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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The blond's brows furrowed together and his lips poked out into pathetic little pout before he shook his head. "No." While, yes, he did normally come over to borrow his notes - he took better ones than he did, and well, it was a reason to visit - and tended to use him for homework help. "I thought we could go see Uncle Rune and Uncle Calder." he admitted, figuring he would not get the compliment he wanted. He was a little bummed, but well ... What should he do? Whine? No, that was not his style. He would only hope that his uncles or other cousins would compliment him.
He laughed a little and pecked Adamair's cheek. "Your new outfit is lovely." Alex smiled and nodded to the invitation before moving into the house to ask permission. Yes, he was seventeen now, but he never liked not letting his parents know where he was going, and being sure that his dad or poppy didn't need him for anything before he left.

Once cleared with Nikkos and Tomias, Alexander met Adamair outside once more. "Ready?"
Adamair pouted with the kiss to his cheek. "Thank you." He said softly. Much more content now, he really was. He relaxed a little bit more, arms crossing over his lower torso gently, waiting for the man to come back so that they could leave. He smiled lightly and nodded to his words. "Very." he admitted and then led the way to the street, his arms behind him still while he walked. Once more, he got odd looks. A few girls walking by giggling and pointing at him, but they were easily ignored. He turned his attention to his cousin once more. "Did you do the math? I was a little stuck on number seven."
"You're asking me if I did my homework?" he asked, laughing. Alexander nodded. "Number seven was just like number three, but from the reverse." He glared at the girls. The brunette was protective of his cousin-they were so close in age that they had become very close friends growing up, and he was never used to people making fun of Adamair behind his back, or even straight to his face. He shook his head and explained the math problem as they walked, content to talk about math.
The visit was great. Rune, obviously used to his brother, complimented Adamair on his outfit right away, which definitely made him better. While, like normal, Sirius was with his little crush, Lavi - seriously, everyone knew but the two of them that Sirius had a crush on him. The boy was just in denial - but it was still cute to see them. They always had fun with their cousins. They would either end up leaving, seeing a movie, causing all sorts of chaos, or just go and play this or that in the house. Either way, they had fun.

Adamair was smiling cheerfully while he made the way back to their home, turning to look at Alexander with a bit of interest. "Do you want to sleep over?"
He'd had fun. Well, he always had fun with his cousins. They weren't all as close as he was to Adamair, but they were still almost like siblings because of how close in age they were to each other. Alexander couldn't really remember what they did-it was always a whirlwind of fun-but that didn't matter. He was in a good mood, and so was Adamair and he'd just gotten the invitation to spend the night. Nodding, the brunette moved towards his own house to let his parents know before sneaking quietly into Adamair's house.

The dizzy, tired feeling hit him very suddenly as they made their way into the other male's bedroom. He had to grab onto Adamair so that he didn't fall to the ground and hope that he wouldn't pull the other down with him.
Adamair had just barely made it to his bedroom door when he felt the hand gripping him. Concern instantly plagued his features and he took a hold of the other. He gripped him, adjusting him so that he could look into the other man's eyes. "Lex?" he questioned, tone soft and sympathetic to the man in front of him. "Are you okay?" he asked, eyes traveling along him before his brows furrowed together. "You skipped it again, didn't you?" Yes, his cousin was so very prone to forgetting to get the blood he needed. While he was obviously not a true vampire, he still needed it!
Groaning, the brunette nodded a bit weakly as they made heir way to the bed. He sat down on the edge, leaning over a bit so that perhaps the room would stop spinning. "Addy I don't feel good..." The brunette was whining rather pathetically, wishing desperately for the room to stop spinning and for the tiredness to go away. He knew, though, that there was only one way to accomplish either thing. He looked up at the other male. "Please?" This quite obviously hadn't been the first time he'd needed the other man's help.
Adamair moved into his bedroom with the man, closing the door behind him and walking to the bed with him. He made sure that he did not pass out along the way. He did not want to risk him collapsing or anything. He sat down on the bed, making sure he was sitting beside him. He turned to look at the pathetic male when he questioned him. He sighed softly, pulling a few of his stray blond locks away from his neck nearest the other. He nodded with a very soft, "Of course" passing his lips. Yep, he was used to this by now. Well ... it never really helped that he ... liked the sensation -- a lot.
Alexander gave a soft peck to Addy's cheek and an even softer 'thank you' before leaning over. One arm moved across the man's body, hand resting on his hip, while the other brushed any stray hair out of the way and encouraged the male's head to tip to the side for him. Alex was very careful with where he bit, and how far in he bit, too. Tonight, though, he must have been more sick than usual because he was a bit less careful with the depth. The brunette locked his lips around the wound and sucked greedily, feeling better the instant the blood touched his tongue.
Adamair nodded, turning his head aside and biting his bottom lip to stop the shivers that wished to run through his body. He remained still, forcing himself to not move at all. Of course, with the harsher actions of the man, he shivered instantly with the pain. The more his blood was pulled from the veins, the more it moved elsewhere. He gasped, his hands resting in his lap and pressing firmly into the stiffening flesh, wishing - willing - it to go away. He silently counted down from one hundred, trying anything to not show his utter pleasure.
Alexander didn't notice anything amiss with the other male as he continued to feed for several more minutes. When he finally did pull away, the brunette couldn't help pressing a kiss to the two wounds that he'd left. He knew that Adamair could heal himself, but he still always felt bad about having to hurt him. He made sure that his lips were clean of blood before pressing a soft little kiss to his cousin's lips.

"Thank you, Addy."
Adamair kept his hands in his lap, trying to get the arousal away, but it only got worse. He took in a shuddering breath when the male pulled away. He glanced over at the man, kissing him back in a brief moment before he took in another deep breath. He could not stand it anymore! He pounced the male, tackling him to the bed, pinning him and connecting his lips with his. Already, his hips ground against his, his arousal all the more obvious as it pressed into the man beneath him. "I'm sorry, Lex. . . I ... I can't resist anymore." he whispered, lips keeping with his while his hands traveled along the other's form. Oh yes, he definitely could not hold back.
A soft squeak escaped his lips when he was tackled to the bed. The sensations were rather overwhelming. Adamair's lips were pressed to his in a very passionate way, and there was something very hard being pressed into his thigh while hands touched him with a very gentle touch. Alexander loved to be near his cousin-he'd always had a bit of a crush on Addy... But this...well he never expected anything to come of it!

The brunette took a rather firm hold on the other male's cheek, taking control of the kiss quite easily.
Adamair rolled his hips against the man's, groaning lightly at the sensation. Oh yes, this was definitely what he needed and wanted. He could not hold back anymore. All the times that he had offered up his neck to the man, all the times he let the pain drive him wild, all the little kisses and affections between each other ... All of it was just building up and he could no longer stand it. He wanted him. He wanted him badly.

He kissed the vampire heatedly, tongue slipping past their lips and exploring the other's mouth, tasting his own blood laced over his mouth and not caring. Actually, quite the opposite. He found it even more arousing to taste his blood on the other. His hands slid up his shirt, pushing it up and off his torso, lips instantly moving to kiss down and along his chest, giving soft nips here and there, but mostly just kissing the pale skin of the man.
He laid back for a bit, torso lifting towards the wonderfully gifted mouth of the other male, enjoying the sensations he was creating much too much. Alex allowed Adamair to do as he wished until it was almost too much for him to take. The brunette then reached down and pulled the man back up to him with simple brute strength. His arms wrapped around his waist very securely, holding him in place as his hips pressed up, their hardened flesh meeting each other. His lips and fangs moved back to his previous puncture marks, which were sure to be ultra sensitive, and he bit into Addy's flesh again, unable to contain himself.
Adamair lifted his head up when urged, lips caressing his cousin's for the brief moment until he moved his mouth elsewhere. His eyes went wide, a gasp pulled sharply into his lungs, and all the air was released as a moan. The pain felt wonderful. Truly, deeply wonderful. He moaned gently once more, grinding his hips into his cousin and moaning a little bit more. His fingers began to undo the front of his own shirt, not wanting the vampire to get even more impatient and ruin his outfit. He adored the other, truly, but he would be livid if his new outfit was ruined - great sex or not.

He pulled the shirt from his form, having to force the other's lips away for a brief moment, but then he went to the rest of his clothes, pushing them off his hips and soon, he was bare on top of the man. Lips finding his ear to nibble on the flesh of the lobe, naked hips once more rolling into his, loving the sensation far too much.
In one very swift motion, Adamair was flipped onto his back, Alexander lying atop him, teeth still afixed to his neck. The brunette had to force himself to stop. Addy could replenish blood, but he wasn't thinking clearly enough to and he didn't want to hurt the man. He swiped the broad side of his tongue along the puncture wounds and began to use the sharp fangs to drag across the hyper sensitive flesh, removing his own clothes as he made his way down Adamair's chest, and then torso.
Adamair was far too distracted by the glorious pain that was surging through his body to realize he had been flipped to his back. He gave a brief little gasp of air, but that was it. The blond's ice blue eyes fluttered to the back of his head and he moaned into the air, bucking up and into the man. He panted heavily beneath the man, eyes looking up at the man and he groaned a little bit more. He definitely was a gorgeous being. The man had such gorgeous purple locks, the blond truly had been sad when he dyed it brown, but he understood. Too many people gave him odd looks for the color, or teachers would complain, so it was just easier to dye it. His hands trailed up the front of the vampire's chest, trailing through those same locks, fingers getting lost within the color.

Pulling the man closer, her lifted his head up to connect their lips in a passionate embrace once more. His hand slid away from the brown locks, down the front of his chest and loosely wrapped around the man's flesh, rocking back and forth to help stimulate and please the gorgeous being.
He whimpered softly with the contact to his aroused flesh, Alex breaking the kiss for only a second to regain his composure. When his lips came back into contact with Adamair's, he moaned again while his hands traveled down to the man's hips, and then thighs. The slipped beneath the other male's leg and eased it up to bend at the knee. He fit very easily within the space he'd created for himself and pressed his hips forward to put pressure on his cousin's own aroused flesh.

"Can I?" was whispered in between heated kisses. He supposed it was rather silly to ask considering where they were at that moment, but Alex couldn't hold the question back.
Adamair gasped softly when he felt him pressing against him, groaning out in pleasure. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he moaned gently into the other's lips. He kissed him passionately once more, hearing his question and truly, he was debating. He typically switched from bottom to top, but he quite enjoyed being on top. His eyes fluttered open, looking up at the male with interest before he knew that neither would be able to hold out much longer. "For today." He whispered his answer, pressing into him more to show that he had given him a 'yes' but it just was not an indefinite 'yes you can always do that'.
Who knew the boy in the dress would like pain, yet like to top? Well that was for another time because thinking would not get him very far in this moment. The brunette nodded, leaning down and sinking his teeth into the male's neck once more. It was a shallow bite, only enough to send a little spark through the man before easily slipping inside of him. Alexander groaned, his forehead falling to Adamair's shoulder as he settled, trying to reel himself in from the edge that he was teetering on.
Adamair groaned with the multiple sensations rushing through his body. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, grinding against the flesh now penetrating him and moaning into the man's ear. He took in many panting breaths before he could not stand it anymore. He flipped them once more, pinning the brunette to the bed this time. His hips easily rocked against his, pulling his form up, almost forcing the man out, only to slam his rear all the way down to the hilt, moaning in the pleasure he felt. His lips attacked the side of his neck, kissing, nipping, playing with the flesh while his actions continued, hands trailing along his chest.
He hissed as control was taken from him, and then cried out with the lovely sensations that Adamair was creating for him. His teeth latched onto the male's shoulder while his fingers found their way into the flesh of his lovely thighs, helping to lift him up and 'guide' him back down. Alex's hips lifted to meet those of his now lover, creating more force between them. It didn't take very long for Alexander to lose control, exploding within Adamair's lovely body.
Adamair continued to ride the other, feeling his hands along his thighs and oh, just everything was enough to send him over. The bites, the touches -- Gods, at this point, the wind would set him off! He moaned deeply, his body continuing to slam into the other. Even after he felt the other release within him, he continued to slam onto him, wishing for his own pleasure, and oh, it hit him quickly. Just the right bit of pain and tension and his climax was hit, releasing onto the other's chest and he fell forward, not even caring how messy he just made the both of them. His face buried into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent and panting heavily while he tried to just make his mind work again.
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