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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Adamair kept his eyes to the male while he spoke. His brow lifted in question and he remained silent while he babbled about how it did not matter in the end. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, shaking his head a little bit more. "No. It does matter. Are we going to just pass it off as a one night happening, friends with great benefits, boyfriends?" He wanted to know. No. He needed to know. He really did. He wanted the man to tell him so that he could know what he should do now. Once he knew, he would relax, but the unknowing had been what killed him.
He...hadn't thought that far ahead, really. Alex had simply wanted to apologize; thought that Adamair wanted to forget about it and just move on. "I don't know," he whispered softly, wringing his hands a bit more. "I... I didn't really think about that." Biting his bottom lip, Alexander ran through his worries. "It's just... I don't want to screw up our friendship, Addy! What would happen if we said 'boyfriends' and we broke up or 'friends with benefits' and then one of us did get a boyfriend? What would happen to us?"
Adamair remained silent, eyes to the other while he spoke and he shook his head a little bit. "From what you are saying, it seems to me boyfriend would be the best route. What would you do now if I got a boyfriend, hm? I know that with you, I would be jealous and not like him, and since any person we date has to be approved by the other ... We would never be happy." He reached forward, fingers wrapping around the front of the other's shirt and he yanked him against his form, looking down the few inches at him. "And i approve of you being with me." he added, leaning down to press a very soft kiss to his lips.
But what if they broke up! He couldn't stand the thought of Adamair hating him! The brunette fretted a little bit as, slowly, reason came to him. They were best friends. Not just 'best friends', but best friends. They loved each other, and communicated easily with each other, and shared common interests, and wanted the best for each other... How could a relationship fail when all of the very basic, main components of any relationship were already in place?

Alex nodded softly, easily lifting his arms up to wrap around Adamair's neck while his head rested against the man's chest as they hugged. His eyes closed, content for the moment as his adrenaline and worries began to subside.
The blond pulled his friend closer, closing the door with his toes and then pressing him gently into the wall. He kissed him for a while before he pulled back, hands resting upon the other's hips. "Great. Now you get to take me out to dinner." he stated, pressing a firm and brief kiss to his lips before he turned to go find an outfit to wear. Yep. He was easily accepting of their new relationship. He walked over to his closet, disappearing into the large room, wandering around from one outfit to the next, trying to think about what he should wear.
Draco moved from the bathroom to the bedroom that he shared with his brothers. They'd been given the option of separate rooms when they hit about thirteen, but all three had decided that they wanted to stay in one room. A little cramped, yes, but it didn't bother them too much. They enjoyed being near one and other, and they all knew when personal space was needed. It was hard to miss, really, when you could read your brothers minds. Added on to the freaky multiple thing. Yep. They were just freaks of nature!

The blond (though today he'd chosen neon green) teen dressed, taking care to choose which outfit he wanted to wear today. He'd taken after his Mama for his taste in nice, expensive clothing. Not tailored suits, but always dress slacks and shoes, and button down shirts, too.
The front door could be heard closing, followed quickly after by the sounds of sobs. The red-haired, bunny-eared little girl ran through the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. Lily was really unable to control herself at the moment. The door was slammed behind her and she leaped into her bed, burying her face into the pillow, just wishing to melt away right now.

Lucius poked his head out of the bathroom when he heard the many cries and everything else. A currently-bright-purple arched in question and concern. He stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his hips and he slowly made his way out, staring at the door that had just been slammed before moving back to his and his brothers' room. He slowly poked his head into the room, looking at his green-haired brother with interest. "Do you ... know what happened?" he asked, really concerned for their little sister.
The slamming of the door made Draco jump. He shook his head to Lucius' question, though. "No... I don't even know where she was..." He took inventory on the two of them, and he was the one who was more appropriate to go and check on her. He moved out of the room, giving his twin's hand a squeeze before moving to Lily's bedroom door. He gave a knock before entering the room.

"Lily? What's wrong?"
Lily took in a deep breath, her form slowly lifting up from her bed and she raised her hand to rub at her eyes with the back of her hand. She took in a shaken breath, looking over at her brother and she shook her head a little, trying to ignore everything, but it did not work. Her tear-stained eyes stared over at the green-haired male. "H... He broke up with me!" She said pathetically, pulling her knees to her chest and she buried her face into her lap once more, arms wrapped tightly around her legs and she sobbed pathetically.
Sighing softly, Draco moved to sit on the bed, and he gathered his little sister into a tight, protective hug. "He was so bad for you, Lily... But I'm sorry he hurt you." Not as sorry as the asshole would be once their Mama found out what happened, but that really wasn't the point, now was it?

He'd just barely begun to comfort her when Severus rushed in, breathless. He'd watched Lily run all the way home, and tried desperately to catch her, to no avail. Of course, punching the guy in the nose had delayed him a few minutes... It took only a thought for Draco to release the little redhead, and he moved in to take his place. Draco and Lucius were very close, and Sirius was always chasing after Lavi. That had left him and Lily to become close with each other, and their brothers knew that. It was why his twin had yielded so easily to him.
Lily took in a deep breath, nodding a little pathetically. She could really go for some chocolate ice cream. She perked up when Severus came into the room, her green eyes keeping to him before she instantly latched onto the raven-haired man. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she buried her face into his chest, sobbing softly into his shirt. "Sevvy.... He ... He dumped me." She whispered, her bit of mascara she had had on wiping off on the other's shirt, but she would deal with that later. Right now, she just wanted the ache to stop. "W.. Why? Why did ... did he have to care about that? I... he was so nice last month and..." She whimpered, curling tighter into her brother's embrace.
"He's a guy, Lily. He's just stupid." He hugged her tightly, not caring about the mascara or the wet spot on his shirt. Severus wanted her to feel better. "I'm sure Mama will make it so he can't think about that for a long while, though," he promised, kissing the top of her head as they rocked back and forth gently. After sitting there for a few minutes, Severus pulled away just a bit. "Lets get you cleaned up and then we'll go out for hot chocolate or something, okay?"
Lily let out a little laugh. He really could comfort her nicely. She took in a deep breath, rubbing at her cheeks a little bit and she chewed her bottom lip a little bit, looking up at the male in front of her and she nodded. She let out a heavy sigh and then stood up from her bed. "Y- Yes... I ... That sounds nice." She whispered softly, looking at her brother's shirt and her eyes instantly were to the other's shirt, feeling bad about it. "I'm sorry... I... I ruined your shirt." She whispered, rubbing her eyes a little bit and she stared at her feet, chewing her bottom lip a bit as she did so. "You ... You can go change your shirt and ... I will clean up."
"Yeah well. Karma for ruining his nose." Severus shrugged, fully serious, and moved into his bedroom to change quickly. He was much more laid back than Draco, choosing jeans and tshirts over anything, any day. He tossed the shirt he'd had on in the laundry and pulled another one over his head. "Tell Mama, okay?" he asked Draco, who nodded. Severus didn't want Lily to have to retell the story over and over again. It would just make her hurt worse.

Once changed, Severus went back to Lily's room to wait for her.
Lily changed out of the nice skirt and shirt she had been wearing and into a simple pair of jeans and then a plain tee shirt on her torso, zipper up hoodie over that. She stood up and made her way to the door, opening it up and looking over at the man in front of her now. She took in a deep breath, relaxing a little bit and she kept her eyes up to the male, chewing her bottom lip a little more. "I am ready." She said simply, beginning to make her way out of the room, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. "Thank you" she whispered, she caught the comment about broken nose and easily figured out that her brother truly had her back.
They went to the nearby cafe, Severus ordering them both a hot chocolate when the waitress came around.

Draco waited for their parents to get home, and was quick to ambush them once they had. The blond told them what had happened, and where their siblings were, and that Severus had asked him to tell them what had happened. Calder sighed a little, having known that it was likely to happen. He didn't know what to do, though, as Severus seemed to be taking very good care of his little sister.
Rune stared at Draco when he explained the situation, a dark brow lifting in question as he did so. Oh. That was not going to happen. He would not let that man live another day. No. He had to. Otherwise Lily would be very upset. She may be heart broken, but she still had a heart. He thought for a while, easily finding his plan and he patted the green locks of the other. "I will be back." He stated, kissing his love and then turning, out the door within moment. Oh yes, he was pissed, he just learned to hide it well through the years.
Hide nothing! Calder knew where his lover was going and only sighed. At least Draco wouldn't know. He ushered his son into the kitchen and put a plate of brownies on the table. "He left, they're fair game. I don't suggest eating them all, though." Shaking his head, the blond went to start fixing dinner. It was easier now that everyone in the house at solid foods.
The scum who dared break his little girl's heart was easily found. The raven haired man smirked horribly as he walked up to the boy that was ever so nonchalantly chatting away with some blond little bimbo. His eye twitched slightly, making his way to the man and he glared at the girl, baring his teeth at the woman. "Fuck off." he hissed, wrapping his arm around the boy's neck and yanking him to his form. "he's mine." He growled, the girl going wide-eyed and scoffing an annoyed" Fucking homo" before leaving completely.

Rune smirked, hearing the teen freak out with quite the vulgar mouth toward the man that gripped him, his arm tightening all the more. "Do you know who I am, little boy?" He growled, turning to look down at the boy, resisting the urge to bash his head into the wall beside him.

"No." he snorted, attempting to shove him away, but getting nowhere.

he chuckled darkly. "You should." He hissed, leaning toward his ear and hissing an annoyed, "Lily's Mama" and then he began to drag the boy to the alley nearby, winding around while the male attempted to call for help. Of course, it did not work at all. The pissed-off male easily found his way to a far-off alley, throwing the kid against the building, watching him fall to the ground. He twirled the pocketknife within his fingers and stepped toward the boy who was making his way backward, trying to escape the angry man. "You really should not break a little girl's heart, especially not my little girl's." He hissed and then moved toward the boy, easily stopping him from going anywhere with a foot smashing into his ankle, breaking the bone without effort.

He leaned down to the boy, his lips beside his ear. "Don't you ever come near her. You do, and I will truly hurt you." He growled and the knife in his hand was then stabbed between the male's thighs, getting a shrill cry and he chuckled darkly, straightening away from him. "Happy singing soprano" He said before throwing the boy's cell phone at him, already having dialed 911.

Rune was gone for a good hour before he came back to the house. Gliding into their bathroom, he needed to clean up just a little bit. He quickly showered, a towel around his wet form as he made his way through the halls and back down to his the kitchen, smiling upon spotting his lover. He walked up behind him, arms wrapping around his waist and he pulled the man into his form, kissing along his neck a few times, smiling gently. "Hey." he whispered, gripping him contently.
He heard Rune come in and quickly shooed Draco off into his room. There was no telling what shape his husband was in and he didn't want to expose their children to that, no matter what they could or couldn't handle. He was glad that Rune cleaned up before coming out to him and greeting him. "You're far too happy," Calder commented, leaning his head up and kissing the man's lips softly. "And I gave away your chocolate as punishment." The blond smirked up at his lover, being sure to show he wasn't kidding.
Rune arched a brow, looking down at him and he growled, sinking his teeth into the side of his neck. "Why? I was doing my civic duty." he grumbled and bit him once more. Great. Now his brownies were given away. He pouted. He wanted to be able to eat his brownies as a bit of a reward to himself. He groaned and bucked his hips into the other's rear end and he released him. "I'm going to go put clothes on." he stated, bting him once more and then turned and made his way up the stairs and back into his bedroom.
"Because you left and didn't take some with you. That's your own fault." Calder didn't tell him that before he left that morning, but after Rune had, he'd left a rather large plate of chocolate chip cookies on their bed for him. The blond followed his husband upstairs to watch for his reaction.

It wasn't long before they'd finished their hot chocolate. "Are you feeling better?" he asked while they waited for the check. Severus hoped that the chocolate and just getting out of the house would have helped his sister feel a thousand times better.
Rune turned to look at the man, arms crossed over his bare torso as he stared at the man. "I was defending our daughter's honor. I'll just buy a chocolate factory." he threatened, not really planning to, but he sure as hell could. "Or make Lavi get me some." he added, biting the other's lip before he moved into their bedroom to get dressed, taking the towel off and throwing it at the man's head.

Lily smiled gently, nodding the her brother. "mhm. A lot. Thank you." She said softly, standing up once the man paid for their food. She tugged her zipper-up hoodie tighter to her form, pulling her long crimson locks over her shoulder. Her bunny ears were still plastered on top of her head, but that was just because she did not feel completely better yet. She looked over at Severus and wrapped her arms around his form, hugging him tightly while they walked, just for a little bit.


The redhead blinked a few times, releasing her brother and then turning to see a group of her friends behind her. she gave them a weak little smile with a wave of her hand. "Hey...' She said softly, her fingers loosely wrapped around the bottom of the ravenette's shirt, not wanting to let go of him.

The brunette who had called her name easily strode up to the girl, smiling as she looked over at the man she had just been clinging to. "We heard that jerk and you broke up but ... it seems you bounce right back!" She laughed softly, eyes still eagerly pinned to the male that was with her. oh yes, he definitely was gorgeous. Where did he get those eyes? Oooh, definitely delectable!
Calder was a bit disappointed that the male hadn't noticed the cookies. And so the blond sat on the bed and took one, breaking it into bits. Those bits were pelted at his husband's head, Calder with a nice, satisfied smile on his lips.

Severus hugged his sister tightly. He'd gotten his Mama's height, standing six feet one inch, while Lily was a petite five feet two inches. He had to bend down to rest his chin on the top of her head. And he only let go when she was ready. They strolled slowly, Severus with his arm around her shoulder as they did. He didn't want to let go of her yet, either. He wanted her to know that she was still supported, even if she was feeling a little better.

But the call of the girls made him cringe a little bit, and he couldn't help but pull away a little from the leering girl. He didn't pull from Lily, but rather tugged her with him. "We should go, Ily," he mentioned gently, reaching out to take her hand. "They'll get worried." Some knew that they were siblings, but they went to different schools and so most didn't. It was a very awkward moment when people who saw them touching the way they were, or acting as close as they were, found out that they were related. Severus wanted to avoid that.
Rune squeaked when he was pelted in the head with whatever his husband used. His hand lifted to rub at the back of his head, pouting as he turned to look at the man who had did it. He stared at him and then spotted what was used against him. his eyes went wide and he gasped, turning and pouncing the man on the bed, tackling him into the mattress and trailing his tongue along his neck where there were crumbs. "I do love you ... and your cookies." he stated, taking a bit of the cookie left in his hand.

Lily turned to Severus, nodding with his question. She then turned to the others, smiling gently "he's not my boyfriend but ... We have to get going. I will talk to you later." She waved to them before moving off down the street, her fingers still tightly wrapped around his shirt. She would have preferred to take his hand, but knew that the girls would only think worse. She did not want them to think she was that easy of a girl to get over being dumped so easily, or well, just thinking that they were together in general. That would be ... bad. They were siblings. Siblings.
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