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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

She nodded, her emerald eyes sparkling once more. "Mhm!" She said cheerfully, reaching forward to wrap her arms around his form, hugging him tightly. "Thank you for being such a great brother." She murmured, gripping him tightly and nuzzling into his chest before she gasped and pulled away, hands clapping together and her ruby red lips pulling into a warm smile. "Let's go out to dinner tonight. Just you and me ... Your birthday's tomorrow so this will be my gift to you. We can go anywhere you want." She really was oblivious to any feelings that the other may have for her.
He so badly wanted to tell her how he felt, but something told him that it wasn't the right time. Severus held in a soft little moan and hugged his sister, agreeing to dinner happily. Yes. Alone time with Lily would be wonderful. "Alright, Ily." He nodded softly, squeezed her once more, and moved to 'get ready'. "Come get me in a couple of hours, okay?"
Lily smiled, beaming instantly as she looked up at the man, nodding even more. "Okay! I'll see if Mama will lend me the corvette." She giggled before gently pushing him out of the room. "Shoo shoo. I have to get ready!" She protested, giggling once more before closing the door behind him. She then went to her closet, searching through to try and find something to wear. She wanted to get extra dressed up for him, no matter where they went to eat. They could get fast food, and she would not care that she would be in a formal attire. No, more so semi-formal. She was not getting a ball gown, just a very nice outfit.
"Yeah but wh--" The door was closed, and Severus could only shake his head. The teen moved to his room, letting Draco know that his closet was about to be raided before going into it. He wanted a nice shirt and slacks, and Severus owned neither of those items. Choosing a pair of black slacks that had some embellishment at the bottom (quite obviously made by Uncle Relic), and a white shirt that was plain, he dressed easily. His watch was added to the outfit and his hair was done (okay, mousse was run through it). When it came to shoes, though, he was stuck. Draco wore a different size than he did currently. Well. No one would be looking at his shoes, anyway. Severus pulled on his black and white Converse sneakers and then moved to check himself in the mirror.
Once her outfit was chosen - after throwing aside numerous attires that she had thought of wearing, none which fit. She then found her Mama, begging him to let her use the corvette and squealing once she was allowed the car. She kissed his cheek, took the keys, and then went back to getting ready.

She showered and got out, twirling her hair so that the long crimson locks fell in thick curls, a barrette pulling the right side of her hair away from her face and she then slipped into her dress, adjusting it a little here and there and she then went to pulling on her shoes. They were a clunky white shoe that had white ribbons that wound up her legs, tying into a pretty bow at the back of her knees. She adjusted a few things, took up the keys and her matching red purse and then headed to Severus' door, knocking and impatiently waiting for him to answer.
His stomach did a little flip with the knock. Taking a deep breath, Severus smoothed over his outfit once again and then opened the door, smiling at his sister. She was gorgeous, and doing all sorts of wicked things to his heart and stomach and...lower regions. But he tried very hard to hide all of that. It would ruin everything if he let all of that show right now. Instead, he bent down (a considerably less amount with her shoes) and kissed her cheek. "You look beautiful."
Lily smiled warmly, her hands linked behind her back as she looked up at the male, eyes to his and only closing when he leaned down to kiss her cheek. She nodded and then looked him over, definitely liking when he dressed up more. "And you look handsome. Almost like Mama! But ... more handsome." She stated with a nod before turning on her heel and beginning to walk away. "Come on. Where do you want to go?" She asked, turning to look at him and waiting patiently for his answer while she walked forward. She really did love their name - they never really had to wait at restaurants, and probably even more so now that Severus looked so much like their Mama.
It didn't really matter where they went and Severus said as much. He teased, though, and swiped the keys from Lily's hand, racing to the car because he knew that she probably couldn't run in her shoes. His legs were also longer. The teen wasn't going to drive-she was so looking forward to it-but he liked to tease her and make her think that he would do such a thing.
Lily squeaked and ran after the man, her ears pinned to the top of her red locks while she tried to catch up with him, of course failing miserably. She groaned and gave him a little punch to the stomach when she got to him. "Jerk." she mumbled, snatching the keys from his hands and then shoving him away so that she could get into the driver's seat. She waited for him and then drove off to one of the nicer restaurants, of course using their name as an easy way to get in and get a nice table.

The night was wonderful. They talked and talked and talked, and joked of course. It was great. The girl smiled while she began to lead him out of the restaurant, walking through the streets and just wanting to walk for a little bit. She smiled, head resting against his arm and she giggled gently. Releasing his arm, she moved to bounce in front of him, taking his wrists and beginning to swing his arms from side to side. "Guess what" she began, though quickly could not stand it and continued on. "I have a new boyfriend! I know it's only a little after ... John broke up with me ... but oooh! It's this boy that I have had a crush on kind of on and off and it turns out, he has had a crush on me for long too! Oooh, Sevvy, you would love him! He is lovely and cute and adorable and he's soo smart!"
He laughed at the weak little punch and got into the passenger seat to be chaffered around.

The night was lovely. He always enjoyed spending time with his sister, and even more so when they were at a place that no one realized they were related. She may have used their name to get into the restaurant, but it wasn't realized that it was their name. It was nice to be looked at like a couple, though Severus kept that opinion to himself.

The news as they were walking, however, knocked the breath out of the teen. He heard the words and tuned everything else out. He heard the sound of his blood rushing through his ears as he felt his heart rip in half and then crumble into ash. A lump rose in Severus' throat, and he tried desperately to push it away so that he could react and answer her normally. "That's... That's good, Ily..."
She giggled happily, nodding and not really noticing the change in his demeanor. She continued to walk backward, swaying his hands from side to side while they did so. "Mhm! We will have to go out sometime! Maybe on a double date. I'm sure you can find a nice boy for yourself." She said, smiling a little bit more. Yes, she was pretty positive that her brother liked boys. Why would he not? Lucius and Draco do. Their parents -obviously- do. Sirius does. Their cousins so .. Why not him?
"Mmhmm..." Severus was no longer really paying any attention. He was heart broken and really just wanted to go home. But he knew that saying so would have hurt Lily's feelings. And no matter how badly he was hurting, that didn't make it okay to hurt her, too.

Perhaps it wasn't an accident that they ran into Draco. Severus couldn't be sure what he'd been broadcasting through his link with his brothers, but the blond came up and greeted them, giving him a rather sympathetic look when Lily wasn't looking. "How about... ICE CREAM!" he suggested, butting in on the 'date'. "Come on Lils! It's my birthday too!" Draco pouted a little to the girl.
Lily squeaked when Draco was suddenly in front of her. She went wide-eyed before nodding with a little giggle. "Yes! That sounds lovely." She stated, smiling a little bit more while she turned on her heel and began to walk toward the ice cream parlor.

Lucius was quick to find the trio, leaping onto Severus' back and his arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist, grinning as he did so. "Ice cream for the birthday booooys" He said in a cheerful, sing-song way. He kissed the ravenette's cheek, nuzzling him and smiling all the more. He had been with Draco, so the two of them both got the little 'distress signal' from their brother. Poor guy.
Severus was ever so grateful for his brothers. He leaned into Lucius's little affections before letting him down onto his feet to walk with them. The moral support helped him get through the rest of the night without letting onto Lily that he was hurting. Perhaps it was for the best. He did like boys, and it wasn't that he didn't love his brothers or join in on their fun every now and again. Maybe he should do so more often-there was a great security with the blonds. They were triplets and the three of them would always be together. He thought about it more and more as they ate their ice cream and walk back towards the car.
Lucius took a hold of Severus' arm, yanking him toward his form and he looked at Lily who was in the corvette, smiling lightly to the girl. "It's triplet-time. So ... Just let Mama and Papa know we'll be home later, kay? We won't go past our curfew." he smiled, waiting for her nod, and once she did and then walked off, he was happier. He waited until she was out of view before his features dropped and he looked to his brother with great sympathy. He kissed his cheek softly, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck and then his arms wrapped around his torso.

"I'm sorry, Severus."
Draco, too, stepped into his side and comforted him, resting his cheek against his own while wrapping an arm around his waist. The support from the both of them easily broke down Severus' defenses. The teen sank into the both of them, if that were possible, and allowed his eyes to close while soaking in the strength that the two had to offer. "Thanks for 'rescuing' me..." He'd felt bad that they had to cut short whatever they were doing for him, but he most certainly appreciated it.

They stood like that for a few minutes before he took a deep breath and pulled himself together. "Come on. It's our birthday. We should be having fun."
Lucius nodded, glad he seemed a hair better. He straightened up and wrapped his arm around the ravenette's waist, cheek resting against his shoulder, looking in front of them before looking to his brother. "Hm ... What should we do? Want to go shopping?" he asked, despite the fact they all had obviously different choices in fashion. While Severus was not in his normal attire, it was still very different from him and his twin. Draco had the classy, Mama-taste, Severus had the more casual, and what did he have? funky. Currently, he had plaid pants that were yellow and a blue and few other colors to not make it so hideous, a brown tee shirt and then a blue suit jacket over his shirt, blue converse to match.
Really, he didn't care where they went. And they were pretty good shopping together. One store Severus wanted to go to, then one store for Lucius, then ten for Draco. It seemed to work out pretty well for them. Severus started to walk, taking Draco's hand as he did and wrapping his free arm around Lucius' waist. "Lets...just walk for now?" He was glad to have his brothers around him.

"Wonder what Mama and Papa are gonna give us..." This had been a favorite game of theirs since they were old enough to guess together.
The rest of the night was interesting. Lucius made sure their brother was fine, not crying or blubbering or anything of that sort. Of course, when they were back in their bedroom, he made sure of it with a very good use of his mouth. The next morning, the sun beamed in and the blond grumbled, turning and burying his face into his pillows, yawning softly and nuzzling it a little more Yep. He was tired. But it was his birthday! Their birthday. It would be lovely. Truly lovely.
Severus woke up...not in his own bed. Yawning and stretching out, he knew that one of his brothers was beside him, though it was too bright to open his eyes to figure out which one it was. It didn't matter. The teen curled into the warm body beside him and nuzzled into his neck a little bit. He still hurt. The news from last night would hurt for quite some time. But the love (both emotional and physical) of his brothers helped to ease it a bit.

They laid like that for some time before Severus groaned and rolled over. It was time to get up, he knew it, but it was still difficult to do. He was tired. With another stretch of his limbs, the dark haired teen got up (and saw it had been Draco he'd fallen asleep next to) and pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt before venturing out into the house. He needed breakfast.
Lucius turned to the male that was now awake, smiling warmly as he walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around his torso, nuzzling into his neck and smiling all the more. "Happy birthday." he whispered, kissing his cheek before he released him and hopped away. "Let's go eat!" He stated before his foot lifted and shook his twin a little bit more. "Wake up, lazy bum. We want food."
Smiling, Severus pecked Lucius' lips and wished him a happy birthday before looking to Draco, who simply moaned, turned over and buried his face into his pillow. Sighing, the dark haired teen dropped onto the bed and very lightly began to trail his finger over the blond's flesh. Draco began to moan a bit more, curling further towards his twin. It didn't take long before he woke up, in more ways than one. "Mmm..." Severus laughed and stood up.

"Time for breakfast!"

Growling, Draco flipped him off as he got out of bed, grumbling all the way. "Asshole brothers teasing me on my birthday what the fuck..." Sev just laughed.
Lucius remained quiet while he watched his brother tease his twin, chuckling in his soft little amusement. Ah yes, that was definitely amusing. He grinned and then giggled at the blond's reaction. He quickly pecked the other's lips and then pulled back. "Happy birthday!" He said, squealing as he took Severus' hand and ran out of the room before the other could possibly kill them, or get back at them. He giggled and continued to drag the male through the house. "come on! I'll make us French toast or something." He offered, shrugging at the thoughts.
Severus kissed Draco's cheek and moved out of the room with Lucius. Mmm French toast sounded wonderful. "You do the French toast and I'll fry the bacon," he offered. The three of them always worked better as a team.

Hearing the three up, Calder moved out into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around the two boys' shoulders. "Happy birthday." Severus turned to hug him.

"Thank you, Papa."
The rest of the day went by and soon enough, the three blew out their candles and it was present time. Their fathers had given them a card for the three of them, Lucius opening it by way of rock paper scissors. He tore into it and read the card before he arched a brow in question. "A trip?" he asked, handing the card to any of the other two who wanted to read it.

Rune nodded. "Yes. You three can go wherever you want for two weeks."
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