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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jupiter didn't show that his heart jumped a little bit with the possibility that they would be sharing a room. Instead, he backed off and showed that he would allow Sebastian to make whatever decision he was comfortable with, even as he lifted his own suitcase and followed the male through the house. The brunette stopped when he stopped, observing what was going on. It was obvious that this wasn't a pause; Sebastian was literally fighting with himself about whether or not he could enter.

After watching for a few more moments, he stepped forward and put a very supportive hand to the small of his back. "Come on. It's not healthy for you to be thinking about the things you're thinking about."
Sebastian took in a deep breath and turned to look at the man beside him. His eyes were ever so pathetic as he stared up at the man there. "I don't want to go in." he whispered, eyes traveling to his feet before returning to the door, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. "I .. It's embarrassing ... now that I think about it." He admitted and bit his bottom lip a little bit more. "And I know it's clean ... but all I can think of is negative when I see this room. It's ... it has a negative air around it." He turned to look at the man once more, eyes pleading before he tried to step forward but he just could not. He could not move from where he was. He was stuck, trapped. "I don't want to see it. I just ... want to burn it down."
He shook his head. "Don't be silly. We're going to the extra bedroom. We'll deal with sleeping arrangements later." Jupiter once more began to lead the teen from the spot where he was stuck and towards the empty bedroom of the house. "And you can't burn it down. Because sooner or later going inside will be a part of your recovery. Just...not now." There was no need to scare Sebastian, and that was the very last thing that Jupiter wanted to do.
"Eh? He questioned, turning to look at the man while he led the way to the other bedroom. He stared at him for a while, following despite the bit of confusion. He blushed faintly and sighed heavily. "I can't just tape it off and ignore it?" he mumbled, moving into the room and resting his suitcase against one of the dressers there. He then looked around the room, slowly walking toward the window, peeking out to see the lovely fields of grapes and the courtyard and he was pretty positive he could see Adamair running through them to get to the other side of the house. Yep. More than likely to go see Alexander.

He groaned, eyes closing and his forehead rested against the window, arms tightening around his lower torso as he silently tried to keep himself from falling apart. Yep. home was not good. There were too many happy couples home.
He observed, as he always did, but in the end, Jupiter wound up standing behind Sebastian with his hand son his shoulders. "Relax," he offered, giving a little squeeze. "Even though you want so badly to 'fit in', you're not yet ready to. But you will be." It was something, of course, that he knew. "Just focus on feeling better, Sebastian... Not what's going on around you."
Sebastian jumped a little when there were hands upon him, turning to look at the man and his eyes slipped closed, groaning a little bit. "I still feel alone." He stated, letting the other keep his hands on his shoulders. Not like it was doing any harm, and well, it made him feel ... better. He did not know why, but it definitely did. He just wanted love, really That was all this whole thing came down to: Love. He had his parents' and family love, but he just hated that everyone else, it seemed, had the one they loved. Addy and Alex, The triplets with each other, Lily and her boyfriend, Sirius and Lavi - despite the two not being together, they still belonged but just did not realize.
"I know," he answered, pulling the teen into a hug for a moment. It didn't last very long-he didn't want Sebastian to become uncomfortable. Jupiter moved to sit on the bed, patting the space next to him. "What part makes you the most upset?" he asked. "I know that you feel alone, but why is it so very important to you to have a significant other, rather than drawing what you need from your family who obviously loves you very much?"
Sebastian sighed heavily, following the other to the bed, despite his better thinking, but just followed anyway. He sat down beside him, knees pulled to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs and he stared at the floor in front of him. "I ... I'm sure you've read it already, but I have never been popular or had friends other than family and I love them but I just need someone outside of family to love me. I don't have any friends at school. I don't have anyone else other than family. And ... my family just seems to be pairing off, one way or another, and where does that leave me? Without friends. Alone. Not even a lover. Just ... I don't even have friends. If I had friends, I am sure that I would feel less of a need for a boyfriend, but I don't. So ... I just figure getting a boyfriend is easier."

He groaned, falling to the side and having his head flop onto his lap, eyes closed as he stared in front of him some more. "You'll see at the wedding. Everyone has someone. I had my someone and lost him. Now I don't want to face them because I don't really have anyone. and it's not that they single me out or whatever, they don't! It's great ... until a slow song comes one when, no matter how much they love me, their other is always more important. I think I just want to be that important."
He listened, carding his fingers through Sebastian's hair when his head fell into his lap. While Jupiter was enjoying dropping the hints, he knew that it was likely time to bear all to the other male. "But you don't want simply a boyfriend," he corrected softly. "You want your soulmate; the one who will be with you always, right?" He waited for confirmation before speaking again. "He is waiting for you," he promised. "Think about the things I have told you over the past few weeks, Sebastian. They all fit together."
The man groaned. "yea." he admitted, chewing his bottom lip and he buried his face into the other's thigh when he spoke once more. Think of all he has said? He remained silent, actually going through the past few weeks of being shoved on an island with him and then even a bit of the hospital. He slowly, very slowly, began to piece everything together. His whole being froze when it finally clicked. His soulmate was waiting for him ... and the man behind him was waiting for his soulmate. Some babble about already knowing ... and oh gods.

Whipping up from his lap, he pointed a finger at the man. "YOU!"
"Took you long enough," he teased, rolling his eyes a little bit. Jupiter nodded, though, confirming Sebastian's thoughts. "I told you that there was a reason that you became my patient. Yes, I am most qualified to heal your physical wounds, but for that reason, your emotional, too." He was at a loss about what to say or do at the moment now, not wanting to assume that Sebastian was happy about what was sure to happen.
Sebastian arched a brow, staring at the man and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Pervert!" he declared, sliding off the bed and then wrapping his arms over his waist, eyes narrowed at the man. "Who's to say I'll want to be with you?! You're just my doctor. How do I know you're not making this up for some warped fantasy?! AND what if telling me makes it not happen, hm? You could have fucked up your whole future and not know it! And ... Why would I want to be with you!?"
He shook his head. "You don't remember, do you? These are the things that I know, not what I think. And I don't know the answers of why. And I don't know when." He shrugged, standing to leave the room. "I didn't tell you to force you, I told you so that you would have a little better outlook on the future. I'm sorry I've ruined it for you instead." Jupiter left the room, allowing Sebastian the room to think a bit.
Sebastian stared at the man, soon following after him as he did so. "What?! That's not what I said! I was claiming that you're some nutjob who only thinks he knows what is going to happen. I have no proof that you can truly see what's going to happen positively! And ... I didn't say it turned me off from you either. Don't just ... pick and choose and manipulate what I say!" he pouted, still following after the man, ignoring the fact that his parents could probably hear. He just did not want him to be all mopey and walk off. Seriously, HE was supposed to be the depressed/suicidal one.
"You simply have not done your research," he answered, stopping and turning towards Sebastian. "My past, in particular." Jupiter smiled a little bit. "I'm sure your Uncle Tomias would remember me. But lets get going for dinner, hmm?" He turned and continued to move towards the stairs and the front entrance.
He arhced a brow "and HOW am i going to do research? in the hospital... Or on an island?!" He groaned and pouted while he followed the man down the stairs His arms crossed over his lower torso while he followed to the stairs and poked his head into the living room. "Come on Mommy, Daddy... Dinner time. If that's okay with you." he added, not really wanting to force them or anything, but a distraction would be nice.
Dinner was a success, as far as Jupiter was concerned. They went to a nice little cafe and talked about things other than Sebastian's progress and the wedding, which was probably the best thing for the teen anyway. Jupiter paid the bill as promised, despite Tanner trying to argue with him. The brunette stuck his tongue out at the blond man as they left the cafe. "I was going to take Sebastian shopping if you would like to join us?"

Tanner looked to Relic to see if he wanted to shop, or go home.
relic looked at his husband and then his son, smiling warmly as he did so. "All right. As long as Bastian doesn't mind." He stated, smiling warmly and nuzzling into his love's arm.

Sebastian looked over at his parents and smiled lightly. "I don't mind." He admitted, smiling happily while they made the way through the streets and toward the little boutiques that were near their home. He looked in front of him, not really looking at his parents or Jupiter, still a little lost in his mind. Jupiter and him were supposed to be together? Ugh. He really needed to speak with Uncle Mias, see if this man was truly insane or not.
Sebastian did well in the social setting. Much better than Jupiter had anticipated, anyway. He didn't seem to be nervous or antsy around obvious couples, and seemed to engage with his parents nicely. The doctor was impressed and very happy with the progress.

They returned home some hours later. Jupiter was going to go up to the room, but he turned to Sebastian first. "I think that now might be the only time that you'll have to really sit down and speak with Tomias," he pointed out. Everyone was sure to be busy with last minute preparations for the wedding in the morning and Jupiter knew that speaking with his uncle had been on the teen's mind all evening.
Sebastian looked up at the man, listening to his words and he nodded. He was right. He took a hold of the doctor's wrist, pulling him down the hall and through the house, to the larger, main part of the house. He looked around, trying to find where his uncle would be. His grip on the other tightened, not enough to hurt him, but just more so to be sure he was there. That and he was a little nervous. What if he did not know him? He chewed his bottom lip a bit before he stopped when he heard his uncle's voice.

"Jupiter?!" Tomias perked up, seeing the man and he squealed. Running forward, he pounced the man, arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs around the doctor's waist, holding him tightly. "It's been... YEARS!" he squealed once more, gripping him and hugging him happily.
Well he hadn't expected to go with Sebastian but... Well Jupiter wouldn't deny the chance to see an old friend! And what a greeting, too! The brunette laughed and hugged Tomias, glowing at the fact that they were now in contact with each other once again. "Well when you don't invite your best friend to your wedding, how do you expect to see me?!" He laughed and set the man down. "Where is your darling husband anyway?" Not that he'd ever met Tomias' husband, but he had to be something wonderful to make the man finally settle down!
Tomias narrowed his eyes at the man. "Really? You haven't spoken to me since the twenties ... I didn't even know where the hell you were!" he rolled his eyes before he clapped his hands together and nodded. "YES!" He chimed, taking his hand and pulling him out of the room with a giddy "NIKKOS!" passing his lips. Where was that husband of his? he looked around, scanning over one room to the other, determined to find where his lovely little husband had gone off to.

Sebastian was ... lost. At least it answered if Tomias knew him ... but seriously? They were just so close and spazzy and ugh. He could not handle his uncle's energies sometimes. His mother either, but the latter was different. He was his mom, after all. Silently though, he followed, hoping - praying - that his confusion would be clarified.
Nikkos popped his head out of the kitchen, obviously worried about why Tomias would be calling him like that. He saw that they had a guest, though, and moved out into the hallway to be introduced.

Jupiter took care of that! He stepped forward and introduced himself. "Tomias and I were great, great friends many years ago!"

"Oh. Well. Can I get you something to drink?" He turned to Sebastian. "What about you, sweetheart? Strawberries are fresh in the fridge?"

Turning to the teen, Jupiter nodded towards the living room that they'd passed. "Why don't you and your uncle talk?" he suggested. "I'll bring in the strawberries in a bit."
Tomias pouted, his foot hitting the other man's rump. "Were?" He pouted a bit more before he grinned at his love." This is my husband, Nikkos! He's totally and completely fantastic! And so never going to get pregnant!" He added, kissing his love before he perked up. "You want to talk to me, munch?" he asked, looking over the boy.

Sebastian nodded, blushing faintly before he turned to look at Nikkos. "um ... if it's not too much, a smoothie would be nice." He stated, smiling gently before he turned to Tomias, nodding. "mhm." he said, the two soon moving off to the living room and Sebastian interrogating the man about who his friend was and how he could trust that his visions were not just bogus and everything else that was concerning him about the man he was spending all his time with.
"When one disappears for decades, then the word 'were' becomes appropriate until more time is spent together once again." He stuck his tongue out at Tomias and smiled as they moved through to the living room. Jupiter and Nikkos got along nicely. They chatted about Tomias' past, the doctor telling Nikkos embarrassing stories about his husband, making it fairly difficult for the man to make the smoothie for his nephew.

It was nearly a half hour later when the two made their way into the living room with the smoothie. "Find out anything interesting?" he asked.
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