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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Oh fooey, Relly!" The blond pouted a great deal before moving from the room. Well this was not what he wanted at all! Perhaps a random bed partner... The blond found a particularly attractive young man in the hallway and took him into an empty classroom, forgetting about Murasaki and anything else in the world for nearly an hour.
Jade was ... bored. Bored and hungry. They waited a good forty-five minutes before the blond's whining seemed to win over his lover. HE pressed a kiss to his lips, giggling excitedly once more. He happily ordered the burger he had been drooling over and looked at Murasaki, grinning happily. "I love you" He said, leaning over to kiss him once more, setting back onto the seat and just beaming all over. It seemed ... Kristoffer forgot about them. While it may not be the best thing, it let him have more time with his boyfriend, so heh ad no problems whatsoever.
Calder was a bit worried. Rune was looking a little pale to him, though he hadn't seen any evidence of the man being sick more than usual in this pregnancy. The blond worried his bottom lip a little bit as he watched his husband, trying to discern if anything was truly wrong; if he needed to call the doctor. Well. Might as well ask...

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, moving up to his lover's side and wrapping his arms around the man's waist loosely. "You look pale to me."
Rune groaned. He felt ... like hell. He turned to look at his love, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and gripping him tightly." I... do not feel well.' He whispered, he really felt like just curling up in bed, and he did not know why. This was worse than with the triplets. REally, it was.
Calder felt sympathy for his lover, leaning up to peck a soft kiss to his cheek. "Lets get you into bed, then," he suggested, already leading Rune towards their bedroom. "I'll call the doctor once you're settled in." The blond was worried now. Rune was generally pretty thick skinned when it came to feeling sick and the fact that he so readily admitted that he felt like crap... Well that didn't bode well.
Rune nodded, happy to have his love's support to lead him back into bed. He curled up under the sheets, pulling them all up and to his neck, burying his face into the pillows and he felt pale. He just did not feel nice at all. He did not know what was wrong with him, but it was not making him happy at all.
After another kiss to the man's cheek, Calder called Dr. Byrnes ((Brynes?)) and asked him to rush over. There was something very wrong-he could feel it. He set the phone down and curled up into bed with his lover, nuzzling along his jaw and neck and chest to try to comfort him a little bit. He didn't know what else to do-if it was pain or something similar, Rune would have already healed that... So why wasn't he healing himself now?
Rune easily curled up into his love's form, burying his face into the crook of his neck and he really seemed so pathetic. He just felt .. broken. He wrapped an arm aroudn the other's form, pulling him tightly to his body and burying his face into his neck, nuzzling him as he did so.
They cuddled for almost an hour before there was a knock at the door. Calder leaned up and kissed Rune softly, whispering a soft 'Love you' before slipping from the bed to greet the doctor. "You're lucky he's not feeling well," he warned. "An hour when a patient says something's really, really wrong?" He couldn't help but nag-Rune was sick.

After another hour of tests, poking and prodding, the doctor turned to them both with a rather grim look.
Rune did not like all the tests and whatnot, but he let it be. He knew they had to be done and he glaldy took his love's hand when Dr Byren turned to them. Oh. That was a bad look. That was a very, very, very bad look.

The doctor leto ut a sigh, his hand lifting to rub at the back of his neck. "Rune, Calder, I'm sorry but ... you've miscarried." He stated, seeing even more of the color drain from Rune's face and he felt his heart clench just that much more. "Your body's hormones are raging right now. You should be better in a week or two. Just ... eat healthy and lots of fluids. I am sorry you two. Truly I am." He gave a low bow and then turned on his heel to leave, knowing the two would want to be alone.
That... Wasn't what he was expecting. Calder moved back onto the bed with his husband and curled into him once more. He felt... Horrible. That had been their baby! But in a way, he felt relief-they had three young babies already! And those thoughts just made him feel worse. It was a roller coaster of bad emotions. With a little sniffle, the blond buried his head into Rune's neck and wrapped his arms around the man's waist, pressing their bodies together.
Rune was in shock. He stared at the man for a while before he turned to Calder at his side. He knew what the other was thinking and, well, he was in the same boat. Relieved yet ... not. All he could do was just curl up once more and bury his face into the blond locks of his love. Of course, that was only for a good ten minutes before he broke down completely. Tears passed his eyes and he slid away from the other only to bury his face into the front of the man's chest, nuzzling there pathetically.

"I h-had names picked ou-out... A-and ... where they would sleep. How cute the-the triplets would be with a b-baby s-sister and ... and brother." He let out another soft sob before he buried his face into his love's chest, letting the tears pass.
He was a little shocked by the display, but he held Rune tightly to him. He pressed soft kisses into his love's hair and rubbed soft circles on his back, allowing the other man to get all of the emotions out. "I know" was all that he could say, really. Nothing would make the hurt go away or lessen, and nothing would undo the situation.
Rune cried for a little while more before he wound up just passing out. His head fell to his husband's lap and his hand wrapped around the side of his pantleg, gripping the material strongly while he slept for quite a while. His body being messed up, the knowledge of losing thetwins, crying in general -- it all wore him out to the point of sleeping for quite a while. He did not really want to get out of bed. Not like his job was all that important in school anyway. He just did not want to deal with people at the moment.
Calder sat with Rune, running his fingers through the man's hair. He felt so bad for Rune, mainly because he never got so emotional over anything. And now, he was emotionally torn. The blond sighed a little, though he perked up when Ella poked her head through the door. "Is Mama okay?" she asked softly, coming over and climbing on the bed when Calder held his arms out to her.

"Mama's feeling real sad right now, Sweatpea. Maybe you should cuddle up with him a little bit to help him feel better?" She nodded and wiggled her way between Calder's legs and Rune's body, her head coming up right beneath her Mama's chin.

With a little peck to Rune's chin she whispered, "I love you Mama."
By the time morning arrived, Rune had managed to move his head back to a pillow and Ella was wrapped up in his arms, against his chest. His ice blue eyes fluttered open, staring at the wall. Calder was .. bigger than whom he was holding. He looked down at the girl in his arms, smiling warmly. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before he rolled to rest on his back, one arm still around the girl's form and his other and resting on his stomach. He rubbed the flesh absently, feeling far too horrible about the whole thing at the moment.

There was a very soft knock at the door and Relic slowly poked his head into the room, seeing Rune and he sighed softly. Walking to his brother, he wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders, gripping him tightly. He pressed a kiss to his temple, holding him even more. "I'm sorry, Rune." He whispered, kissing his temple once more and he gripped him tightly.
As Pierce got further into his pregnancy, Remus was more and more taken with his belly. The bigger he got, the thinner the flesh was, and the more they could see the movements. He liked watching the babies move, and often would touch Pierce's belly just to feel them. He was amazed that the doctor hadn't put him on bed rest. Pierce's back must be killing him!
Romulus, while much like his brother, was fascinated with the bunny-eared man's belly, he was also getting more and more nervous as the weeks passed on. Watching him get so big, so fast, it got him worried that he would pop! Literally. HE knew it was not possible, but still! He was ever so nervous for their boyfriend, and he wanted ot make sure that he was and had everything he could ever want. At the moment, he was running about hte kitchen, trying to get things for the man to eat. Apparently, he was craving carrots. The humor was there, but Romulus was not finding it at hte moment. He merely got the bag of carrots in the refrigerator, and a bottle of water, and then was rushingi nto hte living room where the man was.

Pierce sighed softly as he sat contently on the couch, his hands resting on his growing belly and he shook his head. He merely mentioned carrots, and Romulus went off. When the boy returned, he pulled him onto the couch, arm wrapped around his waist and he leant to him to kiss his cheek softly. "Relax." He whispered before his hand lifted to tug on Remus' arm, wanting him to sit beside him as well.
Remus shook his head at his twin. He loved him dearly, but he was definitely the mothering type. The twin sat when he was tugged down, wrapping an arm across the man's lap and resting his head on his shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to Pierce's cheek. "You're due for a check up soon," he reminded softly, hand once again lifting to rub at the huge mound that was now his lover's stomach.
Pierce sighed softly, his eyes traveling to his large belly and he nodded with the male's words. "I am." He agreed, hand coming to rest on his stomach as well. Yes. He definitely was getting huge. He sighed heavily, resting his head against the top of his head and nuzzling Remus a little bit. His other hand began to absently trail from Romulus' elbow back up to his shoulder, wishing to calm the boy down a little more. "Everything will be fine. They seem very healthy.'
Despite all the signs that the babies were healthy, Remus still wanted the doctor's confirmation. There were seven of them! One of them could have miscarried and they wouldn't even know it! "What're we gonna do?" he asked, rather pathetically to both of them. "Seven... Don't take this the wrong way but... What about adoption? For some of them... We can't possibly give seven everything that they need!"
Pierce nodded. Seven definitely was a lot, and the twins were so young. Seven would not be too horrible if the two were older and did not have so much to gro up and do. He did not know about adoption though. Yes, the twins were adopted, but that did not mean he would wish for their children to be in that situation. Although, babies were adopted quicker than older children. Still, he did not know.

Romulus giggled at his thoughts. "We can give one to Uncle Rune." He giggled again before he stopped and thought about it. Actually, that could work. He turned to look at his brother, blinking a few times. "We could, couldn't we? He did just lose the two ..." He looked from their lover and then back to his brother, going between the two and thinking silently. Maybe that would just be awkward.
He saw the hesitation on Pierce's face. "Not... Give them up to an orphanage," he assured, giving the man a soft peck to his lips. "Private adoptions. We can pick and choose who would get to adopt them; make conditions that we would always get to see them and be a part of their lives..." Romulus' comment made him raise an eyebrow. "I thought he wasn't happy about the pregnancy, though?" Not that he thought their uncle was happy about miscarrying, but he didn't choose to get pregnant and have another child so soon after his triplets were born.

"But...theoretically that's what I'm talking about, yes."
Pierce eased up quite a bit. He knew his love could not possibly have meant something else. He would not mind that, in theory. He was just not so sure about the giving up part. They would be their babies. He did not want them to go away, but then again, seven was .. such ah uge number. He chewed his lip and shook his head a little. "We will... think about it. We have a while." He stated, leaning down and kissing Remus before he turned and kissed Romulus as well.

Romulus nodded, kissing the man back nd then resting his hand on the man's stomach. "Seven is ... big." He mumbled, feeling a kick and squeaking. He pulled his hand back, not having expected it.
Calder raised an eyebrow when all three appeared at their door. He had a feeling he knew what this was about. Tanner had given him the heads up, anyway. But was a little concerned about what Rune might think. They'd just lost their second pregnancy, and they didn't know if they wanted to keep the spell intact or if they wanted to reverse it. Still he owed it to Rune to listen to the offer.

The blond had the twins and Pierce sit while he went to get Rune.
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