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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Shocked, Lavi could do nothing but stand there. Eventually, his lips began to move with Sirius', though, and his hands fell to the other male's hips. He was rather speechless when the kiss ended, and allowed himself to be pulled from the cafe without another word. That was... Wow. He'd never seen Sirius as anything other than a great friend; perhaps a brother. But the kiss had stirred something deep inside of his stomach and the butterflies fluttered almost violently as they walked.
Sirius took in a deep breath as he finally made it out into the open air. His hand still held onto the other man's and he silently made his way back toward their house. At least until he stopped and turned to look at the man he was dragging with him. "I ... um ... sorry." he whispered, knowing that the man probably wanted least of all to be kissed by some immature little boy like him. "I just ... I could not stand them being so mean to you." He very slowly released his hand, wrapping his arms around his form and staring at the chest of the man. Yep. He should not have done that, really should not have done that.
He was confused, really. And it was apparent that Sirius had kissed him simply to prove a point. So Lavi would wait for the butterflies to go away and then go on with their friendship like normal. He leaned forward and pressed a very soft kiss to his friend's cheek. "It was sweet of you to stand up for me. Thank you." His tail was back to flicking back and forth now, and his ears were standing up proudly as they began to walk again. It was a slow stroll, really.
Sirius nodded, smiling lightly with the kiss to his cheek -- but why was he disappointed? He had no idea. He just blushed softly and then made his way toward their house. "So ... um Are you okay now?" He, for once, was nervous about just what to talk about.
He smiled a little. "Yes, I'm okay now." Lavi flicked his tail a little bit to prove that and continued to walk. Conversation was harder to come between them now, but he really didn't understand why. Nothing had changed between them and there was no reason to feel as if it had. Still...there was something, he supposed, that he couldn't put his finger on.
Sebastian was in utter bliss. He met the man he would spend the rest of his life with, and he was so very giddy to tell his Mother about it. He had been dating him for a few months now, but never had the courage to tell his parents. Not until this day, of course. He had the gorgeous redhead over for dinner and his parents approved! They loved him. They told him so, and the green-haired little teen was so very giddy. He giggled through the whole rest of the night, speaking with his boyfriend well into the night, despite seeing him the next day.

A few more weeks went by and Sebastian was inseparable from his boyfriend. He was with him constantly, overnight whenever his parents would allow, and he never, ever, ever wanted to let him go! He was just so happy about everything and was cheerful beyond comprehension. At least until the end of their Friday night date. They had a magnificent time and were chatting away in the car ride back to campus. They were both so happy until a drunk teen in a huge truck rammed right into them. The whole front half of the car was smashed. Bones broken, ribs pierced, blood spattering everywhere.

Sebastian was injured. Badly. There was a piece of metal sticking out of his chest, almost having pierced his heart before he yanked it out with a cry. Turning to the redhead beside him, he was instantly forcing himself out of his seat. "Dan?! DANNY!?" he yelled, ignoring the broken bones that were already beginning to mend themselves back together to press his hand against the side of his love's bloody neck. "NO! DANNY! Danny!" He yelled once more, reaching across the seat and crushed metal to the man and pressing his ear against his chest. "NO!" He cried, trying desperately to get the man's pulse back. He bit into his wrist, dripping his blood in the other man's mouth -- nothing. He tried everything. His powers. CPR. EVERYTHING his brain could ever process.

By the time the medics came to his air, he was completely healed, but his love was dead. He screamed and screamed as they pulled him out of the car, legs kicking and arms swinging. "NO! DANNY! GET DANNY!" He screamed and continued to try and get out of the medic's arms. "NO! NOOO!!!"
Tanner and Relic were beside themselves. Sebastian was their baby and he'd just been in a deadly car accident. And while he could heal himself, and did, he'd still lost the male he'd fallen in love with; he'd still be hurt. They took him home and put him to bed for the time being, hoping that the funeral would give him some closure in the coming days. The blond curled up with his husband after putting Sebastian into bed, sighing softly.
The next week went by and Sebastian did not improve at all. The first day, he had taken to calling Danny's phone over and over and over, knowing that this was just a huge nightmare. The next four were spent crying hysterically to the point where he could not breathe and had to have his parents help him calm down. After that? he was silent. Completely and utterly quiet. He did not speak to anyone. He did not even cry. Even at the funeral, he let the man's family hug him - none of them blaming him, or angry at him, understanding that bad things happened - and he just sat there. Stood there, letting them do what they want. He nodded and then went back home, locking himself away in his bedroom for quite some time.

The next few days, the only time that he would exit would be for a grape - literally, one grape - or to use the bathroom for a shower or relieve his bladder. That was it. Now, though, Relic had himself very concerned. Sebastian had not left his room for three days. He had nothing. No food, no shower, no bathroom anything. The ravenette was instantly concerned. He walked up to the room and knocked on the door with concern. "Sebastian? Sebastian baby ... Please answer me." He said, knocking once more and nothing.

When he opened the door - easily picking the lock - he shrieked at the sight. Blood was everywhere. Their son was in a puddle of blood in the middle of the room, his arms scattered with numerous healing cuts over his wrists and blood covered everything. The most frightening sight was that of his chest opened and pouring out blood while also healing itself up at the same time. "SEBASTIAN!" He yelled, rushing to the boy's side and falling to his knees." Bastian ... no no no! What... what have you done?" He whispered, seeing the teen and he was close to tears. "TANNER! TANNER! Call ... Call 911 or... Get someone!"
Tanner was quickly upstairs in Sebastian's room, kneeling next to their son with Relic. He was on the phone, calling for an ambulance-their car would not get them there fast enough, and he doubted that Relic would be able to fly. His poor husband was beside himself (as was he, but one of them needed to be strong right now). Tanner threw a few names around and there was a rescue squad in their home and attempting to stabilize their son while loading him into an ambulance within three minutes.

The blond lead Relic to the car to drive them to the hospital, holding the other man close to his side as they sped behind the roaring siren and lights.

The day had already been busy and now there was a call of an attempted suicide on a young boy. Jupiter rushed to the docks to wait for the ambulance while his staff prepped the ER for the fifteen year old that was coming in with massive bleeding.

Once he arrived, it was a whirlwind of activity. They got the bleeding to stop, but his blood pressure was extremely low. The brunette man moved out to find the boy's parents with a stack full of permission slips.
Relic was, basically, freaking out. He was hyperventilating and just staring at the blood which stained his hands and clothes, eyes wide and babbling incoherently about why he would do such a thing, or how could they have not known? So many questions were posed to hsi husband, though he knew he had no answers, he merely questioned.

When they arrived at the hospital, rushing out of the car before it even stopped and he ran into the ER, rushing to the desk and babbling to the poor woman there about his son and she nodded and handed him the forms that they would need to fill out. He ... was not happy. He wanted someone to tell him how his child was!
Tanner followed Relic and took the forms, guiding his lover to a chair. The forms were set aside while Tanner took the other man into his lap and rocked him gently, shushing him a little. "We need to be calm for Sebastian, sweetheart," he offered, kissing Relic's cheek.

Seeing the blood covered couple, Jupiter was sure he'd found who he was looking for. He moved over to them. "Your son is the one who just came in?" The blond nodded. "I'm his treating doctor. Are you able to speak with me?"
Relic took in a deep breath when he felt his love take him away. He buried his face into the crook of his neck, his hands gripping themselves and sinking his nails into his flesh. He was not happy. Not happy at all. He slowly relaxed, though still very on edge. He would probably have to clean himself up ... once he was positive that his son was okay. When the man came up, he looked at him and then nodded. "Yes. We're his parents.... how is he? Is he going to be all right? Why aren't you with him?!"
"Please, calm down Mr..."

"Lin," Tanner provided.

"Mr. Lin. Your son is in very critical condition. He's lost a lot of blood, and his wounds are very deep." Tanner held onto Relic more tightly, offering support while taking some at the same time. This wasn't the news they'd been hoping for. "We've stopped the bleed--"

"Oh thank god."

"Yes, but he's lost a lot of blood..." Jupiter handed over the forms. "I need you to please sign the top one now-it's permission to begin a blood transfusion for him-and the others you will need to fill out so that we can continue to treat him after we've stabilized him completely."
The man could barely even finish his request before Relic was signing the paper away and then shoving it in front of the man. "Here. I know you're doing your job and thank you, but I will feel much better when you are with him." He stated, waiting for the paper to be taken before he took up the others to quickly fill those out as well. At least this would give him something to do. It would distract him. Once these were filled out, he would go clean up in the bathroom and possibly see if there were spare scrubs or something somewehre for him. He truly was covered.
Understanding, Jupiter nodded. He took the form and stood, stopping only for a second. "We have the very best trauma center in the area, Mr.s Lin." He hoped that the information would help to calm them a little bit, and he returned to his patient, giving the orders to start the blood transfusions.

Jupiter and his team worked for another two hours to stabilize Sebastian. He visited the two men in the waiting room twice more to update them and get the forms that they had filled out. Now he was moving towards the men again. Tanner looked up as he approached, a hopeful look in his eyes. "We have him stabilized. His condition is still very critical-he's not out of the woods-but he has a good prognosis. There will be...scarring, though..."
In the meantime, Relic had pretty much bathed in one of the bathrooms and one of the nice nurses actually gave him one of the old nurse outfits - which he quite adored the little white outfit - and he returned to his husband, giving him some scrubs that one of the male nurses were kind to give him. He curled up into his love when he was changed, burying his face into his neck and he cuddled him absently until he perked up when the man came back. He let out a heavy sigh in relief, his eyes closed and he lifted his head to look at him again. "Can we look at him? um ... Go to him? Sit with him... See him?"
Tanner had cleaned up and changed just in time for the doctor to return. The blond hugged his husband close, sighing a little bit. He wasn't in immediate danger anymore, that was a relief. And while he knew in the back of his mind that Sebastian was still in danger in the long run...well at least he had a fighting chance.

Looking up to see the doctor nodding that they could see their son, Tanner stood up and took a hold of Relic's hand, following Jupiter. "I really must warn you. There are a lot of tubes and a lot of wires coming from him. We have him covered with a sheet to the waist, but his torso and arms are littered with scars. We don't want the sheet to stick to the healing wounds."
Relic nodded, standing up and taking a hold of his husband's hand, holding him tightly. He nodded a bit, chewing his bottom lip. How long had this been going on that he already had scars? He really, really was concerned for their child right now. "Okay... Please just ... lead the way." he whispered, biting into his bottom lip and fidgeting with the rings that were through the flesh.
Tanner reached over and tugged the lip from between Relic's teeth, giving him a warning look before kissing his cheek. They followed the doctor into the ICU unit and to the little space that was Sebastian's. The blond was shocked by the appearance of their son and gasped a little as he dropped Relic's hand and moved to one side of the bed. It was a small space and his lover would have to stand at the other side, but so long as they were near him they would both be okay.

"Will he be okay?"

Jupiter had been about to leave before the question was asked, and he stopped to answer. "We hope so, Mr. Lin. Right now, it's a matter of his internal systems recovering from the trauma he's put his body through."
Relic's breath caught in his throat and he felt what little was in his stomach beginning to churn and threaten to come out. What had he done to himself?! He wanted to cry. He turned to the doctor, listening to him and he nodded, ice blue eyes pathetic. "Thank you ... Thank you so much." he said and then was instantly at the other side of his son. He looked him over, gently reaching forward to touch the side of his face. He had done a lovely job of scaring them. He was not happy with what had happened and he wanted to know just why he did what he had. It had to be more than losing his love. Was that the only reason? Oh how he wanted him to wake up for so many reasons.
They stayed with Sebastian until a nurse kicked them out. Tanner felt horrible and moved around the bed to take Relic into his arms, his forehead collapsing onto his husband's shoulder. How could this have happened? Why did it happen? Why didn't they force him to engage in every day things after Danny's death? His brain was just a factory of questions at the moment, none of which could be answered until their son woke up.
Relic could not sleep. He tossed and turned and then called up a few of his connections, crying to them to clean up his son's room. He eventually just wound up silently crying into his husband's side, burying his face into his side and just weeping the night away.

Their son was still not awake the next day, but the one after that, finally, it happened. They had been sitting on either side of the boy and his ice blue eyes fluttered open. Sebastian stared up at the ceiling for a while, glaring at the lights until he felt his mother's hand on his and then his voice pleading to him. His hand yanked away as best he could and he turned to shoot quite the glare at the man. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He yelled, shoving him away and keeping his hand against his scarred and scabbed chest. "because of you ... because of you I'm alive! It's your fault I did not die with him! It's because of you! I would be dead as I should be ... Why did you make me such a freak!?" He turned his head away from him, keeping his hand on his stomach, a part that was not too injured, and he just glared at the mattress beside him.

Relic ... was floored and heartbroken. His jaw moved up and down, trying to think of a response but he could not. he stood up and turned on his heel, walking out of the room with his hand covering his lips, eyes watering and he quickly made his way away from the room. he was trying to go anywhere but here. He was the cause of his son's pain? It was because of him? No. he was hurting. He was only hurting. He had had this same argument with his own father many years ago. He took in a deep breath and moved to the waiting room, collapsing into a chair with his hand over his mouth. He shuddered as the tears passed his eyes, burying his face into his hands and his hands moved into his lap, shoulders shaking with his sobs.
Tanner truly was torn. He wanted desperately to go after Relic, but his heart told him that his son needed him more. Or, he at least needed to hear the words. The blond sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to hurt Sebastian, and pushed stray hair from his face. "You should talk to your mother," he whispered softly, fingertips caressing down the side of Sebastian's cheek. "He was in your very same position when he was a teenager. He can help you." Tanner stood, knowing that words weren't going to get him very far right now. "We love you, Sebastian. And we know that you're hurting right now. But Mommy is a sensitive soul and your words really have hurt him." Leaning down, Tanner kissed their son's cheek and then left to find his husband, easily helping Relic to stand and then wrapping his arms around the man tightly.
Sebastian turned his head away from his father as well, eyes narrowed at the area where his father had once been. "I highly doubt that." He whispered, keeping his eyes to the ground and his hand wrapped tightly around the blankets at his hips. Already, his wounds looked many times better. He had scars and the skin over his heart was horribly mutilated and still red, not yet to the white scar tissue, but he did look better.

Relic stood up and buried his face into his husband's neck, crying into his flesh and his arms wrapped around his waist. "My baby hates me ... and blames me... I don't want him to die. I never want him to but ... he does and ... the worst part? I said the same thing to my father.'
Tanner hushed Relic softly. "He doesn't hate you, sweetheart. He's hurting, and angry, and wants to know why the one he loved had to die and he was spared, even if it was due to freak genetics." He rocked them back and forth a little bit as he pressed a kiss into Relic's hair, squeezing him tightly. "He needs you, Relic. Tell him your story-show him the scars... You're the one who can help him."
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