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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Abby nuzzled into him gently before sinking into the couch a little bit more. His arms slid around his waist, holding him happily and kissing his temple a few times here and there while the other kissed his neck. He definitely liked the sensation of his lips against his neck, but he contained his emotions just for now. He really was not the type to just jump into bed, not so soon after saying ' i love you ' to him. He did not want to do that. He would wait. Happily wait for the man he loved.
Lavi fit perfectly into their family. Ella warmed up to him quickly, and in the past two and a half years had made a good friend in the man. The triplets loved him-at five and a half, they were more likely to listen to the man with ears and a tail than they were to their own Mama. Well... That was probably because Lavi allowed them to get away with more.

But after three years of not being away from their children for more than a few hours, Calder was wrestling with the fact that they were about to leave for an entire week, leaving Lavi in charge. He wanted to go on vacation-it was a surprise to Rune and the blond was antsy with anticipation over it. But still... they were leaving their babies! He couldn't help the threat of tears that formed a lump in his throat as they got in the car to head for the airport.
Rune silently made his way through the halls, making sure the kids were fine, but wound up with a red head on one leg, and her raven-haired brother on the other. He rolled his eyes while moving through the house, taking larger steps than normal to be sure the giggling duo did not get squished. He looked over at Devon who was currently relaxing on his couch. Man never left. Really ... the kid was basically moved into their house without officially being moved in. He shook his head and rolled his eyes a little. "I'm working on my glutes." He stated while he moved into the kitchen without another word.
Calder watched the twins from the front door, laughing a little. "Those don't need all that much work," the blond promised his husband. Moving forward, he lifted the two off of their Mama's legs and plopped them down with Devon. "We're going to be late." Taking Rune's hand, he lead the other man out to the car, kissing the kids' heads one last time.

The blond hadn't asked to use Tien's jet, this time opting for a much smaller, private plane (though he had called his father in law and asked to use one of the pilots). The flight wasn't very long-he'd made it himself once before, though Calder wasn't sure if Rune had known that or not-it was a quick trip there and back simply to check out where they were going.
"Eh?" Rune questioned, staring at the man and he slowly followed him out of the house. He looked over at Devon who looked just as perplexed as he did. He turned back to Calder with a brow lifted. "Um ... Where are we going?" He asked, and honestly, his mind was going to those lovely perverted things. Why else would they be late? Other than having some lovely flesh-to-flesh time.
Calder just rolled his eyes. "We're running away together because we've decided that we no longer love our children." He was being sarcastic, of course, but it was just like his husband to not remember the little things. "Vacation. A week away. Just the two of us. Ringing a bell?" With another shake to his head, the blond drove them to the airport, figuring Rune would simply drive them to a hotel near by.

When they arrived, Calder breathed in the sea air. It was sand and sand and more sand, surrounded by ocean. The island itself was small, but it had a lot of palm trees that made it seem more like a paradise. This was only their first stop...this trip, anyway. The plane was waiting to take them to their final vacation spot, but this... This was something Rune had to see. He handed over the deed to the small piece of land, which was folded and inside a plain white envelope.
Rune arched a brow. Oh yes. He had forgotten about it! The little children clinging to him easily distracted him from the vacation they had spoken about. He shook his head, relaxing in the seat and looking out the window, remaining silent while they did so. He slid out of the car with his love, arms stretching above his head and he groaned in relaxation at the feel of his spine cracking back into place. He turned to his love, taking the paper and arching a brow. He took the deed out, reading it over and then looking back to the man beside him, a bit of shock to his features. "We ... bought this?"
He once more rolled his eyes. "No, I just thought it'd be nice to make you think we did." Shaking his head, Calder moved to stand in front of Rune, wrapping his arms around his husband's waist. "It's an hour's flight to and from. And now that the kids are a little older and will start school..." He shrugged. "I thought it'd be nice to have a place just...for us." He hadn't had anything built on the small island (you could stand on one end of the beach and see clear to the other side), because he hadn't known what Rune might want. A normal sized house? A small little cottage? A tent? It didn't matter-his husband could oversee whatever was built here.
He bought them a small island? Oh, he loved it! he grinned, arms wrapping around the man's form and pulling him against his form. He pressed his lips to his, kissing him passionately and he slowly pulled back. He looked down at him again, smiling a little bit more. "I love it. We can build a nice little getaway. Nothing huge to make the island sink or anything ... Maybe just four bedrooms, or something. in case we want to bring the kids." He chuckled, kissing his lips once more and then pulling back again.
He grinned, glad that Rune liked it. Leaning up, Calder kissed his husband for a few minutes, nuzzling into his chest after their lips parted. "Lets go," he whispered. He hated to leave, but there was no electricity here (how they'd get it, he'd never know) and no food or a place to sleep... And with real time alone for the first time in several years... Well the sand would be a rather large issue. A thought occurred to Calder as they were strolling back to the plane. "Maybe Murasaki can rig some magic electricity...stuff up..." Really, the blond didn't see the need to allow anyone but those who would build and furnish the house onto the island. That would just ruin the secluded feel to it.
Magical electricity? Hm. That was a lovely concept. He smiled, turning to look down at his love and he nodded happily. He leaned toward him, pressing another kiss to his lips. "We will definitely have to ask." He stated, kissing his cheek before he moved onto the plane. Ah. This really was quite lovely. He was excited to have their house on there! it would be great to have their own little runaway. Of course, they would take the children there ... eventually. Once they behaved and would not eat the sand, or throw it in each other's eyes, or make some scary sand monster using that telekineses that Severus so loved to play with. Yep. Definitely once they were more tame.
They flew off to Ireland, Calder's true choice for a little getaway. He had rented a little house just outside of Dublin, figuring their actions would require more privacy than even a hotel could provide for them. And Dublin meant shopping. They couldn't have sex for the entire week! Not that they wouldn't try, he was sure. Starting immediately. The door was barely closed behind them before the blond had launched himself into Rune's arms, legs wrapping around the man's waist while his lips attached to his husband's.
Rune chuckled as he connected with the floor, bucking up and into his husband far too happily. He kissed him passionately for quite a while before turning their positions, smirking all the more "Told you a nanny was a good idea." he mumbled and then pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside and then happily going about ravaging his love for quite some time.

The week was glorious. They shopped. They had sex. They ate. They had sex. They saw a movie, and well, had sex during it! Really, they [or at least Rune] had no idea what the movie title even was. it was just far too easy to get lost within his love when there was no lights on. Oh yes. Definitely a lovely, and well-needed vacation. but, he was glad to be heading back home. Driving up to their lovely house and he pressed one last firm kiss to the man's lips. "Good to be home." he whispered, sliding out of the car and then hopping behind to get all their many bags and souvenirs for the children.
The week definitely relaxed Calder. While he'd missed their kids... Well he'd missed having the usual loud, rough and uninhibited sex with his husband, too. He was sated by the time they pulled into the driveway, ready to curl up for a nice, long nap with his lover. Once they got inside, however, those dreams were dashed. Ella was attached to Rune's waist, and the twins were on his legs. The triplets were on his own legs, all six of them talking at once (the babies were giving it one hell of a shot!). Yep. Good to be home.
The years went by, and before Rune knew it, Ella was fifteen! She definitely grew up to be a gorgeous young lady. While he may be bias, and even more so not really prefer females, he could definitely see how beautiful she turned out to be. She filled out nicely and her brown locks grew out to the middle of her back, falling into perfect waves of curls, and her green eyes only became all the more prominent and gorgeous. She truly was something to look at. Until she spoke. She had quite the tongue about her and Rune was not sure if she was going to make it to sixteen or not. He may have had to kill her.

Somewhere along the line, though, Ella and Dawn had gotten quite close. He did not know when, nor cared to find out, but they were definitely lovers. Which, good for them! But ... the chaos happened when Dawn moved away to go to high school. She had already planned everything before she and Ella were intimate, and she did not wish to go back on her plans. So, the sixteen year old little Dawn went off to her school, thankfully she was not like her mother at all, so she was actually a good student. Good little girl really. Leaving Ella left her quite sad. She wanted to go with her, but she could not for numerous reasons.

Currently, Ella was curled up and locked away in her bedroom. Form curled up in her bed, face buried into a pillow while she sobbed away.
Fifteen? Their baby girl was fifteen! And miserable, by the looks of it. The blond felt horrible for her, but there were so many things that she didn't understand. He knew that she wanted to go away, but she was only fifteen. Dawn had been lucky to get into the program a year early. The school wasn't likely to make an exception for a two year skip. And instead of watching their daughter's heart get broken yet again, he and Rune simply had not allowed her to apply.

But this was getting to be heart breaking. Calder knocked on the girl's door, a tray of food in his arms for her. "Ella? Ella honey you have to eat something!"
Ella took in a deep and shuddering breath when she heard her Papa at the door, shaking her head - despite him not seeing it. She mumbled a quick "No" before once more burying her face into her pillow, falling to the side and curling up on the mattress even more. She really did feel broken. She wanted to go to Greece with Dawn! She did not understand why her parents would not even let her try to get in! She was smart! She was sure they could make an exception for her as well. Besides! Her parents were rich! Didn't that get her anything? Mama was scary enough that she was positive they would let her in just by pure fear!
Nope. That answer didn't work for him. The blond, having picked up some lovely skills from his husband, easily picked the lock to the door and entered the room, setting the food on the desk before moving to sit on the bed, his back against the wall and his legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankle.

"Talk." She'd said it twenty times before but maybe he could coax something else out of her this time.
Ella curled away from Calder when he first entered, not wanting to talk. Of course, it did not take her but a few more seconds after his words for her to blubber to him. Telling him how she did not think it was fair that they would not even let her try for the same program, and "What is the point in having loaded parents if they can't buy me into an institution!" She really was a spoiled little thing, but most of the time she never really made mention of it. Earlier in her years, she had, but her Mama swatting her when she threw a tantrum for not buying what she wanted easily snapped her out of that time of her life.

once she got everything off her chest, balling about how much she missed Dawn already and that she just wanted to be with her, and everything else, she collapsed onto the blond's lap, sobbing into his jeans and curling into him. "I miss her, Papa.."
"I know you do, sweetheart." He sighed and carded his fingers through her hair, letting her sob her frustrations out into the denim. The blond couldn't imagine having been forced away from Rune, and just the thought of it made his heart wrench. He could understand what his daughter was feeling simply by magnification. "We want you to get through life on your merits, and your intelligence, and your skills. But that program starts at seventeen, and when you turn seventeen you can apply and get in, and your Mama and I will pay every cent of the tuition and books and room and board and whatever else you'll need. And I'm sure Grandpa will let you use his plane every now and then to go visit her for a weekend." The blond sighed, watching the girl's shoulders shake and heave with her sobs.

"Why don't you look into public schools near Dawn?" he asked softly. "And I'll work on Mama if you find one that we don't have to buy your way into."
Ella took in many deep breaths, still trying to calm herself but not really managing to do so yet. She only curled into her Papa even more, nuzzling him and trying to think about the suggestion made to her. Finding a public school near her? That did not sound too bad ... and she would only be there for a year. She took in a few more sniffles, slowly calming down with a few shuddering breaths. She lifted her form up, wrapping her arms around the man's shoulders, gripping him tightly, face buried into his neck and she let out a few little sobs. "Thank you, Papa..."
He hugged her tightly, hands rubbing circles over her back. "Eat something, baby, okay? Everyone's so worried about you." He kissed her temple before slipping away, moving the tray to the bed before leaving the room to find Rune. Might as well tell him now than wait. Part of it all was neither wanted to let Ella go, but they couldn't keep her here to be so miserable. He felt like they were abusing their daughter by doing so.

"Rune?" he called out, hoping that Lavi (who had moved in with them several years before) would be with the kids.
Rune, luckily, had managed to toss the ten-year-old twins at Lavi and then ran to the kitchen to rummage for his chocolate stash. Oh yes. He hid his chocolate so much better now that the children were older. Little brats: keep trying to steal his chocolate! he did not care if they were his kids, he would eat them if they did it too much. When he heard his name, he perked up, poking his head out of the kitchen to grab onto the front of Calder's shirt, yanking him inside and against the wall, finishing off the last bite of his chocolate and keeping his love held against his head. Yes. He was hiding from the potential of being seen by the children.
Calder let out a little yelp. He hadn't expected to be ambushed like that! Shaking his head at his husband, the blond blew his cover by taking Rune's hand and leading him out of the kitchen. "Give us a little bit?" Looking up, Lavi nodded with a bright smile, already having the twins coloring quietly and happily. Grateful for that, the blond lead his lover to their bedroom and closed the door.

"We need to talk about Ella, Rune."
Rune groaned, following the other man out of the room with a few grumbles. He looked over at the two now contently coloring at the table, shaking his head a little bit. Sure, the two bunny-eared babies looked adorable now but that was because they were not terrorizing their Mama and trying to eat his chocolate. That did not make him happy at all.

Sighing heavily, he moved into the bedroom with the man, pouting. He knew this was not going to be a 'hey let's have a quickie while the kids are preoccupied' moment. He groaned when he was right, hearing the man's words and he shook his head. "no. She can't go." He stated, not really wishing to hear anything else. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared over at Calder. "we're supposed to have her until she is eighteen. I was willing to let her try next year when she's sixteen to apply and leave us ... I don't want her to go!"
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