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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lovers?! That made everything worse!! He grumbled, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he stared up at the man, still pouting horribly. "Knowing you were lovers makes me feel even more like a replacement.' He stated, his tongue just a bit sharp with the man. He slid off his lap, pushing away his hands while he moved to the dresser to get his clothes out so that he could get dressed. He was actually debating about just going home. Let the two "old friends" catch up and go home and brood. Maybe Mama will come back and scare that ... Kristoffer.
"You," he stated quite forcefully as he stood up and moved behind Jade, "are not a replacement." He placed a hand at the small of Jade's back. "You are not like Kristoffer in any way, and that is one of your best qualities." Kristoffer made a wonderful friend. He was a rather selfish lover, despite his heritage.
Jade sighed heavily, his eyes closing and he had to admit - the affirmation was nice. He nodded a little, still a bit bitter and jealous, but he would just get over it ... soon. He hoped. He turned to face Murasaki, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips and he then returned to the flats of his feet. "Okay." he said softly, kissing him a few more times before he shook his head and headed over to the dresser once more. He pulled on a pair of his jeans, not really wanting to change his shirt.

Turning back to his love, he leant up and kissed his lips. "I'll let you two catch up then." He smiled, walking toward the door and kissing Murasaki once more on the way past him. "We'll have dinner tonight." He nodded and then opened the door, taking a step into the living room and he stopped. "Shit ... Satan's still there. And Hades!" He whimpered, turning to look at Murasaki and he rushed to the man, arms wrapped tightly around his form, hugging him tightly. "Okay. I'm going to go see if Trevor's in Bohdi's room." he giggled and leant up to kiss his love once more. Yes. That soundedl ike a better plan.
He was glad to hear that Jade was feeling a little bit better. Murasaki kissed his love with each kiss that he received, happier and more content. He giggled at the mention of the two Gods, and hugged Jade just as tightly to him. "Why don't you stay?" he asked, hating to see him go. "All three of us can go out for a nice lunch, and you can see for yourself that Kristoffer is just a good friend of mine. And that you'll like him as a teacher."
Jade chewed his bottom lip. He ... could do that. He stared up at Murasaki and then nodded. It seemed like it would mean a lot to him, right? Who did not want his boyfriend to like his friend? He nodded again and kissed his lips softly. "Okay." He agreed, blushing a faint little pink and then walking over to the dresser to change his shirt. If he was going to be with the man, there was no point in stealing his shirt. He pushed the thoughts aside, taking out a black and red striped long sleeved shirt, pulling that on and then a black zipper-up hoodie voer that, silently waiting for Murasaki to be ready as well.
Happy that Jade agreed, Murasaki kissed him before moving to get dressed himself. The plum haired man was anxious to help Jade like Kristoffer better. They would like each other if they got to know each other, he was sure of it.

The blond looked up when both men emerged from the bedroom. He smiled. "Beautiful." He made it a blanket statement. While Kristoffer enjoyed teasing men, it was generally more fun if the men liked him. He stood. "So where are we off to?" he asked, knowing that Jade wouldn't want him to stay in his space if he didn't have to.

Murasaki smiled. "How about some lunch? And a little shopping?"
Jade arched a brow at the comment, eyes to the man and he took a small step closer to Murasaki, still not really sure of this man. HIs hand moved to lace with his boyfriend's, listneing to the proposition and he perked up even more. Oo. Shopping! He nodded and then thought for a bit. Would his Mama be here? He seemed to have wanted to escape the demons in their house as well, so maybe he was.He turned ot Murasaki, looking completely serious. "Can we see if Mama is here? It's on the way out ... and if we are shopping, I would need money."
"Of course. But you don't need money. Anything you want you can have," he promised with a little kiss to his cheek. Kristoffer laughed at the display.

"My how you've changed Muri!" Murasaki shuddered a little bit at the old nick name. He'd never liked it simply because it reminded him of his childhood. The wizard stuck his tongue out at his friend.

"You still have to pay your own way." They laughed a little and left the room, Murasaki's hand unlacing itself from Jade's, though he kept their fingertips brushing together the entire way.
"Yes, but, Mama gets upset when you do things like that. Apparently if you start buying me clothes and other things beside for food and ... jewelry, it means you are going to take me away like Bohdi did Trevor. It's paranoid and makes no sense whatsoever ... but you know Mama. Besides, the hormones make him worse.' He sighed softly, shaking his head and then kissing his love's cheek, especially when he saw the shudder the nickname brought him. His pinky linked with the other's, holding onto him while he moved through the halls.

Soon enoguh, they were at his Mama's office and he released Murasaki to give a little knock on the door. He poked his head inside, seeing Rune sitting behind his desk and he smiled warmly. "Mama..." He began, th e ravenette lifting his head to look over at Jade. HE smiled a little bit more. "Murasaki and I are going to lunch and then shopping. May I have some money?" He questioned, making his way to where the man was.

Rune arched a brow, staring at the boy and he shrugged his shoulders. "Sure.' he stood up, rummaging in his back pocket - the bit of a baby bump seen beneath the tee shirt he was currently wearing - and he pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a few hundreds before he stopped and handed the boy his card. "Buy me ... watermellon." He thought for a while and then tapped his forefinger against his chin, shaking his head. 'Nope. Chocoalte covered cheesecake." He nodded and looked down at the blond who was just staring at him. "Er ... Call me before you come home. I may want watermellon.." Damn the hormones.
Murasaki nodded. Yes. Hormones would have anyone in a tiff he supposed. Especially when your body wasn't supposed to produce them. He shook his head at Kristoffer's questioning look, telling him that it wasn't the time or place to talk about Rune. But he didn't have to, really. Kristoffer heard the voice and his ears perked up greatly. "YOUR MAMA IS RUNE DAOLIN?!" The blond bounced his way into the office and hugged the man tightly, knowing that he was risking his life by doing so. "RUNE!!"
Rune arched a brow when he heard the voice, his eyes going wide and he was already trying to think of an escape route, but it was too late. He latched onto him, creating quite the loud growl from the man. His hand wrapped around the front of the blond's neck, holding him an arm's length away and glaring at him. "Listen you little slut. If I didn't like you years ago, why would now be any different!?" He hissed and let te other go, just glaring down at the blond. "And tell your bitch of a mother to stop calling me! I'm married now! AND PREGNANT" Hell, if it would help to get that ... psycho goddess off his ass, he did not care if he would get teased by her child.

Jade was... confused. He took the card, obviously, and was about to return when that Kristoff pounced on his Father. "It's Lin ... Not ... DaoLin..." he mumbled, so very onfused. He turned to Murasaki, eyes pleading as he hoped the other would have any idea as to ... what hteh hell that was about.
"OOOH! You're going to be a Mommy!? That's so exciting! We must have a baby shower for you! OOOH WITH A THEME!" He was off on a tangent now. "Yes! We're going shopping today so it's perfect! And I'm sure Tomias-he is your brother right?-will help me invite everyone you know! OH AND MOTHER WILL BE SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!"
Rune hissed, his arm reached forward and once more wrapping aroudn the blond's neck, tanking him so that tehy were face to face. "You little brat. You tell anyone, especially that bitch, and I'll have your testicles fo--FUCK" he shoved the man off and then ran into the other room, door slamming behind him as he spilled all that he ate previously into the toiletbowl. He groaned, pulling up from the porcelain bowl and washing out his mouth, brushing it out a bit and then leaving the room, glaring at Kristoff.

"I already have kids. I don't need a fucking baby shower."
The violence didn't phase Kristoffer at all. They were going to have a baby shower and that was that! "Yes, yes. Promises, promises!" He waved Rune off and moved out of the room heading for the main offices of the school, telling Jade and Murasaki to go along without him and he'd meet up with them later on.

He knocked on Tomias' door before sticking his head in and smiling his charming smile.
Rune looked over at Murasaki, walking over to him and glaring down at him. "YOU brought him into my life again. If that brat throws me a party, I'm going to kill you. No. Worse. I'm going to forbid you from seeing Jade for a MONTH!" He knew he could not, and would not, separate them forever, but a month sure as hell should scare the man. Not to mention would be wretched for them both. "Unless you want both of you to be miserable, make sure he doesn't do it." He hissed, pushing the two out of the room with an annoye,d "And don't forget my apples!" He paused and shook his head "Peanut butter!"

Jade blinked a few times, taking his love's hands and pulling him away frmo the office. "I'll... buy him the whole store.' he mumbled before leaning up to kiss his love's lips. "So ,... lunch?"

Tomias lifted his head, looking over at the boy and he sighed heavily. "If Rune tries to kill me, you're fired before you're hired." he stated before he pointed to the seat in fornt of his desk. Dawk happily curled up in the corner with her purple teddy bear - courtesy of Jade - and Alexander was in his crib behind Tomias. "So, why do you want this job?"
"This is my interview?" he asked, shrugging as he sat down. "Because I need one, and I want to teach with my powers." Simple enough, really. "Also, I need a guest list for Rune's baby shower. Is he having a girl? Or a boy? Hmmm well in his family really pink will fit either offense of course!" The blond began to think for himself, planning what to get and what sort of cake and the like.
He stared at the man for a whlie before he shrugged. "I'll discuss it with Nikkos later on and let you know whether or not you got the job." Really, interviews were so much easier when one was able to read minds. Just double check for any uncertanties or cruel thoughts and intentions, and without any, or anything that could harm a member of the school, he did not see a reason to not hire them.

"Don't throw the party. Shower, whatever." He warned, shaking his head as he did so. "The stress would be bad for the babies." He sighed heavily, figuring the other was not listening to him anyway. "I will have no participation in this shower. You do it, it's yours alone."
"BABIES?!" Oh that was wonderful news! "He's having two!? He didn't tell me that!" Kristoffer was disappointed, though. "Oh none of your family is any fun! I'll just have to visit Relic! He likes parties!" He shrugged at the response to the interview. He didn't think there'd be any problem getting the job. "Have a nice afternoon, Mr. Arcule!" Kristoffer waved and left to seek out Relic for, hopefully, a partner party planner!
Relic was, surprisngly in his sewing room. Yea. Real shocker there -- not. Anyway, he was already bouncing about, making different outfits and things for the little baby girl to wear. Or for him to wear and, well, he needed to get working on A LOT for the boys and Pierce's children. Seven .. It still had him floored with that. But, he would make each one a cute little outfit and a nice little quilted baby blanket. Yup. His little daughter would get one too, of course, but that would be at a later date. Rune's? His were already made, and even a nice big one was in the works for Rune to be happy with. A nice material that would keep cooler than a normal cotton blend.
"Oh ho ho!" he chuckled, coming upon Relic in, of all places, his sewing room. The blond moved in uninvited and sat on a stool. "Rune and Relic pregnant together! How lovely! A double baby shower is in order now!" Yes. To hold Relic's would give him an excuse to hold Rune's! Not that he needed an excuse. "And you look like you're about the same bit along! Did you two have a nice orgy together?" he teased.
Relic arched a brow. Kristoffer? He stared at the blond before sighing heavily. Rune must be ... boiling right now. He felt bad for his brother. He pushed the thoughts aside and looked back at the male in front of him. "No. I'm actually farther along than he is." He then turned back to what he had been doing, hearing the babble about a baby shower an he shook his head al ittle bit. "Why are you here? Did Aphrodite send you to torture Rune?" He asked, continuing on with what he had been doing. Hey, he only have until either his child, or PIerce's children, were born to get these done. WHo knew when that would be?
"Goodness no!" The blond shook his head. "Mother loves Rune! I mean, of course she wanted to check in on him but never to torture him! If she wanted to torture him, she'd have showed up herself, sans clothes!" He nodded as if that were a perfectly acceptable answer. "Come now, Relic. We've always been good friends! Help me to throw a double baby shower for you and your brother!"
Relic sighed heavily. He was not going to give this up, was he? He shook his head, stopping his work to turn to look at the man behind him. "No. Here's the deal. We'll throw a party for Pierce who is a first-time Father. Don't ask, just listen. We'll invite his family, some of Rune's and my family, the ones he does not hate and Mother ... And you can help make the shower happen. Rune and I do not need any gifts other than maybe clothes, burp cloths, and diapers. We will not be the focus of attention, Pierce will. We will just be there, get gifts from those willing to give them and open the gifts on our own terms, not at the shower. You can get us a cake for all three if you want, I don't care. Just .. the party is Pierce's. We would merely be guests."
No... That wouldn't do. "What's with you boys?!" he asked, pouting. "I want to do something nice and you're thwarting my attempts!" He wasn't very happy at the moment, and while his intentions may not be completely innocent, who didn't like parties and free stuff!?
Relic arched a brow, staring at the blond and he sighed heavily. "We don't like to be the center of attention." He stated, shrugging his shoulders absently. He went back to cutting the blanket fabrics, eyes to the fabric, not the male in the room. "Rune's anti-social as it is. And not happy about being pregnant again. It's not like we need free things, so why throw a party? Besides, then mother will know. We're quite happy without her having any idea what is going on." Yep. He really did not want to tell his mother. She would have too much of a field day with it.
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