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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder gave Relic a dirty look, only half teasing. He thought it was rather insensitive for the joke to be made, though he calmed when he saw the boys smiling a little. He left Rune's side and sat on the bed at the end of it, looking up at the three new parents. "You'll be a big part of their lives," he promised. The blond knew that neither he nor Rune had ever said that, but they'd known it to be true and maybe the three just needed a little reassurance. Remus smiled and nodded, giving a soft thank you to him. "And," he added, "you'll always be our first choices for babysitters."

Smiling, he moved back over to the bassinets and lifted a very dark haired boy up. He was drawn to him, and the blond nuzzled the soft cheek for a moment, looking over at Pierce afterward.

"Would you like to hold them?" Perhaps it would be too painful, but at least they would have the option.
Rune nodded to what Calder said. "Mhm. You can be Mama P and Papas R ... Or something less gay that they could come up with. Or just Uncles." He shrugged, not really caring one way or the other. Sort of like Gabriel. He had his 'mother' and then he had Lily. He called her Miss Lily, but Lil would much more prefer Mom or mother lily or something. He really did like the name Lily. Should he care that he was intending to name this little precious thing Lily? Possibly, but meh. He rarely saw that woman.

Pierce shook his head to the offer. "Thank you ... but not now. In .. a few weeks." He said, looking ever so sorrow-filled but he merely buried his face into Remus' neck, relaxing with the comfort of the male.
The night had been pretty eventful. Sergei saw the dullness of the auras and suggested to Gabriel that they come back in a few days to finalize their own adoption. Too much hurt was never good. They made sure that Tanner knew that Adamair was settled in his room, and gathered Isiah for the short trip home.

The Russian was curious about when they would use the spell but, according to Tanner there would be days of sleep afterward. Perhaps it would be best for his mother to take Isiah on a little trip over a long weekend. His mother was getting much more confident in her surroundings. She was beginning to truly love Italy, and even ventured out on her own more now. She was often going to the market simply to go. Once their son was in bed, he brought the idea up to Gabriel.
Gabriel kissed the boy's head before he left the bed. He loked over at the male and listened to his sugggestion. He thought for a few moments and then nodded. "Yes. I think that sounds good." He stated, wrapping his arms around the male before he led the way to where he left the papers. "Let's ... see what has to happen, okay? Did Tanner answer your questions?" he asked, keeping his eyes to him while he moved to the couch. Taking up the folder, he sat down, pulling Sergei beside him. He rested the papers in his lap, looking down at the words and silently reading them.
"Yes," he answered softly, curling into his husband's side. "He said... There is pain, yes. And much sleeping after." Nodding, Sergei thought a bit more about the conversation. "And not maybe different but. Noticed?" Tanner had said that for the first few months he was very aware that his life span would be much longer than what he'd thought all his life, but after that, it became normal to know such a thing.
The next day, Isiah was informed of his mini-vacation to his Grandmother's house, the boy far too excited to go and spend a few days with her. He was good for the woman, he noticed as well. While she was going out of hte house moreo n her own, he was pretty sure the adorable boy tugging her and asking to go to the park was even better. Good for him, too. He learned more Russian because of the woman since she was make him say the question in Russian.

Once their boy was settled, and after Gabriel was positive the man was completely and utterly sure, he went through the process. He did not like having to harm his love, but he knew it would be for the better. So, he had to slice the man's wrist, andt hen his own, and mix their blood, say a few spells, and soon, the man was passed out in his arms. He quickly wrapped up the sliced flesh, knowing it would heal - faster with the angellic blood - and then he would befine. He moved him to their bed, setting him into the covers and staying beside him fo a while.
Sergei knew the pain was coming, and that it was necessary. He did his best to hide the grimace that came with the slice of his flesh, but that was the last that he remembered as he passed out, waking when it was just barely light in their bedroom. The Russian wondered how long it had been since they'd done the spell; how long he'd been sleeping. Was it morning or evening? Where was Gabriel? Very slowly, the man pushed himself up from the bed a little bit, giving a very weak call out-his throat was dry from days without water.
Gabriel came up to the room, always checking up on the male when he needed to do something around the house. Never alone for more than five minutes, and he relaxed when he saw the other awake. He walked over to him, taking up the bottle of water he left for him at the bedside, holding it out for the male to take, after cracking it open for him. "Here." he whispered, leaning fforward to kiss his forehead softly.
He sipped the water slowly, not wanting to become sick, and set it aside after only a few sips. Sergei leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and buried his face into the man's chest, breathing in his scent deeply. "How long?" he asked. His brain was still fuzzy from sleep, and forming full sentences, in either language, would not be happening at the moment. "What time it is?"
He pulled the male to his form, his fingers moving through his red locks while he kept him against his form. Once he was sure hte male was awake, he would help him get up and move around, shower, everything. He needed to get the male up and going, shake off the groggy. He kissed his temple softly before he relaxed once more. "Three days. It's 2:55pm." He stated, kissing him once more. "When you're ready, you can shower and I'll make you something to eat."
"With you?" he asked softly, looking up. Tanner was right-there was a difference in his body. He felt younger, though he wasn't old by any imagination. Still, he wanted to be close to his husband and not let go. "With me take a bath." Sergei made to move a little but didn't have the strength to yet. He figured he could stand with quite a bit of support from Gabriel, but if they took a bath then he wouldn't need to stand, now would he?
Gabriel smiled gently, nodding. "Okay." he agreed, sliding out of the bed and he took a strong hold of his love's arms. He helped him stand up, going as slowly as the other needed to start walking. He knew his legs were probably shaky from lack of nutrition and frm just being in bed. He kissed his lips softly, moving to the bathroom and letting him sit where he wanted - toilet or bathtub, did not matter. He started up a lovely bubble bath for them, haivng missed his love so much over the past few days.
Sergei was glad for the slow pace. He held onto Gabriel tightly, but tried very hard to move on his own accord. He didn't want to be too much of a burden on his husband as they moved. He sat on the toilet as Gabe ran the bath, and he very slowly began to undress himself. His shirt was tossed aside and his pants...well those stayed put as he couldn't lift himself just yet.
Once the tub was mostly filled, he turned back to his husband, smiling gently. Helping him up, he held him while removing his pants. Letting the material fall to hte ground without a care. He assisted the male into the bathtub, waiting until he was properly sitting in the warm water. He closed the door gently, pulling off his own clothes and a moment later, he moved into the water, sneaking in behind the smaller male. He kissed his neck softly, arms wrapping aruond his torso. "How are you feeling?"
Sergei purred slightly, leaning into Gabriel's embrace. He took a minute to answer the question. "I am feeling...okay," he answered. "It... It is like there is change; like everyone else can see. But they cannot." He couldn't really explain it. Perhaps when he'd eaten and had his strength back, he would try again. "I missed you, Gabriel."
Gabriel nodded a little bit, a smile not helping to come to his lips. He so loved it when he said his name in Russian. It was nothing big, and yes, he has said it many times through the years, but it still got him so happy. He kisse his cheek softly and nodded. "Okay. As long as you feel fine, that is what matters." He said, pulling him to his form and he kissed him once more.
Another day passed and Sergei was feeling better. They called Tanner to ask if it would be alright to come over and take home the family's new additions, and were told to come right over. Sergei was excited. Would they come home with boys? Girls? One of each? What would they name them? He felt badly for Pierce and the twins-it was a difficult decision that they'd had to make, but it was what it was and the decision was for the best.
Gabriel happily helped his love out of the car, Isiah still with his grandmother, so it was definitely easier this way. They would bring the babies home and then let Isiah meet them. Him here may only make everything worse. He kissed Sergei before heading to teh door, a smiling Relic already holding the doors open for the two. "Come come!" He chimed, smiling warmly. "They are in the courtyard." He stated, smiling warmly to the two. IT was a beautiful spring morning, nice and warm out, so it was good to let the babies and the boys outside for a bit.

Gabriel nodded, following Relic through the house and then to the courtyard where he saw the three and then the three extra large cribs there with them. Obviously to make it easier to move. He walked over to the three, smiling warmly and releasing his husband to give each boy a hug and a small, "congratulations" and a kiss to the cheek.
Sergei sat with the boys, watching the babies even though they were too tiny to move yet. "The babies. They all glow white-pure; innocent." Remus beamed with that knowledge. "Yours...They are brighter than we last saw. Glows are brighter when noble decisions made; when you do right thing." He knew it wasn't any consolation, but perhaps they would take some comfort in knowing that the decision was a noble one as far as their souls were concerned.

"You will come often, yes?"
Gabriel smiled, looking down at the six and he sighed heavily. Wow. That was just amazing. The babies were so, so very cute. He lifted his head, looking over at Sergei, glad the babies all had their white auras. He was a little frightened to ask the triplets' auras, but was not going to bother with that.

Pierce lifted his head at the question posed, nodding and smiling a little bit more to the redhead. "Yes. In ... a few weeks.' He said, smiling all the more. "Or maybe a month or so. Once we are settled... and more at ease." It was no use hiding their emotions of being a little unsure of everything. No. not 'unsure' merely a little sad they had to give up their babies. It really was the hard, yet good, thing to do.
"It means very much to us," he answered softly, talking about the trio coming to visit often and being allowed to adopt from them in the first place. "Do you know names?" Sergei wasn't sure if they knew which genders they were keeping, or maybe they simply had names for both genders in mind. "You can tell me to be shut up," he offered. "If it is hard to speak about, I mean. Gabriel says I talk much."
Romulus shook his head, perking right up as he looked at the male. "no no no! You're fine." he laughed lightly, blushing faintly. "We ... we can only think of one female name we all like." He admitted, blushing a little more and he fidgetted with the bottom of his shirt and he looked back up at the man, bowing his head. "Please ... um .... if ... it is okay with you two... Could you take the two girls? I ... I am sorry if you wanted boys but um ... We have already named them and grown quite attached and ... and not that we don't love them but it just ... I ... We... Um.."

Thankfully, before the boy could go any farther,Gabriel rested a hand on his shoulder, calming him down. "Please, ROmulus, relax." He whispered, smiling a little bit more. "We will love to adopt your daughters." He stated, wrapping the boy up into a hug and feeling him relax in his embrace.
Sergei looked at the other two. "You should never be discomfortable about asking for that which what you wish for. Especially when what you wish for was yours to start off." He nodded, hoping they could understand him. "You think we are doing a favor to you, and perhaps yes, but you to us more." It wasn't that he and Gabriel could not have another child of their own-they could. But how often did you get to choose who your children were? Or add to your family in another dimension that you'd never have thought of before?

Standing, Sergei took a hold of Remus' and Pierce's hands, leading them towards the bassinets. "What are their names?" he asked, wanting to know about their children.
Pierce followed to the bassinet with the two boys in one, and a boy and girl in the other. He looked down at the brown-haired boy, smiling lightly. "Abdriel." He stated, then to the blond beside him. "Mikael." he pointed to the other brunette in the other bassinet. "Elias ... and the girl is Sapphire.' he stated, looking at the little blond girl, smiling gently as he did so. Yes, he definitely loved his children so much.
"They are very beautiful." He meant both the names and the children. He looked to the two blond girls in the third bassinet and smiled softly at them. "Your wound is heal?" he asked, trying very hard to keep the subject away from the two little girls leaving for their new home. Sergei didn't want to make Pierce sad, or, rather, sadder than what he already was. Remus didn't seem to be fairing well either, holding onto Pierce's side with his head on the man's shoulder.
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