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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Devon smirked, kissing his neck softly a few times before he stood up as well. He moved behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and he held onto him tightly. Yep. He was happy right now. He kissed him a few times, just so very happy right now. He ground into his rear playfully and then rested his chin on top of his, looking in front of them and just smiling all the more. "You'll make a lovely bride."
Happy and now in a teasing mood, Viktor turned to the other man, hands on his own hips. "Are you marrying me just to get me to sleep with you?" he asked. His teasing was telltale in his voice, but he knew that sex was a bit of a sore spot for Devon. Not that his Master ever complained or forced him or tried to talk him into something that he wasn't ready for, but...ten years was a very long time.
Devon arched a brow at his words, chuckling at his tease. "No. I'm marrying you because I love you and have been with you for the past ten years." he stated, leaning toward him and pressing a kiss to his lips. "And to get into your pants." he stated, bucking into his hips and chuckling all the more, moving toward the house once more. His arm wrapped around his waist once more, keeping him against his form.
He laughed and tucked himself into his fiance's side as they moved into the house.

In the next few days, Viktor told everyone he came in contact with about his engagement. Really, he just couldn't manage to keep his excitement about it inside and several times he caught himself babbling and had to shove his face into his Master's neck or shoulder or chest to shut himself up. That lasted about a week before there just wasn't anyone else to tell... Except their families-especially Devon's father, and his uncle. Hmm... This would be interesting.

"Maybe just...invite them out to dinner?" he suggested as they laid on his bed discussing how to tell them. Really, Viktor didn't have any idea how it would go.
Devon loved watching Viktor tell anyone that he could manage about their engagement. He really loved it so much. He smiled whenever he would, just loving him so much.

The male laid back in bed, looking down at his love and smiling gently. His fingers carded through his hair, pulling him to his form and he pressed a kiss to his forehead before he relaxed, nodding a little. "Dinner together or separately?"
Thinking over the question, Viktor looked up after a few moments. "Can't we just get it over with all at once?" he asked, giving a soft little whine. "Won't it be easier that way?" Really, the easiest way would be to send an announcement out, but his family would be offended and he was pretty sure that Devon's father would be, too. "We'll just...take them out, tell them, deal with them for a couple hours and come home...right?" If only life were that simple...
Devon chuckled softly, shaking his head a little bit. "We can do them all at once ... but do we really want Satan and Hades in the same restaurant at the same time with that news?" He asked, looking down at him and his hand moved along his arm, pulling him tighter to his form and kissing his head a few times.
He whined. Of course Devon had a really good point but couldn't he be selfish about this? It was his announcement, after all... "We can threaten them?" he offered, knowing that it would be very pointless. Viktor snuggled closer to his fiance, resting his head against the man's chest while his legs were swung over Devon's. "Why can't calling them be an option?"
Devon groaned and buried his face in the other man's hair. "We don't have to do anything special for my Father. It's not like he will really care anyway." He admitted, kissing his hair gently and then nuzzling him again. "Besides, he probably already knows. so .. We can tell your uncle over a nice dinner if you wish. My father does not need anything special." He whispered once more, kissing him again.
He kissed his love, nuzzling along his jaw a little bit as he settled back down and relaxed. Yes... Handling his family was going to be a bit easier than juggling them both. "Can..." Viktor stopped to try and word what he wanted. He knew what he wanted, but to put it into words was...difficult. "I want you to give me a collar-and a ring-when we say our vows..." Viktor blushed and buried his face into Devon's neck, hoping he hadn't made an ass of himself.
Devon looked down at him, grinning instantly with his words. "Yes! A nice white one! Or ... Something." He grinned, kissing him quite a few more times on the cheek and lips, arms wrapping around his shoulders and he pulled him tightly to his form. He kissed along his neck and nuzzled him, relaxing with a content little sigh. "I love you. So ... so much." He whispered, kissing him once more.
Lavi had enjoyed his time with the Lin family. He had easily slipped into a spot in the family, and fallen in love with all of the children that he cared for. He had become especially close with Sirius and Ella, though. And when Ella left, much of the kitty eared man's time was spent with Sirius. Lavi wasn't sure that he had any special feelings for the teen, other than a brotherly love, but he did care very deeply for him.
Sirius kissed his twin's cheek as she bounded off for her date and then ... it was time to go find Lavi. His hands linked behind his back while he skipped forward and through the house, looking for the little kitten-eared man. He spotted him in the room, his head peeking out around the corner, his ears just a little drooped as he looked at the lovely white-haired male in the room. "Lavi? are you busy?" He asked, his blue eyes keeping to the man while he waited for his answer.
Currently working on a bit of school work, Lavi looked up when he heard Sirius. "Not really." He smiled and scooted over on the bed, making room for the other male if he wanted to join him. "I have a test on Wednesday that I wanted to get a jump start on studying for. Come quiz me?" he asked, smiling at the male. He enjoyed spending time with Sirius, no matter what they were doing.
Sirius' heart fluttered when he looked at him, but merely ignored it. He always felt that whenever he looked at him, so he figured it was only natural for the man in front of him. He pushed himself off the door and nodded. "okay." he said, a pleased smile to his lips while he walked over to where he was on the bed. He sat down, legs crossing on top of the bed as he leaned toward the other, looking over the subject and he smiled a little more, his ears atop his head twitching ever so gently with his happiness. "Then after, maybe we can go out for dinner." He offered, eyes still to the pages and trying to grasp just what he was studying for.
He nodded. Dinner sounded nice. "Did Lily go out?" he asked, his attention to his book but Lavi still was able to have a full conversation with Sirius. He had simply been gifted with the ability to multi-task on a very high level.

They stuck around studying for about an hour before he got a bit bored. Really, Lavi didn't have very great study skills. And beside, spending time with Sirius was much too tempting. "Where should we go for dinner?" he asked, jumping up from the bed and holding his hand out to help the other male off of it.
Sirius was bored with the man's studying himself. He wanted to have fun, but knew studying was a good thing. He looked at the pages, answering the questions posed to him from the multi-tasking man. When he suggested dinner, he could not help but to squeal. He hopped up from the bed and leaped at the other, resting his hands upon his and beginning to drag him toward the door. "YES! Um, I don't care! The little diner down the street? It's simple and quick and nearby and we don't have to dress up." he grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet while dragging the other out of his bedroom.
Lavi agreed and it wasn't very long before they were sitting in a booth and waiting for their dinner to be brought to them. They chatted, and he asked about Lily's new boyfriend. He knew that Severus had been upset, and could only guess as to why since the change in mood had come just as the new boy did. But he didn't say anything of the sort to Sirius.

Throughout their conversation, teasing 'meows' could be heard from a few tables over. Lavi did his best to ignore them, hoping they would get bored, or just leave. Neither happened and he sighed a little sadly, still trying very hard to ignore the teasing.
Sirius smiled warmly, continuing to happily talk with his friend about his sister, his school, his well ... anything! His normal talking and time with his friend. He grinned throughout the dinner, munching on his fries. He had heard the 'meow's from the other table, but merely ignored them, though he could easily see his friend getting upset by it all. He bit his bottom lip and smiled gently to the other.

"Ignore them." he whispered, taking a bite of his French fry and then smiling a little more to the male in front of him. "They're just jealous." he winked, already having been more than accepting of his bunny ears. He had been teased about them quite a bit when he was younger, and maybe e because of his parents, or because he always had Lavi to go to, but he accepted them and never ever cared about just how 'strange' he was.
He smiled at Sirius. "I know." He really had hit the jackpot when he saw the ad for a nanny that day. They chatted a bit more, the meowing continuing, as well now as the "pssst" type cat calls. They even went as far as calling 'here kitty kitty kitty", laughing hysterically as they did so. Gradually, Lavi's ears began to lower, and his tail, which had started out flicking around happily, laid flat against the bench of the booth next to him.
Sirius was growing annoyed. His lovely dinner with his friend was being ruined because of the likes of some ... judgmental, critical, table full of jerks! He was not happy. At the last 'kitty kitty kitty', he could not stand it. His right eye twitched momentarily as he stood up. one thing he learned from his mama? Stick up for those he cares about. He easily pushed his form up from the table, his hands balled into fists at his side as he strode over to the group that was causing all the problems. "Do you have something to say to him? It's obvious you want his attention, so what is it?"
Lavi tried to reach out and grab hold of Sirius' arm, but missed. He sighed and stayed at their own table. It wasn't worth a fight-they weren't worth their attention, even! But he couldn't help but feel that it was sweet for his friend to stick up for him.

One of the boys at the table looked up at the bunny-eared male and laughed. "Who would want attention from that?" he asked, laughing with his friends, the other three agreeing with him quite readily.
Sirius' eye twitched briefly before he pushed the annoyance that made him just want to slap this man aside. "I do!" He stated, his hands on his hips now, adding to his control of slapping them. "You have no idea what he's like or who he is yet you say such cruel things? You have no right! he's sweet and generous and so what if he had cat ears and a tail?! It does not mean he deserves to be teased by insensitive, egotistical, stuck-up jerks like you guys!"
They laughed a bit more. "Words are cheap... And they're laughable."

Another piped up: "He's probably with him just to win some bet or because his freak of a father told him he had to!"

"Well have you seen his father!? Jesus talk about a freak!" Lavi's fur ruffled and he was now by Sirius' side.

"The Lin family has been very good to me! And Rune would break you all in half if he heard you." The boys at the table laughed some more, saying that Sirius' family was good to him because they felt sorry for him.
Sirius now was livid. His chest was puffed out and he was truly resisting his mama's temper right now to just beat them. He normally was not violent, not unless ones he loved were threatened. And right now, the words were hurting his friend, and he could not stand it. "My father is not a freak. Lavi is not a freak. And I'm not going out with him for pity!" he stated and glanced from the white-haired man beside him then back to the group in front of him. He took a hold of the front of Lavi's shirt, pulling him to his form and firmly connecting their lips in quite the passionate embrace.

He kissed him for a good while before releasing him with a shudder. The sensations coursing through him were many, but he currently wanted to prove the group wrong. "See? It's not pity." He whispered, voice currently lost and hidden within the shivers that kept surging through his body. He took a hold of Lavi's hand, taking out thirty dollars and dropping them on the table, gathering up anything else on their table that they needed and he made his way out of the diner.
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