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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The next few months kept them busy. The triplets went on daily peeing rampages still, and the twins apparently did not like to sleep. Ella helped as much as she could, but really...she was only five years old. Viktor and Devon, as well as their sons were a big help, too, though. Things started to seem to calm down as summer passed.

Things were hectic once more as Ella's first day of school was coming up. She seemed excited, as school was all she could talk about to anyone who dared smile at her. Calder thought it was pretty cute.
The night before Ella was to go to school in the morning, the girl completely and utterly bouncing off the walls, babbling about the cute dress Uncle Relic made her and that she would wear, all those fun things, Rune could not stand it. He did not want to lose his daughter! She was growing up too fast. Jade and Trevor was easy - they went to the same school they taught. Ella? She was too young ... and female!

Rune shook his head quite a few times and then looked over at Calder, his brows knotted together. "She can't go to school yet! What ... What if she gets picked on?! Or what if she hates it? No. She can't go. She'll miss us once she's there and I don't want her to hate school. We'll home school her! Yes. Mias can teach her about history, Tanner can teach her about English ... Science... Science... We'll find someone! and math? it's math. That's easy to learn so ... See? she doesn't have to go!"
Calder looked up at his husband and outright laughed at him. He was cute. A little psychotic, but cute. The blond moved up to him and wrapped his arms around Rune's neck. "Tomias has a school to run, and Tanner has classes to teach," he reminded, pecking his lips softly. "She will be fine, Rune. And if you're really worried, use your connections and find a way to become the principal of her school. Just remember though: It's all little girls, ages five to eleven, less than half of whom will be as well behaved as our daughter." Calder stuck his tongue out at the other man.
Rune actually had to think about htat for a while. Did he want to deal with little girls? He weighed the pros and cons, whining a little in defeat. He turned to look down at him, pouting even more. "Prometheus needs a sister school." He stated, arms crossing over his loewr torso as he stared at the man, pulling back and he looked down at him with interest. "We should! Maybe not ... we ... but someone! Gabriel. He'd be an awesome Headmaster of little girls. Maybe we should suggest it? He has the two girls so maybe he'd want them to go to a school nearby. Yes ... Twelve and up. all girls school." He nodded, quite liking the idea.
"Twelve and up does not solve your problem of tomorrow," he reminded softly with a little peck to the end of Rune's nose. The blond slipped away from his husband, back into the kitchen to finish the brownies he'd been in the middle of making. Hopefully his love would save one for Ella's lunch bag the next morning. Calder refused to be that father that packed his daughter's lunches with processed foods and mystery meats. He wanted her to eat healthily, but still like what she was given and, really if he was honest with himself, he wanted the other kids to be jealous of her lunches.
Rune nodded. "True." He admitted, following him to the kitchen and easily stealing a finger of brownie mix, putting it between his lips and puling it away with a smile to his lips. He then relaxed a bit, looking to his love with interest. "But ... It will save me from when she gets into boys! If she's at an all girls' school, and one near by and run by Gabriel ... Then I don't have to worry about anyone stealing her away! Tomorrow is easily solved. I'll just sit in the back of her room and watch." He stated, nodding and foldin his arms across his chest.

He then heard the babies cry and groaned. "Or ... stay home and be a parent." he sighed heavil, cursing under his breath while he made his way to the other room to retrieve the crying little girl, shaking his head a little. "You're interrupting my plans, litle one."
Calder had been about to argue, but Lily's cries saved Rune...for now. The blond put the brownies in the oven to bake and then followed his husband into the room. "You'll do no such thing," he warned, lifting Sirius to get his pajamas on. He was awake and would start crying any second. Might as well avoid what they could. "Ella needs to have a normal first day of school. And you can't prevent her from liking boys when she gets older, either." Calder stuck his tongue out at Rune. "Any talks with her will be awkward enough. Imagine if she didn't like boys-you'd have to have those same talks with her. About girls."
Rune groaned, moving around the room with the girl to get her to relax a little before he set her onto the changing table, begining to change her diaper into a fresh one, grumbling a little bit more. "She's staying celibate." He mumbled, looking down at Lily who was crying and he shook his head a little bit. "You too. Boys are bad. Very, very bad. You can only date nice ones who won't touch you until marriage.' he stated, nodding once more. "Opposite of Mama."
He laughed. "Yeah, okay." Calder rolled his eyes but finished getting Sirius ready and then back into his bassinet with a bottle. He was, lucky for them, already sleepy. "Just admit it. She's growing up and you can't do anything about it." He stuck his tongue out at his husband and tickled Lily until she giggled a little bit before leaving the room. He wanted to lay out Ella's dress and little pink backpack for the morning so there would be less rushing around.
Rune groaned, looking at Lily and getting her all ready as well. He placed her into the bassinet, handing her the bottle with a little kiss to her forehead before he walked out of the room and over to where his husband was. He whined as he looked at the male in the room. " I don't want her to grow up." He protested, pouting pathetically as he walked over to him, arms wrapping around his form and he pulled him against his form, kissing his neck softly. "You realize my nervous energy about her will be taken out on you, right?"
"And if I just deny you?" he asked, smirking. Calder was teasing, of course, but allowing Rune to think that he was serious was much more fun. He shook his head and leaned back into his husband. "They're all going to grow up," he answered with a little sigh. "And once they do and are married with families of their own, maybe we'll have another kid or two... And they'll grow up too, Rune... See a pattern?" The blond looked up at the other man. "Do you think that your mother wanted yo-- Wanted Relic to grow up?"
Rune narrowed his eyes at hte man, even more when he mentioned his mother. His eyes rolled and he let out a little grumble. "Yea yea." he mummbled, not liking it, but knowing he could not stop it, no matter what. He sighed heavily and crossed his arms over his lower torso, looking down at the male. "Fine. I won't be happy ... but I'll ... accept it." He groaned, biting his bottom lip a little bit as he thought about it a bit more. "Do I have to let Bohdi take Trevor away?"
"I don't know," he answered. "Do you ever want a house to ourselves again?" Leaning up, Calder kissed Rune's lips quickly and went to check on the brownies, which weren't quite done. To keep himself busy, the blond got Ella's lunch ready, and then everyone else's, too. It would just be easier if they were sitting and ready come noon time.
Rune listened to the man and he grmbled, checking on the children before he went back to the kitchen with teh man. He hopped up onto hte counter, hands on the edges of the counter while his eyes kept to the man. "When the twins are ... grown up. We can have the house to ourselves for a while. I will not put up a fight when the two leave. As long as it's not for a while. Not until ... Ella is older. When the young ones are easier to handle and potty trained." He nodded, looking at him and he shrugged his shoulder a bit more. "I just ... have to grow up." he groaned, not really liking that option, but knowing it was his only one.
Morning came and Calder was pulling his hair out. The triplets were up and wreaking havoc, the twins were crying, and he was trying to pack Ella's lunch to boot. "VIKTOR! RUNE!" He needed And Trevor and Jade had mysteriously gone missing quite often for the past couple of days. He made a mental note to himself to strangle them when he saw them next.
Rune went wide-eyed, rushing to the man and skidding to a stop. He took a hold of his shoulders, stopping him from moving and looking in his eyes. "Deep breath!" he stated, kissing his lips softly before he pulled back once more. He then turned to the twins, lifting both up and resting them on his shoulders, "shh"ing them while he wandered around the house. He made his way toward Ella's room to check up on her, be sure she was not doing anything she should not be, or getting dirty. He poked his head into living room, seeing her eagerly waiting to leave.

He nodded, the twins on his shoulders giving soft little 'coo's after they let out quite the lovely burps into his ears. He walked over to the triplets, seeing them rushing around the kitchen like maniacs and he whispered a few words before all boys seemed to run into an invisible wall, falling onto their rumps with pure looks of confusion. "Stop running around like wild children. You're civilized little boys."
"We wish they were," Calder commented under his breath. Still, the three looked so cute sitting on their behinds looking bewildered. He couldn't help but laugh as he moved around once more to finish packing lunch. He added in the brownie towards the bottom of the bag, hoping that Ella would eat her peanut butter and jelly sandwich before the sweets. He didn't know why he bothered, though-she took after Rune with her sweet tooth. With a sigh, a bag of raw carrots that had been chopped very small was placed in with the lunch and a small bottle of water.

The bag, which matched Ella's back pack, was zipped up and placed in said back pack before it was handed to the little girl to put on her back.

Viktor came running, a little late. "Sorry," he breathed out. The teen reached forward and took the twins from Rune, knowing that they would both want to take Ella to her first day of school.
Rune looked down at the boys, glad that they stopped and now were just sitting there, pouting, but behaving for now. He then turned to Viktor, shaking his head a little bit. "It's fine." He commented, looking at the boys again and then once more back to Viktor. "I won't make you feed them while we're gone, but just make sure they don't kill anyone, or set something on fire." he sighed heavily, so very unsure of the boys. It was going to be bad if they suddenly discovered powers.

Devon came into the kitchen, skidding to a stop and looking at the three boys, a brow lifted in question before he looked over at the ravenette giving him quite the lovely look. He grinned, taking the girl from his shoulder and letting out a little laugh. "Sorry. Erm ... have fun!" he said, smiling cheerfully and waiting for them to leave so he could feel a little less like they were going to stab him. Or at least less like Rune would stab/kill/maim him. Yep. Not fun.
The morning was...fairly uneventful. He and Devon didn't have too much trouble with the kids. The twins were out like a light within minutes of their parents leaving the house, which left them two on three with the triplets. They figured so long as they kept them pretty occupied, they couldn't get into too much trouble.

That was, of course, until Calder and Rune were due home at any minute and, out of no where, the two blond boys were suddenly sporting very bright, bubble gum pink hair. Viktor groaned and was sitting on the floor, pleading with them. "Please change it back!" They simply giggled at him.
Rune grumbled a few times when they came back. He wanted to go back and get her, but knew she would hate him if she did. She would love it. He knew she would, so he just needed to suck it up. He walked into the house, making his way to where Viktor was. He was about to greet him before he saw his sons' hairs. He gasped, eyes wide as he moved and scooped up Draco, turning to glare at the ravenette. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABIES?!" He yelled, turning to look back at the boy, pushing his fingers through his hair and definitely not a happy camper at the moment.
"ME?!" he asked, automatically defensive. "I have your powers! Can you change someone's hair?!" The teen bent and lifted Lucius up from the floor and onto his hip. "I didn't do anything! We were playing a game, and--" He heard a little thump in the hallway. Viktor rushed over to find Severus sitting on the floor...and items from the bathroom counter moving off the edge to him. "And there's your answer." Where the telekenisis came from, he didn't know. The hair, though, was most definitely from their Papa. Viktor settled Lucius onto Rune's hip, too. "Have fun, gotta go, bye!" Viktor jetted up to his room, hoping to find Devon along the way.
Rune stared at the boy in his arms then the one that was still in front of the elder male. He had a good point. A very good point. He was about to tell the other it was perfectly fine, but the bangs perked him up. He rushed to the bathroom, seeing Severus and before he could process, there was another child on his hip and Viktor running off. "You rat bastard! I HOPE YOU TRIP!" he yelled, groaning and then turned to look back at Severus, groaning once more. He supposed that was more so from his side, what with the whole mind-reading and stuff.

He grumbled again before looking down at the boy. "Severus, sweetie, stop giving Mama a heart attack." He said softly, watching the boy giggle and let all the items ... drop. He groaned and then turned to look at the two on his hips. "Why pink?" He mumbled and he grumbled once more. "CALDER!" he yelled, turning and looking down the hall, impatiently waiting for his lover.
The blond rushed forward. He'd wanted to start cleaning up but groaned at the sight of Severus' mess. Calder sighed and scooped up their third son. "They'll be fine in a little bit," he promised. "They don't know how to concentrate to hold it so...don't pay attention to the pink hair, they'll forget it's pink and therefore drop the morphe." Severus, on the other hand... Well maybe they'd just start to glue things down.

His attention was pulled away once more with Draco's first attempts at words. "Vk...vk!"
Rune arched a brow, turning to the one boy on his hip, listening to his words and he stared at him, pouting as he did so. "No. Mama. Ma. Ma." He corrected, pouting a little bit more. He turned to Calder, his bottom lip protruding quite a bit. "That brat's stealing my children.' he said, a hint of a whine to his tone. He was not very happy at the moment. His children had pink hair. One was .... able to move things with his mind. Ella was in kindergarten. The twins ... oh! he still had hopes for them! What was the worst they could do? Adorable someone to death?
Calder laughed when Severus "spoke" next. "Pa!"

"That's right, sweetheart! Papa." He leaned over and kissed Rune's lips softly. "At least they're not saying Devon. Or Tien. Or Andrea." Calder could think of a thousand names that Rune would be more upset over. "And Lucius hasn't spoken yet..." That was a plus...right?
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