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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Good." He really was happy to hear that. Jupiter had a few more spoonfuls of ice cream before getting up to put it back in the freezer. He didn't want to eat it all at once. "I think I'm going to go lie on the beach..." The doctor moved towards the stairs so that he could change. "You're welcome to join me, of course. The warm sun can work miracles."
A few days passed and in the middle of the night, Sebastian stood form his bed, heading down the hall and he walked over to the room a few doors down from his. He moved over to the room, opening it and then walked inside with another little yawn. He saw the lump in the bed, smiling to himself as he did so. He crawled on top of the other man, grinding his hips against the others with his lips kissing along the side of his neck. His eyes kept closed while his hands moved up the front of his chest.
Jupiter was very quickly up from the bed, dislodging the person who was on top of him to the other side of the mattress. Breathing hard, the man realized that it was Sebastian, but that only made his confusion worse. What the hell was going on? He moved and turned on the light, and looked at the teen, confused. "Sebastian? Are you okay?"
Sebastian groaned as he was pushed away, nuzzling into the pillow with a whimper "Danny..." he mumbled before he heard the man's voice beside him. He stopped movement for a while before his eyes opened and he looked over at the man, blushing horribly at the other. "D-doctor Jupiter?!" He went wide-eyed and pushed himself up, gasping as he did so. "Oh.. Oh gosh ... I.. I am so sorry!"
He realized in a second what had happened, and almost breathed a sigh of relief...almost. The brunette sat on the edge of the bed, bending at the waist and resting his elbows on his knees, his head dropped into his hands. Jupiter had been startled an the adrenaline of it was beginning to wear off. "It's alright, Sebastian. You weren't aware of what was happening." At least, he assumed he wasn't.
Sebastian nodded a little and he pulled his pajama pants up a bit more. He slowly slid off the bed and he blushed horribly as he stared at the man a little bit more. "I .. am sorry." He said softly and his arms crossed over his lower torso and he felt so. so silly. "I .. am just gunna ... g." He whispered and then slowly made his way toward the door. "I just um wow... Sorry. So ... so... SO sorry."
Looking up, Jupiter saw the distress in Sebastian's face. With a little sigh, the man reached out and tugged the teen to stand in front of him. His hands came up and cupped the other male's face, holding him to look at him. "It's okay," he promised with a little smile. "You've been through a lot of trauma in the past month-that does a lot to someone's psyche." Jupiter held on for a second longer than he should have before letting his hands drop to his own sides. "We should get some sleep."
Sebastian stared up at him, eyes wide and he nodded a bit more. "Okay." he whispered and he nodded a few times, just not knowing what to do other than ... leave. "see you ... in the morning.' he quickly scurried off to his bedroom, locking himself inside and then crawling back into bed. He pulled the sheets up over his head, blushing profusely while he tried to just ... ignore the stirring sensations in his lower regions. Yep. Definitely not what he wanted.
He tried to sleep, but it wasn't going to work. With a little sigh, Jupiter made his way downstairs. Maybe some tea would help him. He put on a kettle of water and readied a mug and sugar and milk as it heated, replaying the incident in his head. While he knew what was in store for the both of them, Sebastian didn't. He wanted to respond differently but... It simply wasn't time. Sebastian wasn't healed enough yet. Not allowing himself to give into the urge to go up and check on the teen, Jupiter poured himself some tea and sat in the dimly lit living room, trying to coax his body to be tired once more.
Sebastian remained silent in his bed before he heard the kettle going off. He perked up, sliding out of the bed and he made his way out of the room. He looked out of the room before heading down the stairs. Slowly, he walked into the living room, moving up and sitting beside Jupiter, his knees to his chest and his chin rested upon his knees, looking in front of him for a while. "So ... Why don't you have someone?" he asked, turning to look at him, interest to his features as he stared at him.
Jupiter didn't acknowledge Sebastian's arrival simply because it wasn't unusual. They were the only two on the island-he expected the boy to need companionship at some point or another, even if it was at the most awkward of times. The question, though, made him smile a little bit as he contemplated how to answer it. "The one I am to be with is...not ready yet." Well, it was the truth, right?
He looked over at the man, listening to his words and he remained silent, staring at him and he thought for a little while. "But ... you think that person will be ready? what if he never is? Are you just going to wait for him forever? Isn't that a waist of time?" he asked, brows furrowing together as he stared at the man, truly curious.
"He will be," he answered with confidence, and a little smile touched his lips. It was cute how the boy was still so very clueless. "For if he wouldn't be, then he would not be the one I am to be with." That made sense, right? It did to him, anyway. Jupiter sipped his tea and curled up on the sofa, his back resting against the arm of it so that he was now facing Sebastian. "Love always requires patience."
Sebastian groaned, falling to the side with his head collapsing onto the other man's lap, closing his eyes as he curled up into the man. "You're willing to wait for someone just ... based on that." he whispered, shaking his head a little. "I ... almost admire you. To wait that long for someone without complete and utter confidence that he will be with you? What if he doesn't? Or what if he winds up breaking up with you? Won't you feel like the time waiting for him was wasted?" He sighed, closing his eyes a little bit more. "I ... I don't want to wait. I was so happy that I found the one I loved early on and ... So . he was not for me, right? that's what you have said to me. he was not the one completely for me, not my one and only love ... but how long do I have to wait? Four and a half centuries like uncle Mias? i can't do that."
He chuckled a little, hand moving to card through Sebastian's hair. "You do not understand yet?" he asked, shaking his head a bit. Jupiter sipped the last of his tea and set the tea cup on the coffee table. "These are not guesses, or gut feelings... These are the things that I know. I know who I am waiting for, and that he is not yet ready. I know that he will be, though no-I don't know when. I know it is he who is the one I shall be with until, quite literally, the end of time. There are no 'what if' questions for the situation you've presented to me." Looking down, Jupiter smiled softly, purposefully avoiding the other question of how long Sebastian himself would have to wait.
Sebastian arched a brow with his words. He knew? He affirmatively knew he would get whom he wanted? He arched a brow, turning to look at him with confusion. "how? How ... How can you know that?"
"Because," he answered simply. "Because my position has gifted me with the... Well the gift of seeing." He meant, of course, a psychic ability. "It's not all encompassing like most think-I know my future, and I know my purpose, and I know the future and purpose of those who are to be a significant part of my life."
Sebastian groaned, turning and burying his face into the other man's thighs. "I should bite you." he mumbled before he pushed his form up from his lap, sighing softly as he did so. He stood up from the couch with a yawn. He stood up groggily, turning to leave and leant toward him, lips centimeters away from his lips and he stopped. "Erm ... sorry. Habit. good night." he stated and then turned a beet red, turning on his heel, and he instantly ran up the stairs and to his room, closing it behind him and then falling onto his bed. Yep. This ... sucked. He was getting comfortable.
He shook his head at the fact that Sebastian just didn't get it. Well, surprises were nice, too. Jupiter moved to the kitchen to clean up and then went to bed. It was a productive night, he supposed, and that was a plus. He fell asleep easily now, snuggling deep down into the bed.
A few more weeks went by, his parents visiting on the weekends, soon turning into every other, and Sebastian was not all too upset that his parents did not visit as much. They called, and he was content with that. Of course, the latest phone call, did not make him happy. He hung up the phone with quite the groan. dropping the receiver and he moved to the kitchen, taking a new tub of cookies and cream ice cream out, hopping onto the counter, and then digging into the cool goodness. Yep. Not really happy about it now.
Jupiter came into the kitchen, wanting a snack when he saw the cookies and the ice cream and the pout. "Uh oh..." He moved to stand next to the teen who was sitting on the counter, taking a spoon and digging into the tub of ice cream. "What's up?" Sure, he could delve into Sebastian's mind, but that would breech whatever trust he'd gained from his patient. Besides, talking about it was always better.
Sebastian looked over at the man, taking another spoonful of ice cream and then looking at the tub of ice cream while he ate it. "My cousin is getting married." He stated, taking in a deep breath and then relaxing once more. "And ... everyone else will have a date. Satan offered Sin but ... he's not very pleasant and well ... I think he would try to kill me. And I don't want to got somewhere that I'll have to see everyone happy and coupled up and ..." He sighed heavily, eyes closed and another large mouthful was pulled into his mouth. "And I can't not go ... I love Viktor and Devon. But it's just going to suck." He stated, through the ice cream in his mouth.
Ah. Yes weddings could indeed suck if you were single. Jupiter nodded and continued to eat the ice cream, pondering the situation. He could offer to go with Sebastian, but then that would be a bit weird, wouldn't it? How would he be introduced? A friend? His shrink? He shook his head and said nothing. He would agree to go if asked, but Jupiter wasn't going to invite himself.
Sebastian stared at the ice cream a bit more before turning to look at the man beside him. "What the hell?! What kind of a doctor are you ... You're supposed to help me!" He stated, narrowing his eyes at the man with his brows furrowed and he pulled the tub away and to his side so that it was too far for the man to reach, well without tackling him at least. He stared at him and he kept his eyes to the man while he waited to see if he would have a solution to his problem.
Jupiter looked at Sebastian for a moment and then laughed. "I am supposed to help you feel happy again, and to heal with as minimal physical scarring as possible. I think I'm doing a pretty damn fine job of both tasks." He stuck his tongue out at the teen and stole the cookies instead, biting into one. It wasn't ice cream, but it was still sweets...
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