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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder smiled that the little girl seemed satisfied with this explanation, and moved on to the other part of their announcement. The blond turned to Bohdi and Trevor. "This place is yours -- After the wedding. Our gift to you... Or curse, if you consider you'll be under the watchful eye of your uncles..." He smiled sweetly at the two while the blond of the couple's jaw hung open in shock.
Trevor went wide-eyed with the announcement. This was ... theirs? After their wedding? He then looked to his fiance before looking back to his parents once more. "Y.. You're joking, right? It's ... um... wow." he said, knowing that saying 'no' was definitely not an option. He looked to the two before he shook his head a little bit more. "We are not getting married for a while, though." he stated, shaking his head and so very unsure of what he was going to do. It was such a huge house! Though, he supposed his parents were alone before him and his siblings came along. He was just floored by the whole thing.

Rune chuckled and shook his head a little bit. "It's fine. Relax a bit." he said, smiling and turning to look at his husband. "It's their wedding gift but ... Do they need to wait until the wedding? Unless, of course, you wanted your wedding sooner. I figure you've waited long enough...' He looked back over to the two, truly feeling happy today.
Bohdi was...speechless. It felt like everything was hitting him all at once, and he didn't know what to contemplate first. And, really, it wasn't just his own decision. It was his and Trevor's. The blond looked at his future in-laws and smiled. "Thank you" was said softly before another few moments passed, Bohdi reaching out to hold his fiancee's hand. "I think...we need to talk about our options first... If that's okay?"

Smiling, Calder nodded. "Of course it's okay. As much time as you need."
Rune nodded in agreement. "Yea. We won't be moving for a few weeks, and even if we do, not like you can't live with us in the new house." he smiled lightly before looking at the boys who now had their hair a nice lavender. He sighed heavily, resting his forehead against their heads and shaking his head a bit. "You two ... are going to be a handful." He groaned and rested his head against them once more. Eyes kept closed and he took in a deep breath before he looked over at the others. "Viktor, you can have your own bedroom. I'll let you have first choice. You and Jade can duke it out for which bedroom you want."
"We're also going to start looking for a nanny," Calder added. "A very part time nanny." He still hated the idea, but knew that the six young ones were a little more than any of them could handle. He groaned when he saw the lavender on top of Lucius' and Draco's head. "You can see why." With another shake of his head, Calder stood and handed Lily to Rune. "Alright. Trevor in the kitchen with me. Viktor and Jade to set the table. Bohdi and Devon you're on Rugrat patrol."
The rest of the night went by and the next morning, Rune called up the woman, told her they would take the house, and then he went on searching for nannies to interview. He wanted to find a good one. Maybe someone to stay in their house, or one who just came over during the days. Whichever Calder was most comfortable with. Maybe it was since he had Kuroua when he was growing up, but he did not see the trouble in getting a nanny. It would be good for them.
The next few weeks were hectic for them. They were all packing and running the little things over to the new house after the sale had been finalized, but he and Rune were also beginning to interview for a nanny. Most of them were disasters-strict old women who didn't want to listen to their rules, kids that were way too young and just wanted an 'easy' way to make some cash, and people who just didn't fit. By the end of the week, the blond was getting pretty discouraged.

"What if we don't find anyone?" he whined softly just as there was a knock at the door for their next interview. Calder groaned but move to answer the door. On the other side was a boy with very pale skin, bright white hair... And kitty ears and a tail. The blond was a little skeptic-he looked quite young-but they'd given everyone else a fair turn so why stop here?
Rune let out a little groan. "Then ... we'll juggle somehow." He offered, knowing that not finding a nanny would not be their downfall. He just wanted the ease of having someone in their home to help them with their children. He sighed softly at the knock, grumbling and he then shook his head a bit, watching the boy enter the house and he arched a brow. Cat-boy? Cute, at the very least, and he was sure that Ella would find him adorable and ... possibly make him her kitten.
Lavi Mitsuko stepped into the home with a shy little smile. His tail laid low against his leg, only the very tip flipping out and away from his body though his ears were still perked very high in the air. "Hello," he greeted, standing a bit awkwardly in the front entrance.

Shaking his head to his thoughts, Calder smiled and greeted the man, introducing himself and Rune. "Please, sit." Lavi did just that, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table where the blond had indicated. "Would you like something to drink?" The teenager shook his head and gave a polite 'no thank you'.

The interview went fairly quickly. Despite the boy's age, Calder...liked him. He was willing to give him a shot, anyway, which was more than any other prospect had gotten from him. The blond asked his questions before turning to his husband to see if he had any.
Surprisingly, Rune liked him. While he was young, he did not mind. He answered their questions very well and he did not seem like some cranky old lady who would end up beating their children for not having nice handwriting. He pushed the thoughts aside and then looked at his husband when he turned to him. He thought for a few moments before he turned to look back at the white-haired boy in front of them. "I have a question." he stated, arms crossing and resting on top of the table, leaning toward the boy a bit. "Are you going to try and eat our bunny babies?" Sadly, he was partially serious. He really was amused by the kitten watching the bunnies, if that wound up being the case, and well ... Cats tended to attack bunnies, so, the question was valid.
The question was so outreagous that Lavi had to laugh at it. "I have the ears and the tail, the agility and the eyesight and every once in a while, I get the very strong urge to bury my food that I want to save for later... Bunny babies are not food, though."

While he thought Rune was a little crazy for asking such a question, Calder was a little surprised to find that the answer calmed him just a little bit... And the great honesty from the boy amused him. He laughed with the teen's next sentence, too.

"And, very sorry but, I am not payable in: kitty treats, head scratches, belly rubs, cat nip, or cat toys."
"What about fish?" he teased, grinning in his amusement. Okay. He liked him. Rune nodded and then clapped his hands together. "I like you." He stated, nodding and then turning to look at Calder, knowing he at least approved of the boy. He was not sure if he wanted to hire him, but Rune definitely liked the idea of him watching their kids while they were at school, or just wanted alone-time.
Calder nodded. Yes, he could see Lavi growing on him. "Why don't you come back after dinner tonight. Ella will be home from school and she can make her final decision." It didn't really matter if either he or Rune liked the boy. If Ella didn't like him, he wouldn't be working for them. The blond was glad that Lavi seemed to understand, the teen nodding his head and standing to leave.

They set an exact time and the door was closed behind him, Calder falling into Rune's chest with a heavy and relieved sigh.
Rune let out a soft sigh, kissing the top of his head and then wrapping his arms around the man's shoulders, tugging him into his form. "At least we finally found someone with potential." He stated, nuzzling his love's head, sighing softly afterward. "We won't be those parents who make their nanny the kids' parent. Besides, those people normally only have one kid to spoil ... we have six. He's a helper. With kitty ears .. "
Smiling, kitty ears grew out of Calder's head. The blond leaned up to brush the tips along his husband's jaw a little bit, teasing and he even purred a little bit. "We just have to hope that Ella likes him..." The blond was pretty sure that she would-she seemed to like everyone she came in contact with-but still. It was a little worrying to think that she wouldn't like him and then get all worked up with the thought that Lavi would be her nanny anyway. "Who knows," he commented, the ears shrinking back into his head as he moved for the plate of brownies he'd put on top of the fridge earlier that day. "Maybe the boys will try to emulate him and stop changing their hair color!"
"And grow cat ears instead?" He offered, snatching a brownie and chomping on it. He rested against the refrigerator, thinking about how interesting it would be to have the man in their house. He would definitely make life interesting. He turned to look at his love again, a bit of curiosity to his features. "Are we going to have him live with us? I mean ... the new house has quite a few rooms in it, and if Trevor and Bohdi are here, then that is one more room. Not that I want him gone or am replacing him but .... Oh, you know what I mean." he sighed heavily, shaking his head and then eating the rest of the brownie, stealing another one from the plate.
Live with them? Calder nibbled on the brownie and thought. "Not...right away..." Someone new might be a little awkward for Ella and the babies, especially so soon after Viktor moving in, and Devon very nearly moving in. "Maybe after a few months..."

After dinner came, and Calder swung Ella up from her seat. "Do you want to meet a friend of Mama and Papa's?" he asked, nuzzling her cheek a little bit. The little girl's eyes glowed and her lips turned up into a bright smile as she nodded excitedly.
Rune agreed. Moving in right away would not be necessary and well, all the kids would have to get used to him first, be sure that he was a good fit. He nodded a bit and then went about doing what he had to for the rest of the day. Once dinner was over, he kissed Ella's temple, smiling lightly to her giddy-look. That was good. He kissed her again and then went about taking up the dishes and everything from dinner, setting them into the sink, for now. He would help wash them once the kids were all sleeping, or at least in their beds and bassinets. He perked up when he heard crying, sighing heavily. Making his way out of the room, he walked over to the bassinets, scooping Lily up from her bed and beginning to rock her gently, burp her a bit, check for poo -- the normal.
While Rune was in the middle of Mommy Mode with Lily, there was a knock on the door. Calder set Ella down to go answer it, chuckling as she ran as fast as her little (cutely still baby chubby) legs would carry her. The blond followed closely behind, watching for her reaction when she saw Lavi.

Her eyes lit up, and then dimmed into confusion, and then a cross between the two. He shook his head, about to lift her to say hello when Lavi beat him to it.

The teen bent down to the little girl's level. "Are you Ella?" he asked in that soft-kid friendly tone. Their daughter instantly became very shy, holding onto her Papa's leg and burying her face into the side of it as she nodded.
Rune made his way into the other room, Lily curled up in his neck, apparently more comfortable now that her mama was there. He sighed softly, moving to where the three were. He gave a little smile to the man. "Hello again." he said happily, his free hand ruffling Ella's hair and he took a hold of the door, opening it a little bit more. "Come on in. I'm sure Ella can show you to the living room for some brownies, right?" he asked, looking to the girl, smiling all the more at the moment. He really was happy at the moment. They could have a nanny so that they could have less problems! It would be so very fantastic.
It was good to get home. They hadn't stayed in Abbadon's world for very long, but still... It had opened Tobias' eyes to things that could enter their lives, and how quickly the man could be taken away from him. He'd given Abbadon just enough time to close the portal (or whatever) behind them before wrapping himself around the man, his face buried into his neck.
Abbadon had barely turned around when the male was within his arms. He sighed softly, burying his face into the brown locks of the male, nuzzling him and holding onto him. He really did not like being there. He did not like it at all. He wanted their worlds separate. They shunned him and banned him from their country many years ago, and then when something went wrong, they turn to him to fix it. He did not like how that worked out, but he could not turn them down. He just could not.

His dark eyes remained closed for a while, kissing the man's head a few times before he pulled back. His eyes traveled along his form for a while before he could not longer hide it. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to his for a brief moment. Pulling back, his eyes kept to his as he whispered a very, very faint, "I love you" to him.
Even though Tobias knew that Abby wasn't pulling out of the hug to move away, his instinct still was to hold on more tightly. He liked being in the man's arms; liked how it made him feel safe from everything that the world could throw at them. He pulled back to kiss the other back, but the brunette gave a soft little gasp to the words as they were spoken. They hadn't said them to each other before, mainly due to his own insecurities and fears from his pseudo-relationship with Charlie.

He didn't return the words right away. Really, Tobias didn't know if he knew what love was. But he supposed, after thinking about it for a few moments, that he did. There was no one ever in his life that he'd felt about the way he felt about Abbadon. He'd never felt so safe with someone, or wanted to be with someone more. The brunette repeated the words just as quietly with a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips before he leaned in to rest his head on the man's shoulder once again.
Abbadon relaxed when he heard the words from the other. He had not wanted to say them sooner. He was too worried that he would run away or reject him, neither of which he wanted. But, knowing, and hearing, that he loved him back, everything was infinitely better. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head and his arms tightened around his shoulders protectively. Kissing his head a few more times, he pulled back with a deep breath, relaxing once more. He slowly began to lead the way into their living room, sitting down and pulling him onto his lap, nuzzling into his neck a little bit. Yes. he definitely was happier now. Much, much happier.
Tobias happily followed his love to the sofa and curled into his lap. The brunette sighed happily as he sank into the man, cuddling close to him. He was incredibly happy right now, nearly purring, actually as he rested his head on the man's shoulder. Tobi buried his face back into Abbadon's neck, nuzzling the warm flesh there as he pressed soft little kisses to it, too.
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