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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Pierce smiled warmly, nodding. "Yes. They are." He agreed, looking down at the four and sighing heavily. They were gorgeous babies, weren't they? He so very loved them. He loved them a lot. He the turned to him and nodded. "Yes. Relic healed me a few days ago. And now, they are working on a new, bigger, room for us. It is also why we are out here. The dust and things of the wall being torn down." He nodded and then kissed Remus' head. He loved him so much, he hated to see him like this.

Romulus slowly released Gabriel, walking to where the others were and he looked down at the children then over to Sergei once more, smiling gently.
"A bigger room will... Be good, yes?" He could see how having the babies in their room would be beneficial to for them. It would likely help them heal faster, too. Sergei nodded, answering his own question and smiling at Romulus. "Parent... Em. Being a parent fits you." All three of them were glowing, though the hint of sadness behind the glow was apparent. That would dim, and eventually fade completely, in the years to come.
Romulus nodded. "Mhm. So that when they are bigger, we can have four cradles for them ... before they get their own rooms." He sighed softly. Four kids was ... a lot. They would need a lot of rooms. MAybe they should move out? Ohhh... Thoughts for another day, if not another year!
"A lot of room, yes," Sergei agreed. "It will work." He nodded and then moved over to Gabriel, leaning up to nuzzle along his jaw a little bit. "Isiah will be home soon." He hated to leave, because he didn't want to break the trio's heart yet again. But his mother would want her peace and quiet back soon and they had to be home.
Gabriel nodded and then kissed his husband's head softly. He released him to go to the three, hugging them tightly. "Thank you so very much." He whispered, kissing their cheeks once more. "You are all very, very strong." He added, smiling gently and then slowly walking to the two little girls, smiling softly. They were so very adorable.

Pierce looked over at the two girls and took in his deep breath, shaking his head a little bit. "In ... a while, we will come visit." he stated, not wishing to 'say goodbye' to the babies. He could not even go over to hte other side of hte house for sugar yet. He would only need some time. When they got settled into their family, everything would be better.

The silver haired man nodded, taking a hold of his love's hand and tugging him toward the two girls. "We will be seeing you. And take plenty of pictures." He added, hoping that would make it better as well. He looked down at the girls, pulling one up and into his arms and then waiting for Sergei to take the other one.
Sergei took a second and moved over to the three, hugging them as well. "You... Hum. You are not saying good bye," he offered. "Saying good bye is to mean you will never see again. But you are welcome always." He nodded, kissing each of the three on the cheek before slipping off to the side and lifting the other baby girl from the bassinet. The Russian meant 'always'. He knew the first few weeks would be hard, and if Pierce or the twins, or all three, felt they needed to see the girls in the middle of the night, well then. What was a little less sleep? He wanted the three to be as comfortable as possible.

He found it hard for him to walk to the car with the little girls and drive off. He half felt as if he was kidnapping them.
Gabriel smiled, looking back at the three and seeing them looking sad, but he just knew that everything would be fine. The three would be very happy and soon, they would fall into a routine. He turned back to Sergei, kissing his temple softly. "It'so kay." he whispered, leading the way toward the car again. He opened up the back seat for the infant car seays there. He set hte girl in the seat then did the same with the other girl.

He waited for Sergei to be set and then moved to the driver's seat, beginning to make his way home, knoiwing everything woul d be perfectly fine.
"I know," he answered softly, buckling up for the short ride. "I feel... Sorrow for them." He didn't feel pity, but he felt sad that they felt sad. Sergei kept quiet for a minute, gathering his emotions and thoughts. "What will we name them?" he asked. He noticed that with Gabriel, his English was pretty good, but around others it was still very broken. He didn't understand it, but no one said anything about it, either.
Gabriel smiled gently, turning to look at the male before his attention went back to the road. "Yes. I do understand. It is sad to have to give up one's child. Even Miss Lily had a very hard time. But ... she was happy in the end. Very happy." He stated, glancing to his love and hoping it was a little reassurance. He had thought about names. He wanted one to be Italian in heritage and then Russian in the other. He turned a faint pink, really having thought it over for a while. "I was thinking Catarine and Sonya."
"Catarina," he offered softly. "Mama will cry. In good way." He looked back at the two girls, wondering which looked more like his sister. She'd been born two years before him, and died only at only a few months old so he never knew her. His mother always told stories of her short time in their family, though, and how beautiful she was.

It wasn't long before they pulled into the driveway. Each took a little girl and moved into the house, being greeted by a bouncing and bubbly Isiah.
Gabriel turned to look at the man, nodding. Catarina was a beautiful name, and if it would get his mother-in-law to cry in a good way, he definitely would not mind changing a meer ending. He stepped out , scooping up the girl in teh seat behind him, heading to the house and holding her up a bit as his son collided with his form

"MATTI! Babush and me had fun! We made cookies and brownies and and and --" He stopped, staring up at one bundle of blankets then to the one in his father's hands. "Matti ... What is that?"
Sergei shook his head and knelt down. "These are your new sisters," he answered softly, tugging the blanket away from Catarina's face a little. "You must be nice to them; show them proper ways to act and that you love them. They will look up to you." He reached out and hugged Isiah to him, kissing his son's cheek softly. "This is Catarina. And Matti is holding Sonya." He let the boy take in the newness of the situation before standing once more. "How about going to get Babushka for us, hmm? We will have lunch."
Isiah looked at the little girl that was now in front of him. He stared at her, head tilted to the side and he listened to his father, nodding to his words. "Okay Oatti." He said simply, looking at the girl once more before he turned, running to the outside of the house, yelling "BABUSH" as he did so.

Gabriel sighed heavily, shaking his head and he turned to look at Sergei, smiling warmly. "He seems happy." He commented, laughing lightly while he continued toward the house a little more.
Sergei laughed, nodding as he moved into the house completely. In truth, he'd been a little worried that their son might not accept the girls-Gabriel had not been pregnant, and they had been very open with Isiah that he'd "come from Matti's tummy". It was calming to see that he adjusted well... So far, anyway.

They hadn't gotten far when his mother walked in. Sergei smiled and moved over to her, kissing her cheek softly. "Mama, these are our babies," he whispered, holding Catarina out for her to see. "Sonya and Catarina." Sergei nodded to each girl with their name. As predicted, tears came immediately and the woman took Catarina from her father's arms, holding her close to her chest.
Isiah beamed, walking in behind his Babush, smiling cheerfully before he saw his Babush cry. He stared up at him, his smile drooping instantly as he did so. She was crying but ... her aura was happy. Happier than ... she was with him.

Gabriel walked over to Isiah, resting Sonya in Sergei's arms and then scooping up the boy, holding him on his hip and he turned to him, smiling warmly. "You're a big brother now, Isiah." He stated, leaning toward him and kissing his cheek softly and then turning back to the two little girls. "They're very delicate, but when they get bigger, you can play more with them. They need to grow big and strong and while you still have to be gentle, I'm sure they will be more fun to play with." He smiled again, turning to him and kissing his cheek again.
He saw the dullness wash over his son and Sergei stepped up to his husband and their child. "She loves you, Isiah. Catarina was... She was my sister, and Babushka lost her. So you must understand her glow, my love." He hugged Isiah close to his side and Gabriel, too. He made a mental note to speak with his mother, too. She would have a special place for Catarina, but she must not show that to Isiah as best as she could. He was a sensitive boy.
Isiah nodded, putting on a smile and nodding a little bit more. He hugged his Matti a little more, looking at his Oatti and he smiled. "Yes, Oatti." He said softly, sliding from the arms of the man and moving to teh ground. "I will set the table." he said, bouncing off to the other room to go and set the table.

Gabriel sighed softly. He chewed his bottom lip before his head shook a little more and he turned to the woman, smiling gently. "I will go get the bassinets from upstairs.' He had bought the second one once they agreed to adopting the two, so that he would have them. He turned and made his way up the stairs. He took the two set-up bassinets and then walked down the stairs with them. He set the two down and took Sonya from Sergei with a kiss and resting her into the bassinet.
The sadness in Isiah's voice tugged at Sergei's heartstrings. He moved forward and took Catarina from his mother gently, shushing her and leading her outside to talk.

"Mama. You must be a little sensitive to Isiah's feelings, yes?" She nodded. "He was the only one for his entire life, and now there are two babies to 'compete' with. He must be made to feel special, too. You must tell him how special he is to you."

She nodded again. "I know. I will." Sergei smiled and kissed her cheek, leading her inside. She went straight over to Isiah while Catarina was placed in her bassinet to nap. "My Sweetheart!" she called out sweetly. "You will come shopping with me today, yes? I need a big, strong boy to help carry my bags!"
Isiah perked up a little when he heard his grandmother's voice. He turned to look at her, blinking a few times and his lips pulled up and into a warm smile. He nodded excitedly to her words. "Yes, Babushka! I will help." He said excitedly, smiling and he set the last place down, moving over to his grandmother and collding with her legs. His arms wrapped around her, nuzzling into her thigh while he gripped her happily.

Gabriel made up the chicken sandwiches and bits of french fries, putting them on a platter and he made his way out to the dining room, smiling at the cheerful Isiah. Yes. He just needed to be reminded he was still very loved. He set the platter down and then walked over to press a kiss to Sergei's cheek, smiling lightly.
Calder held Lily, bouncing her up and down as he moved around the kitchen. Ella was enamored with the new babies, and the triplets weren't really sure what to think. It was cute to watch them eye Lily and Sirius as he and Rune carried them through the house.

The blond talked to their newest daughter as he moved around the kitchen, explaining to her what he was doing and why he was doing it. Maybe she would grow to like cooking and baking like he did?
Rune held onto the little boy in his arms, having just finished changing his diaper. He sighed softly, making his way toward where the scent of lunch was being made. He had a trail of ducklings as he did so, too. The three boys, who were all too curious about why their Mama was yelling - Sirius had somehow managed to soil his clothes - came up to investigate, and now they were just following him aroudn the house. Okay, so he did have some fun with them and go into a few extra rooms, just to play, but that was beside the point.

Walking into the kitchen, he stopped abruptly, causing Lucius to collide with his legs, then Severus into him, and Draco just barely stopping, but still bumping into his brother. He laughed lightly, shaking his head a bit before he turned to Calder. "What's for lunch?"
The blond caught sight of the 'show' and chuckled lightly at their sons. "Baby formula, mashed peas and cheerios, grilled cheese, and some Philly cheesesteaks." It was a little daunting to have to fix four different things for one meal, but their kids were all in different stages of their eating. Ella was eating "grown up food", but softer things, and usually things that weren't healthy. The boys were just starting the solid stages, but still needed the baby food to get the vegetables and fruits and protein, and then there was the rest of them. "In fact, if you could take Lily so I can fry the peppers and onions?"
Rune let out a laugh, hearing the different meals, he could not help but to be very amused. Yep. This was ... definitely going to make life interesting. He smiled, walking over to his husband, kissing his cheek and then scooping up the little girl from his arms. "Of course." He commented and then turned to look at the three who finally got themselves off the floor. "All right! Go tell Ella lunch is almost ready. And no dilly-dallying, boys." He said, watching the three run off to do what he said. At least ... it would start off that way. Once he had the twins down and in their bassinets, he would go double check that their goal was met, but for now, they could run around a little.
Meal times were always an affair in their house. Someone needed to keep an eye on Ella so she didn't put large pieces in her mouth and choke, someone had to help the triplets, and someone had to feed the new twins. Six children, and only four adults... Well they were outnumbered. At least Ella was able to, basically, feed herself so long as her food was cut for her.
Rune sat on one side of the twins, Ella on his other. For now, it was easier to watch everything. True, those little demons of sons of theirs were brats when trying to feed, but the twins at least were still in the mostly-sleep stage, wake up because of poop and food. So, it was not all that bad yet. Thankfully. The diner was chaotic- as normal. He was so very happy with everyone and loved all his boys, but really, he just wanted to conk a few heads together.
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