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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He pouted a little. "Your life isn't worthless..." Leaning up, he kissed Devon's lips softly and leaned into him a bit more, offering the warmth of his body as comfort for his Master. "It's priceless." He grinned up and then laughed at his own corniness. "Can we go back to bed and cuddle?" he asked, no longer wanting to shower right at that moment. They had a few hours so he could shower before they left.
Devon smiled. THere were so many reasons he adored his pet, and his words, corny as they were, definitely were a factor. He nodded, kissing his lips happily. "Of course.' he whispered, kissing his cheek before he turned and walked behind him, arms still wrapped around his form. His face buried into the side of his neck, kising and nipping the flesh pleasantly while they moved through the hall and to the guest room the other had popped out of beforehand.

He moved into the bed with him, curling up and nuzzling into his neck a bit more.
They spent a long while cuddling together, and Viktor even fell back asleep for a little bit. He was comfortable in Devon's embrace and hadn't realized just how very much he'd missed it and was suffering because of it. For the first time that week, the teen was able to fully relax. And he was hoping that they could, perhaps, put off Devon's father so that he could continue to sleep.
Devon gladly curled up beside him. Once his father was gone, he definitely was going to stay with Viktor for a long, long while. No matter how much Rune may bitch. He missed his little pet so very much. He nuzzled him a little bit more, having fallen asleep as well. HIs whole form was wrapped around the man, legs around his legs, arms around his torso and he kept him strongly against his torso, not yet wanting to let go.

Of course, the eerie feeling that easily overwhelmed him had other plans in mind. He cuddled closer to his pet, not wanting to wake up just yet. He grumbled a bit and mumbled an annoyed "go away" before he buried his face into the top of Viktor's head.

Standing inthe room, a man glared down at the two in bed. The dark imp from before obediently standing behind him, staring at the two as well, but in a far less sinister way. "Devon. Get up." His voice rang out, showing just how annoyed he truly was.

Devon's eyes shot open, gasping and he instantly shot up, releasing his hold on Viktor and turning to look at the man. "I said a few ho--" He stopped dead, glancing to the time and groaning. "Fuck."
Viktor was very warm and very comfortable being held completely the way he was. He cuddled in close and pulled the blankets up over them even in his sleep. He was jolted awake when he was no longer being held, but when he opened his eyes to see why, the two men that were in his bedroom scared him. He curled up to Devon's back, hiding his head in the man's shoulder blades, while peaking over the top of his shoulder like a little kid at a horror film. He was scared, but still curious.
Devon turned to look at Viktor hiding behind him, groaning even more. "MUST you scare him?" he growled, his arm moved behind him and wrapped around the male's form, pulling him to his side, but being sure that his blankets covered most of the half-naked teen. He kept him beside him, arm securely around his waist as he looked at the horned male in front of him, eyes narrowed greatly at the man.

A dark brow rose in question, white eyes looking at the two on the bed and a dark laugh passing his lips. "So this is your pet?" He questioned, eyes traveling along the raven-haired male's form before once more going back to his son. "Little scrawny."

"Still mine." Devon retorted, rolling his eyes a little and turning to Viktor. "Viktor, this is my father, Satan." He then turned to his father. "Lord of Darkness, my boyfriend, Viktor."
Ah. So this was how Devon knew that it was Hades in his bed. Well that explained it. Still, he found his uncle much less scary than his Master's father. Still, he looked up and gave a very weak smile. Devon's arm was around him and that made him feel a bit better. "'m not scrawny," he pouted, talking softly to Devon. Really, he was rather glad that the demon in front of them didn't find him attractive.

There was a knock at the door and Hades poked his head in, an eyebrow raising at the two demons in the room. "I knew you looked familiar," he commented to Devon.
Devon looked over at Hades, arching a brow as he did so. "And I should have known you were a pervert." He stated, shrugging his shoulders absently. "Things in the past." he rolled his eyes before turning to Viktor and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I think you're gorgeous." He added and then shrugged and tured his attention back to the demons in the room.

Satan arched a brow, turning to look at the man behind him, arms crossing over his strong chest tightly. "Hades." He mumbled, not very pleased at the moment. "What are you doing here?"
"The same as you, I suspect," he answered smoothly. He stepped fully into the room now, chest puffed out a little bit and his shoulders set back. "I'm visiting my nephew." Hades took a moment for effect and then turned to the two in the bed. "Viktor your father-the blond one-has said that if you do not come down for lunch now you will be on your own until dinner." He looked to Devon next. "You, too."
Devon groaned. Damn. And here he was hoping that this whole thing would go over and no one would be none the wiser! ave for Viktor. but, well, things like "I'm the son of satan' really need to be known in a relationship. He sighed heavily, turning to his father and pointing a finger to the hallway. "Leave and ... Please stay out there. Just give Viktor time to put some clothes on. Five minutes." He then turned to Hades, eyes narrowing. "You too you pervert."

Satan arched a brow before he gave a simple nod, turning to Sin and resting a hand on the imp's back, leading him out into the hall and remaining just outside the door, waiting for the two to get dressed or whatever.
Viktor was glad when the three other men left the room, and he took a minute to indulge in cuddling close to Devon once more. "I guess asking to have 'normal' families is too much," he muttered after pressing a kiss to the other man's chest, then neck, then lips. With a little disappointed groan, he did get up to get dressed as he assumed that he was supposed to be doing. He slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
Devon sighed heavily with the man's words. So sad, yet so true. He leant up to kiss his lips before the ravenette left the bed, grinning a bit. "Come now, how many people can say they're dating Satan's son?" He questioned, chuckling softly. He chuckled, waiting for hte man to get dressed, and not sparing the man a look over, many, many times. He stood up from the bed, walking to him and wrapping his arms aroudn his torso, pulling him against his chest with a kiss to the side of his neck. "Hopefully, he won't stay for long." He whispered, nipping the flesh gently before he pulled back.

His hand moved to lace with the other's and he walked to the door, opening it up and staring at the frightening image of his father glowering at him. "Lovely to see you're so chipper, Dad." He rolled his eyes before beginning to walk down the hall, arm slinking around his pet's waist, not trusting ... anyone at te moment.

Satan followed behind the two, staring at the teen next to his son for a while and arching a brow in question. "Why does he reek of innocence?" He asked, white eyes traveling along the other's form.

"THATS What I'm saying!" Rune yelled from the top of hte stairs, turning to see the two and he then arched a brow, staring at the demon behind the two and then back to the couple. "Does no one give me an option to who the fuck will be in my house?! NO! We bring in Hades and his psycho-bitch wife, scare my brother off and ... NOW WHAT?!"

"Satan." Devon and his father said in unison, giving Rune quite the look of 'duh'
"Because I choose to," he answered both Satan and Rune with a shrug. What did it matter? At least he wasn't some whore, or pregnant like more than half of the "adult" men in the house! It could always be worse. Viktor curled further into his Master's side as they continued to walk, shrugging at Rune's question. He didn't say that Satan and his manwhore could come into the house so he wasn't in trouble.
Rune stared at the man, arching a brow before he groaned. "Yes. This is a lovely environment for children. Satan, King of Hell, Hades ... King of pervs." he groaned once more, walking into the kitchen and he let his head fall against CAlder's shoulder. "I'm moving to Switzerland." He stated, kissing the man's shoulder beside him and nuzzling him pathetically.
"You would miss me too much," the blond answered with a little peck to his cheek. "And besides, the triplets won't remember a thing. Ella's been with Tomias and Nikkos, and the boys... Well they're old enough." He didn't like their house guests either, but...what could he do? They'd all be gone sooner or later. "Viktor please set the extra place settings?"

The teen pecked his Master's cheek before moving to do as he was asked. It didn't take long for the task to be finished so that he could be at Devon's side again.
Soon enough, everyone was seated around the table, Devon beside his love, his father on the other side, Sin beside him, and everything else. Devon waited until everyone was properly sitting before he stood up. "Okay! Introductions for those who have not heard." He pointed his hand in the direction of the demon beside him. "This is my father, Satan. The imp next to him is his bitch, Sin." He turned to Rune who was about to say something and narrowed his eyes. "Bitch and pet are different. Viktor has opinion s and ... a mind. Sin is ... Sin. Anything Daddy says, he does without questioning." He stuck his tongue out after hte clarification and then set beside Viktor, leaning over to kiss his cheek and saying a soft, 'besides, I love you which is te main difference."
Kristoffer strolled through the halls of Prometheus. He'd been told that Murasaki now taught here, and he wanted to catch up with his old friend. They hadn't talked in some time and he was sure that the wizard would be surprised to hear that he was moving into the area. And, perhaps, taking up a position at this very school. Oh how lovely it would be to work with him again! The tall blond man took his time strolling through the hallways, smiling at the gaping students who were staring openly at him. He loved the attention!

Eventually, he found his way to his ex-lover's rooms. He knocked and let himself in, as was always custom. "HONEY I'M HOOOOME!!"
Jade was giddy. With all the chaos of pregnancies and ... underworld lords in his house, he pretty much locked himself away in Murasaki's room. Of course, pouncing him whenever the man let him. Which had actually been the night before until, well, the early morning. The boy's libido was very high and even more so with the utter need to be with the man he loved so much.

when he finally did wake up, he giggled and nuzzled into his love a little bit more, kissing the sleeping man's lips softly before he slid over his form, a playful buck of his hips into his side, and then hopping off completely. He pulled on Mura's shirt from the night before, loving to wear the taller man's clothes so very much. Tokens of sex, or whatever one may say. He buttoned the middle three buttons before pushing a hair through his slowly-goldening hair. Yes, his hair was even getting back to normal. Apparently, all he had to do was just ... grow into the spell, or something.

He grinned while he bounced out of the room, headin to the kitchen before he stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes went wide as he stared at the man in their living room. "MURASAKI!" He yelled, turning and rushing back to the bedroom, leaping onto him and shaking hisshoulders fiercly. "Wake up! There's a strange man in our room! WAKE UP!"
Groaning at the teases, Murasaki swatted his love away playfully. He wanted to sleep in just a little more. The professor was aware of Jade pulling on clothes-not his own, no doubt-and shuffling out of the room. And he'd almost fallen asleep again before he heard the shout and felt the bed shake underneath Jade's pouncing onto it.

Murasaki was up in a flash and pulling on a pair of pajama pants. How could someone get into his rooms? Why would they want to? He moved out into the living room cautiously, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw who was there. "Kristoffer?!" He was excited and giddy to see his friend, and Mura crossed the room in four strides to wrap the blond man in a hug. "What are you doing here? How are you!?"

Laughing at the smaller blond's reaction, he waited, knowing that Murasaki would soon emerge. And he wasn't disappointed. He pecked the man's lips hello and began to talk to him, forgetting there was a third man (boy?) in the room.
Jade followed Mura haphazardly into the other room, unsure of the man still. He did not like that Murasaki seemed so excited and happy to see the other man. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he puffed his cheeks out, brows furrowed while he stared at the two happily chatting away, completely and utterly forgetting about him. Great. Was he not going to be introduced to friends as well? Especially friends who kiss him on the lips! NO NO NO! Those were HIS lips. HIS! Not some ... Some flamboyant fruit who invades their home!

He puffed his cheeks out a bit more, walking over to Murasaki and he moved his hand into the other's, tugging him for the much-needed attention he wanted.
He'd been so caught up in Kristoffer's appearance that Mura had nearly forgotten Jade. He felt horrible for doing so, and even more so when he saw the puffed cheeks and furrowed brow. "Oh, honey... I'm sorry." He wrapped his arm around Jade's shoulders and tugged him in close. "This is Kristoffer. He's a dear friend of mine from... Well from a long time ago." He pressed a kiss to the top of Jade's head. "This is my Jade."

Kristoffer looked at the blond with a raised eyebrow of sorts. Oooh jealousy! How he loved when others were needlessly jealous of him! We was a little young for his friend, no doubt, but Murasaki seemed happy and healthy and that was all that mattered he supposed. He gave a soft 'hello' and then turned to Murasaki once more. "I've bought a house!" he declared. "And I believe that the Mr.'s Arcule will be giving me an interview for the open position of teaching the upper level wizards."
Jade looked up at Murasaki, his brows furrowing even more when he could clearly see the 'totally forgot' look in his love's face. No. That did not make him happy. Not at all. He bit into his bottom lip, keeping from making a snarky comment and he merely moved beside him when the other's arm wrapped around his shoulders. He looked over the blond in front of them, not liking him one bit. Not at all. He really, really wanted him to go away! but, obviously, they were friends so that would not be happening.

He rested against the purple-haired male a little bit more, absently listeinig to the man in front of him, but easily perking up after a moment. Upper level wizards?! Upper level wizards! NO! That was him. He did not want to be taught by this fool! His green eyes lifted to stare at the man, completely and utterly not happy right now. He just stared at him, his hand curled into a fist. Yep, definitely not happy. Already, he was thinking if he could convince his Uncle Tomias to not hire this man. And he bet he could, but hat would not be fair... Bias because he was jealous was bad. Damn.
He felt the waves of jealousy coming off of Jade and Murasaki sighed for a moment. He felt bad that Jade felt like that but, really, there was nothing to be jealous of. Murasaki lead Kristoffer into the living room and told him they'd be right back. Neither were properly dressed and that was a lovely excuse to slip away into the bedroom for a minute.

Closing the door behind them, Mura pressed a soft kiss to Jade's lips. "You're jealous," he stated softly, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. "Want to tell me why?"
Jade walked into the other room with his love, standing in front of him and he looked up at him with a pathetic look to his features. "He kissed you." He stated, his arms moving to cross over his loewr torso, staring up at the man and seeming all the more pathetic as he did so. "And you ... were so happy to see him and you forgot about me! I know it was for only a second, but ... I was worried you would not tell him about me either!" He chewed his bottom lip and then looked up at him even more. "And we look similar!" He added, that actualyl quite a heavy fear for him. They looked alike - blond hair, green eyes - and so did that mean that Murasaki had acrush on him or something and just went after Jade because they looked similar or ... was it just a horrible coincidence?
He couldn't help the little chuckle. Jade was adorable. The professor moved to sit on the edge of the bed and tugged Jade to sit on his lap, arms around the blond's waist once more. "Yes, he kissed me." Beginning at the top of the list was just the easiest way to conquer it. "We were lovers many years ago-when we were only teenagers. The romance faded and we've been wonderful friends ever since.

"I'm sorry that I overlooked your presence." The apology was most sincere. "I have not seen Kristoffer in a long time. I was excited. And you do look similar. Kristoffer is a very handsome man. But you, Jade. You are beautiful and it is you that I love."
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