instantly calmed with the man in front of him. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, pulling back to look down at him. "Tell me something ... Did Hades, lord of Tartus, just proposition me? And violate me with his erection ... 'cuz I'm pretty sure that's what happened, but I need clarification."
Viktor sighed but nodded sadly. "Uncle... Well. He's a whore." The teen smiled brightly up to his master, forgetting what had just been said. His uncle wouldn't have gone through with the proposition simply because of Devon's age, and really the God would proposition him if he thought that he could get away without a broken nose. "I missed you! Did you come just to try to sneak into bed with me?"
Devon nodded a bit. Hades was his uncle. So, then this should be fun! He looked down at the man and shook his head. "Sadly ... NO." He admitted, kissing his love's lips softly. "I came to ... be cuddled. and coddled. and comforted.' He nodded and kissed him once more before his ear twitched a bit at a fluttering sound.

Flying through the hall, quite the dark male came up to them, landing on his feet beside Devon and his arms crossed over his lower torso. "Master is looking for you." He said, his voice soft and fairly close to a whisper, albeit a creepy one.

He groaned and rested his head against Viktor, pouting a little bit more. "I know."
He was...confused. Completely confused, actually. Viktor held onto Devon when the other...thing arrived. It scared him. "I... I will go shower then?" he asked, not sure how to handle the situation. He really just wanted to take his Master back to bed and cuddle with him all day long didn't seem that that would be happening. That made Viktor sad. He leaned up and pressed a kiss to Devon's lips before heading back for the bathroom once more, this time wholly disappointed.
Devon groaned, turning to the little imp, staring at him for a while before he pointed a finger in the direction he came from. "You tell him to come in a few hours!" he demanded, glaring down at the other, impatiently waiting for the thing to bow and go off, which he eventually did. with that, he moved into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and walking up to viktor. His arms slid around his torso, pulling hte gorgeous boy to his chest and kissing his neck softly.

"You can have me for a few hours.' he whispered, knowing it was not what neither wanted, but he figured it was the best they would get. "My ... Father is going to visit. I do not want to see him without you."
Well a few hours was better than nothing he supposed. Leaning his head back, Viktor nuzzled along his Master's jaw, eyes closing and a happy little smile playing at his lips, the teen unable and unwilling to stop it. "I missed you." He'd loved visiting with his aunt and uncle, but it had saddened him to know that he wouldn't be able to see much of Devon in those days.

"Your father?" he questioned. "You want me to meet your father?"
Devon nodded, completely agreeing with the man. He pressed a kiss to the side of his neck, distracting himself from the world around him by continuing to kiss along the pale flesh of the teen's neck. "Mhm." he admitted, pressing one last kiss to the nape of his neck and he lifted his head just a bit to look at him. "Meet him ... and more so be a buffer between us." He added, leaning down to once more kiss his neck. He really loved to be near him, to touch him, to kiss him.
Be a buffer? Why would Devon need a buffer for his father? That worried Viktor quite a bit and he pulled away enough to be able to look at the other man. "He... He won't... Hurt me, right?" he asked. He couldn't help but worry, though in the back of his mind he knew that his Master would protect him.
Devon thought for a moment, truly pondering it over and he shook his head a moment later." No." He admitted, tilting his head to the side to look at the man, smiling warmly as he did so. "You get to more so be a distraction from my 'piece of worthless life' that he so loves to tell me I have." He kissed his cheek softly. "And I want to show you off." He grinned and his arms slid around his torso, pulling him to his form and his nerves were a bit obvious that hey were frazzled. He really, really was.
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