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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Hands came up and around Addy's waist as he collapsed forward. Alex kept a tight hold on the other man, not willing to let him go yet. While his mind was sex addled still, there were many thoughts flittering here and there, especially Adamair's comment about him being allowed to top...this time. Did that mean there would be a next time? While the brunette found himself wishing for such things, he wasn't sure if that was his heart, or his libido talking. They'd just had mind blowing sex, after all! Maybe he would feel different after his post-orgasmic high was over? He made a note to himself to talk to his cousin about it... In the morning.

Alexander gave a yawn and turned them onto their sides, pulling the blankets up and over them before falling into a light sleep, nuzzling into Adamair's neck a bit as he did so.
Adamair groaned, resting his head against the male while they moved to the side. He remained there, taking in many deep breaths while he did so. his eyes kept closed, far too exhausted to move right now. But, ugh ... he wanted to shower. He glanced down at himself and murmured a simple 'i'll just take a bath" before he curled up beside the other. His arms wrapped around his form and the blond cuddled up to him happily. His head moved beneath his chin, nuzzling his neck softly before he relaxed, falling asleep within moments.
When morning came, Alex yawned and stretched out a bit, though he found it a little hard to do. When he opened his eyes and saw Adamair wrapped around him, he smiled...and then realized they were both sticky and naked... shit. The brunette ran over the events in his head. It was just in the heat of the moment. No one had to know what happened-they just wouldn't go around Uncle Rune until they'd put it behind them is all! Yes. Yes that would work. At least, he hoped that it would work...
Adamair groaned when he felt movement beside him. His brows knotted together and he grumbled and cursed. Why was he being disturbed? He was having a very nice dream and oh, sleep was so very lovely. Yet, there was movement. Much like his father, he hated to be woken up, so, he was not the happiest at the moment. His eyes fluttered open, ice blue eyes trailing over the face of the man beside him. He groaned once more, eyes closing and he buried his face back into the pillow beside him. "Morning." he mumbled, figuring he could at least give the other man a greeting.
He hadn't meant to wake Adamair. He was an early riser by nature, though. The brunette gave a soft 'good morning' before slipping from the bed to shower and get dressed. Addy wouldn't be up for another few hours and maybe in that time he could get his thoughts straight about what had happened the night before, and what might happen in the future. A shower sounded good, too. Their bodies were, quite literally, glued together. Ew.
He nodded a little, though pretty much wound up nuzzling into the pillow even more. He yawned, rolling onto his other side before he let out a soft cry of pain. The sheet had been stuck to his torso, and it wrapped around his ankle and when he moved ... it ripped off. Yup. that hurt. He whimpered, rolling away once more before he collided with the ground, growling as he did so, face flat against the ground. Well, this morning sucked.

Slowly, he pushed his form up from the ground, rubbing at his bare and raw torso, staring at the lovely red created by the blanket being torn off his form. He sighed, a hand lifting to rub at his blond locks, yawning absently and slowly making his way to his shower. He needed to just ... melt into a bath.
Alex stepped into the shower and sighed. He'd contemplated dressing and showering at home, but he was too sticky to do so. The hot water melted away the dried fluids on his chest and stomach, and released the tension that had been in his shoulders and back from the restless night of sleep he'd had. While he and Adamair routinely shared a bed, they were always clothed while doing so.
Adamair yawned softly when he stepped into the bathroom, staring at the silhouette of the man in the shower. His right eye closed, staring at the door and he sighed heavily. He was taking forever and he wanted to take a bath. He rested his rump against the sink counter, arms crossed loosely over his bare torso. He probably should have more concern about being naked, but how could he? He never really had. He always just did what he wanted and strutted around naked if he felt the need to.

He stared at the door for a while more before he pushed off from the counter and made his way to the shower. Thankfully, it was a big shower, so there was no issue in violating one another's space. He slid into the shower behind the man, reaching past him to grab his shampoo and start washing his hair. He would take a bath and wash elsewhere later. For now, his hair would work.
He'd been so lost in his little world that he hadn't noticed anything was different until he felt someone press against him and reach past him. Alex yelped, jumping a bit, ready to lash out until he realized it was Adamair. That didn't make him calm, per se, as he still wasn't comfortable with what they'd done the previous night, but it was better than Uncle Tanner or Uncle Relic! "Sorry I woke you..." Alex spoke quickly before jumping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist and rushing back to his cousin's room to get dressed.
The blond shrugged his shoulders a little. "It's fine.' He mumbled, not really wanting the man to feel bad about anything. He yawned softly, moving under the shower when the male left it. He then started up a nice warm bath for himself. He sunk into the water. Well. No. He submerged himself. He slid under the surface and remained there for as long as his breath could hold it. He needed to get cleaned, and he did not know how else to do so.

Resurfacing, he began to scrub at his body, his skin getting redder by the scrub, but he just needed to get the sweat and ... fluids off his body. Once he felt he was finally cleaned, he stood out of the bath, washing off with a quick shower, and then out completely it was. A simple towel around his waist while he made his way back to the bedroom. A soft little yawn passed his lips and he rubbed at the side of his neck where there was still the large bite marks from his cousin the night before.
He'd dressed and left quickly. The teen didn't do well in awkward situations, and this was more than awkward! Moving into his own bedroom, the brunette collapsed onto his bed, though he was too antsy to actually fall asleep. He wanted to, though. He was tired and anxious and unsure and nervous... There were too many emotions and he wished that he was like Jade, who could store them all in an amulet and study them one by one instead of being bombarded.
Adamair blinked a few times when he made it to his bedroom once more and found that Alexander was not there. He pouted, looking at the door before back to the bed, sighing heavily. He needed new sheets - desperately. There was blood and all sorts of bodily fluid on them, definitely not something he wanted his parents to see. He took them off, tossing the whole big bundle into his hamper before going about toe set the bed up once more with new everything. He then got changed. Nothing special. Just a simple purple skirt with a flowing princess-sleeve white and purple top on his torso.

He made his way out of the room, through the halls and stopping to get some breakfast quickly. He kissed his mother's cheek, the man having made him an egg sandwich on english muffins. He ate that while making way to the other side of the house to go see just why the man had abandoned him.
Nikkos answered the door when Adamair knocked, smiling at the teen. "I think he's gone up to bed," he answered softly, stepping aside to let the boy inside. "You two must have been up late, hmm?" Shaking his head, the brunette turned to return to the kitchen, still in the middle of his breakfast. "Would you like some breakfast, Adamair?" Nikkos asked. "We have... Hmm. Well we have oatmeal, oatmeal and--OH! Oatmeal!"
Adamair nodded. "Yes. Very late." He agreed, biting the rest of his sandwich and he moved into the house a little bit more. He shook his head to the man's question. "no thank you, Mum made me something." He stated, stretching his arms above his head and he groaned, looking around before he let his arms fall to his sides. "I'm going to go wake him up. I'll see you later, uncle Nikkos." he stated, making his way up the stairs and through the many halls to the other's room. He knocked on the door gently, arms folding over his lower torso as he stared at the door, hoping he would think it was one of his fathers and actually open up.
Alex heard the footsteps, and then heard that it was Adamair. He sighed softly and pulled a pillow over his head, though he knew it wouldn't do any good. "Sleeping," he answered, knowing the irony and lie of the statement before he even made it. The brunette was hoping that his cousin would let him work out the night before on his own, though he doubted that very much. Adamair was a determined person, not really hesitating to take what he wanted.
Adamair rolled his eyes. Yes, because he would definitely believe that. He opened the door, gently closing it behind him while he walked toward the man in the bed. He slid onto the bed beside him, lying on his stomach, arms crossed and his chin rested on top of his arms. He remained silent, figuring he would let the man speak. There was no point to just start talking when he did not know what the man wanted. Besides, he was content to just stay put until the other man probably freaked out or told him what was up.
He sighed when the door opened. Alex had expected it, but was hoping that it wouldn't happen nonetheless. He stayed there for a few minutes, letting Adamair lie next to him and watch him rather expectantly. The brunette sighed and tossed the pillow to the side. "We made a mistake, Addy..." Alex kept his voice low, overly worried that his parents would hear what they were talking about.
Adamair remained where he was, chin resting on his arms and he kept his eyes to the male, waiting for his worries to come out. He heard his words and he would not protest. He knew that there was no point in doing that, so he would just let him think that. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit with a short and simple, 'okay' to his words. He looked over at him once more. "Mistake or not, you're still my friend, and I do not appreciate you just poofing." He stated, ice blue eyes remained with the male, his long legs stretched out on the bed and he waited for the man to react or whatever. If he thought it was a mistake, then he really was not going to protest. Maybe it was, but that did not mean he had to disappear.
"I know," he answered softly, eyes adverting to the mattress beneath them. "It just...felt weird. Like something had changed that shouldn't have because we crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed!" He didn't know how else to explain the weirdness that he'd felt when he woke up that morning. Alex looked back up to the other male. "What if we screwed up our friendship?" Worry radiated out of him. Adamair was his best friend-he couldn't lose him!
Adamair had been prepared to just let it drop. Let the man think it was 'a mistake' but the fact that he kept speaking about it was causing him to grow a bit annoyed and tap into his true feelings. His right eye twitched a bit and he turned his eyes to the male in front of him. "I don't think it was a mistake at all." he stated, a hint of malice to his tone. His eyes narrowed at the male beside him. "I'm here, aren't I? Our friendship is not screwed up. It was not a mistake. I knew perfectly well what I was doing. While I don't know what it means for us now, I know for sure, that what happened was quite glorious and I do not see how it was a mistake."
"I... I'm sorry, Addy..." He didn't know what to do, or what to say, or how to react. Alex was confused and tired and... Well just confused and tired, really. And talking about it was only making him feel worse. He'd hurt Adamair's feelings now! What else could he do wrong? With a soft little sigh, the brunette reached back for the pillow and brought it beneath his head. "I think... I think I just wanna nap, Addy. I'll come talk later, okay?"
Adamair kept his eyes to the man before sighing heavily. He nodded. "Fine." he whispered, sliding out of the bed and leaning over to kiss his cheek. "You're still my best friend." He whispered and then straightened up, beginning to make his way out of the room, gently closing it behind him. He then made his way through the houses, heading back to his wing of the house. He would go back to sleep until the other was ready to talk or whatever. Though, he was sure he would not wake him up, but he still wanted to nap.
It was nearly one full day that Alex stayed in his room. He did a lot of thinking, trying to figure out what he felt, and how he should react to what had happened. He knew that he had strong feelings for Adamair. And he knew that they weren't the usual feelings that he felt towards Sebastian or Lucius or any of his other cousins. But Addy had always been special. Were these feelings new? Were they different than what he'd felt before?

In the end, Alexander figured it wasn't about feelings, really. He missed being with Adamair, and that was the true and final bottom line. Early on Sunday afternoon the brunette made his way over to the other side of the house, letting himself in quietly, and making his way up to the other teen's room. He knocked gently and waited, quite impatiently for that matter.
Adamair was growing annoyed the more time Alexander spent thinking. He did not like to wait. He really was not happy with that. He made sure his family did not see how frustrated he was. He just remained silent and waited for the man. He already planned to give him a few days before he would attack him and demand an answer of some sort.

With the knock, that man was lucky. He slid off his bed, arms stretching above his head while he walked to the door. He opened it up, resting his lean form against the edge, eyes to the male while he waited for him to say something.
He could feel how annoyed Adamair was, and that scared Alex. It was very rare that his powers read as empathy. But he shook those thoughts away quickly and turned his attention back to the man standing in front of him. "I'm sorry, Addy," he started, wringing his hands in front of him. "It's just... I was so confused! But... But in the end it doesn't really matter because I missed you terribly and please forgive me! Please? You're my best friend in the whole world and I love you too much to lose you!"
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