Sirius smiled warmly, continuing to happily talk with his friend about his sister, his school, his well ... anything! His normal talking and time with his friend. He grinned throughout the dinner, munching on his fries. He had heard the 'meow's from the other table, but merely ignored them, though he could easily see his friend getting upset by it all. He bit his bottom lip and smiled gently to the other.
"Ignore them." he whispered, taking a bite of his French fry and then smiling a little more to the male in front of him. "They're just jealous." he winked, already having been more than accepting of his bunny ears. He had been teased about them quite a bit when he was younger, and maybe e because of his parents, or because he always had Lavi to go to, but he accepted them and never ever cared about just how 'strange' he was.