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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jupiter returned the next day. He took the same seat in the same spot in the same position. "Any breakthroughs last night?" he asked, taking note of the demeanor of his patient, adding it directly into his chart as he read through the notes that the nurses had written throughout the previous day and night. "It looks like your vital signs are getting stronger. That's good."
Sebastian looked over at the man, arching a brow with his question. "Yea. I tried to breakthrough my IV but the nurse stopped me." he stated dully. It was not true, but he did not feel like being cooperative. He closed his eyes once more, arms crossing over his lower torso once more and he kept his eyes closed. "Any questions? Let's start with questions. I don't have any pain. I still want to tear my heart out. And ... I want a tattoo." He turned to look back at the man, eyes just a bit dull with the subject.
"Alright. You want to tear your heart out. What would Danny want you to do?" he asked, studying the other. "And your parents would sue the hospital if I okayed a tattoo so we'll just go with a straight 'no' on that request." Jupiter smiled a little bit at his patient and waited for a response, hoping to make a breakthrough in the next few hours. It was doubtful, but one could definitely hope.
What would Danny want him to do? He looked over at the man with the same dull look to his features. "Bend over." He stated, point-blank. The man probably could already tell he was not a virgin, so what was the issue with making snide comments. "You cannot ask me what Danny would want me to do, Danny is dead. The only reason I'm not trying to leap out the window is because of my parents. I don't want them to suffer."
"If he were fully dead-in spirit, I mean-then you would not be here, now would you?" Jupiter shook his head, ignoring the sexual comment. The doctor stood and moved to sit on the bed now, wanting desperately to help the boy through the emotional turmoil he was going through. "He wanted you happy, yes?" he asked, waiting for confirmation as he knew it was a fact before continuing. "So why would you not try your very best to be happy?"
Sebastian listened to the man and his eyes closed once more when he spoke. "Because I'm a teenager and angst is my game." he stated, arms tightening around his form and he turned his eyes to look up at the man in front of him. "For now? you're going to have to be happy with I'm not going to kill myself. I won't be happy just because you tell me that my dead boyfriend's spirit is alive and wants me happy. I'm not suicidal ... Shouldn't that be a breakthrough in itself?" Well, he was mostly non-suicidal. He wanted end his life, but he would not do it because he did not want his parents to suffer.
"Alright," he agreed softly, though Jupiter didn't move at all. "Then what, other than the obvious, will make you happy? Or to not hurt quite so badly?" There had to be something, right? And he was genuinely curious about what it might be. Reaching over, the doctor took the ointment for the teen's wounds and very gingerly, with only one finger, began to apply the cream to the still angry slices.
Sebastian looked up at the man with the question and he shrugged his shoulders. "Books. The ocean. Strawberries." He shrugged once more and closed his eyes when the man got to the more tender bits of flesh. His hands fell to his sides, gripping the sheets while he looked up at him. "What about you, Doctor? What makes you all tingly inside?"
"Avalon?" he questioned, picking up a bit of information as he tried very hard to not hurt the boy who was in his care. Perhaps... Jupiter smiled with the idea and tucked it away to speak with the boy's parents about when they arrived at the hospital. He finished applying the cream and put the tube back into the bedside drawer. "Keep the sheet down around your waist for about thirty minutes, hmm?"
Sebastian arched a brow. How did he know about Avalon? He stared at him for a while before he nodded. "Yes. Uncle Rune took me there for summers and it's always nice." He stated, looking down at his torso and he nodded a little bit more to his words. He tugged at his blankets and then looked up at the doctor once more. "How do you know about Avalon?"
"You broadcast your thoughts quite loudly," he answered, not beating around the bush. "I will talk with your parents. Perhaps being somewhere comfortable and familiar to you will aid in your recovery a bit faster." He smiled and patted the boy's leg before leaving the room. They'd talked enough for one day. There as no need to overdo anything. Jupiter informed the nurses to get him when Sebastian's parents showed up, to which they nodded that they would.
Sebastian groaned. "I should have known." he mumbled, turning away and burying his face into the pillow once more. he toyed with the blankets while he waited for his family to show up.

Relic did. He smiled and happily made his way toward his son, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Mornin' babe." he said happily and then held up the pants he brought for him, resting them over his legs. "You look better." He added and then kissed him again. He moved to sit on the bed beside him, being sure he did not squish his legs.

Sebastian looked up at him with his mother, smiling warmly. "Hey, Mom." he said, looking at the pants and sighing heavily. "Thank you."
He allowed Tanner and Relic to visit with their son, stopping them as they were about to leave and inviting them into his office. "I just wanted to give you two an update," he explained as they settled themselves.

"Sebastian is okay, right?" Tanner asked, getting a little worried.

"Oh he's perfectly fine," Jupiter assured. "But I think that the hospital is not the best environment for him right now. He is still very deeply hurt by his loss, and I think that some place he is familiar with and likes to be would help him more. He mentioned a beach the last time that I spoke with him?"

Tanner scrunched his eyebrows together to think before it hit him. "Avalon? Yes, he's always liked it there..." Turning to his husband, he asked what Relic thought of the idea.
Relic listened silently to the two, nodding a little bit. "I think Avalon would be nice." he admitted, looking to his husband and thinking silently to himself for a bit. "But ..We have Addy and we can't pull him out of school." He stated, chewing his bottom lip while he thought. "And Rune is busy with his own family and the wedding..." He sighed heavily, eyes closing and he tried to think of a solution for this whole thing.
"And Sebastian's medical care..." Tanner rested his forehead against Relic's shoulder as they thought. "We could hire a nurse to go with him..." It wasn't the best of solutions-they would only be able to visit their son on the weekends, but if it would help him feel better, faster, then... Tanner looked up to Jupiter. "What do you suggest?"

It was a tricky situation and the man knew it. He chose his words very carefully. "I think that Sebastian's best chance for recovery is to go right away. I can suggest some home care nurses, but I don't know how helpful they would be. It's not so much a physical recovery anymore. It's a mental and emotional one." He wanted the two to come up with the idea themselves, rather than implant it in their heads.
Relic listened to the idea and he chewed his bottom lip a little bit more. He did not want to have some random nurse with his son. He wanted someone he trusted! He nipped and toyed with the ring through his lip a few times and he then turned to look at his love before turning back to look at the man in front of them. "Would you be willing to go with him? We'll pay you. I trust you and you've been with him and I am positive that he would give anyone else a hard time and I don't want that to happen." He stated, fidgeting with the end of his skirt, looking back to the man
Jupiter smiled. That took much less time than he'd expected. "I think I may be able to arrange to do so," he answered, sitting at his desk and jotting a quick note about it.

They discussed a few other things before Jupiter excused himself to speak to his boss about a leave of absence. Of course, he wasn't happy about it but...that was beside the point for the brunette man. When he returned to his office, he gave the couple the good news. "We can discuss payment later," he added, ushering them out. "I think that Sebastian will need some help getting ready. And, if you're alright with it, I can discharge him to spend a night at home before departing."
Relic thought for a while before he shook his head. "I would much prefer to have him go tonight. We can go home and pack and then once you are ready ... if you do not mind, we can all go.' he offered, looking to Tanner for confirmation before his attention went back to the doctor. "I just don't want him home. His room is clean but I just don't think going to the room for the night would be good, you know?" He sighed softly. "I'm sorry if I am asking too much, but I just don't want him to feel worse."
He nodded. "I understand." And he agreed. "Yes, that sounds alright. You should go visit him and tell him the news, and I will return in a few hours, ready to go." Standing, Jupiter escorted the couple out of the office, and then left for his own home to pack after they had entered their son's room. He wondered how Sebastian would react? Well, he was sure that he would find out once he returned to the hospital.

It didn't take long for him to return. His bags were placed in his office while he went to check in on the Lin family. Jupiter stuck his head into the room. "Everything alright?"
Relic and Tanner returned, explaining the situation and the boy did not seem ti mind too much. He happily kissed the boy's cheek before leaving to get his clothes. He packed a hefty suitcase with the clothes that he knew the other would need while he was on the island. he told rune to get the plane ready and soon enough, he was back at the hospital with Adamair behind him. The trunk was on the ground by the foot of the bed and he looked over at his son, smiling warmly.

Sebastian was ... not the happiest. He clenched his jaw, thanked his parents, and made sure to not say anything. He could not. His parents thought this was best and well, it would get him out of this place. He would be on the beach, and he was positive he could ignore the doctor long enough. Turning to the entrance, he sighed softly. "hello Doctor Jupiter." he mumbled, sliding out of the bed and pulling on the button down shirt, pants already on his hips while he pulled out the IV from his arm, not wanting to deal with that at all.
With a sigh, Jupiter moved over and put pressure on the now bleeding wound. With little more than a thought, he closed it. "You could have asked," He chided softly. "I'd have taken it out safely for you." He gave a little shake of his head but moved to take the ointment and other medicines he might need while in Avalon with the teen. "Are we all ready?" he asked, having an orderly bring his trunk to the room.
Sebastian sighed softly and shook his head a little bit. "You take too long." He stated in a grumble.

It was not too long until the plane arrived on the island and Relic and Tanner and Adamair were wishing the boy their good-byes and reassurances of visiting on the weekends and everything else. Soon enough, Sebastian was left alone with the doctor and really was unsure about what to do. He sighed heavily, slowly walking toward the window-seat in the large house, sitting down and resting his back against the window. His arms loosely wrapped around his waist while he let the warm air flow in through the open window.
It was a nice plane ride, and while the family said their goodbyes, Jupiter moved upstairs and chose a room and get himself set up. It was a private moment and he didn't want to intrude more than what he had to. He heard the plane take off, though, and the brunette made his way downstairs, standing back and studying Sebastian. "Want to talk?" he asked, giving the teen the option for the first time since meeting him.
The man noted the option and a green brow lifted in question as he looked at the other. "I have an option?" he asked, rolling his eyes a little bit and he turned to look to the side, staring at the water washing up on the shore and he sighed heavily. He rested his head against the glass and let his eyes slip closed. "Not ... particularly. but, are you going to allow me to have that as an answer?" he asked, opening his eyes and turning to look at the man, truly wondering if he would let him just not talk.
Jupiter had to think about that for a moment and he went into the kitchen to see what they had stocked. It was obvious someone was expecting them, and the doctor was quite happy with the selection. He pulled out the ingredients he would need to make a nice lunch. "It's not really likely, no," he finally answered. "Talking, after all, is key to your recovery and I would really like to see you start feeling better, you see."
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