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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Dinner was lovely. They helped get Pierce comfortable at the table, which included a pillow being propped at the small of his back before sitting to eat when Sergei returned from dropping Isiah off. They had a lovely conversation, about anything other than what they were really there for, and Remus even indulged in a bit of dessert.

It was only after that he got a little more serious. "We uh... We asked to talk to you about something very specific..."

Sergei worried a little bit. "You are all right?" he asked.
Pierce enjoyed the dinner greatly. It tasted delicious. Really, really it did. He was just too nervous to eat too much. He looked over at Sergei and he nodded. "Yes. Yes, we are all fine. Babies are good, as you see. It is .. um..." he looked to the twins once more, not really sure he would be able to squeak it out.

Romulus smiled warmly, taking a hold of the man's hand and he turned to look at the couple, smiling gently. "We were wondering if you two would adopt two of our children? Seven-- Eight. oh, boy. . . Eight is too many to raise." He said, ignoring the possible grammatical errors in that sentence, just wishing to get it out.

Gabriel blinked a few times. They wanted them to adopt two of their children. He looked at the bunny's belly before back to Sergei, unsure of what to do. That was just, wow.
Sergei was... A bit confused. The babies were theirs... But they wanted them to take two? He had to work it out in his head a little bit. He wanted more children. And waiting it seemed was not an option. Gabriel would grow much older than he would, much more slowly. He wanted to have a large family with his husband before he got too old to do so. He told Gabriel that, in soft Russian and hoped that he was not being too rude by doing so.
Gabriel nodded gently to the man, smiling gently as he did so. He looked over at the three, smiling softly. "Give us a minute, please." He whispered, giving a gentle bow to the two before he stood up from the table. He did not wish to be rude to them and took a hold of his love's hand, leading him toward the other room, smiling softly to them once more. He stopped a few feet away and he rested his hands on Sergei's hips.

"We ... do want a big family." He agreed, and really, the idea of having two ther little kids running around would be lovely. Then, maybe in two more years, they could try for another of their own. He looked down at Sergei, smiling warmly. "Isiah would be a very nice big brother." He commented, leaning toward adopting the two.
Sergei nodded to their guests as they moved into the kitchen. He leaned into Gabriel's body as they spoke, needing comfort for some reason at that moment. "Yes," he agreed, nodding. "Yes he would be. I..." The sudden thoughts of his very short life in comparison with his husband's began to scare him a little bit. Sergei snuggled closer. "Yes, I would like to adopt them..."
Gabriel smiled warmly, leaning down to press a kiss to the man's lips softly. "Then it is a yes." He whispered, kissing him again gently and straightening again. His hand took a hold of the man's and he led the way back into the dining room to the two. He saw the sorrow in his love, and figured that he would speak about what he knew was getting him depressed. He knew his love's worries. He may not have said it completely up front, but he knew well enough. That would be for another time.

Looking at the three who instantly turned to them, he smiled gently. "We would be very honored to adopt your children." He stated, smiling all the more when he saw Romulus and Pierce instantly relax.

Pierce smiled, pressing his hands together and he sighed softly. "Thank you ... So much." He said gently, resting his hand against his stomach and rubbing hte flesh once more. Yes. He was much more at ease. Thr-- Oh wow. Four. They would have four now. Wow...
Remus sighed in relief with the other two over the decision. It really was a relief to know that their children would all be well cared for and loved, and that they wouldn't be taken away or hidden from them; that they would be able to have a hand in their childhood.

The rest of the evening was pleasant, but they left early. A big decision had been made ad they wanted to give Sergei and Gabriel a chance to wrap their minds around it, and Remus was sure that Pierce was exhausted. Plus, they had news for their fathers...
Gabriel walked the two out of the house, being sure that the three were safely in the car, waving at them before he closed the door and then headed back into the dining room. He took up the plates left over, walking into the kitchen and settin them in the sink to be rinsed before going into the dishwasher. He wiped off his hands, turning to look at Sergei and he let out a little laugh.

"We're going to have two more babies." He stated softly, sighing lightly and he then looked over at his love. He still looked so very worried. He moved toward the man, kissing his forehead softly as he did so. "You know.. Uncle Relic and uncle Rune..." He began, resting against the counter, looking at the man again, hands resting on his hips. "They did a spell or something and we could think of doing that. I do not wish to lose you." he whispered, arms wrapping aroudn the other's shoulders, pulling him to his form. Yes, he really did not want to lose him. NOt at all.
"A...spell?" he asked, leaning into Gabriel's form once again. If it was something to fix what was worrying him, then Sergei would be forever grateful. But... It had been brought up out of the blue, and he hadn't said anything to his love about his fears just yet. Or, he had, but in passing and that comment most certainly had been overshadowed by the decision to adopt two babies. Right?
He nodded to his words. "Mhm. Something when he was trying to find a reversal for Raphael biting Caden." He stated, looking down at him again and kissing his forehead softly. "I will speak with him soon." he stated, looking down at him and smilin a little more. "It seemed to be bothering you, was it not?" He asked, head tilted to the side and he kept his eyes to the male, waiting to see if he had just been presumptuous, or if it was just because he had wanted to have his love forever and ever.
"Yes," he answered, nuzzling into the man's neck. "Very much." He knew that Isiah too would out live him at this point, and that was something he did not want for his son. "It... Frightens me to think that losing you. And Isiah." The Russian gave a little shudder just thinking about it once more. "Can we go to bed?" he asked, pulling away enough to look up. "Mother will keep Isiah tonight." He needed to... Feel close to Gabriel. Perhaps not sex, but close.
Gabriel smiled gently and nodded. "Tomorrow, then. I will ask tomorrow." He whispered, kissing him firmly and he smiled all the more. "Yes. Bed." he agreed, lacing his fingers with his and he led him up the stairs and to their bedroom. He chaned into his pajama pants and slid into bed, pulling Sergei with him. He kissed the side of his neck and then his lips softly. "I love you, Sergei." He said softly, kissing him again and relaxing as he pulled him tightly to his form, arms wrapped around his form.
Getting home was bittersweet, really. They were home which meant that they could both stop worrying about Pierce-he could go up and lie down with his feet up and be waited on as he always was by the twins. But they still had to tell their fathers that while they found two couples to adopt two babies each, that left them with four instead of three. It was a rather daunting task to Remus and he found himself wondering if perhaps they could just leave it for a surprise in the delivery room. He knew better, but still... The idea was tempting right at that moment.
Romulus happily led PIerce up to their bedroom, wanting him to get some rest. The man needed it! With se-- eight babies? Yes, he definitely was going to need it. He pressed a kiss to his lips, fluffed a few more pillows and then made sure he called when he was ready. Walking to his brother, he took his hand, lacing their fingers while he led the way out of the bedroom so they could go tell their fathers. He turned to the mirror image of himself, pressing a kiss to his lips gently. "We have to tell them." He stated, knowing that that was what his brother was thinking. "It's the right thing to do and ... they won't be mad or anything."
He was glad for the few minutes that it took to get Pierce upstairs and comfortable. It gave him a little time to get over his nerves a bit. But it didn't take long enough, and Remus was grateful for the weight of his twin's hand in his own. It helped him to not be quite so nervous or jittery.

"I know they won't be mad. Just...flustered. Three is a lot for us because we're so young. Four is almost too many..." Really, Remus felt like they would be disappointing their fathers more than anything. But Romulus was right-they needed to tell them. They moved into the sewing room together where Relic was almost always sure to be, knocking softly on the door jamb before stepping inside the room.
Romulus nodded, holding onto him and walking toward the sewing room as well.

Relic perked up when he heard the knock, turning to look at the twins and he smiled gently. "Hey!" He said, giggling and slowly turning to look at them. Already, he had a lovely bump in his stomach, nothing early as huge as Pierce's, of course, but still pretty out there with the little girl frowing inside. He kept his eyes to the two and then tilted his head to the side in interest. "What's wrong? I know Pierce is okay ... Did you scratch my car?"
The car? Remus shook his head. "No, Daddy. The car is perfectly fine. Just. Well." He didn't know how to say it, and he turned to Romulus to silently ask for help. Or strength. Or for him to say it so he didn't have to. Remus sighed and rested his head against his twin's shoulder. "Sergei...gave us some news..."
Romulus nodded to his brother's words, scooting closer to him and he turned a light pink., This whole thing seemed to be going from bad to worse to ... Just wow. He took in a deep breath. "Pierce is having eight." He stated, eyes opening to look at the male in front of him once more. "So ... We willl have four." He added, nodding a little bit absently.

Relic went wide-eyed, already expecting the worst, like only six. Another was ... not a big thing. Well, it was, yes it was, it was another being for them to care for and make sure that they did not hurt themselves, but it was not bad. He smiled gently, leaning forward and kissing their foreheads. "It's fine, sweethearts." He whispered, stepping back once more and looking down at them. "You have two options, you know. Much like you guys have been doing, you could try and see if there is someone who would like to adopt one, or you guys can raise the four. You do not have to decide now, I just do not want you boys to be overwhelmed with parenthood." He smiled once more, wrapping his arms aroudn their forms and pulling htem into a big hug. "I'm so proud of you guys. Really, I am. It takes a ... very big person to be able to even think of giving up their child, yet alone go and ask and .. you two are really growing up."
Remus sighed in relief a bit. He knew that Relic wouldn't be mad, or upset but still. One more was a lot when they would already have three, plus their parents' new baby in the house, too. He hugged their father, stepping away and moving back into their room after speaking for a little bit.

He climbed onto the bed after getting into pajamas and cuddled up with Pierce, tugging Romulus up with him.
The next morning, the two were woken up by a giddy little Isiah pouncing on top of the couple. The mini-image of Gabriel beaming as he looked down at the two. "Vatti! Mutti! Up up!" he giggled and continued to bounce on the two. at least until Gabriel reached up to wrap his arm around the petite frame of the boy, pulling him against his chest. He turned to look at the adorable little pout of the boy looking up at him.

"Isiah ..." He smiled, kissing the top of his head and nodding "Yes. Give Mutti and Vatti a few minutes." He said, helping the boy off their bed andt hen patting his rump to get him running out and giggling. He yawned, turning to Sergei and kissing his lips softly. He slid out of the bed and made his way to the dresser, groggily pulling on pants and a shirt, not really wishing to have their son run back in on them.

Once he was dressed, he turned and walked to his husband, kissing his lips delicately. "After breakfast, when he is napping, I will call Uncle Relic and ask about the ... spell of sorts."
Sergei gave a soft little 'oomph' when Isiah pounced on them. He looked up at their bubbly son and reached out from under the covers to tickle him a little as Gabriel sent him along his way. He couldn't help but cuddle into his husband a bit more for a few minutes, nuzzling into his chest and reaching around to run his fingers through Gabe's soft tresses. "Okay," he whispered, pressing a little kiss to the man's chest before sighing and climbing out of the bed to dress. If left alone for too long, Isiah would destroy the house.
Gabriel smiled warmly, walking over to his husband for another firm kiss to his lips. He turned on his heel, making his way out of the room and walking into the kitchen where the ingredients for pancakes were already being set out on the counter. The scary part? Isiah was a second away frmo cracking an egg ... into a colendar. [totally spelt wrong] The man's amethyst eyes went wide "Ah-ah!" He said, stopping the boy before he cracked it, thankfully.

He relaxed, sighing softly. "I told you a few minutes." He stated, kissing the boy's cheek and then lifting him up and resting him on the counter. "okay, you. You can my Mutti's helper." He kissed his forehead before exchanging the colendar with a proper bowl. He then went about letting the boy help him, add the ingredients, crack a few eggs, stir the batter until it began to slosh over the bowl.
Smiling as he entered the kitchen, Sergei set the table as the other two cooked. Syrup, butter, powdered sugar and jelly were all put on the table with the plates and silverware and napkins before he slipped into the kitchen to try and clean up behind Gabriel and Isiah...mostly Isiah. "Come," he said as he lifted the boy off of the counter, who was unsurprisingly covered in flour and sticky from the eggs and flour mixture. "We will wash for breakfast, yes?"
Isiah whined when he saw his Vatti. He shook his head as he did so. "Noo Vatti! I want to cook!" He protested, though easily curled up in the redhead's embrace pouting nonetheless. "Mutti and me were making breakfast!" He added, giggling while his feet wiggled happily in the air.

Gabriel grinned, turning to look at the two and shaking his head a bit more. "And Mutti is making stuff that spatters and could harm you. You go clean up with Vatti." He kissed the boy's temple and then his love's forehead before he turned back to the food, putting everything on a dish and went around to make the sausage and bacon.
"I think that you have done enough cooking for this morning, hmm?" he commented, bouncing the little boy a little bit to get a giggle rather than a pout. It didn't take much and as Isiah was giggling Sergei walked away with him to washing him up in the bathroom. That took almost as long as Gabriel needed to cook the bacon and sausage. How had he gotten pancake batter in his ear? The redhead shook his head a bit and set the boy on the floor, leading him out to the dining room by the hand and getting him settled in his chair.

He sat down next to him and began working on his Russian with him, giving simple sentences and questions in Russian for the boy to answer.
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