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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic sniffled a few times when he heard his love's words. He listened to him and pressed many kisses to his lips before he pulled back to look at him once more. "Okay." he agreed in a whisper, kissing his lips softly. "Could you tell the doctor that he's up and ... that we really think he should stay for a bit more? He really does need to be under observation. And being home will not help him at all." He kissed him for one last moment and then walked past him and back toward the room.

Moving to his son's bed, he sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him turn away and not even look at him. "I understand.' He said softly, getting a snort from the boy and that was when he turned and showed him his scar which got the boy's attention. He then sat down and told him his story, while not losing his love to death, definitely lost a love. By the end, his son was crying and he was holding him, kissing his temple many times over. He trailed his fingers through his hair and kissed his head many times over.

"Your father and I think it's a good idea that you stay here for a little while more. Going back home will not be good for you, I know, so they can keep you here in a different room and watch over you far better than your father and I have done."

Sebastian nodded and whimpered as he buried his face into his mother's neck, gripping him tightly. "I loved him, Mommy ... I loved him a lot. He ... He was my everything!" A few "i know"s passed by his lips and he continued to hug him and kiss him, hearing the other agree to staying here and hoping that that would be hte better solution. "Only for a few days. We will visit, I am sure Adamair will be up here every day and ... only for a few days."
"Of course." Tanner watched Relic enter Sebastian's room before moving through the hallways to find his son's doctor. They chatted for a few minutes about Sebastian's state of mind, and Jupiter agreed that staying for observation would be the best thing.

"We'll keep an eye on him, and be assured that we have a full pharmacy of anti-depressants in case he falls back into those thoughts once again." Tanner nodded and thanked the doctor, who promised to come check in on Sebastian in a few moments. The blond returned to the room and sat next to Relic, kissing his husband's neck very softly.
By the time the two left, Relic was in a happier state. Sebastian seemed a bit better than he had been, and the man was so very relieved that he felt better, looked better. He was obviously still broken-hearted, but hopefully that would get better as well. He placed many kisses to his son's forehead and cheek and reassured him that they would be up in the morning and probably with Adamair. He kissed him many more times and then went off, hand gripping his husband tightly.

Sebastian sighed heavily when his parents left, his eyes closed and he sunk into the mattress a little bit more. He was not happy right now. He was not as bad as he had been, but just not giddy or anything. His hand lifted and he looked over the many marks over his wrist, other hand coming up to lightly trail over the marks and slowly let his hands both drop to his torso.
Jupiter slipped in after his parents had left and introduced himself. "You got yourself into quite a state," he stated casually as the doctor checked his vital signs, his chart, and listened to his heart and breathing. "Are you in any pain?" he asked, noting down his findings into the chart and making changes to some of the fluids and medications that were being delivered to the teen via IV. "Hungry? Thirsty?"
Sebastian stared up at the doctor, his ice blue eyes staying to his form and he let the other do what he willed and closed his eyes a moment later. "The pain is tolerable." he stated simply and then looked back up at him. "And I suppose saying 'no' is out of the option?" he asked, figuring that he really would not be able to tell him he did not want to eat or drink. While he was getting the nutrients from the IV, he knew it would be bad. "Can I get a smoothie?"
"I..don't think the cafeteria offers that. But your parents are welcome to bring you whatever they like when they visit you." Jupiter patted the teen's shoulder gently. "We'll get you some dinner and water. And you're right-nutrients from an IV are not the same as nutrients and vitamins from food." Winking at the teen, he left the room cheerfully, asking a nurse to order some dinner for Sebastian and to get a room upstairs ready for him to be transferred.
The rest of the night went by pretty uneventfully. He had a simple dinner, some water, moved to a different room, and he even managed to fall asleep just a little bit. He did not sleep long, merely an hour here and there, but he supposed constantly being interrupted for vitals and everything of that sort did not make for easy sleep. At least the nurses loved him. They liked talking with him and making sure he was fine. Which was nice.

In the morning, Sebastian was once more asleep until there was a pathetic "BATTY!" followed by the blond practically leaping onto him, but his parents quickly yanked him away, causing the teen to fall beside his bed and take a hold of his hand, kissing the male's flesh and nuzzling him here and there. "Batty! I've missed you and I've brought you clothes and a smoothie! It's an ice strawberry banana one ... I wanted to spike it but Mommy would not let me." he stated, looking up at the teen ever so pathetically.
Jupiter happened to walk in just as Sebastian's family was. He smiled at the newest member and greeted his patient as well as his patient's parents. "How is everyone this morning?" The brunette was chipper and happy, just as he always was. He moved over to Sebastian, pulling the sheet down carefully to expose Sebastian's chest to examine his wounds. "Very nice," he commented, touching a few very gingerly. "Any pain?"
Sebastian sighed softly before looking over the clothes brought to him, arching a brow in question. "Addy, I'm not wearing a skirt." he stated, seeing the blond pout but his attention was soon brought to the doctor. He closed his eyes once more with a heavy sigh passing his lips. "No. The pain's the same as it was last night. There but not bad." He admitted, knowing his mother would only make him take something for the pain if he said there was nothing.

Relic sighed softly, kissing his son's forehead before he straightened to look at Jupiter. "Much better." He admitted, smiling lightly as he looked over at the doctor, watching him tend to his son and he looked back to the man. "Would you prefer we leave?"
"Hmm? Oh, no." Jupiter smiled at the man and continued his examination. "I think that Sebastian here should get up and walk around a little bit today...carefully. Your IV is still attached and your body has gone through some very major trauma. I think that sitting in the chair, instead of the bed, would be good for you, too." He nodded and made note of his recommendations before patting the boy's shoulder a bit. "You're doing fine." Turning to look at Relic and Tanner he said, "Please have a nurse come get me before you leave. There are a few things I need to discuss with you." With a soft little smile, the doctor left the family to visit.
Sebastian groaned when the man mentioned getting out of bed. Yea. that was not really what he wanted to do. He bit his tongue though, and considering Adamair already was beginning to help him out of the bed, he had no option. He let his brother help him out, both Adamair and his parents being sure he could get out fine. He gripped the IV stand tightly while he moved around the room, eyes closed while he listened to his brother talk about Alexander and this and that. he did not mind. He was actually happy about his brother acting normal. It was better than anything else.

The rest of the day went by and they made Sebastian get up quite a few times and, despite not wanting to, the skirt was put on his form with a pathetic Adamair begging him to do so. Soon though, the three left with many kisses to the boy and Relic told the blond to pull the car around and wait for them while they went to speak wiht Jupiter.
Smiling at the couple as he approached them, Jupiter lead Tanner and Relic into an empty room to talk. Once they were comfortable, he sat himself on another chair and began to talk. "Sebastian is doing remarkably well for the state he came to us in," he started. "His wounds are healing as well as we could have hoped for." Tanner's heart humped with the news-their baby was going to be okay! But, of course, the doctor just had to keep talking.

"But there will be massive scarring." The blond's heart sank with that and he gripped his husband's hand tightly. "His wounds were very deep-almost too deep. There's just no way to prevent it."
Relic listened to the man and, honestly, he was not surprised. the depth of a wound mattered, but the intent of the wound was the main factor. He would not tell him that, though. No need for him to know why he was healing so well, or why the scars would be as horrible as they were, he was just happy that he was okay. He relaxed and nodded a little bit more. "Thank you." He said simply and laced his fingers with his love's and his attention turned to the doctor once more. "Is there anything else? How is he doing otherwise?"
"He's doing well," Jupiter answered with a little nod. "He will need to speak with a doctor-myself or one of my colleagues-before we can release him. We will need to make sure that he is no longer suicidal before discharging Sebastian." There wasn't too much else to tell the two, unless they had any questions. Jupiter asked them if they did, and when Tanner shook his head, he looked to Relic.
Relic thought for a few moments before he shook his head. "No." he then stood up from the table and let out a soft sigh. "Thank you so much again, doctor. We will be back tomorrow. You're doing such a great job with him so ... Thank you."
Nodding, Jupiter showed them out and then returned to Sebastian's room. The sooner he got the boy talking, the sooner he could go home. Just...well he hoped that he could make his patient understand that concept! The brunette shut the door behind him and pulled a chair up to the side of the bed, sitting with one knee draped over the other. "Alright," he started with his same, tranquil smile. "Care to tell me just what made you mutilate yourself so?"
Sebastian had just been attempting to relax when the doctor came back in. He remained where he was, eyes in front of him and hearing his words, he resisted the urge to just groan. Turning his gaze to the other man, he stared him in the eyes with a pathetic gaze. "Because the man that I love died in a car accident and I should have died with him but did not because I'm a genetic freak. My heart was pierced in the accident, I should have died. I didn't. You obviously can see that I'm not just some pathetic human. So, yes. I tried to kill myself. When slicing my wrists did not work, I went for the heart. it's only gotten me pain, so why should I bother? I don't want to live."
"I'm very aware that your genetics aren't the norm, yes." Jupiter jotted a couple of notes and then looked back to Sebastian. "Why do you think you should have died?" he asked, ignoring the medical and scientific reasons. "What I mean is, perhaps his mission here was done, and yours is not."
Sebastian closed his eyes, his hands resting on his torso where the frilly shirt was. Yep. his brother hated him. He sighed softly. "because he was my soulmate. I know that he was. We clicked. We had plans for the future. When I first met Danny ... My whole being just was at ease because he was there. When we were apart, something was missing. And ... now that the single person meant for me is gone, what am I going to live for? Yes, I have my family, but that only gets me so far. Isn't the whole purpose for being alive to find the one person meant for you and to spend eternity with him? I don't have my one person. He died. I should be with him."
Shaking his head, Jupiter clicked his tongue for a second. "He was meant for you, in that part of your life." It wasn't an opinion. "He did his job and so he was called Home so that he could return with another task to complete; another lesson to learn... Do you not believe that?" The doctor took some more notes and studied the male in the bed, hoping that he understood what was being told to him.
"NO! I don't." he stated, turning to look at the man beside him. "I don't get why he had to leave! His purpose was not served. He was meant to be with me forever. You would think that with all the strange happenings in my life, someone would have been able to prevent it! Satan is going to be my Uncle-in-Law! Hades? yea. ... he's My cousin's uncle. You would think... One would think that knowing even just them that that would not have happened. Why didn't anyone stop it?! He's not supposed to be dead! He is supposed to be with me for the rest of our lives. He was not meant to die. And don't you dare give me some bull shit of 'things happen for a reason' because there is no reason. There is only pain."
"They couldn't stop it," he answered very simply, though his tone was soft and compassionate. "Even if they had wanted to, there was nothing that could have stopped that event from happening." Jupiter gave a soft little sigh. "His job, whether or not you believe me, was to show you unconditional love; to change your life course. And my job... Well that's inconsequential, really." He smiled. "The bottom line is that the one who is meant to be with you is one who is able to be with you for your lifetime."
Sebastian groaned, turning his head away with annoyance. "I would have preferred 'everything happens for a reason'." he stated in short, his arms crossing over his torso and tightening around his form. He gripped himself and then turned to look at the doctor beside him. "And what's your point in being here? To make me 'see the light' to not want to die? be a pain in my ass?"
He laughed. "Oh if only it were that easy," he answered, standing and patting Sebastian's knee. "And it is a bit of 'everything happens for a reason'," he added. "Everything happens so that each one of us can complete the tasks and learn the lessons that we were sent here to complete and learn." Jupiter turned to leave, promising to be back the next day before stopping at the door and turning. "The reason you became my patient is because I can help you heal." That was the short version, anyway. He left to allow the teen to ponder than and made his rounds.
Sebastian groaned and turned his back to the man, burying his face into the pillow and pulling the covers up and over his head, curling up into the mattress and yawning softly. He was not happy right now. Damn doctor was useless. Yea, he was not dead, but ugh. At least his parents were happy.
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